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  Topic: Reliving the past- about dU

Replies: 19
Views: 3662
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:55 pm   Subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU
I loved this server, and community.

I loved it when it was |BAH| - Buculae Admirandi Honoris - the first gaming clan I was a part of; even if I didn't wear the full clan colours in combat, I was there. Catze (MagicCat) invited me to tag along. Still have her email address, although it's defunct now.

BAH was my first real online community. Even though it's gone, and almost all the users who kept in touch faded or drifted away, that memory can never be taken away from me. I will never forget BAH.

.dU was a bit rockier. Some people in .dU didn't like me, presumably because of my age. But I stuck with it for a time. I had some fun. The site's banner - I made that in Photoshop years and years ago.

I simply don't have the time for UT online any more. The old days were fun, but sometimes that's where they should stay, in the old days, as good memories.
  Topic: Finding old players

Replies: 32
Views: 12775
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:44 am   Subject: Re: Finding old players
Nin, you're the last person I know to have had contact with Capt.Frantic.

Aside of that, I'm pretty sure Koopa moved to Canada to be with his gf

I hope Catze / MagicCat is still about and okay, haven't heard from her in yonks and she was the one to welcome me to BAH when I first started playing online
  Topic: dU's OFFICIAL - Good Morning/Day/Night thread...

Replies: 131
Views: 48719
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:23 am   Subject: Re: dU's OFFICIAL - Good Morning/Day/Night thread...
I have been up since Sunday morning. Feeling fine. Probably gonna crash soon though.
  Topic: Return of the Duckie

Replies: 6
Views: 4600
PostForum: Introduce Yourself   Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:16 am   Subject: Re: Return of the Duckie
Killkio - I don't remember, but I think you're a new face to me... either way, it's sure nice to be welcomed. :D

NP - Yea, I'm only mildly surprised you're back again. We're like a bad habit for you. Someday you'll try and quit for real, and fail. :P

Catze - Yep, a 2:1 is the second highest degree mark you can get at university, so I am very happy. And 'Duckie' is fine, Razz
  Topic: female dU Player Photos male

Replies: 315
Views: 117213
PostForum: Introduce Yourself   Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:09 am   Subject: Re: :female: dU Player Photos :male:
  Topic: Return of the Duckie

Replies: 6
Views: 4600
PostForum: Introduce Yourself   Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:11 am   Subject: Return of the Duckie
Well... hello.

I'm going to assume that, in the last year, everything has changed yet again and there's a whoooole bunch of new people I don't know.
So this is, essentially, a re-introduction for me. I guess we'd better get back to the beginning.

Looooong ago (in a galaxy, far, far away), when I was maybe 14 or 15, there was a Sniper Clan on UT99 called |BAH|. Buculae Admirandi Honoris... populated by Space Marines and wise-cracking adults. I was introduced by Catze (then MagicCat) and I felt right at home (under the nickname Dangermouse). Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and so BAH was disbanded (eventually). I found out about that purely by chance, as I had been away from Unreal for quite a while with schoolwork.

Then, when I found out it was disbanded, I was pleased to see that the sense of community was not entirely lost; it had been revitalised into the earliest dU community. So I signed up as soon as possible under a new handle: EvilNinjaDuckie. 'Dangermouse' wasn't unique enough for me.  Through consistently regular play, I regained a sense of integrity with the other regulars, and was subsequently dubbed a junior Staff member. Operator status gave me a sense of powerful responsibility (and a snazzy player skin and dU. tag. I built the current logo in Photoshop. I even donated the server costs one month. Everything was going fine and dandy.

Once again, good things come to an end. Rival servers, emotions running high, people dealing with real life events, etc, led to Wolfi deciding it was time for an entire overhaul, and he more or less reset the entire site back to its roots, and rebuilt the staff roster from there.  People left, friendships started to decay, but the majority of us held strong, and I'm glad to see dU still running even today.  But back then, I just didn't have the time to devote to constant play any more, as I was starting university, and my laptop had started to give in to stress, and only barely ran UT successfully.

More recently (this year), I celebrated my 21st birthday, and with the money given me by my grandfather, was able to build my first gaming-dedicated desktop computer at a cost of ~£850.  However, I still had my university course to think about, especially as I was in my final year. So I focused on that, and played single-player games in my free time... Crysis, Arkham City, Just Cause, etc.

