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Match Infos
Distance traveled:8,79km
Map Time:00:04:45
Playdate:2015-09-27 00:58:13
Team Awards:
matthew12160 5 0 0 00:04:44 1,50km
Player103171 2 0 0 00:04:44 0,93km
lebrel5990 3 0 0 00:04:44 1,30km
Ninja_Pirate0 1 0 0 00:04:44 0,16km
FAZI52005 4 0 0 00:04:44 1,18km
Raptor8528 4 0 0 00:04:44 1,60km
Dragunov16425 4 0 0 00:04:44 1,19km
loco5439 1 0 0 00:03:12 0,94km
Deadly_Lady0 0 0 0 00:02:06 0,01km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
matthew 2 0 0/1 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 3
Player10 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
lebrel 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 1
Ninja_Pirate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FAZI 3 0 1 0 0 0 3/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Raptor 5 0 1/2 0 0 0 4/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Dragunov 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
loco 3 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Deadly_Lady 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-09-27 00:53.24 SilenceOfTheSkaarj: 3 second map
2015-09-27 00:53.35 Ninja_Pirate: that´s quitter talk. 2 seconds!
2015-09-27 00:53.41 SilenceOfTheSkaarj: lol
2015-09-27 00:54.40 Death_Lady: lol fazi temple
2015-09-27 00:54.56 Ankea:huh i just noticed gay ninja duckie
2015-09-27 00:54.57 Ankea:lol
2015-09-27 00:54.58 |gay|NinjaDuckie: you realise the good news nin
2015-09-27 00:55.01 Death_Lady: lol
2015-09-27 00:55.06 Ninja_Pirate: what good news?
2015-09-27 00:55.08 Death_Lady: gn guys
2015-09-27 00:55.10 |gay|NinjaDuckie: after each crapmap, it can´t be voted back in for another 24 hours
2015-09-27 00:55.13 Ankea:gn klara
2015-09-27 00:55.18 Ankea:Lol
2015-09-27 00:55.19 |gay|NinjaDuckie: or however long the delay is
2015-09-27 00:55.24 Ninja_Pirate: but the crap maps outnumber the good maps :(
2015-09-27 00:55.25 Dem:it´s 45 maps
2015-09-27 00:55.27 Ankea:you just realized that duckie? :P
2015-09-27 00:55.30 Death_Lady: gn loco :P
2015-09-27 00:55.39 loco: gn lady
2015-09-27 00:55.39 Dem:you want bad news?
2015-09-27 00:55.41 |gay|NinjaDuckie: shshshshsh
2015-09-27 00:55.44 Dem:bad maps are usually much longer
2015-09-27 00:55.52 |gay|NinjaDuckie: ATAA. case in point
2015-09-27 00:56.16 SilenceOfTheSkaarj: god i dont even see projectiles and Im dead
2015-09-27 00:56.19 Ninja_Pirate: ataa2 is where it´s at these days
2015-09-27 00:56.27 Dem:BoomBoomGodzTheArea
2015-09-27 00:56.32 |gay|NinjaDuckie: which is the one where darude starts playing
2015-09-27 00:56.37 Ninja_Pirate: lastvoyage
2015-09-27 00:56.45 |gay|NinjaDuckie: are you sure?
2015-09-27 00:56.48 Dem:yes
2015-09-27 00:56.48 |gay|NinjaDuckie: the one in egypt
2015-09-27 00:56.55 loco: fucking titan
2015-09-27 00:56.57 Ninja_Pirate: lastvoyageinegypt
2015-09-27 00:57.00 Dem:lol
2015-09-27 00:57.03 Ankea:the only one i can bare is boomboom
2015-09-27 00:57.04 Ankea::P
2015-09-27 00:57.24 Dem:people really play ataa2?
2015-09-27 00:57.26 Ninja_Pirate: boomboom makes me sad
2015-09-27 00:57.29 Dem:haven´t seen it yet
2015-09-27 00:57.33 Ankea:why? :P
2015-09-27 00:57.35 Ninja_Pirate: i´ve seen it twice recently
2015-09-27 00:57.41 Dem:woah
2015-09-27 00:57.44 Ninja_Pirate: because there´s bugger all to do on boomboom
2015-09-27 00:57.45 Dem:they made it through?
2015-09-27 00:57.56 Ninja_Pirate: lee and i were playing the one time. to guide them through
2015-09-27 00:57.58 Ankea:everytime i enter i see boomboom is red :P
2015-09-27 00:58.02 Ninja_Pirate: even though i had never played it before
2015-09-27 00:58.49 Ankea:i don´t remember ataa2
2015-09-27 00:59.01 Ninja_Pirate: the map is even smaller than ataa0
2015-09-27 00:59.02 Dem:you don´t want to
2015-09-27 00:59.08 Ninja_Pirate: but i swear it has even more monsters
2015-09-27 00:59.09 |gay|NinjaDuckie: wow
2015-09-27 00:59.13 |gay|NinjaDuckie: wooooow
2015-09-27 00:59.15 Ninja_Pirate: or it at least feels like it
2015-09-27 00:59.15 Ankea:ty locomotion :P
2015-09-27 00:59.19 Dem:it´s bigger than ataa2
2015-09-27 00:59.20 loco: :)
2015-09-27 00:59.24 Dem:0*
2015-09-27 00:59.26 |gay|NinjaDuckie: jesus who wrote the music for this level
2015-09-27 00:59.27 Ninja_Pirate: it is?
2015-09-27 00:59.30 Ninja_Pirate: it feels so small
2015-09-27 00:59.31 |gay|NinjaDuckie: it´s giving me a migraine
2015-09-27 00:59.34 Ankea:can someone tell what ataa2 looks like? :P
2015-09-27 00:59.38 Ninja_Pirate: you´re in one room for so long
2015-09-27 00:59.45 Dem:that´s because it´s the same room 3x
2015-09-27 00:59.48 Dem:but they´re different
2015-09-27 00:59.50 Ankea:the one with rocket shooting shock?

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