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UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:19 am
Post subject: Reliving the past- about dU |
The server and forums have been quiet now for quite some time.
This place used to thriving and populated. Not all times.... but there im sure ppl miss those times when it WAS.
So let me break the ice....
I''m still here.....
How are you.... ?
What do we need to do to make this more lively?
Any comment would help, any simple hello will do!
(If this is not getting any comments im gonna persuade you with screenshots and videos that will trigger some memories )
Regards Terraniux |
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1 user(s) is/are thankful for this post.
Ninja-Duckie(13-01, 22:47), Thanks Terraniux for his/her post
UT Name: Karlthegreat UT Since: 1999 Gender:  Joined: Aug 29, 2017 Posts: 63
Reputation: 28.1   votes: 4 Status: Offline

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:46 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Some veterans still play (I've never seen you play, which times do you play?), but there's massive structural issues:
1. There are no admins anymore, at least they are inactive.
2. Due to lack of maintenance, some servers have been down for almost or longer than a year, which includes the test server. Maps on the test server (including my only one and some of yours) are thus stuck in dev limbo forever.
3. Other servers get new maps on a regular basis, but due to 1. and 2. this is not the case here.
4. Due to a lack of new maps, old players are less motivated.
5. Attracting new Kyles is hard, all the hyperactive smartphone folks have no patience and 1 or 2 deaths are already leading them to quit again. If you have less kyles, you get less veterans and thus less people who carry the kyles or can at least kill a pupae that would otherwise kill the kyle on sight.
6. There's also a lack of moderation, only EW is still around and can't be on 24/7 after all, thus giving lots of free space to certain people. |
UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 5:11 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Good points, thanks for sharing your input.
I mostly play evenings in weekends but after an hour of playing alone its not worth it....
I hope more people will respond to this topic. Let's wait..... |
UT Name: Letylove49 / Alicia UT Since: 2005 Gender:  Joined: Jul 30, 2010 Age: 42 Posts: 39
Reputation: 173.5   Status: Offline

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:12 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
The main reaason why i don't stay for hours is when the server is empty or boring maps.
i disklike when the monster is too powerfull when i play allone that take too many time to end a maps in this c
IIn the next month i will play only on the week-end because i want to spand me time for someting important for my futur.
but if i see people on your server and MHA is empty i will come with plesure. |
UT Name: -=]UM[=-Zipps UT Since: 2003 Gender:  Joined: Jul 22, 2010 Age: 49 Posts: 47 Location: Sweden Reputation: 156.6   Status: Offline

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:02 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
At we experience the same thing even tho we have 1058 maps and latest update, I believe the game is slowly dying over all and the ones with top quality and care about the players needs will stand left.. |
UT Name: dU.killkio UT Since: 2005 Gender:  Joined: Jul 22, 2010 Age: 30 Posts: 313 Location: Villa Alemana Reputation: 211.1   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:50 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
sometimes play in server, but we have a different hour and the work and others things I don't have the time  |
UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:19 am
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Gender:  Joined: Aug 21, 2012 Posts: 124
Reputation: 168   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:36 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
As much as it saddens me, there seems to be no way of changing how the things are now. There is of course the issue (already brought up) of lack of interest in the server from the admins. I am sure they have their reasons but that doesn't change that the server feels abandoned by them. However, truth be told UT has been dying for last few years and so has dU. Players have changed, gaming world too. I imagine many of us (UT/dU enjoyers) have either other current priorities in our lives or simply moved on... to greener pastures. Nowadays there are just too many good alternatives.
That being said, I must admit I have some fond memories of time spent here, having fun with people. I miss some of you guys and wish you all the best  |
UT Name: dU.Ninja-Duckie UT Since: 2003 Gender:  Joined: Jul 28, 2010 Age: 34 Posts: 21 Location: London Reputation: 84.8   Status: Offline

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:55 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
I loved this server, and community.
I loved it when it was |BAH| - Buculae Admirandi Honoris - the first gaming clan I was a part of; even if I didn't wear the full clan colours in combat, I was there. Catze (MagicCat) invited me to tag along. Still have her email address, although it's defunct now.
BAH was my first real online community. Even though it's gone, and almost all the users who kept in touch faded or drifted away, that memory can never be taken away from me. I will never forget BAH.
.dU was a bit rockier. Some people in .dU didn't like me, presumably because of my age. But I stuck with it for a time. I had some fun. The site's banner - I made that in Photoshop years and years ago.
I simply don't have the time for UT online any more. The old days were fun, but sometimes that's where they should stay, in the old days, as good memories. |
UT Name: war UT Since: 2004 Gender:  Joined: Mar 29, 2018 Age: 36 Posts: 6
Reputation: 66.9   votes: 2 Status: Offline

