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  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

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PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:35 am   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
Well I'm glad this isn't personal and only about game rules and server issues LoL.
A LOT of people on here have done name-calling and a lot worse, we all know that. Right? Yes, we all know that.
Name calling is bad, right? Yes, we ALL agree on that. People have even apologized for it. No one here seems to be condoning it, not sure why that keeps getting repeated endlessly when it's a moot point.
Everyone who has done name-calling and broken rules has been punished equally Right? Oh wait, not so much..... red flag, hello?
I feel like the responses here are basically proving MireYa's point for her, that it's personal issues being confused with "rules". Otherwise, everyone who name-called and used bad language over the last few months would be getting banned, and they aren't.
Before you respond that "MireYa broke the rules and that's that", we all know it, she admitted it, and apologized. So moving on, why are the rest of the rule-breakers not being punished if it's about people breaking rules? It's an ugly double-standard that still hasn't gone away no matter how many posts are made.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

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Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:24 am   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
I agree that saying my posts are valid does not make them so. Them being valid is what makes them valid.
I'm not an admin, or a policeman, I'm a player, it's not my place to sort through what people say and call them out for it. But for the admins and people whose job that it IS, things should be fair. Right?
I never judged you Suz, or "shamed" you, we were having a discussion and I was speaking to issues, that is plain to see in my posts.
You can think what you like of me, that's your right, you can dismiss my points, that's also your right, but it doesn't make them less valid.
I still consider you a friend, as I have always treated you, and that won't change, I am the type of person that feels like communication and debate is healthy, for me, it's not personal.
I feel like I am a respectful person to you and all here, if I offended you personally, I apologize for that. But if I ruffled your feathers as an admin, I shouldn't be apologizing for that.
I'm really ready to move on from this, I think if you actually look at my suggestions, you'll find some good stuff in there, but that's for you and others to decide for yourselves.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

Replies: 60
Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:15 pm   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
I have to categorically and factually disagree with you, and it may be time to post examples because you're still saying punishments are even among all players, which they are not, it's not a matter of opinion that you can explain away, it's fact. I'm sorry to call you out on that, it could have been avoided. My intention wasn't to call you out, I was offering good advice to both sides.
Certain people get punished for things that others don't get punished for. This sends a bad message to the community. It's a shame, I had faith in you and was waiting for you to step up.
Are you telling me that if we look back through logs for the last couple months everyone who broke the same rules has been banned equally? Please say yes, I will flood the board the board with examples of it being untrue. I find the denial insulting to the communities intelligence and disingenuous because this is obviously not the case.
Your example of the bank robberies is great, several people rob banks, and you punish the ones you see fit rather than ALL the robbers, that's what I see, that is not justice.
At this point I'm done with this but I was hoping you would be more honest about it, I kept waiting for it to happen.
Personal insults are wrong, and I also think the response and singling people out is wrong too. You're kind of doing exactly what you say is wrong in the first place no?
And the most wrong thing of all is focusing on the problems more than the solutions.
I've offered logical and objective solutions, these obviously do not appeal to you and staff. For you this is about something other than fixing the problem, it saddens me.
I'm done with this, my posts are legitimate and speak for themselves.
I hope there are no hard feelings and in the future maybe some of my points could be implemented by staff when cooler heads prevail.
If everyone involved wasn't what I consider a friend (yes everyone) I wouldn't be wasting my time here, and I hope that's not lost on anyone including you Suz.
I hope in the future policies are changed and enforcement of those policies is more even-handed.
Everyone, thanks for reading this, it makes a difference when we all communicate. Peace.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

Replies: 60
Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:30 pm   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
Well said Mike.

Missing is the fact that MireYa (and Ank from what I can see here) did apologize already, and changed their behavior, BEFORE any retroactive and "selective" ban.
I realize this will mean different things to different people, and I'm not trying to minimize anyone's feelings, I'm simply just stating facts as I know them to be.

As I said in my previous post, apologies and changed behaviors should be applauded, not punished, no? Re-apologizing over and over doesn't change anything in the past, it perpetuates this overall negativity.

I feel like the points I made are either falling on deaf ears, or not totally understood, consistent policy is exactly what should be implemented to AVOID this whole thing in the future, isn't that what everyone wants???

My post was very objective and respectful, I meant no disrespect to Suz, Gemsey, or Arijana who are my friends, or anyone's feelings, I was speaking to policy more than personal matters.

To take it a step further, I respect those who apologized, that takes guts to extend the olive branch during these times, it shouldn't be stomped on, perpetuating more problems, that's not leadership.

Again, the issue is fairness and prevention through proper policy. We all want this prevented going forward right???

My observation at this time is that personal things are being discussed, and being mixed up with proper policy making and enforcement on a game server, we're supposed to be talking about the game, and rules on the server. I stand by my previous post with the bullet-points, which wasn't a personal thing, it was about policies that avoid these situations in the future, that's what we ALL want yes? Are there really things in that post that people disagree with? I find that hard to believe.

Objectively, this is turning into a clicque thing, and I think reviewing the policies as I stated above in previous post fixes that for both sides.

I do agree with Mike's sentiments about ending it.
I do agree with D-Kitten's sentiments about having a safe environment for all to play in.
I do agree with MireYa and Ank's sentiments that apologizing and changing their behavior, shouldn't be "rewarded" with a discriminatory retroactive ban based on perceived personal issues.
These ideas are not mutually exclusive, I can agree with all of these things, people don't have to take sides.

