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Match Infos
Distance traveled:18,74km
Map Time:00:30:25
Playdate:2015-09-21 02:41:57
Team Awards:
Kingibi37391 5 0 0 00:30:24 5,21km
easylee28968 0 0 0 00:30:24 1,50km
-=Berserker=-3965 6 0 0 00:29:46 5,25km
dU.Suz26044 2 0 0 00:20:21 1,60km
EEE_PC*139352 1 0 0 00:18:59 1,96km
Ninja_Pirate635 0 0 0 00:18:22 0,93km
matz`52819 0 0 0 00:10:29 1,22km
KYZAR1045 5 0 0 00:05:31 1,07km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Kingibi 2 0 0 1 27 0 10/1 8 0 34 1 0 77/4 99 0 0 0 0 0 259
easylee 2 0 0 4 4 6 14 1 1 1 0 0 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 53
-=Berserker=- 0 0 0 1 0 0 4/1 15 0 16 0 0 14/5 91 0 0 0 0 0 141
dU.Suz 1 0 0 0 2 9 0 62 0 8 0 0 41/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 123
EEE_PC* 2 1 3 0 2 9 2 0 0 1 0 0 187 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 207
Ninja_Pirate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 11
matz` 1 0 0 1 2 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 66
KYZAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/1 0 0 0/1 0 3/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-09-21 02:13.55 easylee: its a good feeling how free the server seems to be now
2015-09-21 02:14.02 dU.Suz: yeah
2015-09-21 02:14.03 Kingibi: yhea
2015-09-21 02:14.06 easylee: like if an illness has been cured
2015-09-21 02:14.14 Kingibi: where is krakass
2015-09-21 02:14.16 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:14.21 easylee: we dont wonna know ^^
2015-09-21 02:14.34 EEE_PC_901*: karkass is dead,not playing at 2 weeks..?
2015-09-21 02:14.37 easylee: but still i worry bout his sanity
2015-09-21 02:14.44 easylee: we dunno eee
2015-09-21 02:14.57 easylee: but ssssssh
2015-09-21 02:15.04 easylee: done mention the name too often
2015-09-21 02:15.12 easylee: might have summon powers
2015-09-21 02:15.13 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:15.15 Kingibi: lol
2015-09-21 02:15.44 easylee: its so fucking awesome to have holidays
2015-09-21 02:15.51 easylee: no thinking about next day
2015-09-21 02:15.59 easylee: didnt have that for 7 years
2015-09-21 02:15.59 Ninja_Pirate: quiet, you
2015-09-21 02:16.02 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:16.04 easylee: sry
2015-09-21 02:16.09 easylee: but ive earned
2015-09-21 02:16.10 easylee: CAUTION! Area uncovered! Invading Attackers!
2015-09-21 02:16.13 easylee: it
2015-09-21 02:16.24 Ninja_Pirate: as least as i get 3 day weekends, i guess
2015-09-21 02:16.27 Ninja_Pirate: better than nothing
2015-09-21 02:16.40 easylee: i dont have weekends
2015-09-21 02:16.42 easylee: ^^
2015-09-21 02:16.51 easylee: mostly 7 days weeks
2015-09-21 02:16.59 EEE_PC_901*: :P
2015-09-21 02:17.05 Ninja_Pirate: that sucks
2015-09-21 02:17.11 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2015-09-21 02:17.12 easylee: hospitals have their own rules^^
2015-09-21 02:17.23 Ninja_Pirate: yet you somehow fit all those days of gameplay time in
2015-09-21 02:17.33 easylee: yes, dont ask me how
2015-09-21 02:17.43 easylee: as i still do a lot of other stuff as well
2015-09-21 02:17.44 Ninja_Pirate: damn, that was my next question
2015-09-21 02:18.00 easylee: i just dont sleep much
2015-09-21 02:18.09 easylee: 4 h per day is my avg
2015-09-21 02:18.11 dU.Suz: lol
2015-09-21 02:18.47 easylee: (and im still not using cocaine, lol)
2015-09-21 02:18.52 dU.Suz: can you please move to this side
2015-09-21 02:18.56 dU.Suz: so i can move my box
2015-09-21 02:19.00 easylee: me?
2015-09-21 02:19.03 dU.Suz: yes
2015-09-21 02:19.04 EEE_PC_901*: crack smocker :)
2015-09-21 02:19.05 dU.Suz: both
2015-09-21 02:19.06 easylee: ye
2015-09-21 02:19.08 dU.Suz: tyvm
2015-09-21 02:19.17 dU.Suz: ...
2015-09-21 02:19.23 easylee: lol
2015-09-21 02:19.27 easylee: that was effective shot
2015-09-21 02:19.36 easylee: he literally disappeared
2015-09-21 02:19.41 dU.Suz: see
2015-09-21 02:19.46 dU.Suz: my demon witch powers
2015-09-21 02:19.46 easylee: i fear u now
2015-09-21 02:19.47 dU.Suz: work
2015-09-21 02:19.50 dU.Suz: good
2015-09-21 02:19.51 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:20.10 easylee: do u need a deemer boost?
2015-09-21 02:20.16 dU.Suz: noooo
2015-09-21 02:20.17 dU.Suz: ^^
2015-09-21 02:20.33 dU.Suz: lost my box to the lava
2015-09-21 02:20.48 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:20.53 dU.Suz: :P
2015-09-21 02:21.12 Kingibi: any way to move the boxes
2015-09-21 02:21.30 Kingibi: thanks
2015-09-21 02:22.30 easylee: my last filter.-/
2015-09-21 02:22.34 dU.Suz: o.o
2015-09-21 02:23.36 easylee: and btw, you dont have to sleep much to look good^^
2015-09-21 02:23.44 easylee: .-)
2015-09-21 02:24.09 easylee: brb smoke^^
2015-09-21 02:31.34 EEE_PC_901*: !quit
2015-09-21 02:33.51 easylee: lol its hailing arcorns outside
2015-09-21 02:34.04 easylee: we have so many oak trees
2015-09-21 02:34.08 -=Berserker=-: exit after cathedrale?
2015-09-21 02:34.16 easylee: and the arcorns fall on the cars
2015-09-21 02:34.23 easylee: its like a drum concert
2015-09-21 02:35.18 dU.Suz:lol
2015-09-21 02:37.26 easylee: ninje left?
2015-09-21 02:37.29 easylee: .-(
2015-09-21 02:37.43 easylee: better for him though^^
2015-09-21 02:38.01 dU.Suz:yes he did
2015-09-21 02:38.03 dU.Suz:good for him
2015-09-21 02:39.12 dU.Suz:time to go, i suppose
2015-09-21 02:39.15 dU.Suz:^^
2015-09-21 02:39.20 easylee: gn suz^^
2015-09-21 02:39.27 dU.Suz:gn lee^^
2015-09-21 02:39.50 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:40.34 easylee: .::LOL::.
2015-09-21 02:42.00 sureshot*: ops
2015-09-21 02:42.00 easylee: gg^^
2015-09-21 02:42.03 easylee: lol
2015-09-21 02:42.05 sureshot*: gg
2015-09-21 02:42.06 sureshot*: lol
2015-09-21 02:42.09 Kingibi: was fin
2015-09-21 02:42.43 Kingibi: got to go, have fun!
2015-09-21 02:42.54 easylee: gn kingibi

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