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 7:27 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Ninja-Duckie wrote (View Post): | I loved this server, and community.
I loved it when it was |BAH| - Buculae Admirandi Honoris - the first gaming clan I was a part of; even if I didn't wear the full clan colours in combat, I was there. Catze (MagicCat) invited me to tag along. Still have her email address, although it's defunct now.
BAH was my first real online community. Even though it's gone, and almost all the users who kept in touch faded or drifted away, that memory can never be taken away from me. I will never forget BAH.
.dU was a bit rockier. Some people in .dU didn't like me, presumably because of my age. But I stuck with it for a time. I had some fun. The site's banner - I made that in Photoshop years and years ago.
I simply don't have the time for UT online any more. The old days were fun, but sometimes that's where they should stay, in the old days, as good memories. |
I remember the scanlines being a popular design choice for gaming websites in around 2006. Photoshop CS2 tutorials was everywhere. Nice throwback, reading your comment Lets hope the server and site stays up for ever. Its a nice throwback seeing these old forums stil up and running.
I still check in from time to time on the server. Its a shame its not maintained on gametracker and country flags are stil broken for over 2 years.
The mismanagement, learning curve and angry rigid people scared fun good players and newbies away. As Piro would say: UT all have fun
Have fun and try to understand people have different skills and understanding of the game. It will go a long way for a welcoming and fun server  |
UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:31 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
UT Name: Karlthegreat UT Since: 1999 Gender:  Joined: Aug 29, 2017 Posts: 63
Reputation: 28.1   votes: 4 Status: Offline

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:38 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
war wrote (View Post): | As Piro would say: UT all have fun | I guess that for the two of you waiting at the boss portal while others are in another room dealing with smaller monsters is also a definition of "fun". :D
Also the quote was "have fun UT". Not sure he knows what that means, though.  |
UT Name: Crow UT Since: 2002 Gender:  Joined: Oct 28, 2015 Age: 38 Posts: 41 Location: Greater Toronto Area Reputation: 72.9   votes: 8 Status: Offline

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:34 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Well, the explanation is simple. We witness a classic case of a project that's been abandoned by its creators.
It seems Wolf just runs it in zombie mode for years now, as in just keeping it (the game server and the forums) online but with no active maintenance, moderation etc'.
If there were updates like maps, mods and etc', then MAYBE we can draw a little more interest to what was once a thriving community.
I still play, bot on Barbie's server which is no great alternative either, the owner there is also messed up and has issues moderating the place socially
(I suspect barbie seriously lacks social skills to be able to make reasonable decisions re moderating people, like dealing with troublemakers, admin nomination, and
listening to input from players etc', I mean the dumbass now disables score there a few times a week because it thinks that competition is bad... well our nature is to compete).
Anyway... if only someone took a more active care of this place, then it could stand a chance. if it'll keep going at the pace it does, I am anticipating this community to go offline forever one day soon.
And too bad I gotta say, I've met a bunch of cool people here including my sweet Mousy with whom I'm in a serious relationship now. |
UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 3:55 am
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
EG. thank you for the effort(S) so far.
COME ON. get this server back or better be back on track!
We all miss it. |
Joined: Feb 02, 2020 Posts: 6
Reputation: 33.5   Status: Offline

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:00 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
You have to, at least, get it back to Master Servers lists - most newcomers find it via in-game servers browser, not in google search.
And then, update it to latest v469 patch - as no one likes everlasting random crashes.
But this all is up to server admin...
All other "efforts" are barely useful... |
UT Name: Terraniux UT Since: 1999 Joined: Jul 25, 2010 Posts: 1162
Reputation: 415.6   votes: 14 Status: Offline

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 2:55 am
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Eternity wrote (View Post): | You have to, at least, get it back to Master Servers lists - most newcomers find it via in-game servers browser, not in google search.
And then, update it to latest v469 patch - as no one likes everlasting random crashes.
But this all is up to server admin...
All other "efforts" are barely useful... |
So how do we wake the admin up? EG hs put up a great effort so far/
:D please respont.... |
Joined: Mar 26, 2016 Posts: 10
Reputation: 40.5   votes: 1 Status: Offline

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 1:04 am
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Eternity wrote (View Post): | You have to, at least, get it back to Master Servers lists - most newcomers find it via in-game servers browser, not in google search. |
Information about the modification for master servers has been posted in this thread:
BTW, maybe it's also time to remove the map rotation limitation from Main server, the feature which is marking maps in red when they have been voted, and let the players play the maps they like at any moment like it is on the Crazy server  |
Last edited by General on Tue May 14, 2024 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: Feb 02, 2020 Posts: 6
Reputation: 33.5   Status: Offline

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 1:50 pm
Post subject: Re: Reliving the past- about dU |
Terraniux wrote (View Post): | Eternity wrote (View Post): | You have to, at least, get it back to Master Servers lists - most newcomers find it via in-game servers browser, not in google search.
And then, update it to latest v469 patch - as no one likes everlasting random crashes.
But this all is up to server admin...
All other "efforts" are barely useful... |
So how do we wake the admin up? EG hs put up a great effort so far/
:D please respont.... |
That's a good question...
It's been over than year users posted related info here on the forum, still no any updates...
I guess, if admin had time too look into it, he'd already fixed these issues. |