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Match Infos
Distance traveled:17,65km
Map Time:00:18:35
Playdate:2016-02-18 04:01:45
Team Awards:
EVILEYE17825 7 0 0 00:18:34 3,89km
H:A:A:R:P46246 0 0 0 00:18:33 3,83km
Catoto12553 4 0 0 00:18:28 3,35km
dU.Suz5108 1 0 0 00:18:00 1,72km
johnnyrod36 0 0 0 00:16:36 2,56km
Carl948 5 0 0 00:10:39 2,30km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
EVILEYE 0 0 0 5 0 0 76/2 37 0 15 1 0 4/1 12 0 0 0 0 0/4 150
H:A:A:R:P 0 0 0 1 0 0 50 19 0 13 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 97
Catoto 0 0 0 3 0 0 41/1 4 0 0/1 0 0 6/1 33 0 0 0 0 0/1 87
dU.Suz 0 0 0 11 0 0 10 13 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
johnnyrod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carl 0 0 0 0 0 0 16/4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 22
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-02-18 03:44.27 easylee:gpf^^
2016-02-18 03:44.54 easylee:ariana, still awake?^^
2016-02-18 03:45.03 easylee:lol reayness alert
2016-02-18 03:45.06 Ariana:yeah I am :P
2016-02-18 03:45.06 easylee:greaness
2016-02-18 03:45.12 easylee:wow
2016-02-18 03:45.17 Ariana:just stunned by the choice of maps
2016-02-18 03:45.20 easylee:u usually fall alsepp^^
2016-02-18 03:45.27 easylee:asleep
2016-02-18 03:45.33 Ariana:yeah >.<
2016-02-18 03:45.36 easylee:lol
2016-02-18 03:45.58 easylee:ur saying suz?
2016-02-18 03:46.01 easylee:lol
2016-02-18 03:46.03 dU.Suz: hm?
2016-02-18 03:46.14 easylee:i saw u start talking then stopped
2016-02-18 03:46.30 dU.Suz: don´t remember lol
2016-02-18 03:46.34 easylee:rofl
2016-02-18 03:46.37 dU.Suz: must´ve been nothing important
2016-02-18 03:47.00 -=[||ight|/|are]=-: pasage secret esaylee?
2016-02-18 03:47.08 easylee:sorry?
2016-02-18 03:47.14 -=[||ight|/|are]=-: aki
2016-02-18 03:47.38 -=[||ight|/|are]=-: no open?
2016-02-18 03:47.39 johnnyrod: your actin like psko and im playin
2016-02-18 03:47.53 easylee:no open?
2016-02-18 03:47.57 easylee:lol
2016-02-18 03:48.06 johnnyrod: you no
2016-02-18 03:48.24 johnnyrod: dude
2016-02-18 03:48.46 easylee:i feel paralyzed
2016-02-18 03:48.51 dU.Suz: why?
2016-02-18 03:49.06 easylee:dunno, the communication paralyzes me lol
2016-02-18 03:49.12 dU.Suz: o.o
2016-02-18 03:49.12 johnnyrod: see you in4 to 5 days
2016-02-18 03:49.23 easylee:as i cant find the sense
2016-02-18 03:50.24 easylee:guess i read another kerouac
2016-02-18 03:50.29 dU.Suz: lol
2016-02-18 03:50.35 johnnyrod: HA FUCKIN HA
2016-02-18 03:50.56 Ariana:did I miss something o.o
2016-02-18 03:51.01 easylee:lol
2016-02-18 03:51.09 easylee:if i could i would answer
2016-02-18 03:51.17 Ariana:>.<
2016-02-18 03:51.22 easylee:but i guess u didnt^^
2016-02-18 03:51.36 Ariana:I guess :P
2016-02-18 03:52.04 easylee:i am confused a bit today anyway as
2016-02-18 03:52.12 easylee:some familymembers of friends
2016-02-18 03:52.22 easylee:have been close to the attack in ankara
2016-02-18 03:52.37 Ariana:oh I didnt hear about it
2016-02-18 03:52.39 Ariana:what happened
2016-02-18 03:52.44 easylee:28 dead so far
2016-02-18 03:52.48 Ariana:oh..
2016-02-18 03:52.49 easylee:carbomb
2016-02-18 03:52.53 Ariana::/
2016-02-18 03:52.56 easylee:ye...
