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Match Infos
Distance traveled:16,36km
Map Time:00:11:14
Playdate:2015-08-27 10:48:45
Team Awards:
Player15313 2 0 0 00:11:14 2,60km
Absolutely2061 0 0 0 00:11:14 1,66km
Travin4380 2 1 0 00:11:14 3,14km
water13536 0 0 0 00:11:14 2,56km
Mousy_for_Admin!3335 1 0 0 00:11:14 1,99km
viandel7274 1 0 0 00:11:03 2,62km
surrei_do_br@sil0 0 0 0 00:06:11 1,81km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Player15 0 0 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 2
Absolutely 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Travin 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 15 0 0 0 0/2 51
water 0 1 0 0 0 12 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 25 3 0 0 0 47
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 0 0 0 0 14/1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
viandel 0 0 0 0 0 19/1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 32
surrei_do_br@sil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-08-27 10:38.11 asddas: HUGE
2015-08-27 10:38.14 Crow: you are amazing asddas
2015-08-27 10:38.16 Absolutely: my rat was just sitting in his litter tray laughing at a poop
2015-08-27 10:38.20 asddas: thanks
2015-08-27 10:38.24 Absolutely: hilarious
2015-08-27 10:39.31 Absolutely: i been itching to play WoW shame it died
2015-08-27 10:39.42 Crow: it died?
2015-08-27 10:39.48 Absolutely: well yeah it´s a fucking travesty
2015-08-27 10:39.54 Absolutely: they sell their own in-game currency
2015-08-27 10:40.06 Absolutely: ruined 10 years of gameplay for their old subscribers
2015-08-27 10:40.07 Crow: yea that´s bs
2015-08-27 10:40.11 Absolutely: 10 years of wealth accumulation
2015-08-27 10:40.25 Absolutely: runescape did it to me too after 14 years of play my cash stack was made worthless
2015-08-27 10:40.37 Absolutely: i love rpgs because i love to collect
2015-08-27 10:40.44 Absolutely: look at.. learn
2015-08-27 10:40.52 Absolutely: don´t really matter what but those games butthurt me hard
2015-08-27 10:40.54 Absolutely: fucking mongrels
2015-08-27 10:40.59 Absolutely: now i´m stuck on ut99
2015-08-27 10:41.18 Absolutely: at least sniper rifle is still fun
2015-08-27 10:41.49 asddas: and the 3D sound with the openal patch
2015-08-27 10:41.57 Absolutely: which game
2015-08-27 10:42.00 asddas: ut99
2015-08-27 10:42.07 Crow: UTRP
2015-08-27 10:42.11 Crow: high res textures
2015-08-27 10:42.13 Absolutely: oh yeah but i don´t use sound
2015-08-27 10:42.20 Crow: it´s nice. install it if you didn´;t yet
2015-08-27 10:42.22 Absolutely: 3d sound is good for those that are confused about what they are seeing
2015-08-27 10:42.25 Crow: makes a lot of things look better
2015-08-27 10:42.30 Absolutely: so they listen for bullets.. locate targets like that
2015-08-27 10:42.39 asddas: no, because its cool
2015-08-27 10:42.40 Crow: it´s never accurate in a game
2015-08-27 10:42.44 asddas: immersion man
2015-08-27 10:42.45 Crow: never been here at least
2015-08-27 10:42.53 Crow: I have a quad system...
2015-08-27 10:43.02 asddas: 5.1 here
2015-08-27 10:43.24 Crow: no need for that .1 when you have proper speakers
2015-08-27 10:43.38 Absolutely: i just don´t use them, maybe for map music here and there
2015-08-27 10:43.41 Crow: fiull range, large cabinets, just like speakers should be
2015-08-27 10:43.45 asddas: my subwoofer is huge
2015-08-27 10:43.52 Absolutely: i am horribly sensitive to movement
2015-08-27 10:44.04 Absolutely: down to 1 pixel
2015-08-27 10:44.09 Absolutely: if it changed i knew
2015-08-27 10:44.15 Absolutely: no sound necessary
2015-08-27 10:44.17 Crow: well I have "10 woofers in the front pair and "8 ones in the back pair, so...
