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Match Infos
Distance traveled:49,99km
Map Time:00:24:52
Playdate:2016-10-07 10:34:17
Team Awards:
Guardian100485 1 0 0 00:24:52 7,06km
Marian70368 3 0 0 00:24:52 6,75km
Mousy_for_Admin!128800 3 0 0 00:24:52 5,77km
noob74648 3 0 0 00:24:52 5,06km
uranus29325 4 0 0 00:24:26 7,24km
EarthSiegeES260266 2 0 0 00:22:10 5,90km
Copper-Tone24595 5 0 0 00:19:23 4,61km
<TaTo>56084 1 0 0 00:17:18 3,12km
Mancilla*nOs355 1 0 0 00:09:41 2,36km
Gamer5560 0 0 0 00:06:13 2,11km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Guardian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20/1 20
Marian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 48/3 54
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 3 0 0 0 48/2 51
noob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 6 0 0 12/3 29
uranus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25/4 25
EarthSiegeES2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 24/2 25
Copper-Tone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 11/5 14
<TaTo> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33/1 33
Mancilla*nOs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
Gamer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-07 10:11.17 Crow: oh really. dinosaurs
2016-10-07 10:11.32 *-ifs-*hjerte: oh
2016-10-07 10:11.52 *-ifs-*hjerte: well they are not extinct yet?
2016-10-07 10:12.11 Crow: I think they expect us to make them so
2016-10-07 10:13.03 Crow: wtf lol
2016-10-07 10:13.14 *-ifs-*hjerte: are tentacles also dinosaurs
2016-10-07 10:13.18 Crow: yeah it seems
2016-10-07 10:13.22 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-07 10:14.17 Crow: hot tub
2016-10-07 10:14.26 *-ifs-*hjerte: where
2016-10-07 10:14.37 *-ifs-*hjerte: the waterfall?
2016-10-07 10:14.55 *-ifs-*hjerte: ok lets play
2016-10-07 10:14.58 *-ifs-*hjerte: joke xD
2016-10-07 10:15.24 *-ifs-*hjerte: pffft double entrede
2016-10-07 10:15.43 *-ifs-*hjerte: looks like the dinosaur wants to play
2016-10-07 10:15.51 Crow: oh they do
2016-10-07 10:16.07 *-ifs-*hjerte: ye
2016-10-07 10:17.12 Crow: hjerte
2016-10-07 10:17.31 *-ifs-*hjerte: thx
2016-10-07 10:17.40 Crow: sis you just give me the deemer?
2016-10-07 10:17.45 *-ifs-*hjerte: yes :-)
2016-10-07 10:17.51 Crow: I had one already
2016-10-07 10:17.55 *-ifs-*hjerte: oh shi
2016-10-07 10:17.56 Crow: but thanks anyway :)
2016-10-07 10:18.01 *-ifs-*hjerte: ahahaha xD
2016-10-07 10:18.09 *-ifs-*hjerte: i did not notice
2016-10-07 10:18.19 Crow: well now I have two lol
2016-10-07 10:18.39 *-ifs-*hjerte: fire one for me and fire the other for you ;-)
2016-10-07 10:20.09 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-07 10:22.17 *-ifs-*hjerte: a seabass
2016-10-07 10:22.18 *-ifs-*hjerte: xD
2016-10-07 10:22.22 Crow: lol
2016-10-07 10:22.44 *-ifs-*hjerte: oh my stupid joke cant even get out of water now
2016-10-07 10:22.58 *-ifs-*hjerte: there
2016-10-07 10:23.36 Crow: poof
2016-10-07 10:23.47 *-ifs-*hjerte: collapse
2016-10-07 10:24.17 Crow: yeah its impressive
2016-10-07 10:24.37 *-ifs-*hjerte: they seem delicate :P
2016-10-07 10:25.08 Crow: poor things..
2016-10-07 10:25.11 *-ifs-*hjerte: ye
2016-10-07 10:25.15 nOs*SmoKe:!p
2016-10-07 10:25.38 *-ifs-*hjerte: why plant eating dinosaurs would try kill us?
2016-10-07 10:25.57 Crow: we´ve probably pissed them off too much somehow
2016-10-07 10:26.00 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-07 10:26.12 Crow: ate all their plants
2016-10-07 10:26.24 *-ifs-*hjerte: poor plants :P
2016-10-07 10:26.40 Crow: becaus ethere are so many vegeterians nowadays you know
2016-10-07 10:27.01 *-ifs-*hjerte: cut grass is distressed, i heard, hence it has that smell
2016-10-07 10:27.29 Crow: its the smell of grass´s blood!
2016-10-07 10:27.54 Crow: its horrific really, what we take as a nice thing
2016-10-07 10:28.32 Crow: I´m kidding ofc :D
2016-10-07 10:28.36 *-ifs-*hjerte: lol
2016-10-07 10:28.41 Crow: humans prevail
2016-10-07 10:28.57 Crow: burds too ofcourse.
2016-10-07 10:29.00 Crow: *birds
2016-10-07 10:29.23 EarthSiegeES2: dddddddddddddseffds edfffsd f
2016-10-07 10:29.28 Crow: I see.
2016-10-07 10:33.42 Crow: within the dino
2016-10-07 10:33.46 *-ifs-*hjerte: xD
2016-10-07 10:34.16 *-ifs-*hjerte: nice caw
2016-10-07 10:34.23 Crow: ty
2016-10-07 10:34.28 *-ifs-*hjerte: i came 2nd ahahaha
2016-10-07 10:34.35 Crow: nice as well :P
2016-10-07 10:34.38 uranus: me 2 !
2016-10-07 10:34.41 uranus: not
2016-10-07 10:34.44 Crow: 100k, not bad
2016-10-07 10:34.52 *-ifs-*hjerte: it was luck :P
2016-10-07 10:35.02 Crow: the chaingun is good
2016-10-07 10:35.05 *-ifs-*hjerte: ye
2016-10-07 10:35.10 VLAD: hi all
2016-10-07 10:35.14 Crow: my fav weapon
2016-10-07 10:35.27 *-ifs-*hjerte: i like the whats its called
2016-10-07 10:35.41 *-ifs-*hjerte: the stationary machinegun,
2016-10-07 10:35.45 Crow: ah,
2016-10-07 10:35.50 Crow: M50 I thinl
2016-10-07 10:35.52 Crow: k
2016-10-07 10:35.53 *-ifs-*hjerte: ye

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