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Match Infos
Distance traveled:2,21km
Map Time:00:03:07
Playdate:2016-05-01 22:40:52
Team Awards:
Player43240 0 0 0 00:03:06 0,74km
HessyJames3646 0 0 0 00:03:06 0,43km
Smokin_Beaver6545 0 0 0 00:03:06 0,66km
Nessuno0 0 0 0 00:01:57 0,39km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Player4 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
HessyJames 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Smokin_Beaver 2 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Nessuno 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-05-01 22:19.02 HessyJames: finally
2016-05-01 22:19.20 HessyJames: have to look for a newer version of chaosUT i guess
2016-05-01 22:19.33 Smokin_Beaver: my 3d driver lets me down
2016-05-01 22:19.40 Smokin_Beaver: and win 10
2016-05-01 22:19.57 HessyJames: i try not to update my computers to w10
2016-05-01 22:20.14 HessyJames: have 6 pc
2016-05-01 22:20.16 Smokin_Beaver: i tried it to see if improvement on 8.1
2016-05-01 22:20.29 HessyJames: is to much NSA for me ^^
2016-05-01 22:20.40 Smokin_Beaver: my old xp machine died a blue death
2016-05-01 22:20.41 HessyJames: guess i try Linux
2016-05-01 22:20.44 Smokin_Beaver: yes
2016-05-01 22:20.45 HessyJames: ouch
2016-05-01 22:21.00 Smokin_Beaver: linux is supposed to be good
2016-05-01 22:21.00 HessyJames: have W7 and W8.1 on all machines
2016-05-01 22:21.19 HessyJames: i´ve used Linux some years ago
2016-05-01 22:21.30 HessyJames: not too bad
2016-05-01 22:21.42 Smokin_Beaver: i have 1 machine, came with 8.1 - free upgrade to 10 but both are poor
2016-05-01 22:21.58 HessyJames: im no expert so it will get hard
2016-05-01 22:22.22 HessyJames: but Linux is now more user friendly
2016-05-01 22:22.31 Smokin_Beaver: i may try it
2016-05-01 22:22.42 HessyJames: still not on the M$ level though
2016-05-01 22:22.47 Smokin_Beaver: but i am not all that good with pcs
2016-05-01 22:23.00 Smokin_Beaver: yes i remember ms dos
2016-05-01 22:23.10 Smokin_Beaver: i could use that to some degree
2016-05-01 22:23.18 HessyJames: i started with dos ^^
2016-05-01 22:23.29 Smokin_Beaver: me too - showing our age now lol
2016-05-01 22:23.35 HessyJames: ouch
2016-05-01 22:23.59 HessyJames: hit the wrong button
2016-05-01 22:24.13 Smokin_Beaver: i have been 29 for over 11 years now
2016-05-01 22:24.13 HessyJames: i started US in 2001
2016-05-01 22:24.21 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:24.48 HessyJames: lucky, i wish i would be this age again ^^
2016-05-01 22:25.04 Smokin_Beaver: how old ?
2016-05-01 22:25.14 HessyJames: thats hard ^^
2016-05-01 22:25.20 HessyJames: im 49a now ^^
2016-05-01 22:25.51 HessyJames: but dont tell anyone ^^
2016-05-01 22:25.55 Smokin_Beaver: ahh yeah being in your 40s is a weird one for me, not sure if i like
2016-05-01 22:26.04 Smokin_Beaver: and no i wont :)
2016-05-01 22:26.08 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:26.15 HessyJames: i know ^^
2016-05-01 22:26.26 HessyJames: and its not getting better ^^
2016-05-01 22:26.32 Smokin_Beaver: i find training harder
2016-05-01 22:26.39 HessyJames: but was cycling today
2016-05-01 22:26.43 HessyJames: 2 hours
2016-05-01 22:26.45 Smokin_Beaver: good
2016-05-01 22:26.52 Smokin_Beaver: i ran 2k
2016-05-01 22:26.55 HessyJames: winter was too long
2016-05-01 22:27.16 Smokin_Beaver: yes winter was long this past year
2016-05-01 22:27.27 HessyJames: but it was not hurting anymore like the first 3 times
2016-05-01 22:27.27 Smokin_Beaver: i do not like winter
2016-05-01 22:27.46 Smokin_Beaver: your fitness is improving
2016-05-01 22:27.46 HessyJames: i love road biking
2016-05-01 22:28.09 HessyJames: race biking
2016-05-01 22:28.14 Smokin_Beaver: lots of people are doing it in the uk
2016-05-01 22:28.22 HessyJames: wish i had startet earlier with it
2016-05-01 22:28.28 Smokin_Beaver: taking up the whole road and slowing cars down
2016-05-01 22:28.28 HessyJames: i know
2016-05-01 22:28.33 Smokin_Beaver: lol
2016-05-01 22:28.34 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:28.39 HessyJames: not me ^^
2016-05-01 22:28.47 HessyJames: im damn fast ^^
2016-05-01 22:28.57 Smokin_Beaver: they ride 3-4 wide, around 20kmh
2016-05-01 22:29.06 Smokin_Beaver: annoying as hell
2016-05-01 22:29.09 Smokin_Beaver: lol
