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Match Infos
Distance traveled:37,26km
Map Time:00:59:10
Playdate:2015-03-21 07:24:00
Team Awards:
easylee804057 0 0 0 00:59:09 5,92km
laser240145 2 0 0 00:59:09 5,41km
karkass558553 1 0 1 00:50:33 3,95km
drDeo57421 3 0 0 00:48:10 5,25km
Allwyn182173 3 0 0 00:40:57 4,75km
theMuffinMen68638 3 0 0 00:37:58 7,65km
[DR]Comatose47624 1 0 0 00:21:01 2,58km
bob64441 0 0 0 00:15:21 1,03km
Rinzler560 0 0 0 00:07:04 0,00km
Cupcake879 0 0 0 00:06:35 0,30km
Lockon213 0 0 0 00:03:30 0,43km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
easylee 53 0 0 90/7 0 0 0 136 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 284
laser 75 0 0 94 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 213
karkass 121 0 0 3 0 0 1 114 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 243
drDeo 0 0 0/2 22 0 0 0/1 43 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 68
Allwyn 97 0 3 0 0 0 0/2 106/1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 212
theMuffinMen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 266 0 0 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 269
[DR]Comatose 52 0 0 89/1 0 0 0 273 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 414
bob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
Rinzler56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cupcake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lockon 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-03-21 06:29.40 Ricky_Martin: SOLO UNA PASADA
2015-03-21 06:29.43 drDeo:!p
2015-03-21 06:29.48 3lementaL: aim deaths was due to puepues lol
2015-03-21 06:29.57 easylee: thats why there shouldnt be portals
2015-03-21 06:29.57 3lementaL: and flys
2015-03-21 06:30.15 easylee: my idea: immediate leveltransfer after bossdeath
2015-03-21 06:30.24 easylee: so u cant avoid or lame
2015-03-21 06:32.41 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:33.02 easylee: wth
2015-03-21 06:33.02 z4hra<3: !s
2015-03-21 06:33.29 Ricky_Martin: z4HARA <3
2015-03-21 06:33.48 z4hra<3:what?
2015-03-21 06:34.44 easylee: grrr
2015-03-21 06:34.53 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 06:34.54 3lementaL: how did you buy back your lives?
2015-03-21 06:34.55 3lementaL: lol
2015-03-21 06:34.59 easylee: ?
2015-03-21 06:35.03 easylee: oh
2015-03-21 06:35.07 3lementaL: u got 1 death now lol
2015-03-21 06:35.12 easylee: that might happen during change of colour
2015-03-21 06:36.58 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:37.46 easylee: wtf
2015-03-21 06:38.04 3lementaL: sry easy lol
2015-03-21 06:38.10 Ricky_Martin: OH NO
2015-03-21 06:38.14 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:38.15 3lementaL: yo kark
2015-03-21 06:38.17 easylee: annoying
2015-03-21 06:38.20 karkass: oh yeah!
2015-03-21 06:39.04 3lementaL: kark do you stare at this server 24/7?
2015-03-21 06:39.10 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:39.13 3lementaL: everytime this map is played you randomly pop in haha
2015-03-21 06:39.15 karkass: it´s easyleee doing that
2015-03-21 06:39.22 easylee: oh kark u suck
2015-03-21 06:39.27 karkass: u wisj
2015-03-21 06:39.30 karkass: u wish
2015-03-21 06:39.32 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:39.32 easylee: Hi there!
2015-03-21 06:44.19 z4hra<3:!p
2015-03-21 06:44.28 z4hra<3: wait
2015-03-21 06:44.36 z4hra<3: is my pc fucking up or did easylee have 4 deaths before
2015-03-21 06:44.46 3lementaL: he just changed his skin color
2015-03-21 06:44.52 easylee: its colour change
2015-03-21 06:44.56 z4hra<3: ah
2015-03-21 06:45.08 easylee: no effect on score
2015-03-21 06:45.10 easylee: dont worry
2015-03-21 06:45.20 z4hra<3: i wasn´t i was just confused :)
2015-03-21 06:46.15 drDeo: hmmm. UT is acting strange
2015-03-21 06:46.27 easylee: whats up deo?
