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Match Infos
Distance traveled:20,95km
Map Time:00:13:08
Playdate:2015-10-08 09:28:00
Team Awards:
lowlife19855 1 0 0 00:13:08 2,30km
Starscream13635 2 0 0 00:13:08 4,20km
General64579 0 0 0 00:13:08 2,12km
McQueen17135 2 0 0 00:13:08 2,53km
Melody.`24313 2 0 0 00:13:08 2,77km
UltraMagnetic8046 1 0 0 00:13:08 0,84km
Mousy_for_Admin!45261 0 0 0 00:13:08 2,74km
theMuffinMen43851 0 0 0 00:13:08 3,46km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
lowlife 20/1 0 0 20 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 66
Starscream 15/1 0 0 7/1 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 47
General 22 0 3 11 0 0 17 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 93
McQueen 4 0 0 0/1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20/2 29
Melody.` 11/1 0 0 11 0 0 8/1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 44
UltraMagnetic 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 32
Mousy_for_Admin! 23 0 1 17 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 17 69
theMuffinMen 34 0 2 34 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 45 120
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-10-08 09:15.58 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:ew spiders *shivers*
2015-10-08 09:16.08 Doc_Holliday: not playing? :D
2015-10-08 09:16.13 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:noooooooooooooooooooooo
2015-10-08 09:16.31 Doc_Holliday: I´ll protect you...(facepalm)
2015-10-08 09:16.32 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:everytime i say no i hear my accent
2015-10-08 09:16.35 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i never heard it b4 xD
2015-10-08 09:17.05 Doc_Holliday: did you like the Lakes accent?
2015-10-08 09:17.18 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i didnt hear that many scottish people yano
2015-10-08 09:17.26 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i think tops i heard 2 people scottish
2015-10-08 09:17.30 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:and one of them was a flatmate
2015-10-08 09:17.48 Doc_Holliday: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....but what about the North Cumbrian accent....
2015-10-08 09:18.14 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i met 1 person who actually lived in cumbria
2015-10-08 09:18.20 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:and she wasnt all that scottish tbhj
2015-10-08 09:18.23 Doc_Holliday: oh hahahah
2015-10-08 09:18.37 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:there were so many different accents xP
2015-10-08 09:19.03 Doc_Holliday: so true....do you know John Richardson from 8 out of 10 cats?
2015-10-08 09:19.13 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:omg just fucking realised im watching a mercenary -.-
2015-10-08 09:19.27 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:umm which one is he
2015-10-08 09:19.36 Doc_Holliday: he´s the one with OCD
2015-10-08 09:19.47 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:hang on
2015-10-08 09:19.50 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:john what
2015-10-08 09:20.06 Doc_Holliday: richardson
2015-10-08 09:20.15 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:ahh him
2015-10-08 09:20.17 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:yeah
2015-10-08 09:20.18 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i know him
2015-10-08 09:20.22 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:hes my favourite haha
2015-10-08 09:20.28 Doc_Holliday: oh hahahah
2015-10-08 09:20.36 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:had to google it like but yeah
2015-10-08 09:20.43 Doc_Holliday: well he´s got my accent
2015-10-08 09:20.45 Crow: funky beef
2015-10-08 09:20.48 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:orly
2015-10-08 09:20.58 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:did he steal it ;P
2015-10-08 09:21.06 Doc_Holliday: hahahah yeah the bastard
2015-10-08 09:21.09 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:21.19 Doc_Holliday: now I talk like Jimmy Saville
2015-10-08 09:21.23 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:LOOOOOOL
2015-10-08 09:21.39 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:Meow Meow Meow Meoww!
2015-10-08 09:21.45 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i cant even tell you who i sound like
2015-10-08 09:21.46 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:but omg
2015-10-08 09:21.50 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:you know mel c from the spice girls
2015-10-08 09:22.01 Doc_Holliday: is that the thin one?