About a month ago, I finished my course, and a week ago, received my mark. I now have an upper second class (2:1) degree in Creative Writing, and subsequently way more time to devote to other things:- gaming is not the priority; I am still looking for full-time work and taking vocational classes, but there is certainly way more time to do stuff. So I feel like I'm more prepared to re-join the community, and apologise for my previous absences.


I was gone, now I'm back.
21 / M / London
  Topic: Goodbye?

Replies: 9
Views: 5377
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:57 pm   Subject: Re: Goodbye?
"I used to play UT99, then I took an arrow in the knee."

Yeah, I'm pretty much not online just because I've found other games or that I'm doing coursework. Also, Windows Vista is not built for UT99. It jerks around all over the place, even on Single Player. I've tried compatibility modes and things, but nothing helps.
Lately Batman & Assassin's Creed have been taking up my gaming time, but I'm keeping UT99 installed for the few times that I feel like piloting nuclear missiles or wielding an excessive amount of weaponry.

Still, it's good to see you, Nin. And I've got enough ways to contact you, so this probably isn't goodbye so much as please hold the line, your call is important to us.
  Topic: I'm Back

Replies: 4
Views: 2601
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:54 pm   Subject: Re: I'm Back
<3 to all three of you, especially Catze, who was my first friend at BAH.
  Topic: Show your desktop!

Replies: 48
Views: 18238
PostForum: Jokes and Fun   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:05 am   Subject: Re: Show your desktop!
I envy you and your computer capable of even holding all those videogames, let alone playing them as well.

But my laptop runs Crysis and it's about six years old. [/smug]
  Topic: I'm Back

Replies: 4
Views: 2601
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:53 am   Subject: I'm Back

I have returned from a lengthy hiatus during which I got drunk a lot and handed in my university coursework. I'm now in my third year, studying in London, got the urge to reinstall UT99 and make a return to the community that succeeded the clan that welcomed me as a member back when I first started playing. |BAH| forever. (Space Marine playermodels were amazing)

So, time to fill you all in on recent events. I'm still living in London with some friends, and a jolly nice time we're all having too.  Mainly.

I had a pen-pal for about a year, at which point we met up and I fell in love. Hopefully when I finish university I'll be going out to America to see him. (He's English, but is out of the country studying for his PhD.) We're still in email contact so I'm happy.

Dad repaired an HDTV that he got for free and now it's in my room. 42" screen. My old xbox died, so I'm currently borrowing my housemate's console. It's hooked into the back of the TV, and the TV is hooked into a massive hi-fi setup which causes the foundations to shake any time I play anything with explosions.

Student Finance handed out bigger loans this year which means I'm capable of paying off all my rent and STILL getting large quantities of alcohol so we're all good.  Furthermore, as I have the money to afford it, I went and got emo hair like I always wanted. <3

Played on the server earlier today, that was fun. Hoping to return to a more regular presence on the server.

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  Topic: Show your desktop!

Replies: 48
Views: 18238
PostForum: Jokes and Fun   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:35 am   Subject: Re: Show your desktop!
Here's mine. Left hand side: three columns of programs that I use with regular occurrence. Four topmost programs with more regularity than the others.  Top right: videogames. Bottom right: Easy-access folders.

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  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:08 am   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
Welcome as ever, Wolfi. Very Happy1
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:16 pm   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
Yeah, looks fine to me.  Confused  I'll post a screenshot.

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Maybe it's a problem with my monitor. Want me to try and save it as a png or find a lossless image extension?
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:51 pm   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
No, I'm pretty sure it's #212121.

In fact I just triple checked using the eyedropper tool and looking at the original logo next to mine, it's exactly the same colour. Neutral  Must be a problem at your end.
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:02 am   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
You called, sir? Lowercase ftw:

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Sure, ask if you need more graphics.  I like the idea of the randomly changing logos.
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:43 pm   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
Aww, do it anyway. You might be better than me. :Zwinker:
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:51 am   Subject: Re: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
Thanks 2D. I've been using Photoshop for a loooooooong time.

As I said, whichever floats the admin's boats.  I was disinclined for the longer one coz of the UT3 logo when we don't have any UT3 servers yet, but I kept it coz it just added to the general Unreal decor.
  Topic: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo Smile

Replies: 18
Views: 8319
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:42 am   Subject: Wolfy, Catze - New Banner/Logo :)
I got the laptop back and booted up Photoshop in the first five minutes.  The new logo/banner I designed comes in long or short. You can choose, as it's up to you. Personally I'm not sure which I like more, although I'm more inclined to say the shorter version.

It's exactly the same size as the current, and retains the background colour so you shouldn't have to make any changes there.

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