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Chatlog |
2016-03-26 06:54.33 easylee:it sounded so much nicer in portuguese 2016-03-26 06:54.49 dU.Suz:lol 2016-03-26 06:55.39 Mr.Kushiii:ugh 2016-03-26 06:55.43 Mr.Kushiii:map makes meh crash 2016-03-26 06:55.47 dU.Suz:lol 2016-03-26 06:55.51 dU.Suz:you make yourself crash 2016-03-26 06:55.56 dU.Suz:but not nearly enough 2016-03-26 06:56.02 dU.Suz:you need to do it more often 2016-03-26 06:56.05 Mr.Kushiii:i am numero uno 2016-03-26 06:56.15 dU.Suz: minus 1 you mean 2016-03-26 06:56.17 dU.Suz: haha 2016-03-26 06:56.18 Ariana: I keep reading this map as vodka 2016-03-26 06:56.27 dU.Suz: what do you know, sometimes i do too 2016-03-26 06:56.31 dU.Suz: but, i lack the vodka 2016-03-26 06:56.37 Tzilakatzin: mmmm 2016-03-26 06:56.38 Mr.Kushiii:suz likes vodka? 2016-03-26 06:56.38 dU.Suz: need to fix that minor flaw 2016-03-26 06:56.44 dU.Suz: no, i hate it actually lol 2016-03-26 06:56.53 Mr.Kushiii:me too 2016-03-26 06:56.57 dU.Suz: well, call it a love/hate relationship 2016-03-26 06:57.04 Ariana: I hate it but I love the after effects 2016-03-26 06:57.11 easylee: Hi there! 2016-03-26 06:57.11 easylee: .::LOL::. 2016-03-26 06:57.12 ALL_DAY:yes xD 2016-03-26 06:57.26 Mr.Kushiii:id raher drink gasoline 2016-03-26 06:57.34 dU.Suz: lets make that happen 2016-03-26 06:57.35 ALL_DAY:wow 2016-03-26 06:57.39 ALL_DAY:okay 2016-03-26 06:57.40 dU.Suz: then let me set you on fire :3 2016-03-26 06:57.42 Mr.Kushiii:ofc suz would say that 2016-03-26 06:57.43 Ariana: xD 2016-03-26 06:57.45 ALL_DAY:let´s play vodka pong 2016-03-26 06:57.47 Mr.Kushiii:always hating 2016-03-26 06:57.49 dU.Suz: LOL 2016-03-26 06:57.53 dU.Suz: i don´t hate ^^ 2016-03-26 06:57.56 ALL_DAY:but we can fill your cups up with gasoline kush 2016-03-26 06:58.07 Mr.Kushiii:why u always salting me up ? 2016-03-26 06:58.15 Catoto: i cant play like that 2016-03-26 06:58.18 Catoto: kkkkk 2016-03-26 06:58.19 dU.Suz: lag? 2016-03-26 06:58.20 dU.Suz: lol 2016-03-26 06:58.31 Mr.Kushiii:vote guantlet 2016-03-26 06:58.34 dU.Suz: lol no 2016-03-26 06:58.35 Catoto: parto-me todo a rir 2016-03-26 06:58.40 Ariana: gauntlet* 2016-03-26 06:58.43 dU.Suz: LOL é né 2016-03-26 06:58.55 dU.Suz: ele gosta de ser abusado e eu não digo que não rofl 2016-03-26 06:58.56 Mr.Kushiii:there goes suz talking bout me again 2016-03-26 06:59.00 dU.Suz: yeah 2016-03-26 06:59.21 easylee: .::LOL::. 2016-03-26 06:59.23 Catoto: coitado do rapaz 2016-03-26 06:59.25 Catoto: kkkkk 2016-03-26 06:59.39 Catoto: só quer ser teu amigo 2016-03-26 06:59.40 dU.Suz: olha, diz a minha mana, coitado é corno 2016-03-26 06:59.41 Catoto: kkkkk 2016-03-26 06:59.41 dU.Suz: LOL 2016-03-26 07:00.17 Mr.Kushiii:can u squeeze a boob so much that it will burst? 2016-03-26 07:00.40 Catoto: wtf? 2016-03-26 07:00.41 ALL_DAY:!p 2016-03-26 07:00.49 dU.Suz: how about you slap your nuts with a brick :) 2016-03-26 07:00.55 Mr.Kushiii:pfft 2016-03-26 07:00.59 Mr.Kushiii:try a spiked bat 2016-03-26 07:01.07 dU.Suz: i want one ^^ 2016-03-26 07:01.30 Mr.Kushiii:i once made a owl out of macaroni 2016-03-26 07:01.39 Mr.Kushiii:macaroni art is fun 2016-03-26 07:01.49 Mr.Kushiii:kinda like finger painting 2016-03-26 07:02.00 Ariana: we used to make necklaces out of macaroni at school xD 2016-03-26 07:02.09 dU.Suz: how about you stop that day 2016-03-26 07:02.17 ALL_DAY: idk what you´re talking about 2016-03-26 07:02.24 dU.Suz: you got me killed 2016-03-26 07:02.33 ALL_DAY: how? 2016-03-26 07:02.46 Mr.Kushiii:everyone shoot suz 2016-03-26 07:02.48 Tzilakatzin: gg 2016-03-26 07:02.50 ALL_DAY: kush come in 2016-03-26 07:02.50 Mr.Kushiii:and vote gauntlet 2016-03-26 07:02.52 Mr.Kushiii:!v 2016-03-26 07:02.55 dU.Suz: suz, kick everyone :D 2016-03-26 07:02.59 Mr.Kushiii:!p 2016-03-26 07:03.13 easylee: .::LOL::. 2016-03-26 07:03.18 dU.Suz: starting with kushi pushi 2016-03-26 07:03.20 Mr.Kushiii: stop kicking me 2016-03-26 07:03.23 dU.Suz: haha 2016-03-26 07:03.32 Catoto: lol 2016-03-26 07:03.34 Mr.Kushiii: GAUNTLET 2016-03-26 07:03.45 Mr.Kushiii: noooooooooooooooooooooooo 2016-03-26 07:03.49 Mr.Kushiii: y u do dis? 2016-03-26 07:03.49 ALL_DAY: gdsksmgkgdmdkgmsg 2016-03-26 07:03.52 Catoto: yessssssssss 2016-03-26 07:03.55 dU.Suz: cause we can 2016-03-26 07:03.57 dU.Suz: ye ye ye 2016-03-26 07:04.01 Ariana: cause Im sick of shooting that monster for 5 hours 2016-03-26 07:04.02 ALL_DAY: >.< 2016-03-26 07:04.03 Mr.Kushiii: imma make a post on fourm bout this 2016-03-26 07:04.08 Mr.Kushiii: denying kushs map |
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