2016-05-01 22:29.14 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:29.26 HessyJames: hate that as car driver too ^^
2016-05-01 22:29.44 HessyJames: holly molly thats funny
2016-05-01 22:29.51 Smokin_Beaver: i wash my windsheild as i pass - give them a soaking
2016-05-01 22:29.51 HessyJames: holy
2016-05-01 22:30.00 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:30.13 HessyJames: wish my english would be better
2016-05-01 22:30.21 Smokin_Beaver: your english is fine
2016-05-01 22:30.25 HessyJames: not really ^^
2016-05-01 22:30.30 Smokin_Beaver: my german sucks
2016-05-01 22:30.43 HessyJames: many things i cant say cause im missing the words
2016-05-01 22:30.47 HessyJames: lol
2016-05-01 22:31.00 HessyJames: germany is dieing anyway
2016-05-01 22:31.04 Smokin_Beaver: i understand bits of written german
2016-05-01 22:31.18 HessyJames: and germans
2016-05-01 22:31.36 HessyJames: we´re getting exchanged
2016-05-01 22:31.38 Smokin_Beaver: yes merkel has done a number on you guys
2016-05-01 22:31.46 Smokin_Beaver: i feel sorry for you
2016-05-01 22:31.51 HessyJames: thx
2016-05-01 22:31.58 HessyJames: its so bad
2016-05-01 22:32.06 Smokin_Beaver: germany was never supposed to go this liberal
2016-05-01 22:32.18 HessyJames: its too much
2016-05-01 22:32.21 Smokin_Beaver: too soft
2016-05-01 22:32.30 HessyJames: so true
2016-05-01 22:32.40 Smokin_Beaver: but cos of history you cannot stand up for yourselves
2016-05-01 22:32.46 HessyJames: right
2016-05-01 22:32.52 Smokin_Beaver: i hear you :)
2016-05-01 22:33.00 HessyJames: lol reminds me of the movie clockwise
2016-05-01 22:33.04 HessyJames: know it?
2016-05-01 22:33.07 HessyJames: love it
2016-05-01 22:33.25 Smokin_Beaver: i am trying to remember
2016-05-01 22:33.30 Smokin_Beaver: comedy
2016-05-01 22:33.32 HessyJames: hes always saying "right"
2016-05-01 22:33.35 HessyJames: yep
2016-05-01 22:33.57 HessyJames: i try getting words on a tablet parallel ^^
2016-05-01 22:34.19 HessyJames: John Cleese
2016-05-01 22:34.25 Smokin_Beaver: yes
2016-05-01 22:34.30 Smokin_Beaver: i just googled it
2016-05-01 22:34.32 HessyJames: its so funny
2016-05-01 22:34.34 Smokin_Beaver: i have seen it
2016-05-01 22:34.37 HessyJames: ^^
2016-05-01 22:34.44 Smokin_Beaver: yeah, john cleese is funny
2016-05-01 22:34.51 Smokin_Beaver: he was in monty python
2016-05-01 22:34.52 HessyJames: faulty towers
2016-05-01 22:34.55 HessyJames: yes
2016-05-01 22:35.04 Smokin_Beaver: anoher funny show
2016-05-01 22:35.06 HessyJames: love the british humor
2016-05-01 22:35.08 Smokin_Beaver: another*
2016-05-01 22:35.26 Smokin_Beaver: the germans and british have the same humour
2016-05-01 22:35.27 HessyJames: you know Shaun of the Dead?
2016-05-01 22:35.30 Smokin_Beaver: yes
2016-05-01 22:35.31 HessyJames: the movie
2016-05-01 22:35.34 HessyJames: so funny
2016-05-01 22:35.40 Smokin_Beaver: i liked paul
2016-05-01 22:35.46 Smokin_Beaver: the alien one
2016-05-01 22:35.57 HessyJames: donno
2016-05-01 22:36.03 Smokin_Beaver: same guys
2016-05-01 22:36.09 Smokin_Beaver: from shaun of the dead
2016-05-01 22:36.19 HessyJames: funniest scene for me is when the 2 groups meet
2016-05-01 22:36.46 HessyJames: nice to chat
2016-05-01 22:36.49 Smokin_Beaver: ah their counterparts
2016-05-01 22:36.56 HessyJames: yes
2016-05-01 22:37.05 Smokin_Beaver: they were all identical opposites
2016-05-01 22:37.10 HessyJames: right
2016-05-01 22:37.57 HessyJames: great moment of cinema
2016-05-01 22:38.13 Smokin_Beaver:
2016-05-01 22:38.20 HessyJames: the cow cant wait^^
2016-05-01 22:38.27 Smokin_Beaver: lol cow on a mission
2016-05-01 22:38.44 HessyJames: cows are so restless in UT ^^
2016-05-01 22:38.45 Anoob: I should be careful
2016-05-01 22:38.53 Anoob: The steaks are high...
2016-05-01 22:39.27 HessyJames: grab the knife ^^
2016-05-01 22:39.32 Il_piu´_divertente: hi
2016-05-01 22:39.34 Smokin_Beaver: hello !
2016-05-01 22:39.36 HessyJames: hi
2016-05-01 22:39.40 Anoob: hi
2016-05-01 22:40.37 HessyJames: ohoh
2016-05-01 22:41.00 HessyJames: pretty short
2016-05-01 22:41.05 Smokin_Beaver: yeah
2016-05-01 22:41.25 Smokin_Beaver: i was looking from end of map when chatting
2016-05-01 22:41.57 HessyJames: i often try to fly through the maps before they start
2016-05-01 22:42.02 Smokin_Beaver: me too
2016-05-01 22:42.08 Smokin_Beaver: see where to go
2016-05-01 22:42.13 HessyJames: yep ^^

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