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Match Infos
Distance traveled:33,40km
Map Time:00:20:00
Playdate:2016-08-28 10:57:55
Team Awards:
Guardian13732 3 0 0 00:20:00 4,35km
Melody.`14277 4 0 0 00:20:00 4,18km
Badis24521 3 0 0 00:20:00 3,13km
Mousy_for_Admin!3341 4 0 0 00:20:00 3,89km
Kryxix1171 0 0 0 00:20:00 1,93km
JomO3568 4 0 0 00:18:13 3,21km
KRE_BABOONFACE_GORE4873 7 2 0 00:17:28 2,21km
Morphine`33510 0 0 0 00:16:53 3,47km
]S[ickest4046 10 0 1 00:15:42 4,31km
Nap10632 2 0 0 00:12:23 2,72km
tgR0 0 0 0 00:04:50 0,00km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Guardian 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/2 11 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 27
Melody.` 0 0 0 0 0 0 42/2 4 0 9 0 0 6 9 0 4 0 0 0/2 74
Badis 0 0 0 0 0 0 78/2 7 0 2 0 0 3 13 0 6 0 0 0/1 109
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 0 0 0 0 0 32/1 5 0 0 0 0 0 3/2 0 0 0 0 0/2 40
Kryxix 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JomO 0 0 0 0 0 0 13/3 1 0 2 0 0 1 0/1 0 2 0 0 0 19
KRE_BABOONFACE_GORE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 3 0 0/1 0 0 2/2 6 0 0 0 0 0/3 12
Morphine` 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 31 0 11 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 58
]S[ickest 0 0 0 0 0 0 34/2 4 0 6 0 0 3/1 9 0 0 0 0 0/7 56
Nap 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0/2 4 0 6 0 0 0 14
tgR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-08-28 10:38.45 Crow: random won
2016-08-28 10:38.47 Kryxix: hhaha 25% chance
2016-08-28 10:38.49 Ank: not my fav!
2016-08-28 10:38.57 Kryxix: nice Crow, now buy a lottery :-)
2016-08-28 10:38.57 Ank: too dark
2016-08-28 10:39.03 MireYa`: then leave :P
2016-08-28 10:39.03 Crow: lol
2016-08-28 10:39.09 Crow: I dont play the lottery
2016-08-28 10:39.16 Crow: ok well I do...
2016-08-28 10:39.18 Kryxix: Bingo?
2016-08-28 10:39.26 Crow: once every 4 years
2016-08-28 10:40.57 Ank: sorry
2016-08-28 10:40.58 *-ifs-*hjerte: fuck
2016-08-28 10:40.59 *-ifs-*hjerte: sorry
2016-08-28 10:41.01 Ank: my bad
2016-08-28 10:41.03 Crow: quack
2016-08-28 10:41.11 MireYa`: it´s ok, hold hands and give eachother a kiss
2016-08-28 10:41.14 *-ifs-*hjerte: its a bit slow on my PC
2016-08-28 10:41.32 MireYa`: and everything is ok again..
2016-08-28 10:41.38 Ank: bad enterence for jomo
2016-08-28 10:41.59 JomO: haha
2016-08-28 10:42.00 Ank: connection is getting me again
2016-08-28 10:42.11 *-ifs-*hjerte: is this map only slow for me
2016-08-28 10:42.26 Crow: guess so
2016-08-28 10:42.32 Ank: little laggy at beggining
2016-08-28 10:42.53 Crow: how old are your computers guys
2016-08-28 10:43.16 Ank: pffft
2016-08-28 10:43.24 *-ifs-*hjerte: 9 years?
2016-08-28 10:43.42 Crow: well upgrade the video card at least then
2016-08-28 10:43.46 Ank: ffs..
2016-08-28 10:43.58 MireYa`: lol
2016-08-28 10:44.03 MireYa`: Lag, baby!
2016-08-28 10:44.06 Ank: yes
2016-08-28 10:44.16 MireYa`: DIE OF LAG
2016-08-28 10:44.27 *-ifs-*hjerte: its a nightmare house. must be part of it
2016-08-28 10:45.01 Ank: what should i do ...
2016-08-28 10:45.07 Ank: burn the house down?
