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Match Infos
Distance traveled:27,05km
Map Time:00:24:53
Playdate:2016-03-23 00:21:33
Team Awards:
BlackMOO221 15 0 0 00:24:53 3,92km
Player87 13 0 0 00:24:53 5,66km
deszczyk1561 13 0 0 00:24:53 3,32km
Gartenzaun5433 6 0 0 00:24:53 1,18km
fethi_safah3983 12 0 0 00:24:53 3,80km
ALL_DAY129 8 0 0 00:24:16 4,77km
Deekin2353 2 0 0 00:15:24 1,45km
zohan180 1 0 0 00:13:02 0,36km
Slickards259 11 0 0 00:12:25 2,21km
marco:30 2 0 0 00:03:06 0,04km
TNTPW-5 1 0 1 00:01:38 0,27km
Dei_MUDDA0 0 0 0 00:00:21 0,09km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
BlackMOO 3/1 2/2 0 0 0 1 4 5 2 0 0 0 7/6 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 24
Player8 0/1 1/1 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/3 0 0 0 0 0 0/11 1
deszczyk 3 3/2 0 2 0 0 32 0 0 1 0/1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/14 41
Gartenzaun 0 6/3 0 3 0 0 2 5 1/1 9 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 27
fethi_safah 2 8/1 1 0 0 3 6 7 3/3 0 1 0 31/4 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 62
ALL_DAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 0 0/1 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 1
Deekin 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 2
zohan 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slickards 0 2/2 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/9 3
marco:3 0 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TNTPW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dei_MUDDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-03-22 23:58.28 ALL_DAY: !s
2016-03-22 23:58.37 Slickards: heli boys
2016-03-22 23:58.57 unknown_artist: see gem
2016-03-22 23:59.01 unknown_artist: this is how you make maps
2016-03-22 23:59.18 unknown_artist: take the good ol AS map and covert it to MH
2016-03-22 23:59.27 ALL_DAY:!p
2016-03-22 23:59.29 Gemsey:they have all been done lol
2016-03-22 23:59.49 Gemsey:im still learning anyway lol
2016-03-22 23:59.53 unknown_artist: you can also make variations
2016-03-22 23:59.58 unknown_artist: like
2016-03-23 00:00.04 unknown_artist: highspeed-train
2016-03-23 00:00.07 Slickards: I was working on a tf2 map like this
2016-03-23 00:00.11 Gemsey:i prefer that one lol
2016-03-23 00:00.45 unknown_artist: ever thought of releasing them?
2016-03-23 00:00.52 Gemsey:haha!
2016-03-23 00:00.59 Gemsey:-.-
2016-03-23 00:01.02 Slickards: Its for a server im making
2016-03-23 00:01.07 Gemsey:they arent that good lol
2016-03-23 00:01.13 Slickards:
2016-03-23 00:01.20 Slickards:
2016-03-23 00:01.24 Gemsey:cool
2016-03-23 00:01.32 Ariana:crashed ._.
2016-03-23 00:01.36 ALL_DAY: dsogfkdgsg
2016-03-23 00:01.40 Velociraptor: A Celled Queen she is Happy to see Me
2016-03-23 00:02.05 Gemsey:ooo iron maiden... yay
2016-03-23 00:02.14 unknown_artist: really
2016-03-23 00:02.22 unknown_artist: i had a song literally 2 minutes ago
2016-03-23 00:02.29 Gemsey:lol
2016-03-23 00:02.42 Gemsey:my ex loved listening to metal... its rubbed off on me lol
2016-03-23 00:03.13 unknown_artist: good
2016-03-23 00:03.25 unknown_artist: thats how metalheads wash brains of other people
2016-03-23 00:03.28 unknown_artist:
2016-03-23 00:03.32 unknown_artist: .;p
2016-03-23 00:04.15 Gemsey:im just happy music taste is all i got from the lying cheating
2016-03-23 00:04.20 Gemsey:bastard =]
2016-03-23 00:05.02 Velociraptor: the Celled Queen is not Dead my poor thing
2016-03-23 00:05.02 unknown_artist: there are some good things you get from exes
2016-03-23 00:05.13 unknown_artist: i got this server
2016-03-23 00:05.31 Gemsey:i had to give up here for a while with a different ex lol
2016-03-23 00:05.56 unknown_artist: wow you´re really busy
2016-03-23 00:06.05 Gemsey:what? =P
2016-03-23 00:06.26 unknown_artist: i mean you change your relations often
2016-03-23 00:06.49 Gemsey:lol my last ex was supposed to be a one night stand
2016-03-23 00:07.08 Gemsey:last nearly 3 1/2 years, he cheated on me for 2 lol
2016-03-23 00:07.21 Velociraptor: the Celled Queen one of my favorite Sister of the Ages
2016-03-23 00:07.35 Slickards: 3.1 or 31?
