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destination Unreal -> Mapping Development and Skinning

#1: No icon MH-Advanced-GardenOfDeath Author: EvilGrinsLocation: Palo Alto, CA PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:49 pm
This isn't the only ADVANCED but it's the only one I had...
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...and it has papercoffee's favorite shock rifle in it.

What we have here is the Garden of Death for MonsterHunt outfitted with advanced weapons and advanced monsters, most of which are more powerful than the originals and some are downright weird.

Map comes in two flavors, standard and XV...
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...although bringing tanks into this isn't going to make it all that much easier.

A reoccurring encounter with Crazy Warlords will happen, an odd variant which has no real attacks. From other edits I've done with them I believe their purpose was to immobilize players by swarming them and holding them stationary so other monsters could kill them. It probably explains why these Warlords have so much health. Each can survive multiple hits even from the most powerful of XV's weapons.

Human players can ignore them for the most part, so long as they don't get too close.
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Bot players will obsessively try to kill the flappy bastards; maybe best to leave it to them.

Usual Suspect:
.u - /system
.uax - /sounds
.umx - /music
.unr - /maps
.utx - /textures
.png - Pwetty!

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You can get Xvehicles here ·
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· which you need to make this work!

destination Unreal -> Mapping Development and Skinning

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