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Match Infos
Distance traveled:27,66km
Map Time:00:41:01
Playdate:2016-10-23 00:56:26
Team Awards:
Guardian665063 1 0 0 00:41:00 10,17km
AsBo359670 1 0 0 00:41:00 8,47km
Cage720353 1 0 0 00:41:00 7,17km
-=]ROFL[=-7601 1 1 0 00:06:35 0,79km
Perfect_debil7493 2 0 0 00:06:09 0,72km
rrrrrrrrrrr1984 0 0 0 00:01:58 0,35km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Guardian 119 0 8 30 0 55 338 0 3 27 44 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0/1 684
AsBo 101 0 3/1 13 0 32 377 0 2 0 67 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0/1 626
Cage 132 0 15 37 0 72 313 0 11 13 44 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0/1 646
-=]ROFL[=- 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 19
Perfect_debil 2 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 40
rrrrrrrrrrr 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-23 00:19.03 -=NorthwestTelecow=-: !v
2016-10-23 00:19.44 SlideAway: nr 7 - power
2016-10-23 00:21.23 *-ifs-*hjerte: omg
2016-10-23 00:25.07 SlideAway: !s
2016-10-23 00:28.04 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Hello all.
2016-10-23 00:28.58 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Press the button in there HJERTE
2016-10-23 00:29.16 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Thank you.
2016-10-23 00:29.20 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:It´s in the fountain.
2016-10-23 00:29.33 *-ifs-*hjerte: did i press it
2016-10-23 00:29.35 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Below you
2016-10-23 00:29.42 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:There ya go.
2016-10-23 00:29.44 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Thanks
2016-10-23 00:32.16 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Three buttons in there.
2016-10-23 00:32.27 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Or 4 - I can´t remember.
2016-10-23 00:32.35 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:One on top as well.
2016-10-23 00:32.54 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Just three I guess.
2016-10-23 00:33.59 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:That part would be more fun if those were redeemers.
2016-10-23 00:35.20 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:They all dead.
2016-10-23 00:35.38 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Gotta go up.
2016-10-23 00:37.17 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Nice
2016-10-23 00:37.25 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Press 4 buttons
2016-10-23 00:37.30 *-ifs-*hjerte: where
2016-10-23 00:37.33 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Up one level
2016-10-23 00:37.42 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Sorry - down one level
2016-10-23 00:37.54 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:I didn´t see where you were.
2016-10-23 00:38.18 *-ifs-*hjerte: this level?
2016-10-23 00:38.30 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Lower - sorry
2016-10-23 00:38.40 *-ifs-*hjerte: this one?
2016-10-23 00:38.42 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Oh wait
2016-10-23 00:38.49 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:go back up
2016-10-23 00:39.46 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Try going down outside there
2016-10-23 00:39.55 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:One drop at a time.
2016-10-23 00:40.10 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:HOld on
2016-10-23 00:40.21 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:you are running by the windows too fast.
2016-10-23 00:40.45 *-ifs-*hjerte: can the buttons just press themselves!?
2016-10-23 00:40.50 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:That level - go into window
2016-10-23 00:40.56 *-ifs-*hjerte: oh
2016-10-23 00:40.59 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Thos four buttons
2016-10-23 00:41.06 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Activate the bridge.
2016-10-23 00:41.14 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:They are already pressed.
2016-10-23 00:41.25 AsBo: theyr pressefd
2016-10-23 00:41.39 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Good job.
2016-10-23 00:42.12 *-ifs-*hjerte: die worthless titans!!!
2016-10-23 00:42.16 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:lol
2016-10-23 00:42.22 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:But they like you.
2016-10-23 00:42.38 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Now - someone is gonna have to cross the bridge.
2016-10-23 00:42.44 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:To bring out those monsters.
2016-10-23 00:43.04 Don: ffs
2016-10-23 00:43.27 *-ifs-*hjerte: guess ill quit firing rockets
2016-10-23 00:43.34 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:No - he got killed
2016-10-23 00:43.41 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:He didn´t want that to happen.
2016-10-23 00:43.44 *-ifs-*hjerte: but its hard to see
2016-10-23 00:44.00 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Go ahead and fire rockets.
2016-10-23 00:44.04 Don: yeah I had the ionizer
2016-10-23 00:44.14 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Oh wow.
2016-10-23 00:44.21 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:That does suck.
2016-10-23 00:44.41 *-ifs-*hjerte: guess the skaarj wanted it
2016-10-23 00:44.48 Don: :)
2016-10-23 00:45.07 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Imagine if they could use dropped weapons against you.
2016-10-23 00:45.08 Don: or they want to suppress modern technology
2016-10-23 00:45.16 *-ifs-*hjerte: ahahahaha
2016-10-23 00:45.42 *-ifs-*hjerte: i just need more fps :P
2016-10-23 00:46.24 *-ifs-*hjerte: being careful here
2016-10-23 00:46.32 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:You can shoot from higher up.
2016-10-23 00:46.44 *-ifs-*hjerte: as long as they die
2016-10-23 00:46.54 *-ifs-*hjerte: i know
2016-10-23 00:46.57 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:OK
2016-10-23 00:47.34 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:More TITANS - coming up.
2016-10-23 00:47.50 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Only when you reach the other side.
2016-10-23 00:48.35 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:ON PARADE!!!
2016-10-23 00:48.39 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-23 00:49.18 *-ifs-*hjerte: thx
2016-10-23 00:49.37 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:You can only use 5 at a time.
2016-10-23 00:49.52 *-ifs-*hjerte: 5 popcorn kernels
2016-10-23 00:49.57 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:LOL
2016-10-23 00:50.13 *-ifs-*hjerte: 5 skaarjlords
2016-10-23 00:50.16 *-ifs-*hjerte: 5 behemoths
2016-10-23 00:53.18 *-ifs-*hjerte: how to make the walls come down
2016-10-23 00:53.22 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:One monster remaining.
2016-10-23 00:53.27 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Look down
2016-10-23 00:53.37 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-23 00:53.38 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:There ya go.
2016-10-23 00:54.10 Don: --WARNING-- Incomming nuke
2016-10-23 00:54.21 *-ifs-*hjerte: *popcorn
2016-10-23 00:54.28 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:No teammate damage any more.
2016-10-23 00:54.34 Don: oh
2016-10-23 00:54.36 AsBo: peanuts
2016-10-23 00:54.43 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Yeah - it sucks.
2016-10-23 00:55.21 *-ifs-*hjerte: blowing up the world...
2016-10-23 00:55.37 *-ifs-*hjerte: just the map then
2016-10-23 00:55.53 *-ifs-*hjerte: cuz, monsters
2016-10-23 00:55.57 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Wow - they don´t want to go inside.
2016-10-23 00:56.11 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:lol
2016-10-23 00:56.18 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Nah - something else.
2016-10-23 00:57.50 No._1_In_Da_Hood_G:Hello
2016-10-23 00:57.55 Catoto: hi ppl

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