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Match Infos
Distance traveled:38,68km
Map Time:01:40:15
Playdate:2016-09-26 01:30:10
Team Awards:
solhik159702 9 0 0 01:23:23 12,83km
matz`2484 8 0 0 00:35:06 4,87km
Balance`3497 9 0 1 00:33:43 2,96km
fors73533 8 0 0 00:23:44 5,73km
<<B:A>>Giuseppe53236 3 0 0 00:18:17 3,86km
angel6760 7 2 0 00:13:40 0,94km
VLAD91123 2 0 0 00:10:51 2,59km
vladimir_pullout4126 8 5 0 00:06:03 1,67km
VODNIK4885 1 0 0 00:05:45 1,16km
Boom4060 2 0 0 00:04:09 0,75km
RIPUL8R25408 2 0 0 00:03:35 0,64km
Achernar7150 0 0 0 00:02:30 0,54km
Mackan1140 1 0 0 00:02:17 0,12km
GUS0 0 0 0 00:00:18 0,04km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
solhik 7 6 1/2 4 0 0 0 19 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 83/13 129
matz` 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 10
Balance` 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
fors 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 67/8 70
<<B:A>>Giuseppe 3/1 0 2/2 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 64
angel 0 27/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 29
VLAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 1 9
vladimir_pullout 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/8 2
VODNIK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 3
Boom 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
RIPUL8R 0 0 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Achernar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6
Mackan 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-09-25 23:57.14 GEO-DANGEROUS: angel
2016-09-25 23:57.17 GEO-DANGEROUS: cya
2016-09-25 23:57.18 angel: yup?
2016-09-25 23:57.18 GEO-DANGEROUS: gg
2016-09-25 23:57.22 angel: ok
2016-09-25 23:57.30 BRO: what a noob really
2016-09-25 23:57.38 BRO: no school , no normal attitude with people
2016-09-25 23:57.40 GEO-DANGEROUS: balance end mziten
2016-09-25 23:57.41 BRO: where did you live so far?
2016-09-25 23:57.47 BRO: yes mziten....
2016-09-25 23:57.48 BRO.: fking alien
2016-09-25 23:58.01 angel: you should be saying yourself is a noob and im in illinois
2016-09-25 23:58.03 BRO: really, his memory sucks as much as his intelligent
2016-09-25 23:58.06 BRO: inteligence
2016-09-25 23:58.19 BRO: will you vote Trump?
2016-09-25 23:58.25 BRO.: uh that fear, his gf
2016-09-25 23:58.38 angel: ugh......
2016-09-25 23:58.53 BRO: she just doesn´t know how things really are
2016-09-25 23:58.57 BRO: if she could know better that noob
2016-09-25 23:59.04 BRO: she wouldnt be like this
2016-09-25 23:59.12 BRO.: yea :/
2016-09-26 00:00.02 BRO: does illinois have chainsaw killers?
2016-09-26 00:00.19 BRO: although the movie is called: texas chainsaw
2016-09-26 00:00.59 angel: mackan annoy these dumb noobs.
2016-09-26 00:01.10 BRO: mackan is a normal player
2016-09-26 00:01.17 BRO: i think you have some issues
2016-09-26 00:01.22 BRO: since you keep defending geodangenoob
2016-09-26 00:01.26 Mackan: sorry went into the chainsaw flow
2016-09-26 00:01.44 BRO: good flow!
2016-09-26 00:01.56 BRO: vote for us, clinton and trump can suck our dicks
2016-09-26 00:02.36 Mackan: uhm i will be back if another map
2016-09-26 00:03.10 BRO.: are u sure pass this alone ?
2016-09-26 00:03.22 BRO: nah, she´s not able to
2016-09-26 00:03.31 BRO: i remember the old days
2016-09-26 00:03.39 BRO: when she used to get lost into the maps
2016-09-26 00:03.47 BRO: and asked: where´s everybody
2016-09-26 00:03.48 BRO: lmfao
2016-09-26 00:04.04 BRO.: rofl
2016-09-26 00:04.44 BRO: i think you need some glasses?
