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Hi, I`m Mr.Pupae
and i like it to bite you!
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Match Infos
Distance traveled:16,21km
Map Time:00:11:29
Playdate:2013-05-05 21:54:38
Team Awards:
JAVIAN1679 1 0 0 00:11:29 0,56km
Umoo2891 7 0 0 00:11:29 1,74km
HarshOne626 11 0 0 00:11:29 2,12km
Mars.ru_(Slayer)543 14 0 0 00:11:29 2,39km
Piro7862 4 0 0 00:11:29 1,41km
Marian7227 4 0 0 00:11:29 1,48km
Kazik4100 8 0 0 00:11:29 1,72km
br00ze918 6 0 0 00:11:29 1,96km
super6519 2 0 1 00:10:43 1,78km
Giovannello5742 7 0 0 00:05:56 1,05km
dU.killkio0 0 0 0 00:03:33 0,01km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
JAVIAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
Umoo 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 21/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 31
HarshOne 0 1/1 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/13 9
Mars.ru_(Slayer) 1/1 5/2 0 1 0 0/1 4/1 2 0/3 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 15
Piro 1 4/1 0 1 0 2 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 42
Marian 3 4/2 0 0 0 1 4 0 0/2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
Kazik 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/12 10
br00ze 0 3 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 1/2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 8
super 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 6 2 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 20
Giovannello 1/1 3/3 0 3 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 0 7/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 24
dU.killkio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2013-05-05 21:43.35 br00ze: again?
2013-05-05 21:43.36 Kazik: seriously?
2013-05-05 21:43.39 {MHM}BIOMECH: Well gee. This looks familiar
2013-05-05 21:43.40 -=]UM[=-MooCow: what
2013-05-05 21:43.47 Kazik: lmao
2013-05-05 21:43.47 {MHM}BIOMECH: It´s kind of like the same thing
2013-05-05 21:43.51 br00ze: i have a deja vu
2013-05-05 21:43.54 {MHM}BIOMECH: But with much more of us being spawnkilled
2013-05-05 21:43.58 Kazik: with many more monsters -.-
2013-05-05 21:44.06 br00ze: and barrels
2013-05-05 21:44.07 {MHM}BIOMECH: Well, I´m not being spawnkilled here. :P
2013-05-05 21:44.09 Giovannello: crazy monsters
2013-05-05 21:44.09 {MHM}BIOMECH: !s
2013-05-05 21:44.21 {MHM}BIOMECH:Die without me :D
2013-05-05 21:44.23 Kazik: what a lame spawn
2013-05-05 21:44.26 -=]UM[=-MooCow: protect me
2013-05-05 21:44.38 Kazik: LAAAAME!
2013-05-05 21:44.42 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i almost died
2013-05-05 21:44.55 Kazik: I protect you
2013-05-05 21:44.59 -=]UM[=-MooCow: ok
2013-05-05 21:45.15 Kazik: oh hai
2013-05-05 21:45.25 -=]UM[=-MooCow: hehe
2013-05-05 21:45.33 br00ze: no barrles
2013-05-05 21:45.54 -=]UM[=-MooCow: we got boots
2013-05-05 21:46.18 Kazik: yep
2013-05-05 21:46.58 Piro: ty
2013-05-05 21:47.01 Kazik: lool
2013-05-05 21:47.11 Kazik: hahahah
2013-05-05 21:47.22 Kazik: warlord killed herself
2013-05-05 21:49.03 -=]UM[=-MooCow: evil train
2013-05-05 21:49.05 br00ze: ouch
2013-05-05 21:49.05 Kazik: LOOOL
2013-05-05 21:49.13 {MHM}BIOMECH:lol
2013-05-05 21:49.27 Kazik: wtf?
2013-05-05 21:49.36 Kazik: hese mini warlords
2013-05-05 21:49.51 -=]UM[=-MooCow: where is it
2013-05-05 21:49.56 Kazik: what?
2013-05-05 21:50.00 -=]UM[=-MooCow: the miniwarlord
2013-05-05 21:50.07 Kazik: killed I think ;p
2013-05-05 21:50.12 {MHM}BIOMECH:LOL
2013-05-05 21:50.16 -=]UM[=-MooCow: -__
2013-05-05 21:50.22 Kazik: lmao
2013-05-05 21:50.28 {MHM}BIOMECH:A leisurely stroll straight off the side of the train
2013-05-05 21:50.36 -=]UM[=-MooCow: is this a mirror
2013-05-05 21:50.47 {MHM}BIOMECH:It´s a delayed mirror
2013-05-05 21:50.49 {MHM}BIOMECH:Very advanced
2013-05-05 21:50.55 -=]UM[=-MooCow: time travel!
2013-05-05 21:50.56 Kazik: its not already
2013-05-05 21:51.14 -=]UM[=-MooCow: alright lets go
2013-05-05 21:52.03 Kazik: hahah
2013-05-05 21:52.33 -=]UM[=-MooCow: this train is the greatest killer
2013-05-05 21:53.02 Kazik: meh
2013-05-05 21:53.12 -=]UM[=-MooCow: just gotta run in, like me
2013-05-05 21:53.14 -=]UM[=-MooCow: you wont die
2013-05-05 21:53.18 -=]UM[=-MooCow: :)))
2013-05-05 21:53.19 Kazik: yeah
2013-05-05 21:53.26 Kazik: thanks for the advice :)
2013-05-05 21:54.03 Kazik: lol
2013-05-05 21:54.18 {MHM}BIOMECH:lol
2013-05-05 21:54.30 -=]UM[=-MooCow: quuuuuuuen
2013-05-05 21:54.40 {MHM}BIOMECH:You get...NOTHING! You lose...EVERYTHING! GOOD DAY SIR!
2013-05-05 21:54.46 Kazik: :)
2013-05-05 21:54.47 -=]UM[=-MooCow: i won a cabinmate
2013-05-05 21:54.54 Kazik: with...
2013-05-05 21:54.59 -=]UM[=-MooCow: killkio
2013-05-05 21:55.00 br00ze: the gayness in the cockpit has been stopped
2013-05-05 21:55.04 Kazik: gratis :)
2013-05-05 21:55.07 dU.killkio: ?
2013-05-05 21:55.12 dU.killkio: yes?
2013-05-05 21:55.13 Kazik: lmao
2013-05-05 21:55.16 -=]UM[=-MooCow: im sharing a cabin with you
2013-05-05 21:55.24 dU.killkio: lol lol
2013-05-05 21:55.27 dU.killkio: 1313
2013-05-05 21:55.34 {MHM}BIOMECH:Let´s give them some privacy :p
2013-05-05 21:55.38 Piro: skins black for me?
2013-05-05 21:55.41 dU.killkio: ajajajjaa
2013-05-05 21:55.49 {MHM}BIOMECH:Accept your race, Piro :O
2013-05-05 21:56.09 Piro: email ?

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