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Match Infos
Distance traveled:95,23km
Map Time:01:27:35
Playdate:2012-11-08 05:14:30
Team Awards:
laser2735 17 0 0 01:27:35 22,02km
Spectator37778 10 0 0 01:27:35 12,90km
issue1018294610 3 0 0 01:27:35 17,02km
Umoo35306 9 0 0 01:08:15 7,71km
_=PSUV=_ko-joker5065 9 0 0 00:32:04 8,46km
br00ze36484 13 0 0 00:30:44 5,97km
Habeck48683 9 0 0 00:28:09 8,34km
stiff16644 4 0 0 00:18:34 5,29km
MexiFries12971 3 0 0 00:14:47 4,20km
wabo8423 3 0 0 00:12:32 3,32km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
laser 86 51 1/14 0 0 33/1 47/1 61 0 83 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0/1 438
Spectator 0 13 29/6 0 0 48 16/2 35/1 0 30 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0/2 196
issue1018 89 114 5/2 0 0 182 165 40 0 64/1 1 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 696
Umoo 15 8 27/5 0 0 8 13 22 0 10 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0/4 132
_=PSUV=_ko-joker 68 5 6/6 0 0 4 0 15 0 7 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0/5 125
br00ze 4 17 20/13 0 0 11 18 42 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 124
Habeck 10 28 11/8 0 0 14 12/1 36 0 29 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 161
stiff 0 20/2 0 0 0 1/1 0 75/1 0 29 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 170
MexiFries 0 1 0 0 0 3 11/1 57 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0/2 77
wabo 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 12/1 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0/4 110
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-11-08 04:12.47 -=]UM[=-MooCow: wee
2012-11-08 04:13.17 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: who is killing my pupaes
2012-11-08 04:13.29 -=]UM[=-MooCow: oh I wondered why they were all there
2012-11-08 04:13.37 -=]UM[=-MooCow: ill go get the other ones
2012-11-08 04:13.42 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: :)
2012-11-08 04:15.04 -=]UM[=-MooCow: D:
2012-11-08 04:15.08 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: they like you
2012-11-08 04:15.19 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: they want to hug you
2012-11-08 04:15.25 -=]UM[=-MooCow: those ones are hugging you now
2012-11-08 04:15.37 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: great
2012-11-08 04:15.55 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: my little sweet huggers
2012-11-08 04:18.20 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: they are singing a song for me
2012-11-08 04:18.30 -=]UM[=-MooCow: they are singing we will hug you
2012-11-08 04:18.37 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: right :)
2012-11-08 04:18.41 -=]UM[=-MooCow: then dance on your dead body
2012-11-08 04:18.46 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: sweet little buggers
2012-11-08 04:18.56 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: nah
2012-11-08 04:19.06 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: they are sweet hearts
2012-11-08 04:19.24 -=]UM[=-MooCow: they are ugly
2012-11-08 04:19.35 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: i like them
2012-11-08 04:19.41 -=]UM[=-MooCow: one is looking at me
2012-11-08 04:19.42 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: and they love me
2012-11-08 04:20.09 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: :) there is always one
2012-11-08 04:20.33 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: you are all alone
2012-11-08 04:20.39 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: :(
2012-11-08 04:20.40 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i have a giant redeemer with me
2012-11-08 04:20.47 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: i see
2012-11-08 04:21.02 -=]UM[=-MooCow: THEYRE DYING
2012-11-08 04:21.08 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: i get none
2012-11-08 04:21.19 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: but at least i got my friends
2012-11-08 04:21.25 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2012-11-08 04:21.36 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: tripon you mu8rderer
2012-11-08 04:22.05 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: now i have to get again
2012-11-08 04:23.03 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i got one
2012-11-08 04:23.20 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: this is truly yours ;)
2012-11-08 04:23.26 -=]UM[=-MooCow: ill kill it >:D
2012-11-08 04:23.35 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: noooo
2012-11-08 04:23.41 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: lokks at its eyes
2012-11-08 04:24.05 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: you see the love it got for you and only you
2012-11-08 04:24.29 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: how it is happy to see you
2012-11-08 04:24.39 -=]UM[=-MooCow: yes he´s very happy
2012-11-08 04:24.49 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: it is jumping of joy
2012-11-08 04:25.08 -=]UM[=-MooCow: SOMEONE IS COMING
2012-11-08 04:25.19 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: aaaaaaaaaaah
2012-11-08 04:25.24 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: is he shooting?
