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Match Infos
Distance traveled:69,50km
Map Time:00:34:46
Playdate:2012-09-10 21:54:12
Team Awards:
iDeFiX7111 6 0 0 00:34:45 5,08km
faTed120538 1 0 0 00:34:45 4,33km
[deleted]2515 7 2 0 00:34:45 4,84km
[-.o]24614 8 0 0 00:34:45 8,73km
Piro49847 4 0 0 00:34:45 6,77km
Hyperion33475 2 0 0 00:34:43 5,18km
Burnwell18074 7 0 0 00:32:53 8,75km
MISTER-DANGEROUS51927 0 0 0 00:23:29 3,57km
bobs53106 0 0 0 00:20:43 1,12km
jOn36983 6 0 0 00:20:21 4,72km
Wolfshead21514 2 0 0 00:20:18 2,75km
Dominik40 1 0 0 00:19:00 2,35km
Rafas18001 1 0 0 00:18:03 3,87km
kgx3751 9 0 0 00:10:37 3,36km
barney2061 3 0 0 00:05:55 1,75km
HereFishyFishyFishy1247 1 0 0 00:05:44 1,01km
laser6099 1 0 0 00:05:05 0,64km
Keisha1385 4 0 0 00:02:41 0,68km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
iDeFiX 41 0 0 0 0 0 20/3 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 66
faTed 298 0 0 0 0 0 18/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 316
[deleted] 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 14/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 16
[-.o] 42/1 0 0 0 0 0 38/7 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
Piro 57 0 0 0 0 0 45/3 12 0 0 0/1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 120
Hyperion 14 0 0 0 0 0 19/1 1 0 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 36
Burnwell 42 0 0 0 0 0 41/5 4 0 0 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 88
MISTER-DANGEROUS 30 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
bobs 103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103
jOn3 33/3 0 0 0 0 0 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
Wolfshead 29 0 0 0 0 0 3/1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 34
Dominik 8/1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Rafas 31 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
kgx 20/4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 24
barney 1 0 0 0 0 0 11/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
HereFishyFishyFishy 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 5
laser 13/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Keisha 6/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 6
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-09-10 21:22.14 TRIPON: nooooooooooooooo
2012-09-10 21:22.16 Piro: hurraaaaaaaa
2012-09-10 21:22.24 TRIPON: oh my god
2012-09-10 21:22.35 Hyperion:!p
2012-09-10 21:22.43 dU.iDeFiX: tsss
2012-09-10 21:22.50 [-.o]: see, this got hyper excited
2012-09-10 21:23.05 TRIPON: hi destroyer
2012-09-10 21:23.06 Hyperion: lol, nah, just better than LongCorridor xD
2012-09-10 21:23.13 dU.Data_Destroyer: hola tripon
2012-09-10 21:23.18 TRIPON: no hiperion nooo
2012-09-10 21:23.22 Hyperion: uhm?
2012-09-10 21:23.24 dU.iDeFiX: ?
2012-09-10 21:23.35 TRIPON: no my love
2012-09-10 21:23.41 dU.iDeFiX: god
2012-09-10 21:23.45 Hyperion: sigh
2012-09-10 21:24.18 [-.o]: the brute took the lift :(
2012-09-10 21:28.55 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-09-10 21:29.06 dU.iDeFiX: aww
2012-09-10 21:30.22 [-.o]: good stuff bobo. best nali player
2012-09-10 21:30.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: Taking Fire! Need Assistance!
2012-09-10 21:31.59 dU.iDeFiX: rofl
2012-09-10 21:32.34 dU.iDeFiX: oh hydro
2012-09-10 21:32.56 dU.iDeFiX: lololol
2012-09-10 21:33.42 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh anoobis why me?
2012-09-10 21:34.01 muecke;): hey all
2012-09-10 21:34.02 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi muecke!
2012-09-10 21:34.05 Hyperion: heya
2012-09-10 21:34.08 muecke;): hey data
2012-09-10 21:34.10 dU.iDeFiX: mueckske
2012-09-10 21:34.26 muecke;): hi hyp hi idefix:)
2012-09-10 21:34.31 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-09-10 21:34.34 muecke;): :))
2012-09-10 21:34.52 dU.iDeFiX: abuse!