2016-03-23 00:07.48 Gemsey:3 1/2
2016-03-23 00:07.58 Gemsey:as in 3 and a half
2016-03-23 00:07.59 Slickards: jeez
2016-03-23 00:08.05 unknown_artist: maybe he was a version 3.1
2016-03-23 00:08.25 unknown_artist: but dont worry
2016-03-23 00:08.27 Gartenzaun:
2016-03-23 00:08.30 unknown_artist: the next will be 95
2016-03-23 00:08.38 Gemsey:slept with a friend behind my back and i have to move here lol
2016-03-23 00:08.52 Gemsey:next guy is 26 haha
2016-03-23 00:09.11 Velociraptor: the Celled Queen is a Perfect Girl
2016-03-23 00:09.32 unknown_artist: THE ONLY GIRL THAT CAN BE CALLED PERFECT IT
2016-03-23 00:09.33 unknown_artist: IS
2016-03-23 00:09.37 unknown_artist: Golden Girl
2016-03-23 00:09.45 Gemsey:on crazy server...
2016-03-23 00:09.47 Slickards: well, its been fun freinds
2016-03-23 00:09.56 Slickards: see you later
2016-03-23 00:10.00 Gemsey:see you =]
2016-03-23 00:10.01 unknown_artist: cya
2016-03-23 00:10.06 Velociraptor: i believed it is the Celled Queen
2016-03-23 00:10.11 Ariana:gosh this map
2016-03-23 00:10.16 Gemsey:nah its me!
2016-03-23 00:10.28 unknown_artist: wb crasiana
2016-03-23 00:10.38 Ariana:thanks >.<
2016-03-23 00:12.17 Velociraptor: i do See A Prehistoric Whistle Artist
2016-03-23 00:13.00 unknown_artist: ah crap
2016-03-23 00:13.03 unknown_artist: sorry dude
2016-03-23 00:13.13 Gemsey:bad artist lol
2016-03-23 00:13.44 Velociraptor: what kind of Whistle is it in Far Cry Primal Artist
2016-03-23 00:13.57 unknown_artist: egyptian
2016-03-23 00:14.05 unknown_artist: from that song
2016-03-23 00:14.11 unknown_artist: walk like an egyptian
2016-03-23 00:14.13 Velociraptor: yeah
2016-03-23 00:14.44 Gemsey:artist im in the window damnit lol
2016-03-23 00:15.01 Velociraptor: they have no guns Far Cry Primal Artist
2016-03-23 00:15.03 unknown_artist: but you´re ghost
2016-03-23 00:15.08 Gemsey:shh lol
2016-03-23 00:15.17 Gemsey:you arent getting the queen anyway lol
2016-03-23 00:15.50 unknown_artist: i dont want to get the queen
2016-03-23 00:16.08 unknown_artist: but those two maikng out in the first car
2016-03-23 00:16.16 Gemsey:o.O
2016-03-23 00:16.49 Gemsey:what 2 lol
2016-03-23 00:17.03 Gemsey:oh those 2 lol
2016-03-23 00:17.11 unknown_artist: wait
2016-03-23 00:17.17 unknown_artist: are there more than 2?
2016-03-23 00:17.26 Gemsey:no just 2 lol
2016-03-23 00:17.46 unknown_artist: you am no real super cow
2016-03-23 00:18.05 unknown_artist: but still you moo great
2016-03-23 00:18.16 Gemsey:lol
2016-03-23 00:18.17 unknown_artist: moo to you too
2016-03-23 00:18.32 Velociraptor: Omar got killed by a Automatic Cannon
2016-03-23 00:18.45 Gemsey:i see whats killing everyone now xD
2016-03-23 00:18.48 unknown_artist: damn it i had a front row
2016-03-23 00:19.18 Gemsey:be sneaky!
2016-03-23 00:19.30 Gemsey:or do that lol
2016-03-23 00:20.06 unknown_artist: my ninja moves are terrible
2016-03-23 00:20.17 Gemsey:hehe
2016-03-23 00:20.34 Gemsey:ninja_artist? =P
2016-03-23 00:21.05 unknown_artist: never thought about that
2016-03-23 00:21.13 Gemsey:lol
2016-03-23 00:21.29 unknown_artist: and now i have some samurai music giong ;o
2016-03-23 00:21.57 Gemsey:ive got... And One - Panzermensch
2016-03-23 00:21.59 Gemsey:lol
2016-03-23 00:22.00 Pek2r_YoshI: !v
2016-03-23 00:22.44 Pek2r_YoshI: !v
2016-03-23 00:22.58 Pek2r_YoshI: !V

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