Found HUD script line causing framedrop in Maboroshi/TGES03
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#1: No icon Found HUD script line causing framedrop in Maboroshi/TGES03 Author: Cyberia-MixLocation: irc:// PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:25 am
foreach VisibleCollidingActors(class'ScriptedPawn', P, 2000, C_Owner.Location, true) {

This is our culprit.

It comes from the DrawMonsterName() function in the mutator's HUD class.
It actually dates all the way back to UTJMH. It's been wrong ever since that time, but it only became noticeable in the dU era with the mutator growing heavier and heavier.

It causes framedrop in Maboroshi and TGES03 because the sky is covered by an absurdly huge BlockPlayer. Both the map and the mutator are at fault. But you only get framedrop when both are combined.

So in fact, all maps with huge blocking actors are affected, but it's only noticeable in these 2.
For example, in LostInTime, my framerate drops from 170 to 130, so it's there and yet not noticeable.

The obvious fix is to use:
for (P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn) {
   if ( P.isA('ScriptedPawn') && VSize(P.Location - C_Owner.Location) < 2000 && C_Owner.LineOfSightTo(P) ) {

(C_Owner.CanSee(P) would make more sense than C_Owner.LineOfSightTo(P) but it causes the monsters' names to blink.)

With this I drop from 170 to 160 in LostInTime (from all the distance calculations, not sure there's a faster code), but Maboroshi is unaffected (over 200 fps).

Counting on you BoB. ;รพ

#2: No icon Re: Found HUD script line causing framedrop in Maboroshi/TGE Author: -BoB-Location: England PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:31 pm
Strange though as the BlockPlayer actor isnt a 'ScriptedPawn'. Unless its doing the collision check first before the class check?

#3: No icon Re: Found HUD script line causing framedrop in Maboroshi/TGE Author: Cyberia-MixLocation: irc:// PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:19 pm
Collisions seem to be implemented in a weird way.

Even when I shift Maboroshi's BlockPlayer upward so it's way out of the map, the framerate remains the same.

I remember a (bad) map that had the MHEnd trigger covering the whole map (and much more), and even though it wasn't IntiallyActive it was still destroying framerate if you had dUMH on.

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