2012-11-08 04:25.30 -=]UM[=-MooCow: yes he killed some
2012-11-08 04:25.35 -=]UM[=-MooCow: he killed mine
2012-11-08 04:25.39 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: noooooo
2012-11-08 04:25.52 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: these mass murderer
2012-11-08 04:25.56 -=]UM[=-MooCow: XD
2012-11-08 04:25.57 MexiFries: oye
2012-11-08 04:26.22 issue750: wait
2012-11-08 04:26.23 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: lets get ourselfs new little huggers
2012-11-08 04:27.47 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: you got your friend back
2012-11-08 04:27.57 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: :)
2012-11-08 04:27.57 -=]UM[=-MooCow: someone is coming
2012-11-08 04:28.11 -=]UM[=-MooCow: darn i went through
2012-11-08 04:28.18 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: oh these mexicans
2012-11-08 04:28.23 -=]UM[=-MooCow: dont worry I got this
2012-11-08 04:28.59 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i dont think it worked
2012-11-08 04:30.29 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: this is true love
2012-11-08 04:30.37 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: dont you think
2012-11-08 04:30.55 -=]UM[=-MooCow: yes
2012-11-08 04:31.15 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: looks like they bow at me
2012-11-08 04:31.30 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: how cute
2012-11-08 04:31.42 -=]UM[=-MooCow: looks like they are trying to remove you
2012-11-08 04:31.51 -=]UM[=-MooCow: rebellion!
2012-11-08 04:32.12 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: be careful
2012-11-08 04:32.20 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: this is not a pool
2012-11-08 04:32.54 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: it could be very deep
2012-11-08 04:33.09 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: and cows are not good swimmers i heard
2012-11-08 04:33.19 -=]UM[=-MooCow: ya I suck at swimming
2012-11-08 04:33.43 -=]UM[=-MooCow: cows belong in the air. with birds
2012-11-08 04:33.50 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: true
2012-11-08 04:34.50 -=]UM[=-MooCow: :O
2012-11-08 04:35.29 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: their love made me translucent :D
2012-11-08 04:36.05 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: you dint look opaque anymore too
2012-11-08 04:37.26 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: did you vote for roseanne?
2012-11-08 04:37.38 -=]UM[=-MooCow: who is roseanne!
2012-11-08 04:37.57 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: i heard she was candidate for persident
2012-11-08 04:38.02 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: roseanne barr
2012-11-08 04:38.22 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: i was quite surprised
2012-11-08 04:38.53 -=]UM[=-MooCow: oh her. i wrote in nomination
2012-11-08 04:39.22 -=]UM[=-MooCow: colonel sanders
2012-11-08 04:39.31 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: hehe
2012-11-08 04:39.48 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: unfortunately you did not win
2012-11-08 04:39.48 -=]UM[=-MooCow: he is veteran and has experience with running a business!
2012-11-08 04:39.53 -=]UM[=-MooCow: noo!
2012-11-08 04:40.00 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: oh he
2012-11-08 04:40.18 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: what party
2012-11-08 04:41.02 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i do not know :(
2012-11-08 04:41.24 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i am surprised no one is dying
2012-11-08 04:41.43 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: dying?
2012-11-08 04:42.01 -=]UM[=-MooCow: dying in this game i mean
2012-11-08 04:42.06 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: oh
2012-11-08 04:42.26 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: yes intrerestin
2012-11-08 04:43.31 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: should we help them?
2012-11-08 04:43.37 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: hola companeros de paja y ftiga
2012-11-08 04:43.39 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: hola companeros de paja y ftiga
2012-11-08 04:43.40 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i am watching :D
2012-11-08 04:44.03 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: wiener amigoo
2012-11-08 04:44.10 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: hola tripoide
2012-11-08 04:44.26 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: :)
2012-11-08 04:45.15 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: did you know that wiener schnitzel is made from veal and schnitzel wiener art from pork?
2012-11-08 04:45.26 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: sorry
2012-11-08 04:46.00 TRIPON: brutus
2012-11-08 04:46.09 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: oliva
2012-11-08 04:46.16 TRIPON: apurate psuv
2012-11-08 04:46.27 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: voy en camino
2012-11-08 04:46.28 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: what are you doing=
2012-11-08 04:46.33 TRIPON: correle
2012-11-08 04:46.34 -=]UM[=-MooCow: someone killed your pupae
2012-11-08 04:46.36 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: all gone
2012-11-08 04:46.44 -=]UM[=-MooCow: it was br00ze
2012-11-08 04:46.46 TRIPON: ya me canse
2012-11-08 04:46.57 br00ze: what?
