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Hi, I`m Mr.Pupae
and i like it to bite you!
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Match Infos
Distance traveled:38,52km
Map Time:00:38:47
Playdate:2011-04-25 02:30:07
Team Awards:
Machine70053 14 0 0 00:38:47 5,06km
xena35868 8 0 0 00:38:47 4,28km
janusz85830 2 1 0 00:38:47 3,76km
JayroRalda_BoOM_2.048833 12 0 0 00:38:47 6,15km
Shadowkill54978 7 0 0 00:30:26 6,19km
DarkRaver26727 8 0 0 00:23:27 2,05km
Dae4088 2 0 0 00:18:45 1,23km
kokodaQ110528 3 0 0 00:15:45 1,15km
Yina20365 0 0 0 00:15:40 2,22km
Reggor2623 6 0 0 00:11:54 1,81km
Webster8345 1 0 0 00:11:25 2,16km
high_heeled_Helena42483 1 0 0 00:10:17 1,17km
tr0y73458 0 0 0 00:10:13 0,49km
Berkay2961 2 0 0 00:05:58 0,80km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Machine 14/4 0 0 33/5 0 0 0 17 0 8 0 0 0 28/1 3 0 0 0 0/4 103
xena 21/2 0 0 33/1 0 0 0 26/1 0 22 0/1 0 0 18/1 1 0 0 0 0/3 121
janusz 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 14 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 29
JayroRalda_BoOM_2.0 54/1 0 0 36/5 0 0 0 17 0 22 0/1 0 0 30 0/1 0 0 0 0/3 159
Shadowkill 12/1 0 0 14/2 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 31
DarkRaver 20/3 0 0 19/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 39
Dae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0/2 34
kokodaQ 31/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
Yina 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 29 0 17 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 0 0 60
Reggor 0 0 0 6/3 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 27
Webster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 4 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0/1 66
high_heeled_Helena 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tr0y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Berkay 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7/1 0 0 0 0 0 5/1 0 0 0 0 0 13
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-04-25 01:54.39 tr0y:brb
2011-04-25 01:54.45 brzeszczot: ok
2011-04-25 01:54.48 Toecutter: me too
2011-04-25 01:54.52 tr0y:roger
2011-04-25 01:54.53 brzeszczot: :P
2011-04-25 01:55.12 brzeszczot: is close
2011-04-25 01:55.14 DISC: just monsterfragged in 2004stdm - but it were only bots (with ping?!) ...
2011-04-25 01:55.51 DISC: the machineguns are damn great for quik aimrs ...
2011-04-25 01:57.31 brzeszczot: mapper dont hyave a heart ;)
2011-04-25 01:57.44 tr0y:for?
2011-04-25 01:57.49 tr0y:or at all?
2011-04-25 01:57.51 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 01:58.13 brzeszczot: sniper on pupe ;)
2011-04-25 01:58.20 tr0y:hehe
2011-04-25 01:58.51 tr0y:just interprete it as a snipertraining area
2011-04-25 01:59.10 brzeszczot: very tehnical map ;)
2011-04-25 01:59.15 tr0y:roger
2011-04-25 01:59.29 tr0y:until the fush and brute part^^
2011-04-25 01:59.32 tr0y:fish
2011-04-25 02:00.54 brzeszczot: im guessing that u know "superfly" troy
2011-04-25 02:01.13 tr0y:the song? sure!^^
2011-04-25 02:01.17 brzeszczot: haha
2011-04-25 02:01.36 tr0y:i just hope you didnt ask to gues my age, lol
2011-04-25 02:01.47 brzeszczot: never ;)
2011-04-25 02:01.49 tr0y:hehe
2011-04-25 02:02.01 brzeszczot: but tru the song is great ;0
2011-04-25 02:02.07 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:02.07 tr0y:indeed
2011-04-25 02:02.35 DISC: tsick!
2011-04-25 02:02.39 tr0y:the good old detroit funk and soul time
2011-04-25 02:02.47 brzeszczot: :D
2011-04-25 02:03.02 brzeszczot: nice u know what u talking about :)
2011-04-25 02:03.07 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 02:03.18 tr0y:there is running a new us crime series
2011-04-25 02:03.24 tr0y:not out in europe now
2011-04-25 02:03.29 brzeszczot: with segal maybe :>
2011-04-25 02:03.34 tr0y:nah lol
2011-04-25 02:03.37 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:03.41 tr0y:its located in detroit
2011-04-25 02:03.49 brzeszczot: u know the title ?
