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Match Infos
Distance traveled:13,47km
Map Time:00:09:54
Playdate:2016-09-09 17:21:49
Team Awards:
Morphine`11386 3 0 0 00:09:53 2,41km
Hyperion8135 3 0 0 00:09:53 2,25km
viandel12827 2 0 0 00:09:53 1,71km
zodiak8171 0 0 0 00:09:53 1,72km
Wayoshi2853 2 0 0 00:09:53 2,11km
Ninja_Pirate5674 0 0 0 00:09:53 0,29km
Balance`0 0 0 0 00:09:53 1,16km
theMuffinMen6703 2 0 0 00:08:40 1,83km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Morphine` 7 0 0 0 0 0 25/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Hyperion 5 0 0 0 0 0 11/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 17
viandel 4 0 0 0 0 0 18/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 24
zodiak 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Wayoshi 4 0 0 0 0 0 6/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Ninja_Pirate 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Balance` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
theMuffinMen 4 0 0 0 0 0 9/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-09-09 17:12.24 Navy_Seal:but I can tell you, the journey was awesome :D
2016-09-09 17:12.28 Balance: for sure
2016-09-09 17:12.49 Navy_Seal:how are things here
2016-09-09 17:12.54 Navy_Seal:any changes in the server?
2016-09-09 17:12.56 Ank: nothing new?
2016-09-09 17:13.06 Balance: did you climb los andes?
2016-09-09 17:13.07 Ank: same old thing
2016-09-09 17:13.10 Navy_Seal:yea
2016-09-09 17:13.19 Navy_Seal:I climbed some other mountains too
2016-09-09 17:13.26 Navy_Seal:Rainbow Mountain
2016-09-09 17:13.28 Navy_Seal:which is nice
2016-09-09 17:13.38 Navy_Seal:saw the Paramount (the mountain before the movie starts)
2016-09-09 17:13.43 Balance: yeah
2016-09-09 17:13.50 Navy_Seal:Laguna 69 is awesome
2016-09-09 17:13.59 Balance: don´t know that
2016-09-09 17:14.10 Navy_Seal:it is a lake which exists of icewater (very blue)
2016-09-09 17:14.15 Navy_Seal:with a mountain of snow behind it
2016-09-09 17:14.18 Navy_Seal:and a waterfall
2016-09-09 17:14.22 Navy_Seal:that is soooo beautiful
2016-09-09 17:14.25 theMuffinMen: navy yoooo
2016-09-09 17:14.29 Balance: amazing
2016-09-09 17:14.29 Navy_Seal:hi muffin :D
2016-09-09 17:14.32 Navy_Seal:ciao :D
2016-09-09 17:14.38 Navy_Seal:but
2016-09-09 17:14.42 Navy_Seal:I need better shoes next time
2016-09-09 17:14.47 theMuffinMen: buona sera
2016-09-09 17:14.49 Navy_Seal:I did it with Nike shoes
2016-09-09 17:14.52 Balance: buona sera
2016-09-09 17:14.59 Balance: nah you need something to walk out there
2016-09-09 17:15.01 Navy_Seal:I had to walk up the mountain for 8 hours
2016-09-09 17:15.08 Navy_Seal:and another 8 to go off
2016-09-09 17:15.10 Balance: not comfy at all
2016-09-09 17:15.15 Navy_Seal:I can tell you...that sucks for your knees
2016-09-09 17:15.16 Navy_Seal:haha
2016-09-09 17:15.17 Ank: would prefer adidas sneakers
2016-09-09 17:15.25 Balance: too much warm for such efforts
2016-09-09 17:15.26 Navy_Seal: I had those as well
2016-09-09 17:15.32 Navy_Seal:better you use hiking shoes
2016-09-09 17:15.35 Balance: indeed
2016-09-09 17:15.37 Navy_Seal:thats what they are for ;)
2016-09-09 17:15.39 Balance: thats why theyre made for
2016-09-09 17:15.41 Balance: jup
2016-09-09 17:15.48 Ank: i love adidas more :P
2016-09-09 17:15.50 Navy_Seal:hehe
2016-09-09 17:15.53 Wayoshi_Cute_Cow: haha
2016-09-09 17:16.06 Navy_Seal:maybe use some trekking sticks as well
2016-09-09 17:16.07 Ank: loving my superstar
2016-09-09 17:16.14 Navy_Seal:but I was too stubborn
2016-09-09 17:16.24 Navy_Seal:I dont need pussy stuff
2016-09-09 17:16.25 Balance: oh trekking sticks
2016-09-09 17:16.26 Balance: yeah