2012-09-10 21:34.56 dU.Data_Destroyer: :P
2012-09-10 21:35.29 dU.iDeFiX: eww
2012-09-10 21:35.34 dU.Data_Destroyer: not abuse
2012-09-10 21:35.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: was funny :D
2012-09-10 21:35.50 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-09-10 21:36.23 dU.iDeFiX: :[ %P with %H (%A) ]:
2012-09-10 21:37.30 dU.Data_Destroyer: i think i need to learn this one
2012-09-10 21:37.33 dU.Data_Destroyer: confusing
2012-09-10 21:38.19 Hyperion: ops
2012-09-10 21:39.06 muecke;): hi piro
2012-09-10 21:39.08 dU.iDeFiX: ow lol
2012-09-10 21:39.23 dU.Data_Destroyer: 3rd spawn?
2012-09-10 21:40.33 dU.iDeFiX: rofl
2012-09-10 21:40.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: lmao
2012-09-10 21:40.41 dU.iDeFiX: :|
2012-09-10 21:40.46 dU.iDeFiX: free deemer:x
2012-09-10 21:40.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: :D
2012-09-10 21:40.51 Burnwell: NEED A REDEEMER
2012-09-10 21:40.53 muecke;): ^^
2012-09-10 21:40.56 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-09-10 21:40.59 dU.iDeFiX: ...
2012-09-10 21:41.02 muecke;): haha
2012-09-10 21:41.17 dU.Data_Destroyer: Taking Fire! Need Assistance!
2012-09-10 21:41.36 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-09-10 21:41.42 dU.iDeFiX: made it with firing :p
2012-09-10 21:41.45 dU.Data_Destroyer: muecke is lagging bad -.-
2012-09-10 21:41.45 dU.iDeFiX: *without
2012-09-10 21:42.05 dU.iDeFiX: stay with us muecke
2012-09-10 21:42.09 dU.Data_Destroyer: 992 ping O.o
2012-09-10 21:42.18 Hyperion: aww
2012-09-10 21:42.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: 875 now
2012-09-10 21:42.29 dU.iDeFiX: still less then a second
2012-09-10 21:42.33 dU.Data_Destroyer: 954
2012-09-10 21:42.35 [-.o]: too many deaths :(
2012-09-10 21:42.44 dU.Data_Destroyer: bah its common here smiley
2012-09-10 21:42.52 dU.iDeFiX: ROFL
2012-09-10 21:42.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: :P
2012-09-10 21:43.07 dU.Data_Destroyer: Taking Fire! Need Assistance!
2012-09-10 21:43.44 dU.iDeFiX: you lag first
2012-09-10 21:43.46 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-09-10 21:43.50 dU.iDeFiX: OWWWWWWWWW
2012-09-10 21:43.56 dU.Data_Destroyer: 3rd spanw is available
2012-09-10 21:43.57 dU.iDeFiX: lame :p
2012-09-10 21:44.01 dU.Data_Destroyer: me at beginning -.-
2012-09-10 21:44.07 dU.iDeFiX: run
2012-09-10 21:44.07 dU.Data_Destroyer: spawn*
2012-09-10 21:44.16 dU.Data_Destroyer: now ok
2012-09-10 21:44.39 dU.iDeFiX: muecke :s
2012-09-10 21:44.48 dU.Data_Destroyer: 790 ping
2012-09-10 21:44.51 muecke;): shit i cant play^^
2012-09-10 21:44.56 dU.iDeFiX: :(
2012-09-10 21:45.01 muecke;): :((
2012-09-10 21:45.01 dU.Data_Destroyer: :/
2012-09-10 21:45.09 dU.iDeFiX: bleh
2012-09-10 21:45.13 muecke;): i reconnect only^^
2012-09-10 21:45.20 dU.iDeFiX: it´s a skill too!
