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Chatlog |
2016-04-10 21:29.22 unknown_artist: are you narrator? 2016-04-10 21:29.48 Gemsey: vulcan? 2016-04-10 21:29.52 unknown_artist: gonna help me get to top? 2016-04-10 21:30.03 Gemsey: i can try throwing you lol 2016-04-10 21:30.11 Gemsey: =D 2016-04-10 21:30.19 Gemsey: ty 2016-04-10 21:30.29 unknown_artist: ja 2016-04-10 21:31.12 Velociraptor: hey my good Swift Seizer Artist 2016-04-10 21:31.29 unknown_artist: what does that mean? ;o 2016-04-10 21:31.47 Velociraptor: you are swift like a Velociraptor 2016-04-10 21:31.54 unknown_artist: oh 2016-04-10 21:32.05 unknown_artist: hello then 2016-04-10 21:32.08 unknown_artist: swift friend 2016-04-10 21:32.36 Velociraptor: your claws Grasp at the Enemy Artist 2016-04-10 21:35.15 Velociraptor: Artist you ride ride velociraptors to battle 2016-04-10 21:36.00 Velociraptor: Artist you draw Velociraptors from Sketch 2016-04-10 21:36.21 unknown_artist: that´s not my talent ;o 2016-04-10 21:39.06 Northwest: rrre 2016-04-10 21:44.10 Velociraptor: Gemsey am i doing good on my score 2016-04-10 21:44.30 Gemsey: yeah you are 2016-04-10 21:44.43 unknown_artist: have a gravi? 2016-04-10 21:45.06 unknown_artist: you can do it ;p 2016-04-10 21:45.37 Gemsey: sorry lol 2016-04-10 21:45.45 unknown_artist: one small step 2016-04-10 21:46.06 unknown_artist: huge splat for humanity 2016-04-10 21:46.22 unknown_artist: that´s not how it goes, is it ;p 2016-04-10 21:46.30 Bujzal: Hi all. 2016-04-10 21:46.35 Bujzal: Czesc Artist! :D 2016-04-10 21:46.38 unknown_artist: :D 2016-04-10 21:46.42 unknown_artist: sieman 2016-04-10 21:46.43 Gemsey: hi 2016-04-10 21:46.52 Bujzal: Troche mnie nie bylo tutaj przez jaksi czas. 2016-04-10 21:46.53 Bujzal: xD 2016-04-10 21:46.58 unknown_artist: zapomnialo sie troche o gierce ;p 2016-04-10 21:47.08 Bujzal: zgadza sie! :D 2016-04-10 21:47.16 Bujzal: W tym czasie ogrywalem inne gry na kompie. 2016-04-10 21:47.29 Kingibi:!p 2016-04-10 21:47.32 Velociraptor: is he polish 2016-04-10 21:47.41 unknown_artist: he is 2016-04-10 21:47.54 unknown_artist: cos z nowszych tytulow? 2016-04-10 21:47.58 Gemsey: wb ibi 2016-04-10 21:48.03 Bujzal: Starocie. :p 2016-04-10 21:48.03 Velociraptor: Je 2016-04-10 21:48.12 unknown_artist: ibi please translate for others 2016-04-10 21:48.37 unknown_artist: helló 2016-04-10 21:48.51 Bujzal: GTA III, VC,SA. W sieciowe wszystkiete starsze GTA ogrywalem, i teraz, ogrywam poraz drugi pierwszego wiedzmina. :) 2016-04-10 21:49.07 Kingibi:hellloooooooooooooooo 2016-04-10 21:49.17 Kingibi:tsorry im a lil distracted 2016-04-10 21:49.25 unknown_artist: grales w sa przez siec? 2016-04-10 21:49.29 Bujzal: Tak. 2016-04-10 21:49.30 Gemsey: lol 2016-04-10 21:49.34 Bujzal: SA-MP i MTA tez jest. 2016-04-10 21:49.47 unknown_artist: kurna musze zobaczyc jak to sie trzyma 2016-04-10 21:49.57 Bujzal: Do VC masz VC-MP, a do Trojki LU 2016-04-10 21:50.02 unknown_artist: samp dalej jest wieki za murzynami? 2016-04-10 21:50.26 Bujzal: ffffff Nie pwoiem ci, gdyz ja rzadko gram w SA-MP. Najwiecej grywam w MTA. 2016-04-10 21:51.05 Velociraptor: i don´t know why the moth keeps spawning 2016-04-10 21:51.12 Kingibi:!p 2016-04-10 21:51.13 unknown_artist: polecisz jakies serwery? 2016-04-10 21:51.20 unknown_artist: byle nie roleplay ;p 2016-04-10 21:51.34 Bujzal: tez nie lubie roleplay. Witaj w klubie! :D 2016-04-10 21:51.55 Velociraptor: that moth pushed me Kinglbi 2016-04-10 21:52.02 Kingibi: =O 2016-04-10 21:52.06 Kingibi: ill go sort out that moth 2016-04-10 21:52.10 Bujzal: W SA-MP nie mam narazie serweró ulubionych na liscie, gdyz jak wspominalem wczesniej, malo grywam w SA-MP 2016-04-10 21:52.21 unknown_artist: spoko 2016-04-10 21:52.27 Bujzal: Ale do MTA mam kilka dobrych. :) 2016-04-10 21:52.44 Gemsey: stupid rockets.. hurt my eyes 2016-04-10 21:52.55 Kingibi: ohhhh 2016-04-10 21:53.01 Kingibi: want me to kiss them better 2016-04-10 21:53.07 Gemsey: hmmm no 2016-04-10 21:53.16 Velociraptor: you will be eaten by the Fish Kinglbi 2016-04-10 21:53.25 Kingibi: ive avenged u claw 2016-04-10 21:53.37 Kingibi: ^^and nothing like the sweet taste of tears 2016-04-10 21:54.03 Velociraptor: and bring me some seafood once you kill the Fish Kinglbi 2016-04-10 21:54.15 Kingibi: ^^350k boomb 2016-04-10 21:54.17 Bujzal: jeszcze mialem tez okazje wyprobowac pre-alphe najnowszego Unreal Tournament. 2016-04-10 21:54.27 Bujzal: Zajebisty jest! :D 2016-04-10 21:54.28 unknown_artist: oo 2016-04-10 21:54.38 Kingibi: ^^^ 2016-04-10 21:54.44 Kingibi: what are them round things? 2016-04-10 21:54.49 Kingibi: testicles? 2016-04-10 21:54.53 Velociraptor: DevilFish 2016-04-10 21:54.57 unknown_artist: latwo sie przerzucic z ut99? 2016-04-10 21:55.09 unknown_artist: znaczy sie ten caly skok technologiczny itp 2016-04-10 21:55.14 Kingibi: n 2016-04-10 21:55.18 Kingibi: ii 2016-04-10 21:55.21 Kingibi: oo 2016-04-10 21:55.28 Bujzal: Zalezy od charakteru gracza. Ja nie mailem takiego problemu, gdyz wiem, ze gram w cos nowego. :) 2016-04-10 21:55.33 Velociraptor: those enemies bring me down for Lunch Kinglbi 2016-04-10 21:55.53 Bujzal: zajebiste jest! Mozna sie odbijac od scian, slzigac sie po podlodze! :D 2016-04-10 21:56.00 unknown_artist: wowo |
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