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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:27 pm
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Server Issues Discussion
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1. Admins are afk so creating yet another thread with a wall of text is just a waste of time and space. We have to figure out how to deal with problems when they are absent. Just like ITA said in one of the threads - we have to work closely with remaing staff members for now.

2. This one has to wait till admins go back to keyboards. I propose removing Hyperion from the staff completely and strip her off remaining privileges on the forums. I do believe she is not a right person for the job, especially considereing her latest actions like making popularity contests for the staff members, removing her thread for no good reasons, her&Ninjas crusade against karkass.
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UT Name: Ninja_Pirate UT Since: 1999 Gender: Gender:Male
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:11 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Server Issues Discussion
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BangBang wrote (View Post):

1. Admins are afk so creating yet another thread with a wall of text is just a waste of time and space. We have to figure out how to deal with problems when they are absent. Just like ITA said in one of the threads - we have to work closely with remaing staff members for now.

2. This one has to wait till admins go back to keyboards. I propose removing Hyperion from the staff completely and strip her off remaining privileges on the forums. I do believe she is not a right person for the job, especially considereing her latest actions like making popularity contests for the staff members, removing her thread for no good reasons, her&Ninjas crusade against karkass.

Wow, another unprovoked negative response and attack. How very constructive and valuable to the issues that are very real. You must really dislike someone to find something negative about a post designed to be positive and helpful to the admins for when they return. You even said in the other topic "tl:dr moo-sama for the admin", so quit acting like you read everything that was said in that topic and then passing judgement. In both topics, you have made extremely pointless posts that add nothing to the conversation. I guess you won't bother to read this either, and jump to another conclusion of your own making.

1. A waste of space? Do you know how forums work? Obviously not, I guess. If anything, your post with its lack of constructive feedback is the wasteful one. The forums have been dead, recently so it's hardly "yet another thread"; I can't think of any other topics like this one. The points made here were helpful and constructive points to try and HELP the admins when they return, so that all the currently raised issues are all in one place. Isn't that better than searching through all the topics one by one? Stop overreacting. I'm sure they'd prefer to come back and see helpful topics in place and to see the forums alive, than come back and see nothing at all. That'd be disheartening to any server owner. And we can't deal with most of these problems ourselves, as only two people currently have the ability to deal with them; Wolfi and BoB. The rest of us have no power to do so, no matter how much we work together.

2. Hyperion has been one of the most level-headed and respected staff members in the community. Many people know you really don't like her, so I'm not surprised you'd stoop so low as to ask she has her staff levels removed. What about the current staff members who swear or teamshoot? Or the one who abuses their power and changes peoples nicknames "for a laugh", or force revotes a certain map "for a laugh", or spams the "Show Rules" staff ability when it's only needed once, or who locks the server so others can't join just because of two people messing about? Naming no names. Hyperion has done none of that and has only been a good example to the other players. Your dislike of her does not change that.

Her latest actions were not a popularity contest, no matter how much you want to convince yourself of that. The people we recommended for staff are not our friends. We don't talk to any of them outside of UT, we don't play on other servers with them, we don't PM them, we just say hi to them when they join the servers. If anything, it was the others who were only recommending their friends who were using it as a popularity contest. We recommended people who follow the rules and respect the community. I even suggested someone from a group who dislikes us. Stop spewing utter rubbish. She suggested Xev, who we've only shared a few words with, Ultra, who we've also only shared a few words with, GuiltySpark, who we've barely spoken to, Achernar, who we've said hi to a handful of times and that was about it. We only suggested the only suitable players who are around. We didn't suggest "friends" like a lot of the others did, so please, explain how it was a popularity contest?

As for Karkass, I explained in my last post that I don't want him banned. I just wanted someone to stop his aggressive wording. We've been told to report players, and that's what I was doing. Why would we want to report players when we get attacked like this for doing so? If anyone else was insulting players frequently, I'd do the same about them. A "crusade"? That's ridiculous. You're trying so hard to make us out to be the bad guys. Between the two of us, we have done a huge amount of good for this community, and these posts are further positive actions. Your hatred for Hyperion seems to be blinding you from that.

The thread was removed because it was turning volatile and the conversation had run its course. She left it up for a few days so people could be up to date on it, then removed it. She was keeping the forums drama-free. Imagine being a new player, coming to some almost-dead forums and seeing the only active topic being that one. It wouldn't give a good example for the community, would it? She acted how forum admins should do. The topic was about staff, but it got massively derailed. Why bother keeping it? Everyone had their say and were only going round in circles, as no ones points were being understood properly. We tried to have adult discussions on things we think are relevant to the server, but there is always someone who comes in and overreacts about everything and turns it into unnecessary drama. Again, after your "tl:dr" in the other topic, it shows that you weren't keeping up with it and probably heard things from someone else and came up with your own conclusion as to why the thread was closed.

