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Match Infos
Distance traveled:33,18km
Map Time:00:35:33
Playdate:2015-07-25 22:33:02
Team Awards:
_lady_boo_PL16759 5 0 0 00:35:33 5,18km
karkass387482 3 0 1 00:35:33 3,55km
BusterBold6876 0 0 0 00:35:33 3,08km
skorp47291 4 0 0 00:35:33 6,87km
RutraK120734 2 0 0 00:35:33 4,53km
Sunflower19576 1 0 0 00:17:48 2,40km
war_man9423 10 0 0 00:16:47 2,18km
EEE_PC*35107 3 0 1 00:13:55 2,41km
Absolutely13338 1 0 0 00:09:58 1,73km
Omeega-3318323 0 0 0 00:03:32 0,92km
Tzilakatzin1990 1 0 0 00:01:59 0,34km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
_lady_boo_PL 0 4/1 0 9 14 1 0 97 0 12 5 0 0 129/1 0 0 0 0 0/3 271
karkass 24 57 1 62 8 18 0 158 0 35 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0/3 370
BusterBold 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 22
skorp 5 15 1/1 7 7/1 3/1 0 0 0 6 5 0 4 121 0 0 0 0 0/1 174
RutraK 1 21 3 18 16 3 0 202 0 15 3 0 4 145 0 0 0 0 0/2 431
Sunflower 0 21 0 0 64 0 0 8 0 5 6 0 3 42 0 0 0 0 0/1 149
war_man 0 0 0 0 3 1/2 0 36 0 4 0 0 1/1 33/1 0 0 0 0 0/8 78
EEE_PC* 10 5 4 33 0 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0/2 71
Absolutely 0 8 0 2 5/1 0 0 37 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68
Omeega-33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Tzilakatzin 0 0 0 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-07-25 22:00.18 karkass: yep lol t´as eu peur
2015-07-25 22:00.24 EEE_PC_901*: naaa
2015-07-25 22:00.25 BangBang: hhahahhahahha
2015-07-25 22:00.29 BangBang: This app soo funny
2015-07-25 22:00.30 karkass: si si jte connais
2015-07-25 22:00.42 EEE_PC_901*: jai peur du ping :D
2015-07-25 22:01.11 karkass: gg
2015-07-25 22:01.37 BangBang: Boo, hahhahahhaha
2015-07-25 22:01.53 BangBang: Wlasnie zainstalowalem sobie aplikacje z dzwonkiem "wstyd" :d
2015-07-25 22:02.04 BangBang: Z ostatniego odcinka gry o tron :D
2015-07-25 22:02.06 _lady_boo_PL: im waiting for my pilot :P
2015-07-25 22:02.21 _lady_boo_PL: wiem-czytalam :P
2015-07-25 22:02.24 _lady_boo_PL: i ?
2015-07-25 22:02.42 BangBang: To niedorzeczne ze takie rzeczy staja sie tak popularne :D
2015-07-25 22:02.58 BangBang: Pewnie pelno jest tego na tych wysztskich demotach i kwejkach.
2015-07-25 22:03.19 BangBang: Stad pewnie ta apka ^^
2015-07-25 22:03.28 _lady_boo_PL: nic o tym nie wiem-musze nadrobic zaleglosci :P
2015-07-25 22:03.40 BangBang: Nie ma czego.
2015-07-25 22:03.53 BangBang: Ja nie widzialem zadnego mema chyba od dwoch lat XD
2015-07-25 22:04.26 BangBang: Musialem az wysilic mozg zeby sobie przypomniec jak to sie nazywa - mem.
2015-07-25 22:05.08 _lady_boo_PL: :D
2015-07-25 22:05.18 BangBang: Ale tworcom trzeba oddac.
2015-07-25 22:05.24 BangBang: I aktorce oczywiscie.
2015-07-25 22:05.31 BangBang: Bardzo odwazna scena.
2015-07-25 22:05.47 BangBang: Oczywiscie to wszystko na podstawie ksiazki mimo wszystko zrobione swietnie.
2015-07-25 22:06.17 BangBang: Final calkiem niezly. Spodziewalem sie wiecej trupow i krwi itd. :D
2015-07-25 22:06.18 _lady_boo_PL: kasiazki ni9estety nie czytalam
2015-07-25 22:06.28 BangBang: Ale milo zaskoczyli.
2015-07-25 22:06.33 BangBang: Cos innego.
2015-07-25 22:06.49 _lady_boo_PL: poopowiadaj wiec
2015-07-25 22:06.53 karkass: waring denil detected
2015-07-25 22:06.57 BangBang: Seriale maja to do siebie ze zawsze sezon musi sie zakonczyc takim boom.
2015-07-25 22:07.15 a_tentcale_friends: hi all IDIOTSSSS
2015-07-25 22:07.16 BangBang: Na szczescie to bylo cos innego :)
2015-07-25 22:07.27 a_tentcale_friends: hi all IDIOTSSSS
2015-07-25 22:07.37 BangBang: Lets kick her/him/it?
2015-07-25 22:07.51 karkass: tes
2015-07-25 22:08.13 a_tentcale_friends: yes
2015-07-25 22:09.24 a_tentcale_friends: waring karkass is in server
2015-07-25 22:09.36 BangBang: He´s always here.
2015-07-25 22:09.40 BangBang: No need for warning...
2015-07-25 22:09.45 karkass: like u then
2015-07-25 22:09.53 a_tentcale_friends: yes waeing
2015-07-25 22:09.54 karkass: otherwise how would u know
2015-07-25 22:10.13 BangBang: You can check it on dU site? XD
2015-07-25 22:10.18 EEE_PC_901*: !o
2015-07-25 22:10.30 karkass: lol and u do
2015-07-25 22:10.39 karkass: i´m so importantr
2015-07-25 22:11.04 BangBang: Noo, I visit dU site from time to time.
2015-07-25 22:11.13 BangBang: And I check out servers.
2015-07-25 22:11.16 skorp: hey, what is your problem whit karkass?
2015-07-25 22:11.27 a_tentcale_friends: yess
2015-07-25 22:11.30 karkass: they can´t explain
2015-07-25 22:11.35 BangBang: That´s how I know who is online and when to join or not.
2015-07-25 22:11.38 skorp: lol
2015-07-25 22:11.52 BangBang: I think it would take too long to put it all.
2015-07-25 22:11.56 karkass: see
2015-07-25 22:12.05 BangBang: I suppos I´d be able to write a book about it :D
2015-07-25 22:13.18 EEE_PC_901*: very bad ping,i back later ;)
2015-07-25 22:13.22 EEE_PC_901*: !quit
2015-07-25 22:13.24 karkass: degage
2015-07-25 22:14.49 a_tentcale_friends: DANGER IS KARKASS
2015-07-25 22:14.56 skorp: lol
2015-07-25 22:14.58 karkass: lamer is denil
2015-07-25 22:15.03 a_tentcale_friends: DANGER IS KARKASS
2015-07-25 22:15.13 skorp: thats a compliment!
2015-07-25 22:16.19 a_tentcale_friends: k
2015-07-25 22:16.22 a_tentcale_friends: !,
2015-07-25 22:16.26 a_tentcale_friends: !m
2015-07-25 22:21.59 a_tentcale_friends: bed time
2015-07-25 22:22.03 a_tentcale_friends: !quit
2015-07-25 22:23.23 karkass: deemer !
2015-07-25 22:23.32 karkass: shoot the redeemer
2015-07-25 22:23.50 Absolutely: figures
2015-07-25 22:30.28 skorp: lol
2015-07-25 22:34.12 Omeega-33:

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