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Match Infos
Distance traveled:14,81km
Map Time:00:15:09
Playdate:2015-11-04 18:12:46
Team Awards:
Gemsey67286 1 0 0 00:15:08 1,87km
EEE_PC*103720 0 0 0 00:15:08 1,25km
Kingibi84697 1 0 0 00:15:08 2,02km
FAZI4197 2 0 0 00:13:50 1,90km
Poop_Robot2787 2 0 0 00:12:29 1,32km
Hyperion7235 1 0 0 00:12:06 2,60km
DeAdLy_BoY0 0 0 0 00:10:25 0,02km
_lady_boo_PL20048 1 0 0 00:07:15 2,65km
Shape2078 0 0 0 00:02:19 0,80km
Hijena0 0 0 0 00:02:19 0,36km
bostika0 0 0 0 00:00:22 0,00km
McQueen0 0 0 0 00:00:08 0,00km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Gemsey 0 9 11/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 24
EEE_PC* 5 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Kingibi 19 0 1/1 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61
FAZI 1 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 2
Poop_Robot 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 0
Hyperion 0 0 0 0 8 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 14
DeAdLy_BoY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
_lady_boo_PL 0 4 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Shape 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hijena 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bostika 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
McQueen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-11-04 17:58.25 Ankea:this is the first i seen it :D
2015-11-04 17:58.30 Kingibi: a number of small times =(
2015-11-04 17:58.31 Unai: omg..
2015-11-04 17:58.31 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 17:58.38 Kingibi: very small
2015-11-04 17:58.44 Unai: in fact cow doesnt know anything.. u can fly with boxes.
2015-11-04 17:58.50 EEE_PC_901*: i up all player,plz dont shoot,titan
2015-11-04 17:58.53 Unai: but thats lesson #2
2015-11-04 17:58.59 Kingibi: lol k
2015-11-04 17:59.03 Unai: climbing walls is easy
2015-11-04 17:59.04 _lady_boo_PL:hello all
2015-11-04 17:59.06 Unai: hey :P
2015-11-04 17:59.07 Ankea:hey lady boo
2015-11-04 17:59.10 FAZI: hej
2015-11-04 17:59.15 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 17:59.20 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 17:59.25 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 17:59.47 Unai: one box less.
2015-11-04 17:59.47 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:00.00 EEE_PC_901*: i up all player,plz dont shoot,titan
2015-11-04 18:00.03 Unai: nah, blocked
2015-11-04 18:00.12 Hyperion: I´m sending a box
2015-11-04 18:00.23 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:00.45 Kingibi: lol
2015-11-04 18:00.54 EEE_PC_901*: not understand
2015-11-04 18:00.56 Ankea:hey unais
2015-11-04 18:00.59 Ankea:from other world :D
2015-11-04 18:01.03 EEE_PC_901*: fazi come
2015-11-04 18:01.04 Hyperion: you didn´t try to push me off the cliff, did you?!
2015-11-04 18:01.09 Unai: and this is how u fly
2015-11-04 18:01.10 EEE_PC_901*: i up all player,plz dont shoot,titan
2015-11-04 18:01.16 Unai: dude
2015-11-04 18:01.21 Hyperion: LOL!
2015-11-04 18:01.23 Ankea:hippo fault :D
2015-11-04 18:01.26 Hyperion: haha!
2015-11-04 18:01.33 Hyperion: ruined his flight
2015-11-04 18:01.42 Hyperion: I help
2015-11-04 18:02.07 Ankea:you are moving wrong way king
2015-11-04 18:02.08 Ankea::D
2015-11-04 18:02.20 Kingibi: i wanna see if i can go around
2015-11-04 18:02.40 Unai: charging mouse batts
2015-11-04 18:02.40 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:02.59 Hyperion: look how far the cow has gone
2015-11-04 18:03.03 EEE_PC_901*: loool
2015-11-04 18:03.08 EEE_PC_901*: coyote!!
2015-11-04 18:05.22 EEE_PC_901*: look me all F5
2015-11-04 18:05.33 EEE_PC_901*: you see me??
2015-11-04 18:05.39 EEE_PC_901*: i go?
2015-11-04 18:05.45 Hyperion: go
2015-11-04 18:06.00 EEE_PC_901*: oléééé!
2015-11-04 18:06.07 _lady_boo_PL:!p
2015-11-04 18:06.56 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:07.04 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:07.11 Unai: FLYING
2015-11-04 18:07.42 Unai: flying lessons here
2015-11-04 18:07.43 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.16 Unai: flying lessons here
2015-11-04 18:08.18 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.27 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.28 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.29 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.33 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.38 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.39 Kingibi: tlol
2015-11-04 18:08.48 Kingibi: was snippering when unai flys past
2015-11-04 18:08.50 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:08.57 Kingibi: yes
2015-11-04 18:08.59 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:09.00 Kingibi: alot
2015-11-04 18:09.09 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:09.20 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:09.25 Unai: F5 me
2015-11-04 18:09.33 Unai: another fly :)
2015-11-04 18:09.40 EEE_PC_901*: gg gg gg
2015-11-04 18:09.43 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:09.46 Kingibi: f5?
2015-11-04 18:09.55 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2015-11-04 18:10.00 Unai: haahah
2015-11-04 18:10.00 EEE_PC_901*: mountains slide :D
2015-11-04 18:10.01 Unai: :P
2015-11-04 18:10.08 Unai: or single fly :) mountain slide is easy
2015-11-04 18:10.21 Unai: brb
2015-11-04 18:10.22 Unai: !s
2015-11-04 18:10.57 FAZI: Hijena
2015-11-04 18:11.26 FAZI: hi Shape
2015-11-04 18:11.35 Shape: hi FAZI
2015-11-04 18:11.35 EEE_PC_901*: hii
2015-11-04 18:11.49 Shape: hi EEE_PC_901
2015-11-04 18:11.54 EEE_PC_901*: :)
2015-11-04 18:12.07 Ankea:what about rest? :P
2015-11-04 18:12.14 Shape: hi Ankea
2015-11-04 18:12.20 Ankea:heey shape :D
2015-11-04 18:12.28 Ankea:long no seen you
2015-11-04 18:12.32 Ankea:see*
2015-11-04 18:12.53 Shape: gg
2015-11-04 18:13.04 EEE_PC_901*: bb
2015-11-04 18:13.05 EEE_PC_901*: quit
2015-11-04 18:13.09 Kingibi: why do i have so less points?
2015-11-04 18:13.10 EEE_PC_901*: !quit
2015-11-04 18:13.19 Kingibi:
2015-11-04 18:13.36 Shape: u must try harder
2015-11-04 18:13.49 Kingibi: lol i do... look at the diffrence in kills
2015-11-04 18:14.00 Kingibi: i just always have a very low score
2015-11-04 18:14.10 Shape: use the ripper?
2015-11-04 18:14.12 Ankea:lol
2015-11-04 18:14.16 Kingibi: yhea and snipper

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