Still, go ahead and respond in another way to make us out to be the negative ones. We're trying to help, whether you can see that or not. Why would we start attacking a community we've been a part of for the past decade? I'm sure anyone with some common sense would realise these are sensible suggestions, with no malice intended.

If I seem frustrated, then I apologise, but anyone who's been reading these topics surely realises that there are certain people purposely making ridiculous comments in order to cause more drama. People who will disagree with anything we suggest. As was said in the other topic about staff, personal feelings should not be a factor, but it seems BangBang's post was fuelled by such feelings. I also apologise for another wall of text.

If anyone is going to attack either of us for responding in a frustrated way, or for any other reasons, direct it towards me. She has only been trying to help. We had no intentions of causing drama with these posts. We're trying to help the community we've been a part of for so long. Longer than pretty much anyone still here, in all honesty. Hyperion is innocent in this. It was I who suggested she put the Karkass section in this topic. We came up with the issues together, and that was one of mine. So if you have a problem with me that, BangBang, be an adult and talk to me. I'm quite sick of the unjust negative attitude that is being thrown our way by a select few people when we're only trying to help. If you dislike us, fine, but be mature about it. I wasn't sparing a single thought towards any of you who do, so you're wasting your time. Don't act like we killed your dog.

Now please, can we keep this topic to the point and avoid childish attacks? Be constructive in your posts. Not baseless and wasteful.

Last edited by Ninja_Pirate on Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:22 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:44 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Server Issues Discussion
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BangBang wrote (View Post):
2. This one has to wait till admins go back to keyboards. I propose removing Hyperion from the staff completely and strip her off remaining privileges on the forums. I do believe she is not a right person for the job, especially considereing her latest actions like making popularity contests for the staff members, removing her thread for no good reasons, her&Ninjas crusade against karkass.

This thread was created to make it easier for the Admins to see what issues need to be looked into when they get back,
like I stated in my first post in this thread. There is nothing wrong with making this thread while they're away.
The forums are dead nowadays, so making a positive thread which causes people to post in is hardly a bad thing.
The current Staff cannot resolve most of the mentioned issues themselves.

If you want to file your complaints about me, create your own dedicated thread. I'm not a "server issue".
Stop ruining threads which are meant to be positive/helpful, with your negativity.
Just to reply to your accusations, your opinion of me is highly biased and I'm not surprised.
You and some of your friends have been trying to make me (and Ninja, as well) look like a bad person for a very long time.
Don't you have anything better to do? I ignore you and I let you be. If I wanted to be evil, I could report you for many offences, myself.

It's not a secret you don't like me. The feeling is mutual (if you want to know why, message me),
but at least I choose to be civil about it and focus on things that are important to me, instead.
This isn't the first time you've tried to damage my reputation in the community.

Two of the reasons why I created the Staff thread was to make the forums more lively and to hear the community.
It wasn't a popularity contest, as the Admins make their own decisions themselves. Have you seen the reply from Bob?
He encouraged us to keep the discussion going, as long as it remained civil. After some time it did stop being civil, in my eyes,
because some people couldn't restrain from treating the thread as a way to bash people they don't like.
I refuse to create war threads on the forums. I advised people to make their own thread if they wanted to continue the discussion.
I even left the thread alive for a few days, to let more people read what had been said.

Please stop spreading lies about how Ninja and I hate Karkass and want him removed.
We thoroughly explained what our concerns were in the Staff thread, but it seems that you deliberately chose not to read
and to make your own opinion, nevertheless. It's not our fault.
If anyone still needs clarification on what we were saying, message us.
Ninja and I are perfectly fine with Karkass playing on the servers, as long as he doesn't lecture other players in a rude way.

If, for whichever reason, the Admins decide to remove my privileges, I'll have no problems with it.
They can also talk to me about any concerns they have.
Being Staff isn't the reason why I'm still a member of this community.

However, I'm tired of the negativity and drama people like you and your friends spread in the community,
and your vendetta against some people on the server.
Maybe some of you should rethink your reasons to play the game here.
Ninja and I are here to relax, enjoy the game and help the community improve. We like it and we don't want it to die.
It's not our fault that some people refuse to see it.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:58 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Server Issues Discussion
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Ninja_Pirate wrote (View Post):
BangBang wrote (View Post):

1. Admins are afk so creating yet another thread with a wall of text is just a waste of time and space. We have to figure out how to deal with problems when they are absent. Just like ITA said in one of the threads - we have to work closely with remaing staff members for now.

