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Match Infos
Distance traveled:72,94km
Map Time:00:32:18
Playdate:2016-01-02 19:46:57
Team Awards:
Tydra5577 5 0 0 00:32:17 6,59km
Avatar47906 8 0 0 00:32:17 7,78km
COCA-COLA10906 7 0 0 00:32:17 7,27km
Neto17086 3 0 0 00:32:17 4,03km
Kingibi7277 4 0 0 00:32:17 3,35km
theMuffinMen64038 3 0 0 00:32:17 5,89km
SAS28175 7 0 0 00:31:58 6,74km
ANTOMANYAK63506 5 0 0 00:28:18 6,39km
Player32999 3 0 0 00:25:48 2,82km
YojeekBobo4200 7 0 0 00:25:18 5,97km
Nap63865 1 0 0 00:23:03 4,81km
Max_Bullet18176 11 0 0 00:23:02 3,80km
TAU_BiH30890 1 0 0 00:14:54 3,53km
Gemsey31266 0 0 0 00:07:42 1,48km
johnnyrod3252 1 0 0 00:05:40 0,76km
|KSD|Brock15652 1 0 0 00:03:31 1,19km
Daniel2859 0 0 0 00:02:37 0,56km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Tydra 0/1 1 0 0 0 1 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Avatar 7 6 1 17 0 5/1 13/2 1 0/1 0 0/1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 61
COCA-COLA 1/1 2/1 0/1 2 0 4 3/2 2 0 0 0 0 4/1 0 4 0 0 0 0/2 22
Neto 3 2 0 2/1 0 4 10/1 8 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 35
Kingibi 1 0 0 5 0 6 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 12
theMuffinMen 1 5 2 17 0 2 10/1 6 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 48
SAS 0 5 1 6 0 2 6/3 2 0 0 0 0 10/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 32
ANTOMANYAK 15 6 3 5/1 0 2 15/3 4/1 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 57
Player3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 1
YojeekBobo 0/1 0/1 0 1/1 0 1 1/2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 4
Nap 3 9 0 5 0 6 6 6 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 38
Max_Bullet 3/1 0/1 0 0 0 1 7/4 0 0 0 1/1 0 6/2 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 18
TAU_BiH 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 6
Gemsey 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
johnnyrod 0 0 0 1 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
|KSD|Brock 0 0 1 1 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Daniel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-01-02 19:17.22 Kingibi: how about u gem... where u from
2016-01-02 19:17.55 COCA-COLA: my two pistol
2016-01-02 19:17.55 Tydra: how do you scroll up in txt
2016-01-02 19:18.02 Kingibi: u cant
2016-01-02 19:18.07 Kingibi: u have to type !o
2016-01-02 19:18.13 Kingibi: !o
2016-01-02 19:18.17 Tydra: !o
2016-01-02 19:18.21 Kingibi: then click on chat
2016-01-02 19:18.23 COCA-COLA: two pistol!!!
2016-01-02 19:18.26 Kingibi: !o
2016-01-02 19:18.34 Tydra: ah ok
2016-01-02 19:18.36 COCA-COLA:
2016-01-02 19:18.39 Kingibi: then u can chat
2016-01-02 19:18.39 Tydra: did you say something lol
2016-01-02 19:18.43 Kingibi: tlol...
2016-01-02 19:18.57 Kingibi: where u from "or based"
2016-01-02 19:19.21 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:19.28 Tydra: landshut, not too far from munich
2016-01-02 19:19.34 Tydra: well an hour from munich
2016-01-02 19:20.00 Kingibi: brb.... gonna google where that is
2016-01-02 19:20.03 Tydra: lol
2016-01-02 19:20.19 Kingibi: germany
2016-01-02 19:20.22 Kingibi: ?
2016-01-02 19:20.24 Tydra: yea
2016-01-02 19:20.36 Kingibi: damn... my googling skills are fanominal
2016-01-02 19:20.40 COCA-COLA: ukraishen cola
2016-01-02 19:20.47 Tydra: you are a bloody genius
2016-01-02 19:20.51 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:20.58 COCA-COLA: am ukraishen seriously
2016-01-02 19:21.05 Kingibi: u ever come to the uk?
2016-01-02 19:21.06 theMuffinMen: joint is ready u can "google" that king :)
2016-01-02 19:21.11 Kingibi: no need.
