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Match Infos
Distance traveled:8,00km
Map Time:00:24:15
Playdate:2015-07-18 14:41:09
Team Awards:
karkass238680 1 0 0 00:24:15 2,83km
Absolutely14881 1 0 0 00:13:02 2,35km
theMuffinMen17186 0 0 0 00:06:22 1,34km
Poop_Robot32114 0 0 0 00:03:49 1,06km
Apocalypse0 0 0 0 00:01:42 0,42km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
karkass 51 0 0 0 0 0 46/1 14 0 0 1 0 6 11 11 5 0 0 0 145
Absolutely 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10
theMuffinMen 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Poop_Robot 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Apocalypse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-07-18 14:21.46 Navy_Seal:you can play all your OMG maps kark ass
2015-07-18 14:21.50 Navy_Seal:wuuhooo!
2015-07-18 14:22.01 Navy_Seal:you must be enjoying yourself right now
2015-07-18 14:31.26 Navy_Seal:hi abso
2015-07-18 14:31.32 Absolutely: absolutely
2015-07-18 14:31.39 Navy_Seal::P
2015-07-18 14:32.03 Navy_Seal:karkass needs a friend :P
2015-07-18 14:32.07 Navy_Seal:interested? :P
2015-07-18 14:32.15 Absolutely: not entirely
2015-07-18 14:32.18 Navy_Seal:lol
2015-07-18 14:32.20 Absolutely: but inebriate
2015-07-18 14:32.21 Absolutely: ed
2015-07-18 14:32.58 Navy_Seal:Im helping karkass with friends :P
2015-07-18 14:33.10 Navy_Seal:Im a nice guy
2015-07-18 14:33.38 Absolutely: well when you see someone in need
2015-07-18 14:33.41 Absolutely: always good to help
2015-07-18 14:33.54 Navy_Seal:karkass is best player on server
2015-07-18 14:33.58 Navy_Seal:check out the rankings
2015-07-18 14:34.00 Absolutely: we just have to find someone else that really likes bad maps
2015-07-18 14:34.09 Navy_Seal:LOL yes
2015-07-18 14:34.50 Absolutely: personally I need a friend that gets lost often, is always confused and sometimes kills stuff
2015-07-18 14:35.01 Navy_Seal:hmm
2015-07-18 14:35.16 Navy_Seal:Im thinking...
2015-07-18 14:35.38 Absolutely: oh and they must not like lol spam
2015-07-18 14:36.04 Navy_Seal:hi muffin
2015-07-18 14:36.13 Navy_Seal:can I ask you something muffin?
2015-07-18 14:36.14 theMuffinMen: heeellloooouuuu :)
2015-07-18 14:36.20 theMuffinMen: shoot
2015-07-18 14:36.26 Navy_Seal:you can teach karkass how to dodge
2015-07-18 14:36.37 Navy_Seal:he didnt learned it in like 15 years of playing this game
2015-07-18 14:37.01 Navy_Seal:2nd question
2015-07-18 14:37.05 Absolutely: being completely honest here
2015-07-18 14:37.09 Navy_Seal:I know Im asking a lot now
2015-07-18 14:37.11 Absolutely: I die so much because dodging hurts my fingers
2015-07-18 14:37.17 Navy_Seal:but karkass needs friends
2015-07-18 14:37.21 Navy_Seal:can you be his friend?:P
2015-07-18 14:37.40 theMuffinMen: i am his best friend :)
2015-07-18 14:37.45 Navy_Seal:there are some requirements: you have to like OMG maps
2015-07-18 14:37.46 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:37.48 Navy_Seal:unai hola
2015-07-18 14:37.53 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:37.59 Navy_Seal:que tal
2015-07-18 14:38.02 Noob: bien :P
2015-07-18 14:38.13 Navy_Seal:que has hecho hoy
2015-07-18 14:38.23 Noob: nada especial
2015-07-18 14:38.26 Navy_Seal:ah
2015-07-18 14:38.27 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:38.48 Absolutely: go noob go
2015-07-18 14:39.53 Navy_Seal:que has estudiado cata hoy?
2015-07-18 14:40.02 Noob: es sabado
2015-07-18 14:40.03 Navy_Seal:cata = programma you know
2015-07-18 14:40.07 Navy_Seal:ahh
2015-07-18 14:40.08 Noob: nadie estudia los sabados :P
2015-07-18 14:40.09 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:40.11 Noob: catia.
2015-07-18 14:40.13 Navy_Seal:ahhhh
2015-07-18 14:40.15 Navy_Seal:catia si
2015-07-18 14:40.18 Navy_Seal:pardon :P
2015-07-18 14:40.26 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:40.56 Absolutely: karkass kill stealer
2015-07-18 14:41.14 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:41.47 Noob: :D
2015-07-18 14:41.48 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:41.57 Absolutely: whoa guys
2015-07-18 14:42.00 Noob: ATAA2, with normal weapons, hard?
2015-07-18 14:42.06 Absolutely: whoa
2015-07-18 14:42.07 Noob: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-07-18 14:42.09 Mrs._Cat_: !<
2015-07-18 14:42.15 Absolutely: !vote
2015-07-18 14:42.18 Noob: is good for crazy server.
2015-07-18 14:42.21 Mrs._Cat_: !v

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