2015-10-08 09:22.02 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:my dad went to school with her xD
2015-10-08 09:22.12 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:sporty spice
2015-10-08 09:22.29 Doc_Holliday: oh yeah yeah....you sound like her?
2015-10-08 09:22.33 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:noooo
2015-10-08 09:22.38 Doc_Holliday: oh lol
2015-10-08 09:22.40 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:she pretends to be from liverpool
2015-10-08 09:22.43 Doc_Holliday: your Dad does?
2015-10-08 09:22.54 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:non of us do, we dont sound scouse xP
2015-10-08 09:23.03 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i was just saying as a random fact xD
2015-10-08 09:23.05 Doc_Holliday: oh but she´s from?
2015-10-08 09:23.25 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:ill pm you it cause its where i am xD
2015-10-08 09:23.34 Doc_Holliday: roger :)
2015-10-08 09:23.37 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:tahts where she is from hah
2015-10-08 09:23.48 Doc_Holliday: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2015-10-08 09:24.08 Doc_Holliday: hang on....map
2015-10-08 09:24.11 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:the only time i have ever sounded scouse
2015-10-08 09:24.19 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:was when im hanging out with people from liverpool
2015-10-08 09:24.26 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:and i catch on to their accent
2015-10-08 09:24.27 Doc_Holliday: hahah it rubs off
2015-10-08 09:24.28 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:im weird like that
2015-10-08 09:24.31 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:24.45 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:yeah but when im with anyone it can be a scottish person
2015-10-08 09:24.53 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:in my mind i startt thinking with a scottish accent
2015-10-08 09:25.27 Doc_Holliday: hahah empathy ...cool
2015-10-08 09:25.31 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:25.55 Doc_Holliday: your not far from where my Nan came from
2015-10-08 09:26.00 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:ah really
2015-10-08 09:26.04 Doc_Holliday: Bolton
2015-10-08 09:26.10 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i know bolton
2015-10-08 09:26.14 Doc_Holliday: wow cool
2015-10-08 09:26.17 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:my friend goes uni there
2015-10-08 09:26.41 Doc_Holliday: I love their Lancashire accent
2015-10-08 09:26.49 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:haha
2015-10-08 09:26.58 Doc_Holliday: wiz bin tu pub
2015-10-08 09:27.02 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:27.43 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:i use to think i said no, noooo normally
2015-10-08 09:27.50 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:but like i can hear my accent
2015-10-08 09:27.54 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:its like nooooooooooooh
2015-10-08 09:27.56 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:28.03 Doc_Holliday: hahahah yeah me too out in France...
2015-10-08 09:28.11 SodaPopinski: damn u monsters DAMN U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-10-08 09:28.17 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:YES MONSTERS
2015-10-08 09:28.19 Crow: it´s the beef
2015-10-08 09:28.22 MireYa`: pits
2015-10-08 09:28.25 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:HOW DARE YOU FIND MONSTERS ON MONSTER HUNT
2015-10-08 09:28.25 Doc_Holliday: French with a Cumbrian accent....
2015-10-08 09:28.31 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:how fancy xP
2015-10-08 09:28.34 Doc_Holliday: 99
2015-10-08 09:28.37 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:gg][gj
2015-10-08 09:28.40 Crow: they are offended when we call them monsters
2015-10-08 09:28.44 Crow: we are monsters to them
2015-10-08 09:28.50 MireYa`: ty pips
2015-10-08 09:28.51 MireYa`: :P
2015-10-08 09:28.51 Doc_Holliday: oh nice call
2015-10-08 09:28.52 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:wow
2015-10-08 09:28.53 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:deep
2015-10-08 09:28.54 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:omg
2015-10-08 09:28.55 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:xD
2015-10-08 09:29.02 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:how did i get that nickname xD
2015-10-08 09:29.24 |uK|Lady*Stardust´!:pips :´)
2015-10-08 09:29.29 Crow: peeps?

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