2016-01-02 19:21.30 Kingibi: i have a sixth sense about joint... i know when its time to light um up
2016-01-02 19:21.34 Tydra:
2016-01-02 19:21.43 theMuffinMen: no u7 dont
2016-01-02 19:21.54 Tydra: i used to live 3 years in high wycombe
2016-01-02 19:22.02 theMuffinMen: i have 6 senses not u
2016-01-02 19:22.15 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:22.25 Kingibi: and u call it the cherry on the muffin
2016-01-02 19:22.31 Kingibi: ... or cupcake.. w.e
2016-01-02 19:22.33 theMuffinMen: loool
2016-01-02 19:22.35 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:22.37 theMuffinMen: LMASO
2016-01-02 19:23.17 Kingibi: so u even bee to the uk gem
2016-01-02 19:23.24 COCA-COLA: am ukraishen seriously
2016-01-02 19:23.24 Kingibi: tohh ..
2016-01-02 19:23.26 Tydra: i lived there
2016-01-02 19:23.27 Kingibi: tjust scrolled up
2016-01-02 19:23.28 COCA-COLA: am a master
2016-01-02 19:23.29 Tydra: 3 years
2016-01-02 19:23.34 Kingibi: ohh nice
2016-01-02 19:23.40 Kingibi: tfor work?
2016-01-02 19:23.47 Tydra: aye
2016-01-02 19:24.00 AleksJM:
2016-01-02 19:24.07 Tydra: mofo
2016-01-02 19:24.13 COCA-COLA: am a master
2016-01-02 19:24.14 Kingibi: u write good english
2016-01-02 19:24.21 Kingibi: so im very impressed
2016-01-02 19:24.23 Tydra: i speak it even better
2016-01-02 19:24.32 Kingibi: ohh... would like to hear some time..
2016-01-02 19:24.34 theMuffinMen: lol
2016-01-02 19:24.42 theMuffinMen: lol
2016-01-02 19:24.47 Kingibi: brb
2016-01-02 19:25.49 theMuffinMen: lol
2016-01-02 19:26.08 Tydra: men and their big guns
2016-01-02 19:26.33 COCA-COLA: LOL
2016-01-02 19:26.38 YojeekBobo: we are all gonna die here
2016-01-02 19:26.40 theMuffinMen: lol
2016-01-02 19:27.57 COCA-COLA: am a master
2016-01-02 19:28.13 Tydra: master of desaster
2016-01-02 19:28.19 AleksJM: ))
2016-01-02 19:29.31 Tydra: you could have beena gentleman and hold the door for mew
2016-01-02 19:29.34 YojeekBobo: i am scared
2016-01-02 19:29.44 COCA-COLA: NOOB
2016-01-02 19:32.46 Tydra: where now
2016-01-02 19:33.02 Max_Bullet: i dont know
2016-01-02 19:33.26 theMuffinMen: bak to start]
2016-01-02 19:33.27 Kingibi: okay thats took longer then expected
2016-01-02 19:33.33 Tydra: had a poo?
2016-01-02 19:33.39 Kingibi: no someone at the door
2016-01-02 19:33.46 Kingibi: and a gentle man never poops...
2016-01-02 19:33.49 Tydra: lead us fearless master
2016-01-02 19:33.58 YojeekBobo: I AM NOT RETREATING! IA M REDROUPING!
2016-01-02 19:33.59 Kingibi: lol thats muffin
2016-01-02 19:34.21 Kingibi: where u goin
2016-01-02 19:34.27 Tydra: i dont knooooow
2016-01-02 19:34.36 Kingibi: now u go without me
2016-01-02 19:34.39 Kingibi: hehehe
2016-01-02 19:34.47 Tydra: its not like i pushed the button
2016-01-02 19:35.22 Tydra: stop humping me
2016-01-02 19:35.25 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:35.43 Tydra: lol
2016-01-02 19:35.44 Kingibi: thats humping
2016-01-02 19:35.56 Tydra: where the fuck is muffin
2016-01-02 19:36.04 Kingibi: muffin how the hell can u be high and yet on the top with the score
2016-01-02 19:36.12 Kingibi: ... practice?
2016-01-02 19:36.14 TAU_BiH: am i sexy?
