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Match Infos
Distance traveled:40,40km
Map Time:00:35:19
Playdate:2015-07-04 22:11:29
Team Awards:
EEE_PC*7115 11 0 0 00:35:19 7,05km
MISTER-DANGEROUS36804 2 0 0 00:35:19 6,13km
Omeega-331158 7 0 0 00:33:46 4,42km
Emperor_Warrior16365 6 0 0 00:31:33 6,13km
Red16618 2 0 0 00:26:49 4,14km
_lady_boo_PL9519 1 0 0 00:22:39 2,65km
Hyperion17646 1 0 0 00:19:19 3,09km
SERGEY_MOSCOW3143 4 0 0 00:13:44 3,32km
matz`11873 2 0 0 00:09:38 1,70km
Shape1913 4 0 0 00:08:31 1,79km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
EEE_PC* 0 4/1 0 5 0 0 7 8 0/2 8 0 0 9/1 0 10 3 0 0 0/14 54
MISTER-DANGEROUS 8 13 0 16 0 0 11 20 0 7 0 0 19 0 0 1 0 0 0/4 95
Omeega-33 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/12 16
Emperor_Warrior 16 0 0 6 0 8 13/2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 46
Red 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1/1 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 13
_lady_boo_PL 3 7 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0/2 19
Hyperion 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 11
SERGEY_MOSCOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 9
matz` 2 5 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
Shape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 3
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-07-04 21:39.09 Mister: no me gusta
2015-07-04 21:39.13 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2015-07-04 21:39.16 _lady_boo_PL: :)
2015-07-04 21:39.17 Mister: pero bien lol
2015-07-04 21:47.03 Navy_Seal: hi all
2015-07-04 21:47.06 _lady_boo_PL: hi
2015-07-04 21:47.06 EEE_PC_901*: hii
2015-07-04 21:47.07 Mister: hi
2015-07-04 21:47.13 Navy_Seal: EEE
2015-07-04 21:47.16 Navy_Seal: teach me this map
2015-07-04 21:47.20 Navy_Seal: you know short cuts
2015-07-04 21:47.31 Mister: te sigo navy?
2015-07-04 21:47.46 EEE_PC_901*: up
2015-07-04 21:47.49 Navy_Seal: ah
2015-07-04 21:47.53 EEE_PC_901*: up
2015-07-04 21:48.01 EEE_PC_901*: no shoot
2015-07-04 21:48.25 Mister: increible
2015-07-04 21:48.28 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-07-04 21:48.30 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2015-07-04 21:48.32 Navy_Seal: yo sigo tu :D
2015-07-04 21:48.42 Mister: yo no se
2015-07-04 21:48.44 Navy_Seal: can you shoot the box down?
2015-07-04 21:48.48 EEE_PC_901*: allways back the box at beguining
2015-07-04 21:50.21 EEE_PC_901*: i have very bad ping for this
2015-07-04 21:50.43 Navy_Seal: Im stuck
2015-07-04 21:50.44 Navy_Seal: lol
2015-07-04 21:50.45 EEE_PC_901*: just crouch and right shootings
2015-07-04 21:50.53 EEE_PC_901*: i have very bad ping for this
2015-07-04 21:51.01 Navy_Seal: !s
2015-07-04 21:51.02 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2015-07-04 21:51.08 Mister: lol
2015-07-04 21:51.10 _lady_boo_PL: A)
2015-07-04 21:51.14 _lady_boo_PL: :(
2015-07-04 21:51.18 Navy_Seal:!p
2015-07-04 21:51.34 EEE_PC_901*: baby take mini boxes,work well ;)
2015-07-04 21:52.40 Navy_Seal: ?
2015-07-04 21:53.00 EEE_PC_901*: baaad ping!!
2015-07-04 21:53.00 Navy_Seal: holy shit man
2015-07-04 21:53.11 EEE_PC_901*: sorry,i allways pass easely
2015-07-04 21:53.23 Omeega-33: la technique de ouf! xD
2015-07-04 21:53.26 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2015-07-04 21:53.27 Navy_Seal: are you alive?
2015-07-04 21:54.05 Emperor: hi hyperian
2015-07-04 21:54.20 Navy_Seal: shoot the other box down :D
2015-07-04 21:54.24 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-07-04 21:54.29 Navy_Seal: that one was mine
2015-07-04 21:54.35 EEE_PC_901*: dont shoot
2015-07-04 21:54.38 EEE_PC_901*: stop
2015-07-04 21:54.43 EEE_PC_901*: up
2015-07-04 21:54.46 EEE_PC_901*: dont shoot
2015-07-04 21:54.58 EEE_PC_901*: up all
2015-07-04 21:55.07 Navy_Seal: hello hyperion
2015-07-04 21:55.09 Navy_Seal: its good to see you
2015-07-04 21:55.13 dU.Hyperion: I see cheating!
