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and i like it to bite you!
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Match Infos
Distance traveled:28,70km
Map Time:00:30:12
Playdate:2012-07-23 06:59:03
Team Awards:
Jetlagg155797 6 0 0 00:30:12 5,02km
[deleted]2036 5 0 0 00:30:12 5,89km
{CoF}annabella195369 3 0 0 00:30:12 4,58km
Doc19932 4 0 0 00:30:12 7,01km
matz`52240 13 1 0 00:30:08 4,38km
HotWillyPepper-1 2 0 0 00:14:08 0,16km
Mukai56686 2 0 0 00:10:24 1,65km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Jetlagg 18 7/1 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 47
[deleted] 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 3
{CoF}annabella 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 27
Doc 7 32 0 15/1 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 66
matz` 30/1 2/1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 27 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/11 65
HotWillyPepper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 0
Mukai 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 6
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-07-23 06:31.13 {CoF}annabella: what?yamaika ..i didnt know that
2012-07-23 06:31.18 Doc: I just had mega flash backs
2012-07-23 06:31.22 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh no sky moo beta
2012-07-23 06:31.25 Jetlagg: little hats jewish ppl wear
2012-07-23 06:31.33 Doc: this is one of the maps a dude wouldn´t stop shooting EVERYONE
2012-07-23 06:31.45 Doc: then he blamed me for getting him banned
2012-07-23 06:31.53 {CoF}annabella: btw i saw on news about that idiot who kill 12 ppl in the cinema
2012-07-23 06:31.55 dU.Data_Destroyer: who?
2012-07-23 06:31.57 Doc: doh! I´m not an admin
2012-07-23 06:32.05 Doc: it´s been some time ago
2012-07-23 06:32.07 Jetlagg: in Colorado?
2012-07-23 06:32.22 Doc: getting a refil
2012-07-23 06:32.41 Jetlagg: :-)
2012-07-23 06:33.51 Doc: Bacardi 151 Strawberry daq for everyone :)
2012-07-23 06:33.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: shit lag :|
2012-07-23 06:34.41 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2012-07-23 06:34.53 Jetlagg: wb baby :))
2012-07-23 06:35.14 {CoF}annabella: btw when my frieabd back for first time from america he hates afroamericans
2012-07-23 06:35.16 {CoF}annabella: ty baby
2012-07-23 06:35.42 {CoF}annabella: now after 5 years he back again and hate jewish there:))
2012-07-23 06:35.53 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2012-07-23 06:36.12 {CoF}annabella: he said that many of americans big money hold of jewish:))
2012-07-23 06:36.33 Jetlagg: I can understand about the afroamericans... but most jewish famalies here are very friendly
2012-07-23 06:36.54 {CoF}annabella: yeah friendly but rich friendly:))
2012-07-23 06:37.06 {CoF}annabella: same say my friend in sauth africa
2012-07-23 06:37.12 {CoF}annabella: south
2012-07-23 06:37.13 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2012-07-23 06:37.44 Jetlagg: many safe houses are owned by the jewish ppl here.. (safe houses from abuse from husbands, fathers, mothers, etc etc)
2012-07-23 06:38.04 Jetlagg: likle shelter homes^^
2012-07-23 06:38.20 {CoF}annabella: jump
2012-07-23 06:38.28 {CoF}annabella: oh
2012-07-23 06:38.30 Jetlagg: noooo
2012-07-23 06:38.32 {CoF}annabella: sry doc
2012-07-23 06:38.39 Doc: owie, that hurt
2012-07-23 06:39.05 {CoF}annabella: yes he said the same,but most of the money in america is jewish
2012-07-23 06:39.06 Jetlagg: oh
2012-07-23 06:39.10 {CoF}annabella: now u drive
2012-07-23 06:39.19 Doc: I have heard that
2012-07-23 06:39.30 Doc: and most of our debt is owned by china
2012-07-23 06:39.39 {CoF}annabella: not china
2012-07-23 06:39.42 {CoF}annabella: japan
2012-07-23 06:40.06 {CoF}annabella: usa have to back many money to japan
2012-07-23 06:40.09 Jetlagg: its not true )) most money is from China.. america recieved 31 Billion from China last yr
2012-07-23 06:41.13 Jetlagg: national debt here is almost 5 trillion.. most owed to China
2012-07-23 06:41.15 Jetlagg: :-)
2012-07-23 06:41.28 {CoF}annabella: well pany ppl says that money is from jewish...idk true or not
2012-07-23 06:41.55 Jetlagg: its not true baby :))
2012-07-23 06:42.01 {CoF}annabella: china:)) this yellow small ppl:))
2012-07-23 06:42.10 Jetlagg: but many jewish here are rich from the stocks
2012-07-23 06:42.12 -SCT-(-:EsKabe:-): -=LooOooL=-
2012-07-23 06:42.16 Jetlagg: oh
2012-07-23 06:42.26 {CoF}annabella: btw one friend go to china for 1 week and he said thath there u cant eat nothing
2012-07-23 06:42.32 {CoF}annabella: only fruits
2012-07-23 06:42.43 {CoF}annabella: is not same kitchen what we eat here
2012-07-23 06:43.08 {CoF}annabella: he said food is disgusting
2012-07-23 06:43.12 Jetlagg: I wont go to China.. I wont go to a country that aborts only female babies..
