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UT Name: DEXIE UT Since: 2001 Gender:  Joined: Jun 10, 2017 Posts: 55
Reputation: 21.4   votes: 2 Status: Offline

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:53 am
There has been a lot of trouble on main server lately and tonight was no different. There are 3 with a green pakistan flag that continue to cause trouble. They did the same yesterday. They log in with many different nicknames. BIRD, MoO, and PARROT are the ones I have seen the most. Vlad and I were both kicked from our game tonight by the threesome. I cannot speak for Vlad, but I will not return if this continues. BIRD played on and off for several hours before logging in every game with a different nickname. Karlthegreat had a run in with him before leaving. Then BIRD tells everyone that he is another player in disguise .. i noticed the difference in the flags and asked what flag that player should have ... this is when he became defensive and started logging in under different names to kick us. I searched ALL of the servers and discord for ADMIN .. to no avail. I do not know if this is one person or 3 different people. I am assuming 3 different people (kids) probably now that summer break is in full swing. I would appreciate a response as to what should and will be done especially since this is not the first time. Evidentally, one needs to have 4 different computer set up to protect oneself. Ridiculous.
Dexie |

Joined: Nov 12, 2010 Posts: 64
Reputation: 174.5   votes: 9 Status: Offline

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:39 pm
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Hi Dexie. I just now looked at this and I will be on the lookout for them. If they appear again, you can pm me here or on fb. I will check regularly both places. I'll try to be on more often too. |
UT Name: Kryxix UT Since: 1999 Gender:  Joined: Dec 20, 2015 Age: 46 Posts: 79 Location: Beloiannis, HU Reputation: 74.9   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:52 am
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Also i missed those little rascals, but i will keep my eyes widely opened.
(I have a "hot line" to one of our du.admins, with a bit luck i can reach him JIT.) |

UT Name: Emperor_Warrior UT Since: 2001 Gender:  Joined: May 21, 2012 Age: 33 Posts: 133 Location: Somewhere in California Reputation: 150   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:11 am
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Found their names
They being ruining both main and crazy server by team killing, stealing nicknames, and trolling |
UT Name: DEXIE UT Since: 2001 Gender:  Joined: Jun 10, 2017 Posts: 55
Reputation: 21.4   votes: 2 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:39 am
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
there are many many names, not just one. Very slick, watch the server for admins to leave before coming in. |
UT Name: Kryxix UT Since: 1999 Gender:  Joined: Dec 20, 2015 Age: 46 Posts: 79 Location: Beloiannis, HU Reputation: 74.9   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:36 pm
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Paki problems seems to be solved.
Thanks for SuZ!
Server event ID 5385 2018-06-02 15:50.56 MH-Adventure-Night[Final] dU.Suz ProPlayer` Banned for teamkilling and overall bad behavior against other players. forever
Server event ID 5386 2018-06-02 15:50.58 MH-Adventure-Night[Final] dU.Suz 2 critical Events avaible! Xan Banned for teamkilling and overall bad behavior against other players. forever
Server event ID 5387 2018-06-02 15:56.59 MH-Adventure-Night[Final] dU.Suz Xan Banlist Update
Just after they appeared (Xan and Proplayer in green and red Xan skins) I went back to the start of the map to ID and watch them. They killed okorochok in the first min with chainsaw at the spawn area.
However they behaviour were mostly like 9 year old children, doing gestures and running pointless with targetting each and other players.
Proplayer said "SRY" to okorochok, - if i remember correctly - twice (Im too lazy to review the match log.), after realized they are watched.
After the ban one of them tried to re-enter with the name "Tournament Queen". |
UT Name: DEXIE UT Since: 2001 Gender:  Joined: Jun 10, 2017 Posts: 55
Reputation: 21.4   votes: 2 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:44 pm
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Thank you to Suz for all the hard work you do keeping our servers clean ) Last night (my night anyway), they waited for you to leave and were there within the hour. I assumed they were kids just out of school for the summer, but very hateful at times. I have seen them killing each other in main, but I have no problems with that .. kill yourself all you want, just let the players play that want to play. Hugs Kryx, thanks for staying on it ) Happy Killing ) |
UT Name: DEXIE UT Since: 2001 Gender:  Joined: Jun 10, 2017 Posts: 55
Reputation: 21.4   votes: 2 Status: Offline

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:33 pm
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Problem is not solved ... ALPHA is still coming and logging in with multiple names to vote maps, kick vote and manipulate. PRO PLAYER which is another of his characters is banned, thankfully. |

Joined: Nov 12, 2010 Posts: 64
Reputation: 174.5   votes: 9 Status: Offline

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:41 pm
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
I can't be everywhere at the same time unfortunately.
I do have other stuff that keeps me from being present during day time mostly and when those characters appear I'm usually sleeping.
I'm trying to be active as much as I possibly can but these days it's mainly just me around on main while villa stays mostly on crazy and not even he is around the time those troublemakers appear.
I've tried to keep an eye out for them but I have not seen them there yet.
I will keep trying to catch that person and ban them from the servers.
If they bypass the bans there's not much I can do (?) except keep banning them whenever I catch them on.
I'm just 1 person, not 3 or 4. |
UT Name: Sunny Gender:  Joined: Sep 15, 2017 Age: 36 Posts: 12
Reputation: 8.5   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:54 am
Post subject: Re: TROUBLE ON MAIN SERVER |
Forgive SUZ, but personally I was starting to play, there was only a Commander and he had time to follow and keep order on the servers, until the mess went away and two admins could not clean up ... it's sad( |