2012-09-10 21:45.28 Hyperion: maybe it will pass soon
2012-09-10 21:45.40 dU.Data_Destroyer: 794 ping :/
2012-09-10 21:45.41 dU.iDeFiX: omg muecke is gonna pass :(
2012-09-10 21:45.44 dU.Data_Destroyer: 1007
2012-09-10 21:45.50 Hyperion: lol, I meant the lag xD
2012-09-10 21:45.51 dU.iDeFiX: lame hyp
2012-09-10 21:45.54 dU.iDeFiX: lololol
2012-09-10 21:46.02 Hyperion: me lame? noo xD
2012-09-10 21:46.03 dU.Data_Destroyer: lowered 40 now
2012-09-10 21:46.05 dU.iDeFiX: haha
2012-09-10 21:46.27 dU.iDeFiX: still have your admin login somewhere? :p
2012-09-10 21:46.39 dU.Data_Destroyer: i think muecke is not having problems anymore :P
2012-09-10 21:46.44 muecke;): hmm mayby now^^
2012-09-10 21:46.49 dU.Data_Destroyer: its ok
2012-09-10 21:46.51 dU.iDeFiX: wee
2012-09-10 21:46.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: 40 ping :P
2012-09-10 21:46.56 Hyperion: yay, my magic worked, I said it would pass xD
2012-09-10 21:47.01 muecke;): yes right^^
2012-09-10 21:47.03 dU.iDeFiX: hmm suspecious
2012-09-10 21:47.04 dU.Data_Destroyer: wizard! :D
2012-09-10 21:47.17 muecke;): no its not^^
2012-09-10 21:47.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: i am scared of you -.-
2012-09-10 21:47.34 dU.iDeFiX: ?
2012-09-10 21:47.37 muecke;): :)
2012-09-10 21:47.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: damn
2012-09-10 21:47.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: still lagging
2012-09-10 21:48.04 Hyperion: what did you mean about the admin login, Ide?
2012-09-10 21:48.14 dU.iDeFiX: :p
2012-09-10 21:48.19 Hyperion: who were you asking?
2012-09-10 21:48.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: i think you know :D
2012-09-10 21:48.26 dU.iDeFiX: yh you :p
2012-09-10 21:48.32 Hyperion: I had to make sure xD
2012-09-10 21:48.38 Hyperion: but nope, I don´t have it anymore
2012-09-10 21:48.51 barneyPL: hi
2012-09-10 21:48.56 dU.iDeFiX: :)
2012-09-10 21:48.57 Hyperion: hi
2012-09-10 21:48.58 dU.Data_Destroyer: siema barney
2012-09-10 21:49.05 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Base clear? If not, let me know plz]
2012-09-10 21:49.09 dU.iDeFiX: vissie vissie
2012-09-10 21:49.16 HereFishyFishyFishy: fixy!
2012-09-10 21:49.22 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi fishy fishy
2012-09-10 21:49.29 HereFishyFishyFishy: yo DD and all
2012-09-10 21:49.34 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Loading up for Attack...]
2012-09-10 21:49.39 HereFishyFishyFishy: [EFC reached NMY base]
2012-09-10 21:49.43 dU.Data_Destroyer: i saw the pic man
2012-09-10 21:49.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: funny one
2012-09-10 21:49.56 dU.iDeFiX: ?
2012-09-10 21:50.04 dU.Data_Destroyer: jmp dancing on spot light
2012-09-10 21:50.08 HereFishyFishyFishy: lol
2012-09-10 21:50.17 HereFishyFishyFishy: gotta do smt on wtc
2012-09-10 21:50.24 dU.iDeFiX: wc?
2012-09-10 21:50.32 HereFishyFishyFishy: t!
2012-09-10 21:50.37 dU.iDeFiX: wct?
2012-09-10 21:50.38 muecke;): :((
2012-09-10 21:50.42 dU.Data_Destroyer: :|
2012-09-10 21:50.46 HereFishyFishyFishy: did u see mail fix0rz?
