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Match Infos
Distance traveled:7,40km
Map Time:00:14:53
Playdate:2018-11-23 13:54:37
Team Awards:
doctorlov21841 11 0 0 00:14:53 1,54km
DEXIE25689 5 0 0 00:14:53 1,50km
Blofer118067 1 0 0 00:14:53 1,26km
br00ze46700 0 0 0 00:14:53 2,28km
easylee234262 0 0 0 00:14:53 0,81km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
doctorlov 0 0 0 1/11 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
DEXIE 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 2
Blofer 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 3
br00ze 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
easylee 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2018-11-23 13:40.33 Hypernormal: brooze simply is too fat for the server....
2018-11-23 13:40.38 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 13:40.42 DEXIE: u kileld it
2018-11-23 13:40.42 ::br00ze::: i just had to end this madness
2018-11-23 13:40.45 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:40.48 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 13:40.54 Hypernormal: by bringing in yours^^
2018-11-23 13:40.54 DEXIE: u kilted it brooze
2018-11-23 13:40.58 ::br00ze::: it wont let me in so i crash it
2018-11-23 13:41.04 DEXIE: atta boy
2018-11-23 13:41.08 ::br00ze::: thx
2018-11-23 13:41.19 DEXIE: vote lets not play it huh
2018-11-23 13:41.20 ::br00ze::: women say that to me all the time after the sex
2018-11-23 13:41.28 DEXIE: omg
2018-11-23 13:41.28 ::br00ze::: atta boy
2018-11-23 13:41.40 ::br00ze::: ok . i pay them too
2018-11-23 13:41.41 DEXIE: now my eyes and ears are on fire
2018-11-23 13:42.05 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:42.07 ::br00ze::: eyes and ears ?
2018-11-23 13:42.16 ::br00ze::: hi doc
2018-11-23 13:42.18 ::br00ze::: wassup
2018-11-23 13:42.21 DEXIE: yes i read it but i have to repeat it lol
2018-11-23 13:42.32 doctorlov: hi bZ
2018-11-23 13:42.43 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:42.46 ::br00ze::: i am really not familiar with these expressions
2018-11-23 13:42.54 ::br00ze::: "ears and eyes on fire" ?
2018-11-23 13:43.03 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 13:43.15 ::br00ze::: is it a creature from the revelation or daniel 7 ?
2018-11-23 13:43.38 DEXIE: HELP
2018-11-23 13:45.43 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:45.54 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:46.03 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:46.22 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:46.31 doctorlov: it reminds me of porkys "is mike hunt there"
2018-11-23 13:46.39 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:46.41 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 13:46.53 ::br00ze::: never heard of that
2018-11-23 13:47.04 DEXIE: you have never heard of porkys?
2018-11-23 13:47.19 ::br00ze::: no
2018-11-23 13:47.20 DEXIE: sheltered life
2018-11-23 13:47.21 ::br00ze::: what is it
2018-11-23 13:47.22 doctorlov: that was a movie
2018-11-23 13:47.33 Hypernormal: die!
2018-11-23 13:47.35 ::br00ze::: jeje .. all non americans are sheltered ...
2018-11-23 13:47.46 DEXIE: hmm
2018-11-23 13:47.59 ::br00ze::: while the rest of the world thinks us sheoples are all "naiv"
2018-11-23 13:48.35 Hypernormal: would tickling wake her up>?
2018-11-23 13:48.41 DEXIE: it might
2018-11-23 13:48.46 DEXIE: give it a try would ya?
2018-11-23 13:48.56 Hypernormal: cant reach the parts lol
2018-11-23 13:49.00 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 13:49.04 DEXIE: use a deemer :D
2018-11-23 13:49.29 Hypernormal: spawn of the dead
2018-11-23 13:49.30 ::br00ze::: the queen has no parts ...
2018-11-23 13:49.35 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:49.37 ::br00ze::: like ken and barbie
2018-11-23 13:49.44 Hypernormal: its a full package you mean?