2016-09-26 00:04.46 BRO: lmfao
2016-09-26 00:04.54 BRO: 8 mins and still gasbags here
2016-09-26 00:04.59 BRO.: HAHA
2016-09-26 00:05.01 BRO: when you can simply shoot them from here
2016-09-26 00:05.05 BRO: oh, she got it, finally
2016-09-26 00:05.26 BRO: push her down
2016-09-26 00:05.58 BRO: lmao
2016-09-26 00:06.11 BRO: so angry
2016-09-26 00:07.08 BRO: SURFING
2016-09-26 00:08.14 BRO: hows that surf song
2016-09-26 00:08.17 BRO: BORN IN USA
2016-09-26 00:11.03 angel: ok im done
2016-09-26 00:11.07 BRO.: bb
2016-09-26 00:11.39 BRO: i guess she will back in 5 mins
2016-09-26 00:11.41 BRO: as she did before
2016-09-26 00:11.44 BRO.: haha
2016-09-26 00:11.47 BRO.: yes sure
2016-09-26 00:12.39 BRO: that wayoshi would like to be chased here
2016-09-26 00:12.42 BRO: sliding the waterfall
2016-09-26 00:12.48 BRO.: haaha
2016-09-26 00:13.45 BRO: WTF
2016-09-26 00:14.33 solhik: hi
2016-09-26 00:14.34 BRO: bug?
2016-09-26 00:14.36 BRO: privet
2016-09-26 00:14.41 BRO.: aloha
2016-09-26 00:14.52 BRO: the white one can´t damage
2016-09-26 00:15.55 BRO: he´s exploring the world
2016-09-26 00:16.09 BRO: first steps
2016-09-26 00:16.09 BRO.: lmfao
2016-09-26 00:16.20 BRO.: w -> walk
2016-09-26 00:16.29 solhik: chego nado to?
2016-09-26 00:16.36 BRO.: da
2016-09-26 00:16.38 BRO: oh not russian mate
2016-09-26 00:17.38 BRO: hows the behindview?
2016-09-26 00:17.40 BRO: third person?
2016-09-26 00:17.45 BRO.: 1
2016-09-26 00:17.45 BRO: forgot it
2016-09-26 00:17.54 BRO: doesnt work
2016-09-26 00:18.00 BRO.: behindview 1
2016-09-26 00:18.15 BRO: oh it goes now
2016-09-26 00:19.39 solhik: da che vam nado to
2016-09-26 00:19.49 BRO.: no russian
2016-09-26 00:20.05 solhik: no english
2016-09-26 00:20.06 BRO.: E N G L I S H
2016-09-26 00:20.10 BRO.: :c
2016-09-26 00:21.13 BRO: he finally decided to leave his home
2016-09-26 00:21.19 BRO: finally adult
2016-09-26 00:21.21 BRO.: we will miss u
2016-09-26 00:21.29 BRO.: :´c
2016-09-26 00:25.05 BRO.: no one today, wtf
2016-09-26 00:25.13 BRO: Sholhik
2016-09-26 00:25.17 BRO: found a shelter
2016-09-26 00:25.19 BRO: but just died
2016-09-26 00:25.20 BRO: hahaha
2016-09-26 00:25.24 BRO.: orlf
2016-09-26 00:25.24 BRO: yeah weird
2016-09-26 00:25.26 BRO: it´s sunday
2016-09-26 00:25.52 BRO.: maybe sunday people works and not in the week
2016-09-26 00:25.59 BRO: lmfao
2016-09-26 00:26.01 BRO: so weird
2016-09-26 00:26.05 BRO: boost was populated
2016-09-26 00:26.43 BRO: look, so smart
2016-09-26 00:29.09 BRO: i´m going to watch some tv in the bed bro
2016-09-26 00:29.11 BRO: bit tired
2016-09-26 00:29.16 BRO.: ok bro
2016-09-26 00:29.21 BRO: see you
2016-09-26 00:29.22 BRO.: i go to eat something
2016-09-26 00:29.25 BRO.: cu bro
2016-09-26 00:29.27 BRO: kk enjoy
2016-09-26 00:29.32 solhik: poka
2016-09-26 00:29.40 BRO.: bye solhik
2016-09-26 00:29.48 solhik: poka
2016-09-26 00:29.53 BRO.: poka=bye?
2016-09-26 00:30.22 BRO.: privet=hi poka=bye?
2016-09-26 00:30.29 solhik: yes
2016-09-26 00:30.38 BRO.: poka
2016-09-26 01:20.25 VLAD: hi all
2016-09-26 01:20.34 solhik: privet
2016-09-26 01:20.38 Giuseppeyeehaw: hi
2016-09-26 01:20.47 VLAD: darova))

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