2015-08-27 10:44.30 asddas: nice
2015-08-27 10:44.31 Absolutely: oh yeah i got 33 inch dubs in my station wagon
2015-08-27 10:44.33 Crow: I use an old school audio system though
2015-08-27 10:44.34 Absolutely: with cedar panels
2015-08-27 10:44.38 Crow: 70´s stuff
2015-08-27 10:44.45 Crow: pioneer receiver
2015-08-27 10:45.08 asddas: though depending on your sound card you can get simulated 3D sound through headphones
2015-08-27 10:45.10 asddas: which is decent
2015-08-27 10:45.31 Crow: even regular headphones (with 2 drivers)?
2015-08-27 10:45.36 asddas: it wont be as accurate
2015-08-27 10:45.45 Crow: I have a sound blaster
2015-08-27 10:45.45 asddas: because then theres crossover between the two channels
2015-08-27 10:46.00 asddas: x-fi? audigy?
2015-08-27 10:46.09 Crow: was contemplating getting the 4ch headphones
2015-08-27 10:46.19 Absolutely: modern headphones.. don´t buy
2015-08-27 10:46.21 Crow: I think X-fi, don´t remember the model
2015-08-27 10:46.31 asddas: if you get proper hrtf (Look it up) through your headphones you only need two channels
2015-08-27 10:46.34 Absolutely: they have binaural beats inside of them
2015-08-27 10:46.37 Absolutely: that play at 4hz
2015-08-27 10:46.40 Absolutely: endlessly
2015-08-27 10:46.43 Absolutely: i have detected this
2015-08-27 10:46.49 Absolutely: it is the most distressing sound in nature
2015-08-27 10:46.52 asddas: x-fi can do it, its called CMSS-3D on their settings
2015-08-27 10:46.55 Absolutely: you might not hear it but it is causing you pain
2015-08-27 10:46.56 Crow: you cannot hear below 10hz mate
2015-08-27 10:46.59 Absolutely: yes.
2015-08-27 10:47.08 Absolutely: i can hear the full vocal range of rats and mice
2015-08-27 10:47.20 Absolutely: i don´t mind listening to my rat chatter all day
2015-08-27 10:47.25 Absolutely: he just talking about what he´s experiencing
2015-08-27 10:47.30 Absolutely: just like I do
2015-08-27 10:47.41 Absolutely: but yes i can detect binaural beats
2015-08-27 10:47.51 Absolutely: and have a pair of headphones which plays a 4or 5hz frequency
2015-08-27 10:47.56 Absolutely: it sounds like a low, sharp whistle
2015-08-27 10:48.07 Crow: I simply see those sounds on the scope, can´t hear it.
2015-08-27 10:48.14 Crow: you can also see the woofers move
2015-08-27 10:48.17 Absolutely: "beats by dre" = brainwash the american public
2015-08-27 10:48.23 Absolutely: also guys something to keep an eye out for
2015-08-27 10:48.28 Absolutely: "extended" songs on youtube
2015-08-27 10:48.33 Absolutely: with binaural beats injected into them
2015-08-27 10:48.33 Crow: same with bose phones even
2015-08-27 10:48.38 Absolutely: unnatural frequencies
2015-08-27 10:48.47 Absolutely: changed or modified soundtracks
2015-08-27 10:48.49 Crow: a good sony pair beats bose at 1/3 of the price
2015-08-27 10:48.54 Absolutely: if it doesn´t sound right, it isn´t right
2015-08-27 10:49.03 Absolutely: there are devices which can detect sound
2015-08-27 10:49.11 Crow: talking about regular grades phones here. I use a AKG K26- pair
2015-08-27 10:49.20 Absolutely: why don´t you buy one and check your headphones and speakers?
2015-08-27 10:49.20 Crow: t*K260
2015-08-27 10:49.30 Absolutely: there´s a good reason that i have so much hate and a little bit of love for them
2015-08-27 10:49.32 Crow: you can also use a scope

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