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Match Infos
Distance traveled:118,03km
Map Time:00:56:46
Playdate:2015-09-05 01:00:22
Team Awards:
RutraK16062 18 0 0 00:56:45 14,18km
Praelia12900 29 1 0 00:56:45 17,79km
loco11640 20 0 0 00:56:45 16,53km
kura_bezdomowa124852 7 0 0 00:49:32 12,09km
[ZSZ]1Shot1Kill2455 10 0 0 00:46:32 9,61km
H:A:A:R:P14768 19 0 0 00:42:19 11,61km
Nen76947 8 0 0 00:38:47 12,14km
Gryphon22527 4 0 0 00:31:30 7,87km
Ankea32105 2 0 0 00:18:12 6,11km
Tirant_Lo_Blanc16317 6 0 0 00:11:36 2,15km
KYZAR6746 2 0 0 00:09:13 3,23km
Beemo9073 5 0 0 00:05:41 1,73km
SAS5171 2 0 0 00:05:19 1,91km
NiXiN2091 1 0 0 00:02:00 0,53km
Absolutely16646 0 0 0 00:01:43 0,39km
MiniM442 1 0 0 00:00:50 0,18km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
RutraK 0 14/1 1/14 0 0 11/1 16/2 34 0 23 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 135
Praelia 17 46 18/25 0 0 39 54/3 71 0 54 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0/1 353
loco 19 32 6/18 0 0 17 74/2 34 0 31 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 246
kura_bezdomowa 15 38 34/5 0 0 33 64/2 31 0 38 1 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 278
[ZSZ]1Shot1Kill 1 5 2/6 0 0 4/1 5/1 45 0 27/1 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0/2 117
H:A:A:R:P 0 21/1 11/11 0 0 7/1 9/1 98 0 21/3 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0/2 246
Nen 38 60 22/4 0 0 43 67 79 0 56 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 0/5 431
Gryphon 0 22/1 0 0 0 11 27/1 38 0 14 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0/2 135
Ankea 0 19 0 0 0 28 9/2 12 0 27 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 106
Tirant_Lo_Blanc 0 0 12/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
KYZAR 0 10/1 0 0 0 1/1 0 13 0 4 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 46
Beemo 0 0 10/5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
SAS 0 3 0/1 0 0 6/1 0 10 0 11 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 35
NiXiN 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Absolutely 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
MiniM 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-09-05 00:08.28 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:09.35 cowy: back
2015-09-05 00:10.11 Ankea: finally
2015-09-05 00:10.23 cowy: am i a boy
2015-09-05 00:10.29 Ankea: already know that
2015-09-05 00:10.35 cowy: nooooooo
2015-09-05 00:15.28 Ankea: hey
2015-09-05 00:16.02 cowy: its mw kiana
2015-09-05 00:16.12 kokin4: good :)
2015-09-05 00:16.26 cowy: i change my name
2015-09-05 00:16.42 kokin4: enjoy your moo :)
2015-09-05 00:19.28 Ankea: what is here?
2015-09-05 00:19.47 cowy: what?
2015-09-05 00:22.19 cowy: im a cow
2015-09-05 00:22.30 cowy: and a girl
2015-09-05 00:23.00 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:24.39 loco: ti aspettiamo
2015-09-05 00:24.48 loco: akea wait praelia
2015-09-05 00:24.51 Ankea: i am
2015-09-05 00:25.03 Ankea: faster slowly lady..
2015-09-05 00:25.09 Nen: hey
2015-09-05 00:25.10 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:25.15 Ankea: hey
2015-09-05 00:25.18 Praelia: hey
2015-09-05 00:25.19 loco:
2015-09-05 00:25.26 Ankea: she is
2015-09-05 00:25.28 Ankea: here
2015-09-05 00:25.37 Ankea: lol
2015-09-05 00:25.44 kokin4: lol
2015-09-05 00:25.45 Ankea: ok i give up :P
2015-09-05 00:25.46 Ankea: !s
2015-09-05 00:25.50 Praelia: hahha
2015-09-05 00:25.57 loco: ..
2015-09-05 00:25.59 Praelia: che hai mangiato oggi??
2015-09-05 00:26.05 loco: perche?
2015-09-05 00:26.13 Praelia: perche sei morto adesso per la prima volta
2015-09-05 00:26.18 loco: mi piace la mappa per questo :)
2015-09-05 00:26.27 loco: pensa quando mi piace una ragazza.....
2015-09-05 00:26.33 Ankea:your fav loco.. :P
2015-09-05 00:26.36 Praelia: si beata lei :D
2015-09-05 00:26.37 Ankea:i hope you are happy :D
2015-09-05 00:26.40 loco: yeah ankea
2015-09-05 00:26.46 loco: haha
2015-09-05 00:27.06 cowy: im back
2015-09-05 00:27.29 Ankea:speed is best for this shitty map
2015-09-05 00:28.28 cowy: Moo!