2011-04-25 02:04.02 tr0y:and the really good thing about it
2011-04-25 02:04.06 tr0y:he music
2011-04-25 02:04.09 tr0y:the music
2011-04-25 02:04.16 brzeszczot: our music ;)
2011-04-25 02:04.29 tr0y:its called detroit 1-8-7 or similiar
2011-04-25 02:04.31 brzeszczot: but u know the title ?
2011-04-25 02:04.35 tr0y:the detroit police call
2011-04-25 02:05.15 tr0y:didnt call the police in detroit so far
2011-04-25 02:05.19 tr0y:so i am not sure^^
2011-04-25 02:05.21 tr0y:lol
2011-04-25 02:05.28 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:06.02 tr0y:i have a friend who is a funk/soul vinyl collector
2011-04-25 02:06.23 tr0y:he has several 10000 s vinyls
2011-04-25 02:06.23 brzeszczot: really treasure ;)
2011-04-25 02:06.28 tr0y:its amazing
2011-04-25 02:06.35 tr0y:areal freak in the good sense
2011-04-25 02:07.02 tr0y:always nice to visit him and let him do the music
2011-04-25 02:07.06 brzeszczot: i have internet but it isn´t enught ;)
2011-04-25 02:07.10 tr0y:and he has a story to every vinyl
2011-04-25 02:07.39 tr0y:he not just knows the music but almost everything about every i
2011-04-25 02:07.46 tr0y:interpreter
2011-04-25 02:07.51 tr0y:sometimes its scary lol
2011-04-25 02:07.54 brzeszczot: impresive
2011-04-25 02:07.57 tr0y:yea
2011-04-25 02:07.58 whee!:!o
2011-04-25 02:08.06 tr0y:he is "lost in music" a bit though^^
2011-04-25 02:08.24 brzeszczot: good for him ;)
2011-04-25 02:08.43 tr0y:yea, int the final bliancing, you are right
2011-04-25 02:08.52 brzeszczot: passion is a nice thing ;)
2011-04-25 02:08.56 tr0y:true
2011-04-25 02:09.12 tr0y:if its not something like stalking or similiar lol
2011-04-25 02:09.32 brzeszczot: didnt say that :)
2011-04-25 02:09.36 tr0y:i know
2011-04-25 02:09.39 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 02:09.41 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:09.55 tr0y:its just, he sometimes doesnt get along with the world as it is
2011-04-25 02:09.57 tr0y:now
2011-04-25 02:10.04 tr0y:and lives in the past of that music
2011-04-25 02:10.09 tr0y:he listens too
2011-04-25 02:10.13 tr0y:and his memories^^
2011-04-25 02:10.25 tr0y:that can get sad sometimes
2011-04-25 02:10.35 <U01>_5_Reggor: poetic
2011-04-25 02:10.47 tr0y:but not if the music is on
2011-04-25 02:10.57 tr0y:then he is a pure pleasure^^
2011-04-25 02:11.27 tr0y:clinton,... funkadelic, etc. dont make him getting started
2011-04-25 02:11.30 tr0y:lol
2011-04-25 02:13.08 tr0y:do you know funkadelic, brzeszczot?
2011-04-25 02:13.28 brzeszczot: i heared ;)
2011-04-25 02:13.34 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 02:13.46 tr0y:there is one song with one of the most impressive
2011-04-25 02:13.53 tr0y:guitar soli ive ever herad
2011-04-25 02:13.58 tr0y:heard*
2011-04-25 02:14.05 tr0y:"maggot brain"
2011-04-25 02:14.07 brzeszczot: boby womack and his "across 110th street"
2011-04-25 02:14.41 tr0y:i c you are more in the sweet/loeverman soul^^
2011-04-25 02:15.08 brzeszczot: i love ,love ;)
2011-04-25 02:15.13 tr0y:hehe
2011-04-25 02:15.46 whee!:!p
2011-04-25 02:15.47 tr0y:if you like that kind of stuff
2011-04-25 02:15.53 brzeszczot: ye
2011-04-25 02:15.55 tr0y:there is a movie
2011-04-25 02:16.01 tr0y:with tons of such music
2011-04-25 02:16.04 brzeszczot: jackie brown...
