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Match Infos
Distance traveled:9,87km
Map Time:00:22:33
Playdate:2011-03-20 04:20:22
Team Awards:
Bk__[Mc]115479 1 0 0 00:22:32 4,86km
R@thske||er44182 4 0 0 00:22:32 5,00km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Bk__[Mc] 35 11 0 40/1 0 0 0 75 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 176
R@thske||er 9/2 18 1 42/1 0 0 0 32 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 103
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-03-20 03:59.37 tr0y: !s
2011-03-20 03:59.45 tr0y:back to BG
2011-03-20 03:59.54 tr0y:what i really did not like at all
2011-03-20 03:59.59 tr0y:concerning the moves
2011-03-20 04:00.09 tr0y:he ALWAYS kneeled behind me
2011-03-20 04:00.12 Bk__[Mc]: readyççççs
2011-03-20 04:00.16 Janssen:YEP!
2011-03-20 04:00.20 tr0y:so i got killed instantly
2011-03-20 04:00.24 Janssen:kneel and then dodge out
2011-03-20 04:00.25 tr0y:if a monster shot me
2011-03-20 04:00.29 tr0y:yep
2011-03-20 04:00.36 Janssen:dodge out into me, dead
2011-03-20 04:00.39 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:00.56 tr0y:so i c we have the same experiences
2011-03-20 04:00.59 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:01.09 Janssen:yeah we´d know if he were back
2011-03-20 04:01.14 tr0y::-)
2011-03-20 04:01.20 tr0y:if it is not jetlag^^
2011-03-20 04:01.22 tr0y:LOL
2011-03-20 04:01.55 Bk__[Mc]: aahhahaha
2011-03-20 04:02.05 tr0y:but i am happy to c that things are more relaxed here now
2011-03-20 04:02.06 Janssen:i guess his kneeling enticed ppl to go near him
2011-03-20 04:02.22 tr0y:what u mean?
2011-03-20 04:02.38 Janssen:like a sniper position, enticing ppl to back him up next to him
2011-03-20 04:02.51 tr0y:yes
2011-03-20 04:03.08 tr0y:thats the psychological point
2011-03-20 04:03.13 tr0y:i agree totally
2011-03-20 04:03.37 Janssen:avoiding him became counter-intuitive
2011-03-20 04:04.08 tr0y:i can see we do have some simularities in our analysis
2011-03-20 04:04.23 Janssen:yep
2011-03-20 04:04.26 tr0y:interesting
2011-03-20 04:04.37 tr0y:never talked like that about it with anyone yet
2011-03-20 04:04.42 tr0y:nice to c
2011-03-20 04:04.43 Jetlagg: !s
2011-03-20 04:05.02 tr0y:GO RATHS!!^^
2011-03-20 04:05.04 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:05.05 Janssen:he had a unique style
2011-03-20 04:05.11 tr0y:yep
2011-03-20 04:05.14 Janssen:couldn´t talk much about anyone else
2011-03-20 04:05.25 tr0y:i could lol
2011-03-20 04:05.35 tr0y:most players do have unique styles
2011-03-20 04:05.44 tr0y:most longtermers
2011-03-20 04:06.12 tr0y:to me it still is very fascniating to c that....
2011-03-20 04:06.24 tr0y:u can identify players by their avatars
2011-03-20 04:06.28 Janssen:unique game in that way
2011-03-20 04:06.34 tr0y:by their style
2011-03-20 04:06.51 Janssen:i can´t really do that on other fps
2011-03-20 04:07.10 tr0y:one example is boogie too
2011-03-20 04:07.12 tr0y:and
2011-03-20 04:07.17 tr0y:its interesting
2011-03-20 04:07.25 tr0y:he only player i have met so far
2011-03-20 04:07.30 tr0y:who played similiar
2011-03-20 04:07.35 tr0y:is hellfire
2011-03-20 04:07.40 Janssen:i´m not a fray jumper
2011-03-20 04:07.45 tr0y:when ive met hf first
2011-03-20 04:07.57 tr0y:i shortly thought of him as boogie
2011-03-20 04:08.18 tr0y:the tray jumpers are annoying
2011-03-20 04:08.28 tr0y:they mostly do it for their advantage
2011-03-20 04:08.31 tr0y:sux
2011-03-20 04:08.32 Janssen:but that´s you :)
2011-03-20 04:08.34 tr0y:i dont like that
2011-03-20 04:08.38 tr0y:i do it?
2011-03-20 04:08.42 Janssen:i think so
2011-03-20 04:08.46 tr0y:really?
2011-03-20 04:08.53 tr0y:hard to judge urself
2011-03-20 04:09.03 Janssen:i´d say yes
2011-03-20 04:09.06 tr0y:so u think i jump in others way?
