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Chatlog |
2015-10-02 20:57.23 dU.Suz: such a troll... 2015-10-02 20:57.28 Ninja_Pirate: this is the map i was on about a while back 2015-10-02 20:57.29 vache_general: good map :) 2015-10-02 20:57.32 Beemo: I remember this one :P 2015-10-02 20:57.33 Ankea: seriously? 2015-10-02 20:57.36 dU.Suz:yep 2015-10-02 20:57.41 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 20:57.43 Ankea: !s 2015-10-02 20:57.44 Ninja_Pirate: this map was hell with the monster vampire mod 2015-10-02 20:57.52 dU.Suz: you fell for it 2015-10-02 20:57.56 Beemo: hi Hyper and hellfi 2015-10-02 20:58.00 }ElitE{HellFire`: yo 2015-10-02 20:58.00 Ninja_Pirate: i knew exactly which map this was 2015-10-02 20:58.00 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 20:58.04 Ankea:hey hellfire 2015-10-02 20:58.05 Ninja_Pirate: still wanted to vote it anyway 2015-10-02 20:58.09 Ankea:hey hyperiooon 2015-10-02 20:58.14 dU.Suz: hello 2015-10-02 20:58.17 Hyperion: worst timing ever 2015-10-02 20:58.32 Beemo: flame krall and us in a small room. we´re all gonna die. 2015-10-02 20:58.32 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{:: 2015-10-02 20:58.34 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 20:58.37 dU.Suz: why D: 2015-10-02 20:58.48 Dem:don´t tell them i suggested that 2015-10-02 20:58.49 Beemo: what a mess. Ninja clean that shit up 2015-10-02 20:58.53 Ankea:what you trying to do? 2015-10-02 20:58.54 Ankea::P 2015-10-02 20:58.59 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 20:59.02 Ninja_Pirate: i shall lick all the blood up 2015-10-02 20:59.27 Hyperion: ruined 2015-10-02 20:59.27 }ElitE{HellFire`: zz 2015-10-02 20:59.28 Hyperion: fs 2015-10-02 20:59.34 Ankea:Lol :D 2015-10-02 20:59.34 dU.Suz: haha 2015-10-02 20:59.36 Hyperion: !s 2015-10-02 20:59.38 dU.Suz: rage 2015-10-02 20:59.40 Ankea:hahahha :D 2015-10-02 20:59.42 Ninja_Pirate: dem, make them put my map on the server. i want to test it with more players D: 2015-10-02 20:59.55 Beemo: thank Dem for suggesting this. 2015-10-02 20:59.56 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:00.12 dU.Suz: you shouldn´t trust dem on this 2015-10-02 21:00.18 Ankea:ninja map ftw 2015-10-02 21:00.19 Dem:!p 2015-10-02 21:00.36 dU.Suz: o.o 2015-10-02 21:00.37 dU.Suz: what 2015-10-02 21:00.42 Ankea:twinneess 2015-10-02 21:00.42 Dem: my suz detector is working 2015-10-02 21:00.45 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:00.47 dU.Suz: eh? 2015-10-02 21:00.49 dU.Suz: o.o 2015-10-02 21:01.00 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:01.04 dU.Suz: that was the most obvious corner so 2015-10-02 21:01.15 Beemo: hey Widow 2015-10-02 21:01.25 Ninja_Pirate: well, i killed a monster. my job is done 2015-10-02 21:01.26 Dem: don´t be rude suz it´s still in beta 2015-10-02 21:01.31 Ankea:trying to work it with brutes? 2015-10-02 21:01.50 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:02.03 Ninja_Pirate: so what´s the average waiting time for a map to be put on the servers? 3 years? 2015-10-02 21:02.06 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:02.10 dU.Suz: nooo 2015-10-02 21:02.10 Ankea:5 years 2015-10-02 21:02.19 Dem: honestly this isn´t so bad until the mantas 2015-10-02 21:02.29 Dem: or flies or warlords 2015-10-02 21:02.36 Ankea:warlord is the worst 2015-10-02 21:02.38 Ankea:and queens 2015-10-02 21:02.46 dU.Suz: you´re not helping dem... 2015-10-02 21:02.47 Ninja_Pirate: did you ever play this with the vampire mod, dem? 2015-10-02 21:03.00 Dem: i missed most of the vampire period 2015-10-02 21:03.09 Ninja_Pirate: this map was hell. but it was hilarious 2015-10-02 21:03.20 Beemo: vampire mod? 2015-10-02 21:03.22 Ninja_Pirate: i demand they add vampire mod back in for halloween 2015-10-02 21:03.29 Ankea:what is that 2015-10-02 21:03.29 Ninja_Pirate: yeah, the monsters would heal whenever they damaged players 2015-10-02 21:03.38 Ankea:huh? 2015-10-02 21:03.39 Ninja_Pirate: and they would heal higher than their base health 2015-10-02 21:03.41 Beemo: I demand they add pumpkins for the health. 