2016-08-28 10:45.15 *-ifs-*hjerte: have nightmares
2016-08-28 10:45.34 Kryxix: stop laughing
2016-08-28 10:45.39 Crow: I cant
2016-08-28 10:45.48 Ank: creepy laugh
2016-08-28 10:45.51 *-ifs-*hjerte: id burn this down and build an island shack or something
2016-08-28 10:45.54 *-ifs-*hjerte: oh nvm
2016-08-28 10:45.59 Kryxix: yea, its Unai
2016-08-28 10:46.30 MireYa`: SO DARK
2016-08-28 10:46.38 Ank: like your heart
2016-08-28 10:46.42 MireYa`: yes
2016-08-28 10:46.44 Ank: :D
2016-08-28 10:46.46 MireYa`: exactly
2016-08-28 10:46.56 Ank: stop screaming miree
2016-08-28 10:46.59 *-ifs-*hjerte: why all the screaming
2016-08-28 10:47.05 *-ifs-*hjerte: CALM DOWN
2016-08-28 10:47.08 MireYa`: extra horror
2016-08-28 10:47.31 Ank: burning the house it is
2016-08-28 10:47.38 *-ifs-*hjerte: this map makes me so paranoid
2016-08-28 10:47.48 Ank: !exit
2016-08-28 10:48.14 *-ifs-*hjerte: zomg stop laughing at me
2016-08-28 10:48.28 Kryxix: haha i found the scream trigger
2016-08-28 10:49.19 *-ifs-*hjerte: stop ducking laughing
2016-08-28 10:49.21 Ank: ........................................................................
2016-08-28 10:49.23 CoD|JIgSaW: this map is scari ;_:
2016-08-28 10:49.38 Crow: :>
2016-08-28 10:50.04 *-ifs-*hjerte:
2016-08-28 10:50.06 Kryxix: playing on piano
2016-08-28 10:50.13 mmm: move bitch
2016-08-28 10:51.05 *-ifs-*hjerte: some plz burn this house down ;-(
2016-08-28 10:51.09 MireYa`: rofl?
2016-08-28 10:51.32 *-ifs-*hjerte: i joking
2016-08-28 10:51.32 Kryxix: look Aliester Crowley on the painting
2016-08-28 10:51.54 Crow: yeah all of those paintings are famous
2016-08-28 10:52.00 Crow: muff identified them all
2016-08-28 10:52.03 CoD|JIgSaW: lavey
2016-08-28 10:52.03 Kryxix: i dont know the others
2016-08-28 10:52.06 CoD|JIgSaW: or what was his name
2016-08-28 10:52.10 *-ifs-*hjerte: lavey
2016-08-28 10:52.18 CoD|JIgSaW: beautiful
2016-08-28 10:52.20 Kryxix: Levi?
2016-08-28 10:52.25 *-ifs-*hjerte: didnt he start illuminati
2016-08-28 10:52.29 *-ifs-*hjerte: idk
2016-08-28 10:52.33 CoD|JIgSaW: no lol
2016-08-28 10:52.36 Kryxix: no it was in 1776
2016-08-28 10:52.40 Crow: I only recognise poe, manson and cooper
2016-08-28 10:52.43 CoD|JIgSaW: that is szandor lavey
2016-08-28 10:52.44 CoD|JIgSaW: or smth
2016-08-28 10:53.01 Crow: Edgar Allen Poie
2016-08-28 10:53.04 Crow: Poe
2016-08-28 10:53.21 Crow: "Qouth the Raven"
2016-08-28 10:53.26 Kryxix: Poe... i heard something about him, literature?
2016-08-28 10:53.31 Crow: yead
2016-08-28 10:53.32 Crow: h
2016-08-28 10:53.34 Crow: writer
2016-08-28 10:53.44 Kryxix: that bald face?
2016-08-28 10:53.47 CoD|JIgSaW: no
2016-08-28 10:53.54 Crow: no idea
2016-08-28 10:53.58 CoD|JIgSaW: poe was in 1800
2016-08-28 10:54.29 Crow: idk those others really
2016-08-28 10:54.38 Crow: ask muff :)
2016-08-28 10:54.56 Kryxix: singing
2016-08-28 10:54.57 CoD|JIgSaW:
2016-08-28 10:55.04 CoD|JIgSaW: lol
2016-08-28 10:55.16 CoD|JIgSaW: ugly fq
2016-08-28 10:55.48 CoD|JIgSaW: ctulhu jajaj
2016-08-28 10:55.52 mmm: booom
2016-08-28 10:56.39 mmm: pff
2016-08-28 10:56.40 Kryxix: its from SCooby Doo
2016-08-28 10:56.43 mmm: fuckiong fool
2016-08-28 10:56.48 Crow: lol?
2016-08-28 10:57.08 Crow: mind the attitude mmm
2016-08-28 10:57.35 CoD|Mrs.Kushiii:hi ank
2016-08-28 10:57.39 Ank: hey zeebs
2016-08-28 10:57.40 *-ifs-*hjerte: church of satan
2016-08-28 10:57.45 Kryxix: 29 left
2016-08-28 10:58.34 Kryxix: lol
2016-08-28 10:59.17 Ank: worst connection ever :p
2016-08-28 10:59.33 Ank: how many nightmare houses...

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