I always liked this site best for MH, and I like the players, admins, and really almost everyone here, but I won't sit quiet while I see personal issues dominating policy, and I won't condone this idea that we should ostracize and beat the crap out of MireYa and Ank AFTER they've already apologized and changed their behavior. To be honest, I have no knowledge of what Deadly's part in this even is, but she is also a friend.

The truth? everyone on this site has done things, no one here is perfect, let's put the proper policies in place and move forward so there is justice for everyone involved.

Unless you're perfect, accept the apologies and move on, as any of you would deserve as well if the situation was reversed.

I'm done with this thread, but let's not condemn personal attacks here, and then MAKE personal attacks here, it's hypocritical and not progressive, and not helpful to anyone.

I do support different people on some different points, but to say "hey I was treated unfairly, so let's treat other people unfairly in return" is petty and unproductive and does not show good leadership.

I'm trying to help and I think I'm being really objective.

I'm not banned, or even warned, or kicked, nothing. And I have no issues with discussing any of this with ANYONE who would like to talk to me respectfully or otherwise. I'll silent protest going forward while MireYa is banned, that's my personal choice. I've made my points. Others do worse than she did and go unpunished or less-punished. Should I post a bunch of logs as examples? I could, easily, and everyone knows it. But maybe we were just looking at certain people's actions, not everyone's? Anyone can go read the logs from months ago up to today and find the same things she did, or worse, and those people breaking same rules or more serious ones aren't being retroactively banned. Thus the whiff of bullshit that will keep me away.

I hope soon we can ALL get back to gaming and fun, especially around the holidays, til then, peace out.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

Replies: 60
Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:13 am   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
• Of course we need rules; and there are always consequences to breaking rules, it’s a necessary thing to maintain a fun environment for all players. All players should be subject to the same thing here, and players and admins alike should all use common sense, admins are obviously doing a tough and largely thankless job, and with that title comes a responsibility to be to a higher standard as well.

• If we go back months, and read all the logs, we shouldn’t single out specific people for rules violations and ignore others; it sends a message to our community that: “the rules are different for different people”. I’m not saying that this was the intent of the admins when they looked at this situation, I'm sure it wasn't, but I am saying that it is the result, because it is.

• Let’s use common sense here; people who have been kicked or warned; sincerely apologize and move on appropriately should be applauded for those steps, not punished. One person can take positive actions, but one person alone can’t work “together”. Better to tear down walls than build them.

• Of course there will be times, when admins aren’t available, and things need to be dealt with after the fact, but just as in real life, justice is only justice if it is swift and consistent. Justice isn’t meant to be used as weapon pointed at hand-selected people retroactively. If your dog shit on your carpet, you wouldn’t punish it 2 months later, would you? If it behaved over those 2 months especially, you wouldn’t... Let’s treat people with at least that much respect as well, respect is a 2 way street, and that goes for all people, players and admins alike. Let’s not start handing out heavy bans for things that select people “used to do”, or conversely hold grudges against any specific admins for past errors either. "Hey, Same Team!".

• If you want the players to feel part of the community, rather than ostracized, work with them, not against them. Its just as much leadership’s choice to work with people, or against them, just as it’s a player’s choice to make amends, behave, or not. We shouldn’t have disciplinary discrimination here based on social groups (“your friends, their friends etc etc” we’ve seen in these threads). Policies and punishments should be clear to all, and the same for all players, regardless of who likes who etc., and punishments should be enforced evenly and fairly, kind of simple concept and easy to put into practice, but it has to start from the top and work down with some leadership here.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

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Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:43 pm   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
All good Emperor, hope things get better for you, cheers.
  Topic: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locked Smile

Replies: 60
Views: 20390
PostForum: UT99 MonsterHunt Main Server   Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:59 am   Subject: Re: Suz - directing to BT server II - as other one got locke
Speaking to "spreading bullshit" (your words), Emperor, you didn't read the chat-logs, the maps were re-voted before completion and those chat logs aren't available to be read. Unless you were there (which you could have been I have no idea because I wasn't there) you don't know what was said or what happened, but I do know that you didn't read the chat-logs in question after the fact. So there's that.

Her complaint Emperor, was about being re-directed to another server, not about being warned, kicked or banned, quite different. I think you or anyone can easily see the difference here.

As for "feigning innocence", Emperor, it looks to me like (to her credit) she fully admitted past guilt in the original thread and was trying to discuss a current thing reasonably, your characterization is a bit mean-spirited and myopic.

I have no idea what happened yesterday and I'm not speaking to the actual issue of being re-directed because I wasn't there and I'm not involved, but Emperor, injecting yourself into this with false/bad info, then telling her to be quiet, is suspect, and I don't say that to offend you, I say that objectively. She has a right to speak, even if you don't agree with her, it's not really your place to decide for everyone on DU that she shouldn't be heard and try to shooosh her, she has a right to speak to issues whether you, or I, agree with her or not.

POTS, I agree with you fully that it is the staff's right to do what they think is right, but I also think it's a player's right to implore and get clarity on decisions made if they seem unfair or confusing.

All that being said, in general, I like everyone here with very few (almost none) exceptions, I like all staff and players, and I like the server a lot. I like MireYa', I like Suz, and I don't know you Emperor and POTS, but I hope my comments wouldn't prevent us from being friends, just trying to be objective and fair here. This is all I have to say, if anyone wants to attack me or start a rebuttal for saying it, that's your right, but I won't feel a need to reply, and no one needs to defend me if that happens. My points are what they are, it's not a personal thing for me at all, and I have no bad feelings to anyone. Happy hunting.
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