2015-10-02 21:03.48 Beemo: :P 2015-10-02 21:03.49 dU.Suz: o.o 2015-10-02 21:03.51 Ankea:monsters heal? 2015-10-02 21:03.53 Ninja_Pirate: so the tentacles at the start ended with thousands of health 2015-10-02 21:03.54 Ankea:sounds boring lol 2015-10-02 21:03.58 dU.Suz: still a long way until halloween BMO 2015-10-02 21:04.06 Ninja_Pirate: it was an attempt to make MH harder, i guess 2015-10-02 21:04.06 Ankea:when is halloween 2015-10-02 21:04.09 Beemo: only few more days :D 2015-10-02 21:04.14 Ninja_Pirate: it just made mercs overpowered 2015-10-02 21:04.17 Dem: it was before bob 2015-10-02 21:04.17 Beemo: 30, 29 left? 2015-10-02 21:04.19 dU.Suz: 31st 2015-10-02 21:04.28 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:04.29 Ninja_Pirate: mercs were seriously broken 2015-10-02 21:04.30 Ankea:hahahahahaha 2015-10-02 21:04.43 Ankea:mercs will be harder because of shield 2015-10-02 21:04.47 Ankea:healing more and more 2015-10-02 21:04.48 Ankea::P 2015-10-02 21:04.58 Beemo: that sounds like it would be unplayable. 2015-10-02 21:05.00 Ninja_Pirate: they would go invincible, shoot with their hitscan weapons and heal up 2015-10-02 21:05.08 Ninja_Pirate: certain maps were almost impossible to complete 2015-10-02 21:05.15 Ankea:haunted? 2015-10-02 21:05.20 Ankea:nightmare house? :P 2015-10-02 21:05.21 Dem: the previous programer would try a lot of stuff for fun 2015-10-02 21:05.26 Ninja_Pirate: the slaughter room in ristvak was fun 2015-10-02 21:05.37 Ninja_Pirate: mod dunken? drunken? something like that 2015-10-02 21:05.44 Dem: [Joke]Mod_Drunken 2015-10-02 21:05.49 Ninja_Pirate: i was close 2015-10-02 21:06.28 Dem: he did that to make the game harder without thinking people would in turn use it to farm 2015-10-02 21:06.41 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:07.07 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:07.07 loco: yo 2015-10-02 21:07.12 Ankea:hey locomotion 2015-10-02 21:07.12 _lady_boo_PL: hi 2015-10-02 21:07.18 loco: hi all 2015-10-02 21:07.19 dU.Suz: hello 2015-10-02 21:07.20 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:07.24 Unai: hey :p 2015-10-02 21:07.24 Ankea:hey unaisss 2015-10-02 21:07.27 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:07.28 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:07.29 dU.Suz: wb Unagi-san 2015-10-02 21:07.32 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:07.37 Unai: need redem? 2015-10-02 21:07.43 Death_Lady:hi :) 2015-10-02 21:07.44 Ankea:server now getting crowded 2015-10-02 21:07.45 Ankea::D 2015-10-02 21:07.48 Dem: ok warlord part was the worst 2015-10-02 21:07.49 dU.Suz: haha 2015-10-02 21:07.50 Ankea:hey klara 2015-10-02 21:07.56 Dem: the memories are coming back 2015-10-02 21:08.02 Beemo: O.O 2015-10-02 21:08.05 Ankea: 2015-10-02 21:08.09 dU.Suz: o.o 2015-10-02 21:08.10 Ankea:what memories? 2015-10-02 21:08.11 Beemo: they cornered me. 2015-10-02 21:08.11 Ankea::P 2015-10-02 21:08.31 Death_Lady:!p 2015-10-02 21:08.35 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{:: 2015-10-02 21:08.37 Bujzal: hi 2015-10-02 21:08.39 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:08.40 Ankea:hey 2015-10-02 21:08.41 _lady_boo_PL: hej 2015-10-02 21:08.41 loco: hi 2015-10-02 21:08.44 Death_Lady: hi 2015-10-02 21:08.46 Bujzal: Heheeej! :D 2015-10-02 21:08.51 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:08.53 dU.Suz: hi Buj 2015-10-02 21:08.59 Unai: death lady, gimme redem pls 2015-10-02 21:09.02 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:09.07 Death_Lady: no :P 2015-10-02 21:09.11 Bujzal: Hi sujz! :) 2015-10-02 21:09.12 Death_Lady: xD 2015-10-02 21:09.14 dU.Suz: lol 2015-10-02 21:09.15 Beemo: #denied 2015-10-02 21:09.21 Unai: then stay here in this map for 30min more. 2015-10-02 21:09.22 dU.Suz: ohyeah 2015-10-02 21:09.25 dU.Suz: lol 2015-10-02 21:09.29 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:09.36 