2. This one has to wait till admins go back to keyboards. I propose removing Hyperion from the staff completely and strip her off remaining privileges on the forums. I do believe she is not a right person for the job, especially considereing her latest actions like making popularity contests for the staff members, removing her thread for no good reasons, her&Ninjas crusade against karkass.

Wow, another unprovoked negative response and attack. How very constructive and valuable to the issues that are very real. You must really dislike someone to find something negative about a post designed to be positive and helpful to the admins for when they return. You even said in the other topic "tl:dr moo-sama for the admin", so quit acting like you read everything that was said in that topic and then passing judgement. In both topics, you have made extremely pointless posts that add nothing to the conversation.

1. A waste of space? Do you know how forums work? Obviously not, I guess. If anything, your post with its lack of constructive feedback is the wasteful one. The forums have been dead, recently so it's hardly "yet another thread"; I can't think of any other topics like this one. The points made here were helpful and constructive points to try and HELP the admins when they return, so that all the currently raised issues are all in one place. Isn't that better than searching through all the topics one by one? Stop overreacting. I'm sure they'd prefer to come back and see helpful topics in place and to see the forums alive, than come back and see nothing at all. That'd be disheartening to any server owner. And we can't deal with most of these problems ourselves, as only two people currently have the ability to deal with them; Wolfi and BoB. The rest of us have no power to do so, no matter how much we work together.

2. Hyperion has been one of the most level-headed and respected staff members in the community. Many people know you really don't like her, so I'm not surprised you'd stoop so low as to ask she has her staff levels removed. What about the current staff members who swear or teamshoot? Or the one who abuses their power and changes peoples nicknames "for a laugh", or force revotes a certain map "for a laugh", or spams the "Show Rules" staff ability when it's only needed once, or who locks the server so others can't join just because of two people messing about? Naming no names. Hyperion has done none of that and has only been a good example to the other players. Your dislike of her does not change that.

Her latest actions were not a popularity contest, no matter how much you want to convince yourself of that. The people we recommended for staff are not our friends. We don't talk to any of them outside of UT, we don't play on other servers with them, we don't PM them, we just say hi to them when they join the servers. If anything, it was the others who were only recommending their friends who were using it as a popularity contest. We recommended people who follow the rules and respect the community. I even suggested someone from a group who dislikes us. Stop spewing utter rubbish. She suggested Xev, who we've only shared a few words with, Ultra, who we've also only shared a few words with, GuiltySpark, who we've barely spoken to, Achernar, who we've said hi to a handful of times and that was about it. We only suggested the only suitable players who are around. We didn't suggest "friends" like a lot of the others did, so please, explain how it was a popularity contest?

As for Karkass, I explained in my last post that I don't want him banned. I just wanted someone to stop his aggressive wording. We've been told to report players, and that's what I was doing. Why would we want to report players when we get attacked like this for doing so? If anyone else was insulting players frequently, I'd do the same about them. A "crusade"? That's ridiculous. You're trying so hard to make us out to be the bad guys. Between the two of us, we have done a huge amount of good for this community, and these posts are further positive actions. Your hatred for Hyperion seems to be blinding you from that.

The thread was removed because it was turning volatile and the conversation had run its course. She left it up for a few days so people could be up to date on it, then removed it. She was keeping the forums drama-free. Imagine being a new player, coming to some almost-dead forums and seeing the only active topic being that one. It wouldn't give a good example for the community, would it? She acted how forum admins should do. The topic was about staff, but it got massively derailed. Why bother keeping it? Everyone had their say and were only going round in circles, as no ones points were being understood properly. We tried to have adult discussions on things we think are relevant to the server, but there is always someone who comes in and overreacts about everything and turns it into unnecessary drama.

Still, go ahead and respond in another way to make us out to be the negative ones. We're trying to help, whether you can see that or not. Why would we start attacking a community we've been a part of for the past decade? I'm sure anyone with some common sense would realise these are sensible suggestions, with no malice intended.

If I seem frustrated, then I apologise, but anyone who's been reading these topics surely realises that there are certain people purposely making ridiculous comments in order to cause more drama. People who will disagree with anything we suggest. As was said in the other topic about staff, personal feelings should not be a factor, but it seems BangBang's post was fuelled by such feelings. I also apologise for another wall of text.

