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Match Infos
Distance traveled:32,72km
Map Time:00:41:48
Playdate:2015-07-22 11:40:16
Team Awards:
Absolutely22913 4 1 0 00:41:48 9,23km
Mousy_for_Admin!180912 5 0 0 00:41:48 8,97km
Beemo5553 5 0 0 00:19:10 5,05km
Badis47280 2 0 0 00:18:41 3,92km
McQueen4604 4 0 0 00:16:52 3,60km
war_man2092 3 0 0 00:09:23 1,94km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Absolutely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 19/5 20
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 55/5 66
Beemo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24/5 24
Badis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56/2 56
McQueen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8/4 9
war_man 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2/3 6
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-07-22 11:02.14 DarkBeemo: this one´s worse
2015-07-22 11:02.25 Crow: that robot has a serious case of OCD. don´t support his shit.
2015-07-22 11:02.35 Crow: at least it doesn´t repeat daily
2015-07-22 11:02.52 DarkBeemo: UGH
2015-07-22 11:02.57 DarkBeemo: the reason why I fucking hate this shit
2015-07-22 11:03.05 DarkBeemo: it´s because of those annoying little flying cunts
2015-07-22 11:03.22 Doc_Holliday: Y´ello
2015-07-22 11:03.25 DarkBeemo: wb
2015-07-22 11:03.30 Doc_Holliday: chhers bud
2015-07-22 11:03.31 Crow: hate them? =kill them
2015-07-22 11:03.40 Doc_Holliday: Crow wow....still up
2015-07-22 11:03.46 Crow: still? lol
2015-07-22 11:03.56 Crow: not too unusual for me
2015-07-22 11:03.59 Doc_Holliday: 3am there?
2015-07-22 11:04.09 Absolutely: duh udh duh duh duh
2015-07-22 11:04.14 Crow: 5
2015-07-22 11:04.23 Doc_Holliday: 5 f***
2015-07-22 11:04.34 Doc_Holliday: I´d be getting up
2015-07-22 11:04.39 Crow: lol
2015-07-22 11:04.48 Absolutely: I can´t believe there actually were dinosaurs here
2015-07-22 11:04.57 Doc_Holliday: you awrite Abs?
2015-07-22 11:04.58 Crow: hey I wake up early on weekends
2015-07-22 11:04.58 Absolutely: I never voted for because "that´s probably some childish map"
2015-07-22 11:05.05 Crow: lol
2015-07-22 11:05.08 DarkBeemo: I need to get my sleep patterns back in shape when summer´s over
2015-07-22 11:05.11 Absolutely: yeah trying for carbs
2015-07-22 11:05.18 Absolutely: I got a box of macaroni
2015-07-22 11:05.25 Crow: well there are mario themed maps here
2015-07-22 11:05.25 Absolutely: imagine only being able to eat pasta for the rest of your life
2015-07-22 11:05.38 Crow: groovy
2015-07-22 11:05.47 Absolutely: yeah but everything else tastes like shit
2015-07-22 11:05.50 Doc_Holliday: love it tho
2015-07-22 11:05.55 Absolutely: course
2015-07-22 11:06.12 Crow: eat it in various ways
2015-07-22 11:06.20 Crow: put it in a blender and make pasta milkshake
2015-07-22 11:06.26 Absolutely: haha
2015-07-22 11:06.39 commander: sry
2015-07-22 11:06.44 Absolutely: I just eat salty chips and crackers
2015-07-22 11:06.56 Absolutely: i have so many food aversions you would shit yourself hearing them
2015-07-22 11:07.02 Doc_Holliday: dehydrate
2015-07-22 11:07.27 Doc_Holliday: got mauled
2015-07-22 11:07.51 Absolutely: did anyone play that awkward 3d jurassic park game
2015-07-22 11:07.54 Absolutely: pc
2015-07-22 11:08.02 Doc_Holliday: lol no
2015-07-22 11:08.06 DarkBeemo: I didn´t even know JP had games
2015-07-22 11:08.06 Crow: nope
2015-07-22 11:08.12 Absolutely: i´ll think of the name but you controlled the lady´s arm with your mouse
2015-07-22 11:08.20 Doc_Holliday: last game I played was doom 3