2011-03-20 04:09.17 Janssen:oh i mean not in the sense of tk
2011-03-20 04:09.27 Janssen:jumping in the fray of enemies
2011-03-20 04:09.31 Janssen:offensively
2011-03-20 04:09.34 tr0y:ah
2011-03-20 04:09.34 Jetlagg:lol
2011-03-20 04:09.37 tr0y:ok
2011-03-20 04:09.42 tr0y:well that depends
2011-03-20 04:09.46 tr0y:on situation
2011-03-20 04:09.54 Janssen:all situations
2011-03-20 04:09.57 Janssen::)
2011-03-20 04:10.04 tr0y:no then i wouldnt agree
2011-03-20 04:10.15 tr0y:i adapt style to maps
2011-03-20 04:10.29 tr0y:some times i play the berserk mode
2011-03-20 04:10.38 tr0y:sometimes i stay back
2011-03-20 04:10.49 tr0y:its also a mood thing
2011-03-20 04:10.52 Janssen:true
2011-03-20 04:11.07 tr0y:but
2011-03-20 04:11.12 tr0y:as we speak about it
2011-03-20 04:11.30 tr0y:i am very open minded for such critics
2011-03-20 04:11.43 tr0y:i dont want to disturb concrete
2011-03-20 04:11.50 Janssen:not a critic
2011-03-20 04:11.51 tr0y:cant change my style though
2011-03-20 04:12.09 Janssen:i wans´t criticizing boogieman either
2011-03-20 04:12.15 tr0y:critic in the meaning of description
2011-03-20 04:12.19 Janssen:i´m just not a fray jumper
2011-03-20 04:12.22 tr0y:^^
2011-03-20 04:12.23 tr0y:k
2011-03-20 04:13.27 tr0y:the way the server is handled now
2011-03-20 04:13.37 tr0y:igves every one the opportunity
2011-03-20 04:13.45 tr0y:to have his/her moment
2011-03-20 04:13.49 tr0y:i like that
2011-03-20 04:13.54 tr0y:lol raths
2011-03-20 04:13.57 tr0y:-))))
2011-03-20 04:14.01 R@thske||er: dang, doing real bad now
2011-03-20 04:14.03 Janssen:moment in what way?
2011-03-20 04:14.22 tr0y:of having the feeling of a fun/good match
2011-03-20 04:14.24 R@thske||er: distance lags sometimes it gets me
2011-03-20 04:14.30 Jetlagg:to shine, or crash... lol
2011-03-20 04:14.34 Janssen:lol
2011-03-20 04:14.35 tr0y:yes i can imagine , raths
2011-03-20 04:14.52 Janssen:i thought blackwolf was sending the server in a bad direction r
2011-03-20 04:14.56 Janssen:recently
2011-03-20 04:15.09 Janssen:but it seems well
2011-03-20 04:15.23 Janssen:i didn´t like most changes at first, HTD maps and all
2011-03-20 04:15.29 Janssen:but noobs loved them :)
2011-03-20 04:15.34 tr0y:me too^^
2011-03-20 04:15.36 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:16.16 Janssen:it was a close call
2011-03-20 04:16.23 tr0y:true
2011-03-20 04:16.37 Janssen:changing quad in godz, etc... all bad moves
2011-03-20 04:16.54 tr0y:that indeed still is a bad move lol
2011-03-20 04:16.57 tr0y:but
2011-03-20 04:17.02 tr0y:i can live with it
2011-03-20 04:17.03 Janssen:but not so bad :)
2011-03-20 04:17.03 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:17.06 tr0y:yep
2011-03-20 04:17.13 tr0y:i can see the purpose
2011-03-20 04:17.16 tr0y:and its ok
2011-03-20 04:17.42 Janssen:felt like demona was doing useless things tho
2011-03-20 04:17.50 tr0y:lol
2011-03-20 04:17.54 tr0y:like?
2011-03-20 04:17.58 Janssen:quad thing
2011-03-20 04:18.09 Janssen:other stuff i don´t remember
2011-03-20 04:18.30 tr0y:demona was thinking a lot about map improvements
2011-03-20 04:18.34 tr0y:is
2011-03-20 04:18.47 Janssen:thought it was blackwolf
2011-03-20 04:18.54 tr0y:i like the efforts on terraniux
2011-03-20 04:19.06 tr0y:how to improve monsters ai
2011-03-20 04:19.20 Janssen:ah... dont know that
2011-03-20 04:19.41 Janssen:like in abysmo?
2011-03-20 04:19.45 tr0y:you probably recognized the characteristic of terraniux
2011-03-20 04:20.02 tr0y:which is based on (so explained demona to me)
2011-03-20 04:20.05 Janssen:i dont notice bot ai
2011-03-20 04:20.22 tr0y:the fact that it is an original unreal map
2011-03-20 04:20.26 Bk__[Mc]: gg
2011-03-20 04:20.28 tr0y:gg^^
2011-03-20 04:20.33 R@thske||er: good job
2011-03-20 04:20.38 tr0y:therefor
2011-03-20 04:20.39 Bk__[Mc]: xD
2011-03-20 04:20.54 tr0y:the mercenaries arent bound to a certain area
2011-03-20 04:20.59 R@thske||er: !v
2011-03-20 04:21.02 tr0y:u can find them everywhere
2011-03-20 04:21.04 Bk__[Mc]: cya
2011-03-20 04:21.06 tr0y:cu^^
2011-03-20 04:21.10 R@thske||er: cu

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