2012-07-23 06:43.27 {CoF}annabella: what?
2012-07-23 06:43.38 {CoF}annabella: is that true?bah this is like a dogs
2012-07-23 06:43.47 Jetlagg: yes many female babies are aborted.. over population
2012-07-23 06:43.48 {CoF}annabella: fix the females
2012-07-23 06:44.07 Jetlagg: not boys, because they serve in military
2012-07-23 06:44.08 {CoF}annabella: jesus
2012-07-23 06:44.47 {CoF}annabella: btw the kamikadze here who expload ,has aids
2012-07-23 06:44.55 Jetlagg: oh
2012-07-23 06:44.59 -SCT-(-:EsKabe:-): -=LooOooL=-
2012-07-23 06:45.19 Jetlagg: hezbulla r8?
2012-07-23 06:45.20 {CoF}annabella: didnt know that they do this with aids and every who sirvive to get aids
2012-07-23 06:45.30 {CoF}annabella: this is last information
2012-07-23 06:45.39 Jetlagg: they are funded by Iran..
2012-07-23 06:45.59 Jetlagg: might see a war between isreal and iran very soon
2012-07-23 06:46.00 {CoF}annabella: exactly oh baby of where u have so information>:))
2012-07-23 06:46.28 {CoF}annabella: yeah also iran about the neutron bomb
2012-07-23 06:49.05 Jetlagg: jump
2012-07-23 06:49.12 {CoF}annabella: nooo
2012-07-23 06:49.21 {CoF}annabella: wait me there
2012-07-23 06:49.25 Jetlagg: nooo
2012-07-23 06:50.01 {CoF}annabella: oh
2012-07-23 06:50.04 Jetlagg: noooo
2012-07-23 06:52.48 {CoF}annabella: ready?
2012-07-23 06:53.33 -SCT-(-:EsKabe:-): -=LooOooL=-
2012-07-23 06:53.39 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2012-07-23 06:54.42 -SCT-(-:EsKabe:-): -=LooOooL=-
2012-07-23 06:54.54 Doc: none of my hits are taking points
2012-07-23 06:56.08 Doc: but I gotta scratch my nose
2012-07-23 06:59.07 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2012-07-23 06:59.12 Jetlagg: my baby :))
2012-07-23 06:59.22 Doc: I really need to go to sleep but I don´t wanna
2012-07-23 06:59.28 Doc: do I have to???
2012-07-23 06:59.42 {CoF}annabella: love u baby
2012-07-23 06:59.50 Jetlagg: I love u too baby :))
2012-07-23 06:59.53 dU.Data_Destroyer: if you are really tired you must
2012-07-23 06:59.53 Doc: think my score says YES!!!!!!!!!!
2012-07-23 07:00.20 Doc: see ya tomorrow prob. later all
2012-07-23 07:00.24 Jetlagg: cya Doc
2012-07-23 07:00.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: see ya doc
2012-07-23 07:00.29 Doc: !quit
2012-07-23 07:00.31 dU.Data_Destroyer: good night and nice rest

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