Unai: instant :P 2015-10-02 21:09.39 Dem: THEY´RE SPAWNCAMPING 2015-10-02 21:09.45 Ankea:LAMERS 2015-10-02 21:09.50 dU.Suz: lol 2015-10-02 21:09.52 Beemo: CLIT> 2015-10-02 21:09.53 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~ 2015-10-02 21:09.57 Death_Lady: lol 2015-10-02 21:10.11 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:10.12 Ankea:titans part look fun 2015-10-02 21:10.13 Unai: nab 2015-10-02 21:10.16 Beemo: be prepared to see me spout foul things at certain points :3 2015-10-02 21:10.21 Unai: ah nab was here too :D 2015-10-02 21:10.23 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:10.26 dU.Suz: lol 2015-10-02 21:10.30 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:10.42 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:10.46 loco: !v 2015-10-02 21:10.46 dU.Suz: hiho falco 2015-10-02 21:10.49 Falco: hi people 2015-10-02 21:10.52 Death_Lady: hi 2015-10-02 21:10.55 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:10.55 _lady_boo_PL: hi 2015-10-02 21:10.56 Ankea:hey 2015-10-02 21:11.01 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:11.04 dU.Suz: o.o 2015-10-02 21:11.05 Beemo: no. 2015-10-02 21:11.12 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:11.13 Death_Lady: lol 2015-10-02 21:11.21 dU.Suz: yay 2015-10-02 21:11.24 Beemo: DEEMERRRRREALEOKOAKOKA:LH 2015-10-02 21:11.31 Death_Lady: lol 2015-10-02 21:11.34 dU.Suz: BMO do it 2015-10-02 21:11.37 Death_Lady: xD 2015-10-02 21:11.38 Unai: hahaha 2015-10-02 21:11.38 Unai: thx 2015-10-02 21:11.38 Beemo: wtf? 2015-10-02 21:11.39 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:11.40 Unai: hahaha 2015-10-02 21:11.42 dU.Suz: haha 2015-10-02 21:11.44 dU.Suz: nice boost 2015-10-02 21:11.50 Beemo: wth??? 2015-10-02 21:11.52 vache_general: oh ty 2015-10-02 21:11.53 Unai: HERE UP 2015-10-02 21:11.57 Unai: THX REDEM :D 2015-10-02 21:11.57 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:11.59 Unai: haha 2015-10-02 21:12.03 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:12.28 vache_general: im not affraid of monsters :) 2015-10-02 21:12.39 Ankea:how did you get there unai 2015-10-02 21:12.40 Ankea:lol 2015-10-02 21:12.50 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:13.05 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:13.09 dU.Suz: want it? 2015-10-02 21:13.10 Falco: hi suz :) 2015-10-02 21:13.20 dU.Suz: lool 2015-10-02 21:13.26 Falco: :o 2015-10-02 21:13.27 dU.Suz: nvm lol 2015-10-02 21:13.28 vache_general: wd 2015-10-02 21:13.34 Beemo: bg. 2015-10-02 21:13.35 Dem: how did you get pushed this much? 2015-10-02 21:13.38 Death_Lady: lol chainsaw won .D 2015-10-02 21:13.43 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:13.46 Unai: :D 2015-10-02 21:13.51 Ankea:unai hacks easy 2015-10-02 21:13.53 Dem: titan slap? 2015-10-02 21:13.58 Unai: redem boost 2015-10-02 21:14.02 Dem: lol 2015-10-02 21:14.04 Unai: beemo thx :P 2015-10-02 21:14.07 Beemo: bull. 2015-10-02 21:14.08 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:14.09 Dem: poor beemo 2015-10-02 21:14.10 vache_general: yes 2015-10-02 21:14.12 Falco: Dem are you going to play UT4 when its out? 2015-10-02 21:14.15 Unai: was funny, that was my objective :p 2015-10-02 21:14.19 dU.Suz: lol 2015-10-02 21:14.20 Unai: good timing :D 2015-10-02 21:14.21 Dem: only if i´m forced to falco 2015-10-02 21:14.32 Praelia: hello 2015-10-02 21:14.32 Dem: ninja here 2015-10-02 21:14.35 Ankea:hey tejaa 2015-10-02 21:14.35 Dem: ? 2015-10-02 21:14.36 dU.Suz: hi praelia 2015-10-02 21:14.37 loco: hello 2015-10-02 21:14.38 Death_Lady: zivjo :) 2015-10-02 21:14.39 Bujzal: Very good part! ( i´am tested!) 2015-10-02 21:14.40 Beemo: Hello there :) 2015-10-02 21:14.40 Dem: mapping? 2015-10-02 21:14.45 Dem: !mapping 2015-10-02 21:14.47 loco: !v 2015-10-02 21:14.52 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O 2015-10-02 21:14.57 Ankea: !mapping 2015-10-02 21:15.01 Falco: whos going to play or map UT4 here? |
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