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Match Infos
Distance traveled:17,65km
Map Time:00:34:09
Playdate:2016-06-01 17:34:07
Team Awards:
Kingibi495681 1 0 0 00:34:09 6,87km
Fitz394313 1 0 0 00:34:09 6,36km
Nicoz182730 0 0 0 00:21:53 4,42km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Kingibi 12 21 11 58 43 6 9 15 1 0 6 0 3 52 8 0 0 0 63/1 308
Fitz 3 35 9 28 27 12 5 3 0 0 7 0 2 45 2 0 0 0 12/1 190
Nicoz 0 8 4 17 10 0 1 3 0 0 7 0 28 4 5 0 0 0 2 89
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-06-01 17:08.28 Kingibi: where u from fitz?
2016-06-01 17:10.24 Kingibi: u from france?
2016-06-01 17:10.29 Fitz: yes
2016-06-01 17:12.40 Fitz: i love and hate this weapon
2016-06-01 17:12.55 Kingibi: lol why ... u managed to kill urself?
2016-06-01 17:13.01 Fitz: as always
2016-06-01 17:13.06 Kingibi: lol yhea
2016-06-01 17:13.10 Kingibi: i do that alot
2016-06-01 17:13.25 Kingibi: ur english is very good
2016-06-01 17:13.34 Kingibi: wrong way
2016-06-01 17:13.44 Fitz: thx
2016-06-01 17:13.50 Fitz: i want my weapons back :p
2016-06-01 17:13.54 Kingibi: lol
2016-06-01 17:14.23 Kingibi: u a guy? in female character?
2016-06-01 17:14.39 Fitz: im a girl
2016-06-01 17:14.45 Kingibi: lol i have to ask
2016-06-01 17:14.55 Fitz: but plz, do not go on me -_-
2016-06-01 17:14.57 Kingibi: u know how many guys i see in female characters
2016-06-01 17:15.03 Fitz: no :p
2016-06-01 17:15.20 Kingibi: lol dont go on you again?
2016-06-01 17:15.34 Fitz: well, you just said my english is good
2016-06-01 17:15.42 Fitz: but i dont know how to say that in english ^^
2016-06-01 17:15.51 Kingibi: haha baby steps
2016-06-01 17:15.53 Fitz: draguer ?
2016-06-01 17:16.08 Fitz: i hate when men ddo that just after telling them im a girl
2016-06-01 17:16.09 Kingibi: never heard of that word before
2016-06-01 17:16.16 Fitz: its french :p
2016-06-01 17:16.22 Kingibi: do what?
2016-06-01 17:16.41 Fitz: hit on ?
2016-06-01 17:16.44 Fitz: dunno
2016-06-01 17:17.03 Kingibi: yhea i now understand
2016-06-01 17:17.16 Kingibi: but i said ur english was good before u said ur a girl
2016-06-01 17:17.20 Kingibi: so im not hitting on u
2016-06-01 17:17.37 Fitz: i know, it wasnt because of that
2016-06-01 17:18.15 Kingibi: deemers
2016-06-01 17:18.43 Fitz: do you know how to use the satellite ?
2016-06-01 17:18.52 Kingibi: yes
2016-06-01 17:19.07 Fitz: after launch, it always says invalid point
2016-06-01 17:19.08 Kingibi: the gun that looks like a sniper?
2016-06-01 17:19.13 Kingibi: ill show u
2016-06-01 17:19.17 Kingibi: but leave it until the end
2016-06-01 17:19.21 Fitz: k
2016-06-01 17:21.00 Kingibi: lol limp tenticles
2016-06-01 17:23.19 Kingibi: ffs
2016-06-01 17:23.24 Kingibi: npooooooooooooooo
2016-06-01 17:23.28 Fitz: ?
2016-06-01 17:23.33 Kingibi: the guns
2016-06-01 17:23.35 Kingibi: like u
2016-06-01 17:23.38 Fitz: aha
2016-06-01 17:24.27 Kingibi: the guns lock onto monsters
2016-06-01 17:24.47 Fitz: cant take them back ,
2016-06-01 17:24.50 Fitz: ?
2016-06-01 17:25.09 Kingibi: what u mean
2016-06-01 17:25.13 Kingibi: onec they are locked?
2016-06-01 17:25.18 Kingibi: once*
2016-06-01 17:25.26 Fitz: i dont understand when you say they are locked on monster
2016-06-01 17:25.43 Kingibi: then the rocket launcher goes red on a monster
2016-06-01 17:25.57 Fitz: oh ok
2016-06-01 17:26.23 Fitz: satellite ?
2016-06-01 17:26.27 Kingibi: yes
2016-06-01 17:26.35 Kingibi: point it on the green bit
2016-06-01 17:26.46 Kingibi: open area
2016-06-01 17:26.58 Kingibi: now thiw will make satalite in the air
2016-06-01 17:27.04 Kingibi: see
2016-06-01 17:27.12 Fitz: yeah, but i got prob after ^^
2016-06-01 17:27.29 Kingibi: now use the right click
2016-06-01 17:27.32 Kingibi: zoom
2016-06-01 17:27.35 Fitz: yes
2016-06-01 17:27.38 Kingibi: and presss
2016-06-01 17:27.52 Fitz: and it says invalid point
2016-06-01 17:28.00 Kingibi: it as to the under the satalight
2016-06-01 17:28.04 Kingibi: satalite
2016-06-01 17:28.09 Kingibi: point there
2016-06-01 17:28.28 Kingibi: trust me its a big boom
2016-06-01 17:28.46 Fitz: nice :)
2016-06-01 17:28.51 Kingibi: but there where no monsters this time
2016-06-01 17:29.00 Kingibi: fun?
2016-06-01 17:29.01 Fitz: yeah, but now i know ^^
2016-06-01 17:29.26 Kingibi: one of my fav gun for shooting guy map
2016-06-01 17:32.32 Fitz: what weapon is it ?
2016-06-01 17:32.39 Kingibi: nuke lvl 5
2016-06-01 17:32.45 Fitz: k
2016-06-01 17:33.06 Fitz: and you got that much ?
2016-06-01 17:33.16 Kingibi: lol i had 2
2016-06-01 17:33.27 Kingibi: and used an ioniser for the first shot
2016-06-01 17:35.04 Kingibi: umm
2016-06-01 17:35.07 Fitz: i try to choose map not really played
2016-06-01 17:35.11 Fitz: but i dont remember the names -_-
2016-06-01 17:35.19 Fitz: !v

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