2012-11-08 04:47.00 br00ze: i just connected
2012-11-08 04:47.03 -=]UM[=-MooCow: pupae killer
2012-11-08 04:47.10 br00ze: not a single kill yet
2012-11-08 04:47.11 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: murderer
2012-11-08 04:47.37 -=]UM[=-MooCow: PUPAE KILLER
2012-11-08 04:48.07 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: are you twins?
2012-11-08 04:48.24 -=]UM[=-MooCow: br00ze is my daughter
2012-11-08 04:48.28 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: you look the same
2012-11-08 04:48.33 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: ah
2012-11-08 04:48.45 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: she is good looking
2012-11-08 04:49.01 -=]UM[=-MooCow: yes we hope to marry her to a cow prince
2012-11-08 04:49.17 br00ze: i stay single !
2012-11-08 04:49.25 -=]UM[=-MooCow: NO U DO WHAT U ARE TOLD
2012-11-08 04:49.26 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: what does she think about that
2012-11-08 04:49.49 br00ze: eggs for sale
2012-11-08 04:51.13 br00ze: moocows clan as a nali weapon 3 server now on port 6000
2012-11-08 04:51.20 br00ze: has
2012-11-08 04:51.31 -=]UM[=-MooCow: :o i
2012-11-08 04:51.38 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i thought um is shutting down next month
2012-11-08 04:51.53 br00ze: still 34 weeks to go
2012-11-08 04:52.01 br00ze: and dont bet on that ...
2012-11-08 04:52.09 Schnitzel_Wiener_Art: only few servers left :(
2012-11-08 04:52.16 -=]UM[=-MooCow: :( :D :(
2012-11-08 04:53.38 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: tripoon feliitame hise dominanting
2012-11-08 04:54.12 TRIPON: no
2012-11-08 04:54.16 TRIPON: pases
2012-11-08 04:54.55 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: tripoon felicitame hise dominating
2012-11-08 04:54.57 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: tripoon felicitame hise dominating
2012-11-08 04:59.21 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: tripon eres un luchador
2012-11-08 04:59.51 TRIPON: ya mero me matan jajaja
2012-11-08 05:00.23 TRIPON: vente vamos
2012-11-08 05:00.26 TRIPON: entra
2012-11-08 05:00.39 TRIPON: vente para aca
2012-11-08 05:00.44 TRIPON: apurale
2012-11-08 05:01.02 TRIPON: ya pasale
2012-11-08 05:01.44 -=]UM[=-MooCow: thx :D i had been playing on killerbees but its empty a lot
2012-11-08 05:01.49 -=]UM[=-MooCow: oops fail -.-
2012-11-08 05:01.59 br00ze: its nali 3 weapons
2012-11-08 05:02.06 Habeck: ko
2012-11-08 05:02.12 -=]UM[=-MooCow: ya killerbee has a nali3
2012-11-08 05:02.52 Habeck: naa ay muchos cagao
2012-11-08 05:02.57 TRIPON: jajajaja
2012-11-08 05:03.09 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: donde estan maricos
2012-11-08 05:03.11 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: donde estan maricos
2012-11-08 05:03.17 -=]UM[=-MooCow: donde moo dead
2012-11-08 05:03.33 TRIPON: todos all
2012-11-08 05:03.57 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: mierda me cojieron
2012-11-08 05:03.59 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: mierda me cojieron
2012-11-08 05:04.03 TRIPON: jajajaja
2012-11-08 05:04.05 TRIPON: muevete
2012-11-08 05:04.32 TRIPON: me heche a uno nada mas jajaja
2012-11-08 05:05.24 TRIPON: jajajajaja
2012-11-08 05:05.45 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: eres un gran personaje tripon
2012-11-08 05:05.56 TRIPON: gracias amigo
2012-11-08 05:05.58 TRIPON: jajajaja
2012-11-08 05:06.06 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: bomba en el autobuuuus
2012-11-08 05:06.13 TRIPON: jajajaja
2012-11-08 05:06.33 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: heri a uno
2012-11-08 05:06.35 TRIPON: subiendo porfis
2012-11-08 05:06.38 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: lo deje mal herido
2012-11-08 05:07.10 TRIPON: lol
2012-11-08 05:11.45 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: bomba en el autobuuuus
2012-11-08 05:11.47 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: bomba en el autobuuuus
2012-11-08 05:11.49 _=PSUV=_ko-joker: bomba en el autobuuuus
2012-11-08 05:13.53 -=]UM[=-MooCow: aaaaaaaaaaaaava
2012-11-08 05:14.49 issue750: laters

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