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Match Infos
Distance traveled:15,83km
Map Time:00:15:32
Playdate:2016-10-21 06:25:14
Team Awards:
lookaword15791 2 0 0 00:15:32 3,18km
zodiak51316 0 0 0 00:15:32 2,25km
karkass137367 0 0 0 00:15:32 2,17km
Scourge13046 3 2 0 00:15:27 2,88km
YasuKe]|!|[iJ~39275 1 0 0 00:10:20 2,60km
johnnyrod0 0 0 0 00:05:50 1,01km
Diego_{HoF}3290 2 0 0 00:04:30 1,02km
nOs*None5812 2 0 0 00:02:44 0,44km
**Prince_Ko**1008 2 0 0 00:01:47 0,27km
Dark-Funeral198 1 0 0 00:00:38 0,03km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
lookaword 10 0 0/1 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/1 23
zodiak 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 27
karkass 32 0 0 0 0 0 25 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 9 5 0 0 0 77
Scourge 9/1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0/2 23
YasuKe]|!|[iJ~ 1 0 1 0 0 0 2/1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
johnnyrod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diego_{HoF} 1 0 0 0 0 0 3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
nOs*None 3 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8
**Prince_Ko** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dark-Funeral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-21 06:10.29 =(V)=ZodiaK: hate this map
2016-10-21 06:10.33 None: ok
2016-10-21 06:10.41 Diego_{HoF}: odio odio odio
2016-10-21 06:10.43 Diego_{HoF}: :p
2016-10-21 06:10.45 Devil_Kitten:now im not afk xD
2016-10-21 06:10.46 Dark-Funeral: hour of lunch :D
2016-10-21 06:10.46 Dark-Funeral: hour of lunch ^^
2016-10-21 06:10.52 Prince**Ko**: meeaaoouuuuu
2016-10-21 06:11.02 Dark-Funeral: marijuana cause very hungry *-*
2016-10-21 06:11.06 =(V)=ZodiaK: lol
2016-10-21 06:11.07 Devil_Kitten:see you dark =P
2016-10-21 06:11.08 Prince**Ko**: marijuana grande
2016-10-21 06:11.44 =(V)=ZodiaK: ok i need a new mouse
2016-10-21 06:12.01 Devil_Kitten:mew mew
2016-10-21 06:12.09 =(V)=ZodiaK: thou shall not pass
2016-10-21 06:12.15 Prince**Ko**: kitten infernale
2016-10-21 06:12.21 Devil_Kitten:o.O
2016-10-21 06:12.27 Scourge: cranberries lmao
2016-10-21 06:12.27 Diego_{HoF}: mierda
2016-10-21 06:12.58 Devil_Kitten:my feminine husband <3
2016-10-21 06:13.04 Scourge: was hoping it would play thriller
2016-10-21 06:13.05 =(V)=ZodiaK: lol
2016-10-21 06:13.16 Scourge: oh look, i´m in the map´s negative zone
2016-10-21 06:13.39 Scourge: this map´s whole look is really well done
2016-10-21 06:13.44 Scourge: the completely black skyline
2016-10-21 06:14.02 Scourge: pitch black skyline
2016-10-21 06:14.04 Scourge: and..
2016-10-21 06:14.08 Scourge: zombies, i guess
2016-10-21 06:14.13 Scourge: sorry. brain fart
2016-10-21 06:14.13 Scourge: -= EEEEEYAAAAAAAGH! =-
2016-10-21 06:15.24 =(V)=ZodiaK: the interruptions
2016-10-21 06:15.57 Scourge: kj you like metroid at all?
2016-10-21 06:16.08 kJ~: kinda question is that man...
2016-10-21 06:16.20 kJ~: ofc i love metriod
2016-10-21 06:16.25 kJ~: except other m
2016-10-21 06:17.01 =(V)=ZodiaK: fuck this mouse
2016-10-21 06:17.09 Scourge: not into bestiality
2016-10-21 06:17.13 =(V)=ZodiaK: **rOfLLLroFOOLLLOLOLOLROFLllllmaoooRoFlllroFlLlLlL**
2016-10-21 06:19.53 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:19.59 Scourge: -= OH MY GOD, JC! A BOMB! =-
2016-10-21 06:19.59 Scourge: -= A BOMB! =-
2016-10-21 06:20.33 Scourge: WILMA.
2016-10-21 06:20.36 Scourge: WILMA, I´M HOME.
2016-10-21 06:20.39 Scourge: WILMA, OPEN THIS DOOR.
2016-10-21 06:20.43 Scourge: WILMA?!
2016-10-21 06:20.47 Scourge: WIIIILLMAAAAAA!
2016-10-21 06:21.15 Scourge: WAIT KJ
2016-10-21 06:22.21 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:23.27 Scourge: why is this pointless pit here
2016-10-21 06:23.28 Scourge: fuck
2016-10-21 06:23.29 Scourge: -= EEEEEYAAAAAAAGH! =-
2016-10-21 06:23.36 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:23.47 Scourge: muffin is my favorite
2016-10-21 06:23.52 Scourge: "die bitch" "roger that"
2016-10-21 06:23.56 Scourge: "die bitch" "on my way"
2016-10-21 06:24.24 =(V)=ZodiaK: she wishes she could be me
2016-10-21 06:24.33 Scourge: i wish i could be me
2016-10-21 06:24.36 Scourge: oh wait
2016-10-21 06:24.39 Scourge: oh shit
2016-10-21 06:24.44 Devil_Kitten:lol
2016-10-21 06:24.46 Scourge: damn that´s a good deal
2016-10-21 06:24.56 kJ~: ?
2016-10-21 06:25.05 Scourge: i´m making narcissist jokes kj
2016-10-21 06:25.25 Scourge: "HELLO 911? THERE´S A HANDSOME MAN IN MY HOUSE. OH WAIT, IT´S ONLY ME."
2016-10-21 06:25.30 kJ~: i know but the guardian just disappeared outta nowhere
2016-10-21 06:25.36 =(V)=ZodiaK: nice jb reference
2016-10-21 06:25.57 Scourge: !V
2016-10-21 06:26.06 =(V)=ZodiaK: **rOfLLLroFOOLLLOLOLOLROFLllllmaoooRoFlllroFlLlLlL**
2016-10-21 06:26.10 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:26.10 kJ~: <_<_SuspicousPlayer(s)ComingToOurCrib_>_>
2016-10-21 06:26.10 kJ~: ([{MAH TELE NOW}])
2016-10-21 06:26.11 kJ~: ([{MAH TELE NOW}])
2016-10-21 06:26.12 kJ~: AYE! :{D
2016-10-21 06:26.19 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:26.49 kJ~: HA HA! Hell Nah!
2016-10-21 06:26.50 kJ~: <_<_SuspicousPlayer(s)ComingToOurCrib_>_>
2016-10-21 06:26.50 kJ~: ([{MAH TELE NOW}])
2016-10-21 06:26.50 kJ~: AYE! :{D

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