2016-01-02 19:36.29 Kingibi: =(
2016-01-02 19:36.34 Tydra: aaww
2016-01-02 19:36.43 Kingibi: i died trying to hold the door
2016-01-02 19:36.53 Tydra: true gentleman
2016-01-02 19:36.56 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:37.28 Kingibi: btw its a good time to point out
2016-01-02 19:37.32 Tydra: we keep gouing in circles
2016-01-02 19:37.32 Kingibi: im lost too
2016-01-02 19:37.40 Kingibi: yhe ai know
2016-01-02 19:37.42 Kingibi: up stairs
2016-01-02 19:37.45 dU.Suz:OH MY GODS
2016-01-02 19:37.50 Kingibi: ommmmmmmmmmgggggggggggggg
2016-01-02 19:37.51 dU.Suz:YOJEEKBOBO
2016-01-02 19:37.53 Kingibi: suzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2016-01-02 19:37.55 dU.Suz:BOBO!
2016-01-02 19:37.55 theMuffinMen: lol
2016-01-02 19:38.03 dU.Suz:long time no see :o
2016-01-02 19:38.04 YojeekBobo: hi Suuuuuuz!
2016-01-02 19:38.15 YojeekBobo: =))))
2016-01-02 19:38.18 dU.Suz:xD
2016-01-02 19:38.24 Max_Bullet: hi Suz
2016-01-02 19:38.36 dU.Suz:hello guys
2016-01-02 19:38.41 Kingibi: .... why thank u
2016-01-02 19:38.51 theMuffinMen: hy suz
2016-01-02 19:38.51 COCA-COLA: am a master
2016-01-02 19:38.53 dU.Suz:you´re welcome ibi
2016-01-02 19:38.57 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:38.58 dU.Suz:muffo :3
2016-01-02 19:38.59 Tydra: i guess we just wait for the map to finish
2016-01-02 19:39.06 dU.Suz:or you go for it
2016-01-02 19:39.08 dU.Suz:^^
2016-01-02 19:39.13 Tydra: dont know where
2016-01-02 19:39.14 Kingibi: suz im lost can u guide me.....
2016-01-02 19:39.18 dU.Suz:up
2016-01-02 19:39.18 Tydra:
2016-01-02 19:39.20 dU.Suz:you go up
2016-01-02 19:39.23 Tydra: we were up
2016-01-02 19:39.23 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:39.27 Gemsey:muffy <3 -bites-
2016-01-02 19:39.30 dU.Suz:then you go down
2016-01-02 19:39.31 Kingibi: her solution to everything
2016-01-02 19:39.38 Kingibi: up and down
2016-01-02 19:39.41 dU.Suz:and if that doesn´t work, follow the sound
2016-01-02 19:39.47 Tydra: there is no sound
2016-01-02 19:39.49 Kingibi: of my tears?
2016-01-02 19:39.50 dU.Suz:explore
2016-01-02 19:39.52 Tydra: they are miles away
2016-01-02 19:39.54 Kingibi: coz im llost
2016-01-02 19:40.02 dU.Suz:your tears do not make sounds ibi
2016-01-02 19:40.09 dU.Suz:your tears are of crocodiles
2016-01-02 19:40.11 Tydra: they do when they hit the ground
2016-01-02 19:40.13 Kingibi: lol they scream suz is back
2016-01-02 19:40.13 dU.Suz:crocodile tears
2016-01-02 19:40.18 dU.Suz:aww
2016-01-02 19:40.19 dU.Suz:i know
2016-01-02 19:40.20 Kingibi: o.O
2016-01-02 19:40.24 dU.Suz:i´m sooooo terrific
2016-01-02 19:40.27 dU.Suz:even your tears fear me
2016-01-02 19:40.32 dU.Suz:it´s an amazing feat :3
2016-01-02 19:40.40 Kingibi: at aleinating and guiding people.... sure
2016-01-02 19:40.48 Kingibi: now guide me
2016-01-02 19:40.51 Tydra: i think maybe the subway
2016-01-02 19:40.55 dU.Suz:guide yourself mr
2016-01-02 19:40.57 Tydra: but dont know how to open the door
2016-01-02 19:41.08 Kingibi: .... and shes the mod btw people
2016-01-02 19:41.10 dU.Suz:go to the second building and stay there
2016-01-02 19:41.11 COCA-COLA:
2016-01-02 19:41.25 dU.Suz:as soon as they pick up the other card, you can go outside
2016-01-02 19:41.39 Kingibi: sorry cant hold the door
2016-01-02 19:42.11 COCA-COLA: STUPID
2016-01-02 19:42.13 Tydra: aaww thanks for the scratch, that was itching
2016-01-02 19:42.14 Kingibi: i cant push u in the alevator u know
2016-01-02 19:42.18 YojeekBobo: tower 2 foolr2 need back up!