2015-07-04 21:55.20 Navy_Seal: it wasnt me
2015-07-04 21:55.27 dU.Hyperion: and it´s navy seal, well well
2015-07-04 21:55.30 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-07-04 21:55.33 EEE_PC_901*: my record 4 players lol
2015-07-04 21:55.36 Navy_Seal: Im innocent
2015-07-04 21:55.50 Navy_Seal: obviously :d
2015-07-04 21:55.51 dU.Hyperion: lol, everyone gone
2015-07-04 21:55.55 dU.Hyperion: scared of me
2015-07-04 21:55.57 Navy_Seal: damn
2015-07-04 21:56.01 Navy_Seal: now Im stuck with you
2015-07-04 21:56.21 dU.Hyperion: oi
2015-07-04 21:56.32 Mister: lol
2015-07-04 21:56.49 Omeega-33: the funniest thing ive seen on UT xD
2015-07-04 21:56.52 dU.Hyperion: let´s watch the cheaters
2015-07-04 21:57.18 Navy_Seal: crap
2015-07-04 21:57.43 Omeega-33: send us the box!
2015-07-04 21:57.51 dU.Hyperion: kinda can´t
2015-07-04 21:59.01 EEE_PC_901*: back a boxes,plz
2015-07-04 21:59.06 EEE_PC_901*: back a boxes,plz
2015-07-04 21:59.11 Navy_Seal: how and where
2015-07-04 21:59.46 _lady_boo_PL: CU later
2015-07-04 21:59.50 EEE_PC_901*: bb
2015-07-04 21:59.52 Navy_Seal: how did hyperion get over there
2015-07-04 22:00.00 dU.Hyperion: with magic
2015-07-04 22:00.08 Navy_Seal: I dont believe you
2015-07-04 22:00.09 Navy_Seal: you you...
2015-07-04 22:00.11 Navy_Seal: cheater!!!
2015-07-04 22:00.13 Navy_Seal: :o
2015-07-04 22:00.17 dU.Hyperion: excuse me?
2015-07-04 22:00.22 dU.Hyperion: watch your words, pleas
2015-07-04 22:00.24 dU.Hyperion: e
2015-07-04 22:00.25 Navy_Seal: you heard me :o
2015-07-04 22:00.31 Navy_Seal: bad girl
2015-07-04 22:00.34 Navy_Seal: baddddd girl
2015-07-04 22:00.36 Navy_Seal: :P
2015-07-04 22:00.47 dU.Hyperion: I´m not playing or anything
2015-07-04 22:00.56 Navy_Seal: you are still evil
2015-07-04 22:01.02 dU.Hyperion: if you insist
2015-07-04 22:01.06 EEE_PC_901*: call me if the bridge down
2015-07-04 22:01.16 Navy_Seal: you are evil and you know it
2015-07-04 22:01.21 Navy_Seal: btw
2015-07-04 22:01.25 dU.Hyperion: we´ll call you maybe
2015-07-04 22:01.30 Navy_Seal: Im listening for the first time to THE DOORS
2015-07-04 22:01.40 Omeega-33: the mormal way to do this pls?
2015-07-04 22:01.50 dU.Hyperion: water
2015-07-04 22:02.57 dU.Hyperion: take the suit before going underwater
2015-07-04 22:03.23 Navy_Seal: are you twins ?
2015-07-04 22:03.32 dU.Hyperion: mierda
2015-07-04 22:03.41 Navy_Seal: hyperion?
2015-07-04 22:03.43 dU.Hyperion: what
2015-07-04 22:03.44 Navy_Seal: was that your twin?
2015-07-04 22:03.45 Navy_Seal: :P
2015-07-04 22:03.48 dU.Hyperion: where
2015-07-04 22:04.03 Navy_Seal: the slith
2015-07-04 22:04.20 dU.Hyperion: still not funny, try harder next time
2015-07-04 22:04.21 Mister: mierda
2015-07-04 22:04.23 Navy_Seal: ok
2015-07-04 22:04.24 Navy_Seal: :D
2015-07-04 22:04.24 dU.Hyperion: lol
2015-07-04 22:04.28 dU.Hyperion: mierda!
2015-07-04 22:04.34 Navy_Seal: excuse me hyperion!
2015-07-04 22:04.37 dU.Hyperion: lol
2015-07-04 22:04.39 Navy_Seal: act like a lady!
2015-07-04 22:04.57 dU.Hyperion: don´t tell me how to live my life!