2012-09-10 21:50.57 dU.iDeFiX: ja
2012-09-10 21:50.57 muecke;): my ping is 1012
2012-09-10 21:51.04 HereFishyFishyFishy: k
2012-09-10 21:51.04 dU.Data_Destroyer: 892 now
2012-09-10 21:51.07 dU.iDeFiX: moe nog kijkuh
2012-09-10 21:51.08 barneyPL: :)
2012-09-10 21:51.09 muecke;): lool
2012-09-10 21:51.20 dU.iDeFiX: ?
2012-09-10 21:51.22 HereFishyFishyFishy: yea np
2012-09-10 21:51.26 muecke;): 380
2012-09-10 21:51.31 HereFishyFishyFishy: just wanted to know if i sent it correctly :)
2012-09-10 21:51.32 dU.Data_Destroyer: -.-
2012-09-10 21:51.34 dU.iDeFiX: dead again
2012-09-10 21:51.40 dU.iDeFiX: hey gottted it
2012-09-10 21:51.41 Hyperion: getting lower and lower, there´s hope :P
2012-09-10 21:51.51 HereFishyFishyFishy: hope hte pack is complete ;)
2012-09-10 21:51.52 dU.iDeFiX: stop talking about my iq ;(
2012-09-10 21:52.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: go to spec so, maybe will be better soon
2012-09-10 21:52.02 Hyperion: lol?
2012-09-10 21:52.04 dU.iDeFiX: :p
2012-09-10 21:52.05 barneyPL: why? :)
2012-09-10 21:52.07 Hyperion: haha
2012-09-10 21:52.08 HereFishyFishyFishy: 832 wouldnt be good fix
2012-09-10 21:52.10 muecke;): ye ok
2012-09-10 21:52.20 [-.o]: spec wont change
2012-09-10 21:52.24 dU.iDeFiX: they said lower and lower
2012-09-10 21:52.36 HereFishyFishyFishy: ah i thought u meant the 800+
2012-09-10 21:52.43 dU.iDeFiX: :)
2012-09-10 21:52.56 HereFishyFishyFishy: [%P %H %A]
2012-09-10 21:53.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: yep not change but will minimize the effects
2012-09-10 21:53.04 dU.iDeFiX: wups
2012-09-10 21:53.53 HereFishyFishyFishy: and if u check the map fix - dont go too much into details :)
2012-09-10 21:53.58 HereFishyFishyFishy: its at an early stage -still
2012-09-10 21:54.02 dU.iDeFiX: grr
2012-09-10 21:54.10 HereFishyFishyFishy: 1st i do routing
2012-09-10 21:54.14 dU.iDeFiX: pay attention to what then?
2012-09-10 21:54.18 HereFishyFishyFishy: then do deco-styling
2012-09-10 21:54.20 HereFishyFishyFishy: then monsters
2012-09-10 21:54.20 [-.o]: gj bobo
2012-09-10 21:54.23 HereFishyFishyFishy: then lights/sound :)
2012-09-10 21:54.31 dU.Data_Destroyer: gg
2012-09-10 21:54.32 dU.iDeFiX: Rogier that!
2012-09-10 21:54.35 HereFishyFishyFishy: i want to know if the routing is clear to u so far
2012-09-10 21:54.40 HereFishyFishyFishy: enough hints yes/no
2012-09-10 21:54.43 Burnwell:
2012-09-10 21:54.44 Burnwell:
2012-09-10 21:54.47 dU.iDeFiX: well i´m dumb, so best test person
2012-09-10 21:54.54 Burnwell: i hare high school
2012-09-10 21:54.56 HereFishyFishyFishy: yea u mentioned ur iq
2012-09-10 21:55.08 dU.iDeFiX: my what
2012-09-10 21:55.11 HereFishyFishyFishy: but im afraid u recall things when we played the map earlier
2012-09-10 21:55.20 dU.iDeFiX: yh probably do
2012-09-10 21:55.22 HereFishyFishyFishy: ur EQ
2012-09-10 21:55.27 dU.iDeFiX: my ego?
2012-09-10 21:55.43 dU.iDeFiX: stil :p
2012-09-10 21:55.44 karkass: great castle what a stupid choice
2012-09-10 21:55.47 karkass: ffs
2012-09-10 21:55.49 HereFishyFishyFishy: emotion quotient or smt?

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