2016-01-02 19:42.29 dU.Suz:that´s because you´re awful
2016-01-02 19:42.31 dU.Suz:ibi
2016-01-02 19:42.34 Kingibi: =(
2016-01-02 19:42.37 dU.Suz:^^
2016-01-02 19:42.49 dU.Suz:i said second building tydra
2016-01-02 19:42.52 dU.Suz:you´re at the first
2016-01-02 19:42.55 Kingibi: now where....
2016-01-02 19:42.56 dU.Suz:take the lift down
2016-01-02 19:42.58 Kingibi: omg
2016-01-02 19:42.58 Tydra: how do i get to the second
2016-01-02 19:43.06 Tydra: oh bloody helll
2016-01-02 19:43.18 dU.Suz:johnnyrod!
2016-01-02 19:43.21 dU.Suz:johnnyrod
2016-01-02 19:43.23 dU.Suz:hello
2016-01-02 19:43.26 dU.Suz:johnny!
2016-01-02 19:43.29 Kingibi: its all ur fault suz
2016-01-02 19:43.33 YojeekBobo: COME HERE YOU BASTARDS!
2016-01-02 19:43.35 Kingibi: im lost coz of u
2016-01-02 19:43.37 dU.Suz:it´s not my fault you suck ibi :3
2016-01-02 19:43.42 Tydra: come down ibi
2016-01-02 19:43.44 Kingibi: and ur my mentor
2016-01-02 19:43.49 COCA-COLA: STUPID
2016-01-02 19:43.51 COCA-COLA: am a master
2016-01-02 19:43.51 dU.Suz:Goddess help me
2016-01-02 19:43.56 YojeekBobo: Old pain is waing
2016-01-02 19:43.57 dU.Suz:i´m not mentoring ANYONE
2016-01-02 19:44.00 dU.Suz:let alone you :3
2016-01-02 19:44.06 dU.Suz:now go outside
2016-01-02 19:44.18 dU.Suz:see that wasn´t so hard
2016-01-02 19:44.23 Kingibi: it was very hard
2016-01-02 19:44.28 Tydra: omg
2016-01-02 19:44.31 Tydra: it looked THE SAME
2016-01-02 19:44.32 YojeekBobo: I AM BLEEDING!
2016-01-02 19:44.56 Kingibi: bleeding?
2016-01-02 19:45.01 Kingibi: that time of the month already
2016-01-02 19:45.06 Kingibi: =(
2016-01-02 19:45.15 YojeekBobo: no sorry that was my bootle of red wine
2016-01-02 19:45.20 Kingibi: lol
2016-01-02 19:45.29 Tydra: dont waste good wine
2016-01-02 19:45.37 johnnyrod: i cut my finger yesterday
2016-01-02 19:46.29 dU.Suz::o
2016-01-02 19:46.32 Kingibi: hello
2016-01-02 19:46.32 COCA-COLA: df
2016-01-02 19:46.39 dU.Suz:i´m sorry, who are you?
2016-01-02 19:46.42 dU.Suz:^^
2016-01-02 19:47.02 Tydra: dear me
2016-01-02 19:47.09 Kingibi: .... very long map
2016-01-02 19:47.15 Tydra: when you get lost
2016-01-02 19:47.23 Kingibi: lol took me 2 sittings
2016-01-02 19:47.49 theMuffinMen: 16 :)
2016-01-02 19:47.50 Tydra: i forgot again, but there is no way to connect with players in ut, is there
2016-01-02 19:47.56 Daniel: !V
2016-01-02 19:47.57 Tydra: like on steam
2016-01-02 19:48.03 Kingibi:
2016-01-02 19:48.09 dU.Suz:what
2016-01-02 19:48.10 Tydra: tstop shooting
2016-01-02 19:48.17 YojeekBobo: Is there MH-Rivers_of_Vodka?
2016-01-02 19:48.20 Kingibi: connect how
2016-01-02 19:48.25 dU.Suz:i missed ya bobo...!
2016-01-02 19:48.26 Tydra: like on steam
2016-01-02 19:48.27 TAU_BiH: !v
2016-01-02 19:48.27 COCA-COLA: ´
2016-01-02 19:48.32 Tydra: a friends list
2016-01-02 19:48.35 Kingibi: i dont know how it is on steam

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