2011-04-25 02:16.09 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:16.11 tr0y:nah an old one
2011-04-25 02:16.18 tr0y:its rare to get
2011-04-25 02:16.25 tr0y:and not very much known
2011-04-25 02:16.32 brzeszczot: "rare movie " ;)
2011-04-25 02:16.34 tr0y:its a mixture of animated and real movie
2011-04-25 02:16.43 tr0y:"coonskin"
2011-04-25 02:16.55 tr0y:crazy, funny and great music
2011-04-25 02:17.20 tr0y:barry white is also starring in it
2011-04-25 02:17.25 tr0y: e
2011-04-25 02:17.31 tr0y:as a comic figure lol
2011-04-25 02:17.42 brzeszczot: nice btw ty for info cos i´ve never seen
2011-04-25 02:17.52 tr0y:roger^^
2011-04-25 02:17.55 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:18.00 tr0y:but , its really hard to find
2011-04-25 02:18.11 tr0y:even in the internet
2011-04-25 02:18.16 brzeszczot: internet ;)
2011-04-25 02:18.19 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 02:18.20 brzeszczot: ahh
2011-04-25 02:18.22 brzeszczot: gott me
2011-04-25 02:18.32 brzeszczot: i wll try
2011-04-25 02:18.36 tr0y:roger
2011-04-25 02:18.49 tr0y:i have found a megavideo link once
2011-04-25 02:18.56 tr0y:but it wont work anymore
2011-04-25 02:19.09 brzeszczot: i belive in my luck ;)
2011-04-25 02:19.15 tr0y:^^
2011-04-25 02:19.24 tr0y:best attitude
2011-04-25 02:19.31 brzeszczot: ty
2011-04-25 02:19.58 tr0y:i like to surf on my destiny too rather than
2011-04-25 02:20.03 tr0y:think too much about it^^
2011-04-25 02:20.10 brzeszczot: lets hunt ;)
2011-04-25 02:20.14 tr0y:hahaha
2011-04-25 02:20.20 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:20.23 tr0y:or: "now shut it"
2011-04-25 02:20.26 tr0y:lol
2011-04-25 02:20.58 brzeszczot: :)
2011-04-25 02:21.03 tr0y: .-)
2011-04-25 02:21.13 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: :-)
2011-04-25 02:21.13 tr0y: hi electra, wo is dein freund?
2011-04-25 02:21.23 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: weg
2011-04-25 02:21.27 tr0y: ihr seid doch sonst immer zusammen hier?!
2011-04-25 02:21.43 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: wir sind nicht mehr zusammen
2011-04-25 02:21.50 tr0y: och noeeee
2011-04-25 02:22.01 tr0y: ihr wart doch ein herz und eine seele
2011-04-25 02:22.15 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: doch besser so er ist zu egoistich
2011-04-25 02:22.21 tr0y: ah ok
2011-04-25 02:22.28 tr0y: na, so sind wir maenner halt^^
2011-04-25 02:22.31 tr0y: lol
2011-04-25 02:22.44 DarkRaver: ok
2011-04-25 02:22.49 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: ja aber nicht alle ! ;-)
2011-04-25 02:23.00 tr0y: ehrlich? gibts andere?
2011-04-25 02:23.04 tr0y: lol
2011-04-25 02:23.12 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: ja dich
2011-04-25 02:23.17 tr0y: whoops
2011-04-25 02:23.18 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: lol
2011-04-25 02:23.36 tr0y: kann schon sein , dass dieser eindruck ensteht^^
2011-04-25 02:23.43 tr0y: aber, jeder ist egoistisch^^
2011-04-25 02:24.02 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: komm bis jetzt hast du mir doch immer geholfen
2011-04-25 02:24.12 tr0y: im spiel, klar^^
2011-04-25 02:24.14 tr0y: stimmt
2011-04-25 02:24.20 tr0y: und gerne^^
2011-04-25 02:24.42 DarkRaver: ihr gammler ^^
2011-04-25 02:24.42 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: und danke
2011-04-25 02:24.46 tr0y: ^^
2011-04-25 02:24.50 tr0y: ur welcome.-)
2011-04-25 02:25.04 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: jumper
2011-04-25 02:27.48 tr0y: lol
2011-04-25 02:28.05 DarkRaver: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH
2011-04-25 02:30.16 -=]UM[=-Electra_Love: gg
2011-04-25 02:30.34 brzeszczot: n1 machine ;)
2011-04-25 02:30.46 tr0y: nawty!

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