If anyone is going to attack either of us for responding in a frustrated way, or for any other reasons, direct it towards me. She has only been trying to help. We had no intentions of causing drama with these posts. We're trying to help the community we've been a part of for so long. Longer than pretty much anyone still here, in all honesty. Hyperion is innocent in this. It was I who suggested she put the Karkass section in this topic. We came up with the issues together, and that was one of mine. So if you have a problem with me that, BangBang, be an adult and talk to me. I'm quite sick of the unjust negative attitude that is being thrown our way by a select few people when we're only trying to help. If you dislike us, fine, but be mature about it. I wasn't sparing a single thought towards any of you who do, so you're wasting your time. Don't act like we killed your dog.

Now please, can we keep this topic to the point and avoid childish attacks? Be constructive in your posts. Not baseless and wasteful.

The people you recommended for staff, among the others, were yourself and her.
She recommended you, and you suggested her having her staff level back on the servers, so on that point, you just contradicted yourself.
Don't go accusing people of doing things, when you, yourself has done them.

If I suggest someone, it's not just because that person is my friend.
I actually got to know her enough, to make the assumption that she would be fit for the spot.

Suggesting people you barely know, barely talk to? How does that work? How can you know they're good to do it, if you don't take more than 5 minutes to chat with said person?

Seeing our words as negativity and dislike, is a far stretch.
We all posted and suggested things. We do not have to agree with you or anyone else by that matter, on everything or anything, hence why, it's our opinions.

Both of you gave your opinions on what I had to say, and I didn't label it as "negativity".
I accepted it as it was, and moved on.

It seems you can't take any words or opinions of others that do not agree with you, as just that, and nothing else.
Or maybe it is because you say we don't like either of you?

I've been nothing but respectful towards either of you, and I don't recall any of my "friends", including BangBang, being nothing but the same, towards you.

If you fail to see that, then the problem lies with you.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:27 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Server Issues Discussion
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Suz wrote (View Post):
The people you recommended for staff, among the others, were yourself and her.
She recommended you, and you suggested her having her staff level back on the servers, so on that point, you just contradicted yourself.
Don't go accusing people of doing things, when you, yourself has done them.

If I suggest someone, it's not just because that person is my friend.
I actually got to know her enough, to make the assumption that she would be fit for the spot.

Suggesting people you barely know, barely talk to? How does that work? How can you know they're good to do it, if you don't take more than 5 minutes to chat with said person?

Seeing our words as negativity and dislike, is a far stretch.
We all posted and suggested things. We do not have to agree with you or anyone else by that matter, on everything or anything, hence why, it's our opinions.

Both of you gave your opinions on what I had to say, and I didn't label it as "negativity".
I accepted it as it was, and moved on.

It seems you can't take any words or opinions of others that do not agree with you, as just that, and nothing else.
Or maybe it is because you say we don't like either of you?

I've been nothing but respectful towards either of you, and I don't recall any of my "friends", including BangBang, being nothing but the same, towards you.

If you fail to see that, then the problem lies with you.

I never recommended myself. Anywhere. I even said I don't want to be staff. I was just defending myself against you and your friends who were saying I'd be a bad choice for staff, because you were painting me out to be such a bad example, when you guys aren't any better, perhaps even worse due to you being expected to BE a better example.

You don't need to talk to someone to know if they're a good candidate for staff. What kind of logic is that? I observe players and make my judgement based on that. I don't need to talk to them to know that. I observe how they play, how they act on the server and how they treat others. I'm not arrogant enough to think I have to talk to people to see if they're appropriate for staff. It's not a job interview; it's a game server.

But yes, your words have come across as negative because the main focus of a lot of these posts has been to, in BangBang's case, belittle Hyperion and I, and in other peoples post in the other topic, to say how bad of a choice Hyperion and I would be for staff. The main focus wasn't on positive suggestions or ideas.

Have you seen the things BangBang has said about Hyperion over the past couple of years? Since that certain player was banned? He undoutbedly doesn't like her. There is someone in your group of friends who has spammed "Die, [censored]!" while looking directly at Hyperion, and did so a lot. They also said something like "Oh great, my game has been ruined" after we joined. And "Loser" whenever one of us died. But okay, you're all respectful. We ignored that, didn't report it and we won't ever report who it was. It's not important. We have no problems with them, and they don't do it any more, so everything is fine.