2016-02-18 03:53.08 easylee:there is this new facebook function
2016-02-18 03:53.11 dU.Suz: hands off my piano
2016-02-18 03:53.13 easylee:can u believe itß
2016-02-18 03:53.22 easylee:"i am save"
2016-02-18 03:53.25 -=[||ight|/|are]=-: no sound : (
2016-02-18 03:53.30 Ariana:o.o
2016-02-18 03:53.31 easylee:if u live in the same city
2016-02-18 03:53.33 dU.Suz: it´s on the other map, not this one
2016-02-18 03:53.37 easylee:where an attack occured
2016-02-18 03:53.37 Ariana:oh
2016-02-18 03:53.44 easylee:u can press it
2016-02-18 03:53.50 easylee:so all associated friends
2016-02-18 03:53.55 easylee:know u are save
2016-02-18 03:54.05 Ariana:wheres has this world come to
2016-02-18 03:54.12 easylee:yea weird
2016-02-18 03:54.23 easylee:but still
2016-02-18 03:54.32 Ariana:going on fb to say you´re safe..
2016-02-18 03:54.32 easylee:its a quick info for relatives
2016-02-18 03:54.37 Ariana:yeah but still
2016-02-18 03:54.38 easylee:so not bad
2016-02-18 03:54.39 Ariana:weird
2016-02-18 03:54.43 easylee:yes i agree
2016-02-18 03:54.58 Ariana:I hate whats happening anyways
2016-02-18 03:55.02 Ariana:cant stand it
2016-02-18 03:55.13 Ariana:the more I know the worse I feel
2016-02-18 03:55.14 easylee:sorry i didnt want to get you started
2016-02-18 03:55.19 Ariana:no its fine Im just saying
2016-02-18 03:55.23 easylee:k
2016-02-18 03:55.41 Ariana:it just makes me mad,all that terrorist thing
2016-02-18 03:55.58 easylee:its an evil orchestration
2016-02-18 03:56.20 easylee:you know this idiom:"folow the money trail"?
2016-02-18 03:56.22 Ariana:yeah they ruined a whole religion
2016-02-18 03:56.31 easylee:follow*
2016-02-18 03:56.37 Ariana:yeah
2016-02-18 03:56.45 easylee:if you want to know who is behind all of it
2016-02-18 03:56.53 easylee:follow the profit trail
2016-02-18 03:56.59 Ariana:yeah
2016-02-18 03:57.04 Ariana:you´ll end up in israel
2016-02-18 03:57.05 easylee:not necessarily money
2016-02-18 03:57.16 easylee:its no country, no organisation
2016-02-18 03:57.20 easylee:no company
2016-02-18 03:58.00 easylee:for example
2016-02-18 03:58.13 easylee:the house speculation crash
2016-02-18 03:58.37 easylee:all the persons who benefit of it
2016-02-18 03:58.44 easylee:left their companies
2016-02-18 03:58.48 easylee:b4 the crash
2016-02-18 03:58.50 easylee:^^
2016-02-18 03:58.54 Ariana::/
2016-02-18 03:59.02 easylee:its tempting to blame a company
2016-02-18 03:59.13 easylee:or an organization
2016-02-18 03:59.17 easylee:or a groupd
2016-02-18 03:59.20 easylee:group*
2016-02-18 03:59.25 easylee:but its not
2016-02-18 03:59.34 easylee:thats the blinding orchestration
2016-02-18 03:59.42 easylee:the people who profit
2016-02-18 03:59.48 easylee:are gone b4 it happens
2016-02-18 03:59.56 easylee:or come back when it happened
2016-02-18 03:59.57 Ariana:whatever or whoever it is is just a horrible person/group
2016-02-18 04:00.27 easylee:there is this temptation
2016-02-18 04:00.34 easylee:of absolute power
2016-02-18 04:00.46 easylee:undestroyable power
2016-02-18 04:00.56 Ariana:yeah
2016-02-18 04:01.02 easylee:history shows that it hasnt been possible so ar
2016-02-18 04:01.07 easylee:far
2016-02-18 04:01.15 easylee:all reigns ended
2016-02-18 04:01.20 Ariana:challenging god
2016-02-18 04:01.27 easylee:thats the plan yes
2016-02-18 04:01.47 Ariana:its just dumb
2016-02-18 04:01.50 Ariana:I dont get it
2016-02-18 04:02.11 easylee:i do but i dont like it
2016-02-18 04:02.21 Catoto: !v
2016-02-18 04:02.27 easylee:i understand the idea
2016-02-18 04:02.47 easylee:and it works with human emotions
2016-02-18 04:03.06 Ariana:thats what the world lacks today
2016-02-18 04:03.08 Ariana:emotions
2016-02-18 04:03.20 easylee:if u are able to see the world in abstraction

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