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Match Infos
Distance traveled:13,35km
Map Time:00:20:43
Playdate:2015-05-16 21:54:55
Team Awards:
_lady_boo_PL124184 1 0 0 00:20:42 4,54km
tor72017 0 0 0 00:20:42 2,70km
DFB185797 0 0 0 00:20:42 2,70km
Mr_S65099 2 0 0 00:13:30 3,40km
FAZI0 0 0 0 00:07:35 0,00km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
_lady_boo_PL 5 1 1 0 3 2 7 70 0 0 1 0 14 13 6 42 0 0 0/1 165
tor 1 1 0 0 23 0 5 12 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 39 0 0 0 89
DFB 5 2 1 1 8 4 9 40 2 0 3 0 4 19 0 39 0 3 0 140
Mr_S 12 1 0 0 2 0 4 30 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 14 0 2 0/2 67
FAZI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-05-16 21:39.14 _lady_boo_PL: sorry
2015-05-16 21:39.22 tor: no problem
2015-05-16 21:42.57 (H)_=_Hacker: :)
2015-05-16 21:43.03 (H)_=_Hacker: hi
2015-05-16 21:43.11 _lady_boo_PL: hi
2015-05-16 21:43.21 _lady_boo_PL: czesc :)
2015-05-16 21:43.26 (H)_=_Hacker: hi
2015-05-16 21:44.22 (H)_=_Hacker: czesc to ja mr tylko syn cos ty pozmieniall
2015-05-16 21:44.31 _lady_boo_PL: :)
2015-05-16 21:44.44 (H)_=_Hacker: co masz inne wdzianko
2015-05-16 21:44.52 (H)_=_Hacker: zolte
2015-05-16 21:44.55 _lady_boo_PL: tamto mi sie znudzilo
2015-05-16 21:46.10 (H)_=_Hacker: znasz to mape
2015-05-16 21:46.13 _lady_boo_PL: nie
2015-05-16 21:47.27 (H)_=_Hacker: ewez mojo bron
2015-05-16 21:47.50 _lady_boo_PL: nie potrzebuje :P
2015-05-16 21:51.19 _lady_boo_PL: :./
2015-05-16 21:51.31 _lady_boo_PL: wrong weapons :./
2015-05-16 21:51.40 FAZI: siemanko
2015-05-16 21:51.42 (H)_=_Hacker: zwalilamnie
2015-05-16 21:51.46 _lady_boo_PL: hej
2015-05-16 21:51.59 FAZI: idee jarac
2015-05-16 21:52.07 _lady_boo_PL: a co bedziesz jaral>? :P
2015-05-16 21:52.44 FAZI: naraziepapierocha a lawenda na sen )
2015-05-16 21:53.00 _lady_boo_PL: :) powaznie lawenada>?
2015-05-16 21:53.10 FAZI: nie :D
2015-05-16 21:53.17 _lady_boo_PL: Fazi :)
2015-05-16 21:53.26 _lady_boo_PL: a ja myslalam ze mowsz powaznie :)
2015-05-16 21:53.56 FAZI: zapale ale nie lawende tylko jakies inne ziola
2015-05-16 21:54.09 _lady_boo_PL: :D
2015-05-16 21:55.46 (H)_=_Hacker: co u ciebie dzisie ciekawego
2015-05-16 21:55.54 (H)_=_Hacker: lady
2015-05-16 21:56.02 _lady_boo_PL: ladni dzien dzisiaj byl :)
2015-05-16 21:56.14 _lady_boo_PL: cieply :)
2015-05-16 21:56.14 (H)_=_Hacker: fazi co bedziesz jaral
2015-05-16 21:56.27 _lady_boo_PL: chyba wlasnie jara

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