2015-09-05 00:29.06 cowy:
2015-09-05 00:29.48 cowy: is Ankea on line?
2015-09-05 00:29.59 loco:
2015-09-05 00:30.35 cowy: did he gat kicked D=
2015-09-05 00:30.38 Ankea:music of this map is awful
2015-09-05 00:30.40 Ankea:-.-
2015-09-05 00:31.12 Ankea:poor cow
2015-09-05 00:31.14 Ankea:hahahha :D
2015-09-05 00:31.35 Ankea:gj :D
2015-09-05 00:32.22 Ankea:hahaha :D
2015-09-05 00:32.25 cowy: be nice to my friends or els your geting banned again
2015-09-05 00:32.31 loco: mi è caduta la sig
2015-09-05 00:32.39 Praelia: lol
2015-09-05 00:32.43 loco: cazzo
2015-09-05 00:32.51 Praelia: brucciato?
2015-09-05 00:32.56 Ankea:rip matejaa
2015-09-05 00:32.59 Ankea:she will join soon
2015-09-05 00:33.06 loco: no
2015-09-05 00:33.08 cowy: join what
2015-09-05 00:33.09 loco: per poco
2015-09-05 00:34.13 cowy:
2015-09-05 00:34.33 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:35.05 Ankea:dont go back mateja
2015-09-05 00:35.14 Praelia: im scared hahahdw
2015-09-05 00:35.15 cowy: back
2015-09-05 00:35.32 Ankea::D
2015-09-05 00:35.37 Ankea:you got the cow with you
2015-09-05 00:35.38 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:35.48 Praelia: yes im fucked :D
2015-09-05 00:36.03 cowy: why can i be a cow
2015-09-05 00:37.17 cowy: i cant say Moo because im a spec D=
2015-09-05 00:37.38 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:37.53 Ankea:mateja i warn you
2015-09-05 00:37.57 Ankea:dont enter in hte while :P
2015-09-05 00:38.05 Ankea:and use ripper
2015-09-05 00:38.10 Ankea:wall*
2015-09-05 00:38.31 Ankea:ahh you still at beginning
2015-09-05 00:38.31 cowy: back
2015-09-05 00:38.33 Ankea:ok np :P
2015-09-05 00:41.57 Ankea:dont
2015-09-05 00:41.59 Ankea:DONT
2015-09-05 00:42.03 loco: wtf
2015-09-05 00:42.06 Ankea:I TOLD YOU DONT
2015-09-05 00:42.10 Praelia: hehhe
2015-09-05 00:42.12 Ankea:you will do all that again
2015-09-05 00:42.13 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:42.20 Ankea:or wait for second respawn :D
2015-09-05 00:42.31 Praelia: like to walk ;)
2015-09-05 00:42.41 cowy: are you talking to me?
2015-09-05 00:45.19 Ankea:titan best part eva
2015-09-05 00:45.20 Ankea:!
2015-09-05 00:45.20 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:45.32 loco: muori mat
2015-09-05 00:45.33 Dem:it used to be worse
2015-09-05 00:45.35 Ankea:kill yourself all
2015-09-05 00:45.37 loco: cosi compari qui
2015-09-05 00:45.42 Ankea:how worse? :P
2015-09-05 00:45.53 Ankea:its already worse :D
2015-09-05 00:45.54 Dem:same but spammier
2015-09-05 00:46.11 loco: aspe
2015-09-05 00:46.34 Ankea:they should fix it
2015-09-05 00:46.46 loco: WTF
2015-09-05 00:46.51 Dem:i already did
2015-09-05 00:47.09 Ankea:you are the mapper? :P
2015-09-05 00:47.09 Dem:fixing more than that would make it a different map
2015-09-05 00:47.11 Ankea:of this
2015-09-05 00:47.17 Dem:no
2015-09-05 00:47.27 Dem:i fix stuff tho :]
2015-09-05 00:48.21 Dem:i think this part is dumb but it´s meant that way
2015-09-05 00:48.25 Dem:u no like u no play
2015-09-05 00:48.27 Dem:simple
2015-09-05 00:48.32 loco: go in the middle
2015-09-05 00:48.37 loco: of corridor
2015-09-05 00:48.47 Ankea:i guess so :D
2015-09-05 00:49.04 Ankea:it will be fun if it´s got fixed really :D
2015-09-05 00:49.22 Dem:why not just playing long corridor 2006
2015-09-05 00:49.33 Ankea:it´s better though
2015-09-05 00:49.38 Ankea:deco is even better :D
2015-09-05 00:49.45 Dem:"even"
2015-09-05 00:50.56 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:51.11 Ankea:this part will take longer to finish it :D
2015-09-05 00:51.41 Dem:there´s one more thing i could have fixed actually
2015-09-05 00:51.51 Ankea:what is it
2015-09-05 00:51.52 Dem:when people wait at spawn pretending to be on phone
2015-09-05 00:51.57 Dem:i should have teleported them in
2015-09-05 00:52.02 Ankea:yes
2015-09-05 00:52.04 Ankea:like nen
2015-09-05 00:52.05 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:53.08 Ankea:ok nen just walked after we mentioned his name :D
2015-09-05 00:53.13 Dem:he was in
2015-09-05 00:53.17 Ankea:really?