2018-11-23 13:49.49 Hypernormal: as a whole
2018-11-23 13:49.53 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 13:50.02 ::br00ze::: that would be a sex toy
2018-11-23 13:50.02 DEXIE: do you know what ken and barbie is
2018-11-23 13:50.05 DEXIE: lol
2018-11-23 13:50.15 Hypernormal: the brit queen (as trump) carries blood bags while travelling
2018-11-23 13:50.29 Hypernormal: for emergency transfusions
2018-11-23 13:50.33 ::br00ze::: also from same blood
2018-11-23 13:50.39 Hypernormal: who knows
2018-11-23 13:50.44 ::br00ze::: some do
2018-11-23 13:50.52 Hypernormal: i really would like to know more about the spenders
2018-11-23 13:50.52 DEXIE: why so many blood transfusions?
2018-11-23 13:51.04 DEXIE: maybe they are just vampires in disguise
2018-11-23 13:51.08 Hypernormal: so she can stay fresh and rose^^
2018-11-23 13:51.25 ::br00ze::: science found out frsh blood does indeed have juveniling effects
2018-11-23 13:51.31 DEXIE: i stay fresh just fine without changing my blood
2018-11-23 13:51.31 Hypernormal: yea
2018-11-23 13:51.35 Hypernormal: sure it does
2018-11-23 13:51.37 DEXIE: im not a car for petey sakes
2018-11-23 13:51.48 ::br00ze::: elites are actually buying blood now from young people
2018-11-23 13:51.50 Hypernormal: the younger the donor the better
2018-11-23 13:52.00 DEXIE: so u ppl change blood like ichange the oil in my car?
2018-11-23 13:52.09 ::br00ze::: kind of
2018-11-23 13:52.09 Hypernormal: i prefer babies
2018-11-23 13:52.15 DEXIE: you are sick
2018-11-23 13:52.17 DEXIE: lol
2018-11-23 13:52.17 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:52.18 ::br00ze::: they prefer babies as well !
2018-11-23 13:52.22 DEXIE: :D
2018-11-23 13:52.29 ::br00ze::: they are sick as well too !
2018-11-23 13:52.50 ::br00ze::: tamazing tail of this queen there
2018-11-23 13:53.03 ::br00ze::: so flexible in all directions
2018-11-23 13:53.04 DEXIE: do they have tail in germany ??
2018-11-23 13:53.06 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 13:53.08 DEXIE: :D
2018-11-23 13:53.17 ::br00ze::: skaarj have their tails on the wrong side ...
2018-11-23 13:53.20 DEXIE: sheltered ?
2018-11-23 13:53.45 ::br00ze::: would be cool if women had some boobs on their back too
2018-11-23 13:53.56 DEXIE: would be cool for who ?
2018-11-23 13:54.01 ::br00ze::: especially if it comes to dancing
2018-11-23 13:54.24 ::br00ze::: the nali queen godess has 4 boobs !
2018-11-23 13:54.26 Hypernormal: as i said , he is bringing his own madness now^^
2018-11-23 13:54.31 DEXIE: lmaoo
2018-11-23 13:54.40 ::br00ze::: that is why the nalis have 4 arms !
2018-11-23 13:54.43 DEXIE: gg
2018-11-23 13:55.00 DEXIE: jikyu?
2018-11-23 13:55.03 Hypernormal: they remind me of those martians in "john carter"
2018-11-23 13:55.16 Hypernormal: look very much like nali
2018-11-23 13:55.23 ::br00ze::: carpenter ?
2018-11-23 13:55.27 Hypernormal: john carter
2018-11-23 13:55.30 Hypernormal: the movie
2018-11-23 13:55.42 Hypernormal: between two worlds
2018-11-23 13:55.46 Hypernormal: a scifi movie
2018-11-23 13:55.47 DEXIE: HELLO
2018-11-23 13:55.49 DEXIE: VOTE PLZ
2018-11-23 13:55.50 Hypernormal: very underrated
2018-11-23 13:56.13 Hypernormal: lol
2018-11-23 13:56.15 DEXIE: lol
2018-11-23 13:56.16 Hypernormal: lol dex

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