2015-07-22 11:08.25 Absolutely: that game was actually incredible, it was made in 95 and looked better than this
2015-07-22 11:08.26 Doc_Holliday: oh and this
2015-07-22 11:08.30 Absolutely: they had masterful polygons
2015-07-22 11:08.34 Absolutely: JP: trespasser
2015-07-22 11:08.36 commander: is cool game quake
2015-07-22 11:08.39 Absolutely: plus the game is massive
2015-07-22 11:08.41 commander: is cool game quake2
2015-07-22 11:08.44 commander: 3
2015-07-22 11:08.49 Doc_Holliday: oh love Q2
2015-07-22 11:08.55 commander: is cool game quake3
2015-07-22 11:08.59 Doc_Holliday: like best monsties ever
2015-07-22 11:09.03 DarkBeemo: I´ve been thinking about reinstalling Q2
2015-07-22 11:09.17 Doc_Holliday: I´ve got like 2000 maps for Q2
2015-07-22 11:09.18 Absolutely: I´ve been thinking about pasta
2015-07-22 11:09.18 commander: Q2 is good
2015-07-22 11:09.37 DarkBeemo: sure, some of the people online are massive assholes, but it´s still fun
2015-07-22 11:09.51 Absolutely: karkass is the rreal deal
2015-07-22 11:09.57 Doc_Holliday: lol
2015-07-22 11:09.59 Crow: helping a friend build a win98 PC, so he can play all the classics
2015-07-22 11:09.59 Absolutely: he lives the asshole life
2015-07-22 11:10.08 Absolutely: hurting like 30 other people that come here with shit maps
2015-07-22 11:10.13 commander: oooo
2015-07-22 11:10.13 Crow: pentium 3 FTW
2015-07-22 11:10.21 DarkBeemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-07-22 11:10.22 commander: ooo visse
2015-07-22 11:10.28 Doc_Holliday: starting from DOS?
2015-07-22 11:10.36 Badis: omg this monster is 3750000 power
2015-07-22 11:10.37 DarkBeemo: some of the people I´ve seen on Q2 will criticize you for anything
2015-07-22 11:11.01 Crow: do like kark, shoot it nonstop and get the most score
2015-07-22 11:11.05 Doc_Holliday: overwhelmed
2015-07-22 11:11.16 Absolutely: use the ripper
2015-07-22 11:11.22 Absolutely: but don´t go in front of me
2015-07-22 11:11.26 Absolutely: don´t use rocket launchers
2015-07-22 11:11.31 Badis: i can´t shoot him
2015-07-22 11:11.41 Doc_Holliday: like where are you guys?
2015-07-22 11:11.47 DarkBeemo: burning in hell
2015-07-22 11:11.48 Absolutely: he raged this morning and shot me into the lava twice with a rocket launcher
2015-07-22 11:11.49 Badis: in no where
2015-07-22 11:11.59 Absolutely: was pretty funny
2015-07-22 11:12.03 Doc_Holliday: lol
2015-07-22 11:12.10 Badis: in no where
2015-07-22 11:12.12 Badis: i can´t shoot him
2015-07-22 11:12.17 DarkBeemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-07-22 11:12.31 DarkBeemo: this is boring anyhow
2015-07-22 11:12.37 Crow: his immune
2015-07-22 11:12.42 Doc_Holliday: I´m going thru the bacland white thingy
2015-07-22 11:13.09 Crow: fyi you´re not supposed to fuck with this dino
2015-07-22 11:13.11 Absolutely: the soft trumpet music is enjoyable though
2015-07-22 11:13.17 Crow: it´s just here for show
2015-07-22 11:13.23 Absolutely: when you haven´t heard it 34,000 times
2015-07-22 11:13.27 Badis: why this monster
2015-07-22 11:13.31 Doc_Holliday: trex ate my ass
2015-07-22 11:13.32 Badis: can´t shoot it
2015-07-22 11:13.34 Crow: decoration
2015-07-22 11:13.46 Absolutely: yeah but it can kill you
2015-07-22 11:14.01 Crow: I forgot that you can´t damage it at all
2015-07-22 11:14.15 Crow: I thought he was only immune to the ship´s fire
2015-07-22 11:14.41 DarkBeemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-07-22 11:14.51 Absolutely: I still haven´t seen a single plane
2015-07-22 11:14.52 Absolutely: weird
2015-07-22 11:15.45 Doc_Holliday: oh bugger where did you get that?
2015-07-22 11:16.00 DarkBeemo: the jet?