2015-09-05 00:53.24 cowy: back
2015-09-05 00:53.26 Nen: y
2015-09-05 00:53.33 Ankea:ok sorry nen :D
2015-09-05 00:53.46 Ankea:specing the best player here
2015-09-05 00:53.48 Ankea:loco <3
2015-09-05 00:53.58 loco: hahah
2015-09-05 00:54.00 cowy: brb
2015-09-05 00:54.01 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:54.15 Ankea:atleast you are better than matejaaa :P
2015-09-05 00:54.22 Praelia: tnx anky :)
2015-09-05 00:54.31 Ankea:you´re welcome sweety <3
2015-09-05 00:54.37 Praelia: hehe
2015-09-05 00:54.49 Ankea:so you don´t say that i never defended you loco!
2015-09-05 00:54.50 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:54.54 Praelia: someone need to sacrifice haha
2015-09-05 00:55.04 loco: ?
2015-09-05 00:55.08 loco: what are u saying?
2015-09-05 00:55.17 Ankea:i just said something good about you
2015-09-05 00:55.17 Beemo: Hi there! :)
2015-09-05 00:55.18 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:55.19 Ankea:hey bee
2015-09-05 00:55.25 loco: oh ty man -_-
2015-09-05 00:55.28 Ankea:so you dont say that i never defend you
2015-09-05 00:55.28 loco: :)
2015-09-05 00:55.28 Ankea::D
2015-09-05 00:55.37 Praelia: not true...u are just lucky that im worst than u loco haha
2015-09-05 00:55.44 Ankea:matejaa is 3rd gj
2015-09-05 00:55.48 loco: -_-
2015-09-05 00:55.49 Ankea:now you are better
2015-09-05 00:55.56 Praelia: bcs anky didnt say that u are good but that im shit haha
2015-09-05 00:56.40 Ankea:mateja is rocking it
2015-09-05 00:56.43 Ankea:WTG
2015-09-05 00:56.49 Ankea:hahahaha
2015-09-05 00:56.50 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 00:56.53 Praelia: grrrr
2015-09-05 00:57.43 Dem:!poof
2015-09-05 00:57.49 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-09-05 00:58.07 Absolutely: rly dramatic
2015-09-05 00:58.34 Ankea:someone made it to end
2015-09-05 00:58.39 loco: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
2015-09-05 00:58.50 Ankea:they are in
2015-09-05 00:59.17 Ankea:except loco and matejaa :P
2015-09-05 00:59.30 Ankea:and bee
2015-09-05 00:59.38 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-09-05 00:59.43 Ankea:gj tejaa
2015-09-05 00:59.47 Praelia: ufff...
2015-09-05 00:59.49 Praelia: :D
2015-09-05 00:59.50 Ankea::P
2015-09-05 01:00.01 Ankea:you using the worst weapon ever
2015-09-05 01:00.05 Ankea:wtf teja
2015-09-05 01:00.05 Praelia: hahahha
2015-09-05 01:00.12 Praelia: yes i dont care much :P
2015-09-05 01:00.22 Beemo: ffs
2015-09-05 01:00.28 Ankea:Finally
2015-09-05 01:00.40 Ankea:corridor lovers -_-
2015-09-05 01:00.46 Praelia: gn :)
2015-09-05 01:00.50 loco: <3 corridor
2015-09-05 01:00.50 Ankea:gn
2015-09-05 01:00.52 Nen: gn
2015-09-05 01:00.53 Ankea:me too
2015-09-05 01:00.59 Ankea:Gn
2015-09-05 01:01.02 Nen: gn
2015-09-05 01:01.02 Beemo: </3 corridor
2015-09-05 01:01.04 Ankea:See-ya!
2015-09-05 01:01.09 Tirant_Lo_Blanc: bona nit
2015-09-05 01:01.09 loco: gn
2015-09-05 01:01.15 Ankea:
2015-09-05 01:01.16 Ankea: !exit
2015-09-05 01:01.27 Nen: bona nit socio
2015-09-05 01:01.36 Tirant_Lo_Blanc: jo qued aqui :)
2015-09-05 01:01.45 Tirant_Lo_Blanc: com estas?
2015-09-05 01:01.50 Nen: jo tambe
2015-09-05 01:01.53 Beemo: I wanna be a War Machine, too now :P
2015-09-05 01:01.59 Tirant_Lo_Blanc: d´on em vares dir que eres? no ho record

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