2016-09-09 17:16.29 Navy_Seal:ask my knee after 3 days
2016-09-09 17:16.31 Balance: more stuff to bring on as well
2016-09-09 17:16.32 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:16.41 Ank: pfft
2016-09-09 17:16.50 Balance: thats because we´re newbies
2016-09-09 17:16.57 Navy_Seal:trekking sticks are so helpful after days of trekkings
2016-09-09 17:16.59 Ank: door stuck
2016-09-09 17:17.03 Wayoshi_Cute_Cow:
2016-09-09 17:17.06 Balance: the less we bring on such things the more is comfy
2016-09-09 17:17.09 Balance: yeah
2016-09-09 17:17.17 Balance: you gonna regret later
2016-09-09 17:17.21 Navy_Seal:I did :P
2016-09-09 17:17.35 Navy_Seal:I noticed
2016-09-09 17:17.42 Navy_Seal:that Im pretty attractive in South America too
2016-09-09 17:17.43 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:17.57 Balance: if you´re a pale ghost, yeah it must be
2016-09-09 17:17.58 Navy_Seal:two reasons
2016-09-09 17:18.01 Navy_Seal:yes
2016-09-09 17:18.08 Navy_Seal:skin + nationality
2016-09-09 17:18.19 Navy_Seal:hi Idefix
2016-09-09 17:18.21 Navy_Seal:woof woof
2016-09-09 17:18.27 iDeFiX:hey naaf
2016-09-09 17:18.29 Balance: he missed that woof woof
2016-09-09 17:18.37 iDeFiX:already back? :p
2016-09-09 17:18.43 Navy_Seal:yea :P
2016-09-09 17:18.52 Ank: hey ide
2016-09-09 17:18.54 iDeFiX:and? :)
2016-09-09 17:18.57 iDeFiX:hey ank
2016-09-09 17:19.03 Navy_Seal:was amazing :D
2016-09-09 17:19.23 Navy_Seal:mountains - desert - machu picchu - Salar de Uyuni (Salt Lake)
2016-09-09 17:19.27 Navy_Seal::D
2016-09-09 17:19.39 Navy_Seal:saw so much stuff :P
2016-09-09 17:19.47 iDeFiX::)
2016-09-09 17:19.50 Wayoshi_Cute_Cow: lol
2016-09-09 17:19.59 iDeFiX:and the language ofc
2016-09-09 17:20.05 Navy_Seal:yea P
2016-09-09 17:20.08 iDeFiX:haha
2016-09-09 17:20.13 Navy_Seal:hows the kid?
2016-09-09 17:20.14 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:20.24 iDeFiX:doing great! :)
2016-09-09 17:20.27 Navy_Seal:hehe
2016-09-09 17:20.29 iDeFiX:almost to uni
2016-09-09 17:20.31 Navy_Seal:how old?
2016-09-09 17:20.42 iDeFiX:5 months
2016-09-09 17:20.47 Navy_Seal:Einstein jr.
2016-09-09 17:20.48 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:20.59 iDeFiX:not daddy´s gens :x
2016-09-09 17:21.03 Balance: hahah
2016-09-09 17:21.18 iDeFiX:altho, i can drowl and watch tv at the same time!
2016-09-09 17:21.28 iDeFiX:Eat that!
2016-09-09 17:21.31 Navy_Seal:you can?
2016-09-09 17:21.32 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:21.48 iDeFiX:took 15 years, but that you have smt ;P
2016-09-09 17:22.08 iDeFiX:3 months trip right?
2016-09-09 17:22.15 Balance: i guess les?
2016-09-09 17:22.18 Balance: less*
2016-09-09 17:22.19 theMuffinMen: aliens build machu pichu?
2016-09-09 17:22.24 Navy_Seal:of course
2016-09-09 17:22.37 Navy_Seal:Aliens also made Space X rocket explode
2016-09-09 17:22.37 Balance: alongside pyramid
2016-09-09 17:22.39 Balance: s
2016-09-09 17:22.42 Navy_Seal:havent you seen the pictures
2016-09-09 17:22.44 Balance: as well
2016-09-09 17:22.48 Balance: Yes i saw
2016-09-09 17:22.53 iDeFiX:where
2016-09-09 17:23.01 theMuffinMen: i think it was a spherical drone
2016-09-09 17:23.07 Navy_Seal:It was on facebook and some website
2016-09-09 17:23.10 Balance: some photoshopped pictures around facebook ,ide
2016-09-09 17:23.12 Navy_Seal:no muffin
2016-09-09 17:23.14 Navy_Seal:ALIENS!
2016-09-09 17:23.17 Navy_Seal::P
2016-09-09 17:23.20 iDeFiX:never heard of fb
2016-09-09 17:23.20 Balance: there´s a dot , like an ufo
2016-09-09 17:23.26 Navy_Seal:aliens
2016-09-09 17:23.26 Balance: when the thing has explosed

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