Still, my Enforcers suggestion was slammed as being bad, our staff recommendations were hardly listened to and greeted with hostility, my report of a player breaking the rules was met with remarks claming I'm being unfair and this topic about issues that are very, very real has had someone coming in and using it to say how terrible Hyp and I are. Those are not constructive conversations. We're trying to be constructive, but it's hard to when people get very vocal about how terrible all your suggestions are, without any real reason why. No clear reason was given to why the double Enforcers idea was bad, or why we would be terrible staff nominations. Hyperion hardly EVER broke any rules when she was active staff, unlike certain active staff, so why is she such a bad choice, other than the fact that the people saying so don't like her? She only used her powers when neccessary, she helps players, respects the rules, behaves and is friendly to everyone when playing. Why should she have her level taken away after a break when others don't, and there's no outcry to get their levels removed? As least as she didn't assume she could just be staff again, unlike others who had breaks. So yes, the comments against us, especially against Hyperion, have been completely biased.

We're not bad guys or overreacting to things, no matter how you try to word it. If you had people coming into your topics and belittling you, you would defend yourself, too.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:05 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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I find it strange but you have to realize staff members can't be there all the time just see a player miss behaving I seen on other servers like ut2004 someone was verbally abusing many players saying that he's the best and such and no admins where there only thing I did was not pay much attention

Being a troll is fun but has limits we want have fun best we can on du server sometimes admin are busy at work or on vacation we just have to restrained are ourselves and emotions or we can have negative consequence such as being fired from the team or banned forever

All I care is just having fun and playing on the servers and just let players play there ways and don't complain like baby and post a message on forum asking admin banned this player please that not how it works

We have to have limits on servers and best is just move on and play with friends or go solo

That what I do now
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:58 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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Suz wrote (View Post):

I would understand if I were being reported for a serious offence, and I would apologise, but I will not tolerate being treated in an unfair manner.
You two are not innocent, so please stop trying to make yourselves the good guys, and Ninja and me the bad and the ugly.
Before you want to judge someone, make sure you have a valid reason to, and that you haven't been similar or worse yourselves.

BangBang certainly couldn't have been more respectful towards me when he talked about me behind my back on the server without knowing any facts.
Another of your friends used to bully both Ninja and me, and you were often there witnessing that, yourself.
I'm not going to go back and complain, but if that's what you call being respectful, then you're the one with a problem.

I do accept different opinions, as long as they're constructive.
As an example, Ariana and I didn't fully agree on an issue regarding a certain player on the server, and my opinion of her hasn't changed a bit. I'm still friendly with her.

Also, Emperor has a point.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:37 pm
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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Believe it or not - I read all those posts. And there is a reason why I choose to keep mine short  and not to participate in this so called "constructive" discussions of yours.
You view every disagreement as an attack on you, negetivity spreading etc. Moreover, you project your flaws upon others  - you claim that I act emotionally, hate you, belittle you, make you the bad guys, meanwhile these are a few of manipulation methods you used. You even go as far as try to make yourselves victims of mine and some "friends". My posts compared to yours are an emotional desert and I don't recall adressing you in them beside the previous one which was turned into a separate thread without my knowledge or consent.
And it all comes down to why I propose to remove Hyperion from the staff completely. She uses her power selectively for her own good, especially lately. When there is offtop in other threads, it is fine, but when she meets a resistance towards her another attempt to make herself and her friend part of the staff, she removes it.

Do not tolerate it, say whatever you want, make more postwalls - I will not bother to respond to any of them. My proposal stays the way it was.

Since it is "mine" thread - I hearby ask Commander_ITA as an impartial staff member to lock it until one of the admins decides to continue it and further investigate my request.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:46 pm
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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I've always used my privileges for the best of the community, and that will never change.
Whether you like it or not, I still have my privileges on the forums, and I don't need your permission to use them.
Still, I'll be very pleased to have the Admins look into this matter, as well as the other ones.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:28 pm
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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No lock, no removal, and no more arguements. You two should discuss this matter in private I think. This attracts more people with everyday. Everyone is free to make complaits, shout and make extremely annoying commentary, as long it is in the proportions of the overal applying rules made by BW and Bob. If everyone makes their own roles , you might as well lock the entire forums.

Now be kind, shake hands. I'd like visit dU as I did countless years. Hate to see this go away.

Other than that. I do not take sides, but if I may, I fully agree with the topic starter. Let your voice be heard.

You and you, Take pizza and beer.! Very Happy1 Problem solved
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:46 am
PostPost subject:No icon Re: Complaints
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Hi all, I have no issues with anyone around the server. If new players are chosen to be staff, then I trust the judgement of whoever picks them. I know I was suggested, but seeing how there is pointless drama, I would no longer like to be considered for the position. I prefer to just play the game and enjoy myself without getting mixed up or ending up on someone's bad side. Thank you.

See y'all on the battlefield.
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