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Match Infos
Distance traveled:29,92km
Map Time:00:37:46
Playdate:2018-11-23 14:31:18
Team Awards:
DEXIE59510 3 0 0 00:37:45 8,79km
Blofer21152 6 0 0 00:37:45 6,89km
br00ze13135 0 0 0 00:37:45 2,67km
easylee7788 0 0 0 00:37:45 0,64km
doctorlov17818 5 0 0 00:36:27 8,29km
Master8417 1 0 0 00:11:42 1,92km
johnnyrod0 0 0 0 00:02:46 0,72km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
DEXIE 45 1 2/2 8 41 0 12 112 0/1 0 0 23 4 49 0 0 0 0 0 297
Blofer 25/1 0 1/1 3/2 9 0 19 89 0 0 0 63/2 4 32 0 0 0 0 0 245
br00ze 16 0 0 0 7 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37
easylee 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
doctorlov 9 1 0/1 0/2 58 0 3/1 44 0 0 0 12/1 3 19 0 0 0 0 0 149
Master 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
johnnyrod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2018-11-23 13:56.31 Hypernormal: you have to use your hex, dex^^
2018-11-23 13:56.42 DEXIE: you need vote !!!
2018-11-23 13:56.43 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 13:56.44 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:56.52 DEXIE:
2018-11-23 13:56.59 Hypernormal: its so funny in germany
2018-11-23 13:57.05 Hypernormal: the term for voting
2018-11-23 13:57.12 Hypernormal: is "stimme abgeben"
2018-11-23 13:57.19 Hypernormal: its literally the truth
2018-11-23 13:57.21 Hypernormal: lol
2018-11-23 13:57.25 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 13:57.41 DEXIE: how u pronounce that
2018-11-23 13:57.47 DEXIE: i cant speak german
2018-11-23 13:57.55 DEXIE: i cant clear my throat that much
2018-11-23 13:58.02 Hypernormal: schhhdemma
2018-11-23 13:58.07 Hypernormal: lol
2018-11-23 13:58.16 DEXIE: gg
2018-11-23 13:58.24 Hypernormal: upgaban
2018-11-23 13:58.27 Hypernormal: .::LOL::.
2018-11-23 13:58.30 DEXIE: what is that
2018-11-23 13:58.36 Hypernormal: stimme abgeben
2018-11-23 13:58.40 Hypernormal: to vote
2018-11-23 13:58.46 Hypernormal: to give your vote
2018-11-23 13:58.52 Hypernormal: but if you translate it
2018-11-23 13:58.57 Hypernormal: it literally means
2018-11-23 13:58.57 DEXIE: you know we say it ??
2018-11-23 13:59.03 Hypernormal: to give away your voice
2018-11-23 13:59.04 DEXIE: *how
2018-11-23 13:59.07 ::br00ze::: i hear anti germanitism here
2018-11-23 13:59.13 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 13:59.25 Hypernormal: dont distract now^^
2018-11-23 13:59.25 DEXIE: no anti anything
2018-11-23 13:59.27 Hypernormal: lol
2018-11-23 13:59.27 DEXIE: LOL
2018-11-23 13:59.30 DEXIE: :D
2018-11-23 13:59.37 Hypernormal: its way too funny
2018-11-23 13:59.44 DEXIE: you know how we say it ?
2018-11-23 13:59.48 DEXIE: ....
2018-11-23 13:59.49 ::br00ze::: clear the throat in order to speak german ...
2018-11-23 13:59.50 DEXIE: VOTE
2018-11-23 13:59.51 Hypernormal: it means that you give away your voice
2018-11-23 13:59.52 DEXIE: lmaooo
2018-11-23 14:00.08 Hypernormal: its like rubbing the truth of democracy in our faces
2018-11-23 14:00.10 ::br00ze::: thats called voting in the selections
2018-11-23 14:00.22 Hypernormal: you give away your voice
2018-11-23 14:00.29 ::br00ze::: voting in two pre selected candidates
2018-11-23 14:00.32 Hypernormal: by voting
2018-11-23 14:00.34 DEXIE: because it doesnt really count
2018-11-23 14:00.48 ::br00ze::: next two presidents you can choose from are twins
2018-11-23 14:00.50 Hypernormal: its jut the second meaning of that term
2018-11-23 14:00.54 DEXIE: lmao
2018-11-23 14:01.01 Hypernormal: double meaning
2018-11-23 14:01.02 DEXIE: the doublemint twins?
2018-11-23 14:01.10 Hypernormal: voting and give away your voice
2018-11-23 14:01.17 Hypernormal: so
2018-11-23 14:01.30 Hypernormal: its literally displays what is happening during votes
2018-11-23 14:01.30 DEXIE: are you sure that is the translation ?
2018-11-23 14:01.32 ::br00ze::: yer ,, if you vote you have no right to complain
2018-11-23 14:01.35 Hypernormal: yes
2018-11-23 14:01.41 ::br00ze::: yer ,, if you vote you have no right to complain because you gave your voice away
2018-11-23 14:01.47 Hypernormal: exactly
2018-11-23 14:01.52 DEXIE:
2018-11-23 14:01.57 Hypernormal: there is this rule of those hwho know more
2018-11-23 14:02.00 DEXIE: it is said the opposite here ..
2018-11-23 14:02.13 DEXIE: if you do not vote .. dont complain
2018-11-23 14:02.34 DEXIE: in other words you had a chance to be heard and you passed it up
2018-11-23 14:02.37 Hypernormal: its like in this movie where pacino is playing the devil
2018-11-23 14:02.38 ::br00ze::: no .. you are not supposed to complain ever in both cases
2018-11-23 14:02.58 Hypernormal: "i didnt make you, i just showed you"
2018-11-23 14:03.02 ::br00ze::: thats the fairy tells they tell children in school
2018-11-23 14:03.04 Hypernormal: "i never lied"
2018-11-23 14:03.09 DEXIE: lol
2018-11-23 14:03.10 ::br00ze::: and the ynever grow up
2018-11-23 14:03.21 ::br00ze::: fairy tales
2018-11-23 14:03.23 Hypernormal: lol
2018-11-23 14:04.23 Hypernormal: say moo
2018-11-23 14:04.31 DEXIE: lolol
2018-11-23 14:04.33 Hypernormal: ^^
2018-11-23 14:04.44 Hypernormal: thnkx

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