2015-03-21 06:47.05 drDeo: dunno whats happend, iUT was changing to Win all time
2015-03-21 06:47.17 easylee: happens sometimes
2015-03-21 06:47.21 easylee: restart pc
2015-03-21 06:47.26 3lementaL: shit
2015-03-21 06:47.28 drDeo: yea i did
2015-03-21 06:47.32 easylee: hm
2015-03-21 06:47.41 drDeo: seems to work noe
2015-03-21 06:47.43 3lementaL: i didnt pick up ripper
2015-03-21 06:47.45 3lementaL: lol
2015-03-21 06:47.48 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:47.48 drDeo: now*
2015-03-21 06:47.54 easylee: ok
2015-03-21 06:49.00 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:49.06 3lementaL: guhh lol
2015-03-21 06:49.08 3lementaL: im going to bed
2015-03-21 06:49.09 easylee: ^^
2015-03-21 06:49.10 3lementaL: to tired
2015-03-21 06:49.15 easylee: cu^^
2015-03-21 06:49.18 easylee: gn
2015-03-21 06:49.24 drDeo: nn and sweet dreams´
2015-03-21 06:54.04 theMuffinMen: 5-6
2015-03-21 06:54.27 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 06:54.29 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 06:54.33 Ricky_Martin: SOLO UNA PASADA
2015-03-21 06:55.17 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 06:55.50 Ricky_Martin: Xd
2015-03-21 06:58.32 karkass: at least 1 left
2015-03-21 07:00.39 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 07:00.44 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:00.55 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:01.48 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 07:01.51 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:02.10 Ricky_Martin: LOOOOOOOOOOOL
2015-03-21 07:02.49 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:02.56 drDeo: ops
2015-03-21 07:03.07 Ricky_Martin: XD
2015-03-21 07:05.07 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:06.39 karkass: ...
2015-03-21 07:06.42 Ricky_Martin: -.-
2015-03-21 07:07.23 easylee: wtf
2015-03-21 07:07.26 easylee: lags sorry
2015-03-21 07:07.40 Ricky_Martin: LOL
2015-03-21 07:07.49 Ricky_Martin: Xd
2015-03-21 07:07.51 drDeo: aaj
2015-03-21 07:08.36 Stronghold: warfly
2015-03-21 07:08.47 Ricky_Martin: -.-
2015-03-21 07:09.22 Ricky_Martin: DR JEO XD
2015-03-21 07:10.14 easylee: gm colton^^
2015-03-21 07:10.21 colton-orr: guten lee
2015-03-21 07:10.27 easylee: .-)
2015-03-21 07:10.32 colton-orr: :O)
2015-03-21 07:10.45 colton-orr: my pc needs retsarting again ffs
2015-03-21 07:11.13 colton-orr: do you like rugby
2015-03-21 07:11.28 karkass: crunch today
2015-03-21 07:11.34 easylee: ouch
2015-03-21 07:11.39 colton-orr: we kick your arses today
2015-03-21 07:11.45 karkass: i think so
2015-03-21 07:11.57 karkass: crap team this year
2015-03-21 07:12.18 colton-orr: very fast in the wings and could beat us if we play narrow
2015-03-21 07:12.51 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 07:13.17 colton-orr: its like i am walking through treacle
2015-03-21 07:16.45 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-03-21 07:17.01 colton-orr: come in
2015-03-21 07:17.16 easylee: ES UNA PASADA
2015-03-21 07:21.30 colton-orr: come in
2015-03-21 07:22.04 colton-orr: he is trying to get me
2015-03-21 07:22.12 karkass: muffin i think
2015-03-21 07:22.16 theMuffinMen: :)
2015-03-21 07:24.10 colton-orr: you were in lol
2015-03-21 07:24.16 easylee: the whole time yes
2015-03-21 07:24.20 colton-orr: tlol
2015-03-21 07:24.29 Ricky_Martin: TLOLOL
2015-03-21 07:24.40 easylee: some players arent boring lamers
2015-03-21 07:24.49 colton-orr: taye lad
2015-03-21 07:25.16 easylee: new fridge coming gtg, have a nice day all
2015-03-21 07:25.21 I_Just_Wanna_Fuck!!: Good game nubs!!!
2015-03-21 07:25.21 colton-orr: tciao
2015-03-21 07:25.23 I_Just_Wanna_Fuck!!: Good game nubs!!!
2015-03-21 07:25.24 I_Just_Wanna_Fuck!!: Good game nubs!!!
2015-03-21 07:25.26 I_Just_Wanna_Fuck!!: Good game nubs!!!
2015-03-21 07:25.34 drDeo: cu

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