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Match Infos
Distance traveled:25,09km
Map Time:00:24:55
Playdate:2015-06-14 20:17:26
Team Awards:
Crack11513 7 0 0 00:24:55 7,46km
Red110737 1 0 0 00:24:55 4,68km
MIKI27728 3 0 0 00:23:53 4,48km
Nen47164 1 0 0 00:18:06 4,96km
viandel18683 2 0 0 00:14:23 2,96km
vendetta639 1 0 0 00:01:32 0,56km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Crack 6 0 1/1 0 0 0 19/6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Red 18 7 0 0 0 0 46/1 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102
MIKI 9 1 1 0 0 0 27/2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 39
Nen 5 1 1 0 0 0 12/1 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38
viandel 0 2 0 0 0 0 14/2 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
vendetta 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-06-14 19:54.25 Ultimoo: brb cow thirsty
2015-06-14 19:54.28 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:Meow Meow Meow Meoww!
2015-06-14 19:54.30 Navy_Seal: ok sexy cow
2015-06-14 19:54.31 Navy_Seal: :P
2015-06-14 19:54.33 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:lol
2015-06-14 19:55.04 Navy_Seal: saved :D
2015-06-14 19:55.43 Navy_Seal: new song?
2015-06-14 19:56.00 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:yeah this is at the end now
2015-06-14 19:56.15 Navy_Seal: I have a v good one
2015-06-14 19:56.18 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:oo
2015-06-14 19:56.24 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:hit me xP
2015-06-14 19:56.52 Navy_Seal: cornerstone - hillsong
2015-06-14 19:56.56 Navy_Seal: I think it is the live version
2015-06-14 19:57.01 Navy_Seal: v good one
2015-06-14 19:57.09 Navy_Seal: yes :D
2015-06-14 19:57.54 Navy_Seal: cornerstone!
2015-06-14 19:58.07 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:are these your favourite types of music about god? :P
2015-06-14 19:58.09 Navy_Seal: my hope is built on nothing less....then jesus chrsit in rightinious
2015-06-14 19:58.28 Navy_Seal: christ alone...CORNERSTONE!
2015-06-14 19:58.36 Navy_Seal: weak made strong...in saviors love
2015-06-14 19:58.46 Navy_Seal: through the storm....he is lord....lord of ALL!
2015-06-14 19:58.57 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:youre helping me sing along xP
2015-06-14 19:59.05 Navy_Seal: hhah
2015-06-14 19:59.40 Navy_Seal: christ alone...corner stone...weak made strong in SAVIORS LOVE
2015-06-14 19:59.48 Navy_Seal: through the STORM....he is LORD. LORD OF ALLLL!!!
2015-06-14 19:59.53 Navy_Seal: aMEN!
2015-06-14 20:00.08 Navy_Seal: CHRIST ALONE!
2015-06-14 20:00.18 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!::´D
2015-06-14 20:00.21 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-06-14 20:01.02 Nen: hey
2015-06-14 20:01.06 Navy_Seal: hola
2015-06-14 20:01.26 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:Hello :)
2015-06-14 20:01.48 Navy_Seal: claps
2015-06-14 20:02.15 Navy_Seal: raises arms*
2015-06-14 20:02.43 Navy_Seal: christ alone!
2015-06-14 20:03.04 Navy_Seal: you like lady?
2015-06-14 20:03.10 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:not bad not bad :P
2015-06-14 20:03.31 Navy_Seal: maybe he fixes your phone too!
2015-06-14 20:03.32 Navy_Seal:
2015-06-14 20:03.34 Navy_Seal:
2015-06-14 20:03.37 Navy_Seal:
2015-06-14 20:03.40 Navy_Seal: lol
2015-06-14 20:03.41 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:what xD
2015-06-14 20:03.46 Navy_Seal: since it died :P
2015-06-14 20:03.53 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:oh lol xD
2015-06-14 20:03.59 Navy_Seal: yes? :P
2015-06-14 20:04.03 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i just recharged it xD
2015-06-14 20:04.11 Navy_Seal: lol
2015-06-14 20:04.30 viandel: a good map is running and the bad players are no more playing
2015-06-14 20:04.33 viandel: surprise suprise
2015-06-14 20:04.43 Navy_Seal: gooooo viandelllllllllll
2015-06-14 20:04.47 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:you just attract the bad players
2015-06-14 20:04.53 Navy_Seal: my fellow country neighbor :P
2015-06-14 20:04.53 viandel: HEY BE NICE
2015-06-14 20:04.57 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:<3
2015-06-14 20:05.06 viandel: i am easily butthurt
2015-06-14 20:05.18 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:stand up then x.x
2015-06-14 20:06.32 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-06-14 20:06.55 Navy_Seal: we need m4kina for this
2015-06-14 20:06.59 viandel: no we dont
2015-06-14 20:07.00 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:guess ill go back listen to stuff i already have :|
2015-06-14 20:07.04 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:clarity - zedd
2015-06-14 20:07.07 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:woop
2015-06-14 20:07.16 viandel: try some contemporay classical music?
2015-06-14 20:07.28 viandel: really suiting for the mind & body
2015-06-14 20:07.30 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:if it has cello/violin in im game
2015-06-14 20:07.44 viandel: im not really up to date with any good stuff
2015-06-14 20:08.00 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:hmm
2015-06-14 20:08.03 viandel: maybe some chinese japanese wonderchild?
2015-06-14 20:08.13 viandel: wikipedia has a list of them
2015-06-14 20:08.14 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:.. what :3
2015-06-14 20:09.09 viandel: FRIENDLT FIRE
2015-06-14 20:09.25 Navy_Seal: heal
2015-06-14 20:09.29 viandel: crack over here buddy
2015-06-14 20:10.54 viandel: crack where you at
2015-06-14 20:11.03 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:at the back
2015-06-14 20:11.04 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-06-14 20:11.08 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:im sorry i made myself laugh
2015-06-14 20:11.42 Navy_Seal: lalala
2015-06-14 20:11.46 viandel: do we return to big middle area?
2015-06-14 20:11.56 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:oh dont ask me idk
2015-06-14 20:12.25 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:its good xP im bored of god songs though now xD
2015-06-14 20:12.27 Navy_Seal: all I am ...is yoursssssssss
2015-06-14 20:12.28 Navy_Seal: lalal
2015-06-14 20:12.44 Navy_Seal: listen to
2015-06-14 20:12.46 Navy_Seal: Rise against
2015-06-14 20:13.01 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:oh yeah i have that on pause
2015-06-14 20:13.03 Navy_Seal: not sure if you like it or not
2015-06-14 20:13.34 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!: can you guys read this
2015-06-14 20:15.03 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i just saw the most disturbing irn bru advert
2015-06-14 20:15.29 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:theyre not bad
2015-06-14 20:15.34 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:rise against i mean lol
2015-06-14 20:15.37 Navy_Seal: yea
2015-06-14 20:17.39 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:Boo-ya!
2015-06-14 20:18.09 viandel: good map, good players
2015-06-14 20:18.11 viandel: what more do you need
2015-06-14 20:18.14 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:thanks vian :´)

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