2015-07-04 22:04.58 Navy_Seal: charmmmmmmmmmm is the key word
2015-07-04 22:05.10 dU.Hyperion: I don´t have to be a lady in a video game
2015-07-04 22:05.17 Emperor: !s
2015-07-04 22:05.36 Navy_Seal: are you in real life? :P
2015-07-04 22:05.39 Navy_Seal: I mean
2015-07-04 22:05.42 Navy_Seal: like acting like a lady
2015-07-04 22:05.51 dU.Hyperion: why does it interest you
2015-07-04 22:05.55 Navy_Seal: just wondering
2015-07-04 22:06.28 Navy_Seal: estoy educado :)
2015-07-04 22:06.47 dU.Hyperion: outta my way, I handle this
2015-07-04 22:07.41 Navy_Seal: sometimes
2015-07-04 22:07.42 dU.Hyperion: lol
2015-07-04 22:07.44 Navy_Seal: just sometimes hyperion
2015-07-04 22:07.51 Navy_Seal: I know this is wrong to say
2015-07-04 22:07.53 Navy_Seal: but I ahve to say
2015-07-04 22:07.58 Navy_Seal: but sometimes I think of
2015-07-04 22:08.02 Navy_Seal: maybe you are not that stupid
2015-07-04 22:08.05 Navy_Seal: :P
2015-07-04 22:08.11 Navy_Seal: sometimes
2015-07-04 22:08.15 Navy_Seal:
2015-07-04 22:08.17 Mister: grrrrr
2015-07-04 22:08.19 dU.Hyperion: LOL
2015-07-04 22:08.35 dU.Hyperion: well, navy, it doesn´t happen to me when it comes to you
2015-07-04 22:08.43 Navy_Seal: dont worry
2015-07-04 22:08.50 Navy_Seal: I do not feel insulted
2015-07-04 22:08.50 dU.Hyperion: I don´t
2015-07-04 22:08.51 EEE_PC_901*: bridge open!
2015-07-04 22:08.54 Navy_Seal: Im a geniusssss!
2015-07-04 22:09.12 EEE_PC_901*: bridge open!
2015-07-04 22:09.19 dU.Hyperion: really?!
2015-07-04 22:09.20 Mister: ok
2015-07-04 22:09.23 dU.Hyperion: omg, bridge open!
2015-07-04 22:09.27 dU.Hyperion: you heard it guys
2015-07-04 22:09.28 Navy_Seal: :o
2015-07-04 22:09.36 dU.Hyperion: BRIDGE OPEN
2015-07-04 22:09.38 Navy_Seal: bridge is up!!!
2015-07-04 22:09.41 Navy_Seal: I have seen it myself!
2015-07-04 22:09.53 EEE_PC_901*: hyperion back
2015-07-04 22:09.55 EEE_PC_901*: quick
2015-07-04 22:10.24 dU.Hyperion: I boom
2015-07-04 22:10.43 dU.Hyperion: boom was a success
2015-07-04 22:10.56 EEE_PC_901*: fatal ping
2015-07-04 22:10.58 Navy_Seal: fk
2015-07-04 22:11.06 Navy_Seal: fantastic kill*
2015-07-04 22:11.17 Navy_Seal: before the hater is going to say something about it
2015-07-04 22:11.21 dU.Hyperion: behave yourself, navy seal
2015-07-04 22:11.24 dU.Hyperion: !
2015-07-04 22:11.27 Navy_Seal: I said
2015-07-04 22:11.30 dU.Hyperion: where are your manners
2015-07-04 22:11.31 Navy_Seal: fantastic kill
2015-07-04 22:11.36 Navy_Seal: :o
2015-07-04 22:11.37 dU.Hyperion: yes, sure
2015-07-04 22:11.37 Mister: gg
2015-07-04 22:11.39 Navy_Seal: I did
2015-07-04 22:11.42 dU.Hyperion: don´t lie to me for another time
2015-07-04 22:11.49 Navy_Seal: I never lie
2015-07-04 22:11.49 dU.Hyperion: I can see through your lies
2015-07-04 22:11.53 Navy_Seal: you scare me now
2015-07-04 22:11.56 Mister: voy a cenar
2015-07-04 22:11.59 dU.Hyperion: ok
2015-07-04 22:11.59 Mister: bb
2015-07-04 22:12.02 Navy_Seal: que aproveche mister
2015-07-04 22:12.07 dU.Hyperion: que approveche
2015-07-04 22:12.10 Mister: gracias
2015-07-04 22:12.14 Navy_Seal: you are a very scary woman hyperion
2015-07-04 22:12.17 dU.Hyperion: XD
2015-07-04 22:12.22 dU.Hyperion: thank you, I´m flattered
2015-07-04 22:12.26 Navy_Seal: :(
2015-07-04 22:12.32 dU.Hyperion: oh, a new map
2015-07-04 22:12.36 Navy_Seal: amazing

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