2015-07-22 11:16.03 Absolutely: I wish I could find one
2015-07-22 11:16.07 Absolutely: I got stuck
2015-07-22 11:16.10 Absolutely: ish
2015-07-22 11:16.18 Absolutely: well dead end
2015-07-22 11:16.19 DarkBeemo: on top of the little bunker where the portal is inside
2015-07-22 11:16.22 Crow: where you enter the structure
2015-07-22 11:16.26 Crow: where the tele is
2015-07-22 11:16.32 Crow: just above the entrance
2015-07-22 11:16.45 DarkBeemo: WTF
2015-07-22 11:16.46 Absolutely: long walk back
2015-07-22 11:16.49 Absolutely: I was talking to the trex
2015-07-22 11:17.13 Crow: did he reply?
2015-07-22 11:17.18 Absolutely: nope redeemer didn´t work
2015-07-22 11:17.36 Absolutely:
2015-07-22 11:17.37 Absolutely: wow
2015-07-22 11:17.46 Absolutely: they camouflaged it
2015-07-22 11:18.00 Crow: available only to the 31337
2015-07-22 11:18.11 Absolutely: yeah too much of a stoner to find
2015-07-22 11:19.54 Absolutely: brachiosaurs with titan hit boxes
2015-07-22 11:19.57 Absolutely: pretty funny
2015-07-22 11:20.30 Absolutely: wow everyone left
2015-07-22 11:20.46 Crow: lame on their part
2015-07-22 11:21.03 Absolutely: this is pretty cool, just hard to find your way around
2015-07-22 11:21.53 Crow: well once you play it a few times... it becomes clear
2015-07-22 11:22.02 Absolutely: mapping it out in my head
2015-07-22 11:22.16 Absolutely: there were a couple brachiosaurs up front anyways
2015-07-22 11:22.30 Absolutely: I like it, dank monster skins
2015-07-22 11:22.45 Absolutely: except t-rex he´s ugly
2015-07-22 11:25.37 Absolutely: not 100% sure where to find everything
2015-07-22 11:25.59 Crow: well things are all over the place
2015-07-22 11:26.13 Crow: once you teleport to the second area you´ll see the flak mini and ripper
2015-07-22 11:26.21 Absolutely: teleport to second area... where
2015-07-22 11:26.35 Crow: the concrete structure... enter it
2015-07-22 11:26.53 Crow: where you picked up the ship
2015-07-22 11:28.53 Absolutely: oh snap
2015-07-22 11:28.59 Absolutely: t-rex in the building made me shit a brick
2015-07-22 11:29.03 Absolutely: holy crap
2015-07-22 11:29.12 Crow: wait don´t go there
2015-07-22 11:29.20 Absolutely: I guess I won´t next time
2015-07-22 11:29.28 Absolutely: he scared the shit out of me made me shoot plan
2015-07-22 11:29.30 Absolutely: e
2015-07-22 11:29.38 Crow: you need to kill it and that´s the end there
2015-07-22 11:29.50 Crow: but there are more monsters to be dealt with
2015-07-22 11:29.50 Absolutely: damnit
2015-07-22 11:32.10 Absolutely: damnit
2015-07-22 11:36.49 Absolutely: two floating around
2015-07-22 11:36.53 Absolutely: rest should be trex
2015-07-22 11:37.03 Crow: where
2015-07-22 11:37.10 Absolutely: hell if I know
2015-07-22 11:37.24 Badis: omg still here
2015-07-22 11:37.35 Absolutely: it´s been like 10 minutes
2015-07-22 11:37.47 Badis: i was swimmin,g
2015-07-22 11:37.59 Crow: cool
2015-07-22 11:38.09 Badis: the sea is just 50m far
2015-07-22 11:38.25 Badis: but weather so hot
2015-07-22 11:39.31 Absolutely: I can´t feel temperatures right
2015-07-22 11:39.44 Absolutely: it felt like 50-55 degrees when I woke up a little bit ago
2015-07-22 11:40.07 Crow: humidity
2015-07-22 11:40.09 Absolutely: it´s synasthesia
2015-07-22 11:40.32 Absolutely: mah skin don´t work
2015-07-22 11:40.42 Crow: alright, now it´s my time to leave.
2015-07-22 11:40.45 Crow: see you arouns
2015-07-22 11:40.46 Absolutely: Gotta make macaroni
2015-07-22 11:40.49 Crow: around
2015-07-22 11:40.50 Absolutely: I´ll show up probably
2015-07-22 11:40.59 Crow: !exit

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