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Match Infos
Distance traveled:89,67km
Map Time:00:56:34
Playdate:2016-10-24 01:17:44
Team Awards:
TheGreatKhali10427 2 0 0 00:56:34 5,70km
Red246916 0 0 0 00:56:34 12,58km
Balance`34049 7 0 0 00:56:34 12,30km
Razerznuffy38633 4 0 0 00:50:53 14,08km
laser96827 1 0 0 00:47:02 8,71km
Camper45942 2 0 0 00:43:19 10,00km
Fraggot2506 12 0 0 00:30:53 6,95km
azn11108 9 0 0 00:30:27 6,24km
yuli11911 8 0 0 00:20:47 3,62km
Sobrin027174 0 0 0 00:18:49 5,71km
XevBellringer0 0 0 0 00:15:55 1,13km
**Prince_Ko**2585 1 0 0 00:06:06 1,60km
Player91168 0 0 0 00:03:39 1,05km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
TheGreatKhali 0 3 0 1 0 3 0/1 28 0 2 0 0 0/1 21 0 0 0 1 0 59
Red 59 50 2 65 71 41 19 81 1 33 2 0 6 82 0 0 0 0 0 512
Balance` 74 54 0 65 90 48 20/7 139 2 47 6 0 3 97 0 0 0 0 0 645
Razerznuffy 31/1 6 0 14 7 13 7/3 12 0 22 4 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 129
laser 15 8 1 6 15 7 0 5 0 6 0 0 1 5/1 0 0 0 0 0 69
Camper 19 2 0 23 11 8 5/2 15 0 11 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 103
Fraggot 2 4 0 16 0 8 3/10 14 0/1 6/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
azn 1 8 0 11/1 0 7 2/6 10/1 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 49
yuli 0 26 0/1 0 0 16 22/7 7 0 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97
Sobrin0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 52
XevBellringer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
**Prince_Ko** 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/1 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
Player9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-24 00:25.48 Balance: lol map
2016-10-24 00:25.54 Balance: well, i have time to waste tonight
2016-10-24 00:25.59 dU.Suz:Dare I say, you are screwed.
2016-10-24 00:26.00 Balance: can play it all
2016-10-24 00:26.11 Navy_Seal: long map?
2016-10-24 00:26.19 Balance: slow map
2016-10-24 00:26.50 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 00:29.18 goku`: 239more:p
2016-10-24 00:29.28 dU.Suz:ZzZzZzZ.
2016-10-24 00:29.33 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:29.42 goku`: why suzi always spec:S
2016-10-24 00:29.42 dU.Suz:No sir, I do not.
2016-10-24 00:29.59 dU.Suz:I played before you arrived, goku.
2016-10-24 00:30.06 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:30.06 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 00:30.12 goku`: i see
2016-10-24 00:30.16 goku`: you like nin]a
2016-10-24 00:30.17 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:30.26 dU.Suz:Yes, I totally am.
2016-10-24 00:30.29 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:30.32 goku`: nice
2016-10-24 00:31.47 goku`: 124:s
2016-10-24 00:32.13 goku`: lool
2016-10-24 00:32.21 goku`: like forg
2016-10-24 00:32.35 dU.Suz:and it goes on like this
2016-10-24 00:32.39 dU.Suz:forever
2016-10-24 00:32.45 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:32.49 dU.Suz:i´m falling asleep xD
2016-10-24 00:32.53 goku`: dx
2016-10-24 00:32.56 goku`: so go
2016-10-24 00:33.01 Ariana:dont make me wake you up
2016-10-24 00:33.06 dU.Suz:xD
2016-10-24 00:33.14 Smoke: how many pupaes do we have to kill ? :S
2016-10-24 00:33.16 goku`: u can boom head on keyboard;p
2016-10-24 00:33.18 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:33.18 Smoke: how many pupaes do we have to kill ? :S
2016-10-24 00:33.23 Ariana:I can boom her somewhere else
2016-10-24 00:33.28 dU.Suz:LOL
2016-10-24 00:33.28 goku`: xd
2016-10-24 00:33.32 Balance: other levels are just like this
2016-10-24 00:33.33 goku`: Arina mad
2016-10-24 00:33.36 Balance: with different monsters
2016-10-24 00:34.34 Zoddy`:suz
2016-10-24 00:35.01 Zoddy`:._.
2016-10-24 00:35.07 dU.Suz:Lol.
2016-10-24 00:35.17 dU.Suz:Zoddyboo, what´s wrong.
2016-10-24 00:35.24 Zoddy`:im hungry
2016-10-24 00:35.25 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:35.25 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 00:35.31 dU.Suz:dont you have anything to eat there
2016-10-24 00:35.40 Zoddy`:yes but idk what i want
2016-10-24 00:35.50 dU.Suz:o.o
2016-10-24 00:35.55 dU.Suz:you know what i want
2016-10-24 00:35.57 dU.Suz:bed
2016-10-24 00:35.58 dU.Suz:xD
2016-10-24 00:35.59 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:36.02 dU.Suz:i´m going to abandon you
2016-10-24 00:36.06 Ariana:I want a metal stick
2016-10-24 00:36.06 Zoddy`:oh i thought you wanted a suzy q
2016-10-24 00:36.08 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:36.08 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:36.14 dU.Suz:yes, i also want a suzy q
2016-10-24 00:36.25 dU.Suz:who says i can´t have it all
2016-10-24 00:36.33 Ariana:donald trump
2016-10-24 00:36.34 Zoddy`:a bed of suzy q´s
2016-10-24 00:36.35 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:36.36 Zoddy`:lmao
2016-10-24 00:36.38 dU.Suz:YES
2016-10-24 00:36.45 dU.Suz:donald trump can suck it
2016-10-24 00:36.50 Ariana:your buns?
2016-10-24 00:36.53 dU.Suz:haha NO
2016-10-24 00:36.53 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:36.56 Ariana:xD
2016-10-24 00:37.02 dU.Suz:that man is a DEGENERATE
2016-10-24 00:37.09 dU.Suz:plus, his fake hair is awful
2016-10-24 00:37.14 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:37.19 Ariana:its fake?
2016-10-24 00:37.20 Zoddy`:make pt great again
2016-10-24 00:37.25 dU.Suz:LOL
2016-10-24 00:37.28 Ariana:if its fake why´d he go for such an awful hair..
2016-10-24 00:37.28 XevBellringer: lost the lead!
2016-10-24 00:37.44 dU.Suz:it´s to go with the awful person he is
2016-10-24 00:37.48 dU.Suz:package deal
2016-10-24 00:37.51 Ariana:xD makes sense
2016-10-24 00:39.08 dU.Suz:I say, Felicio old chap, you´re awfully quiet this evening.
2016-10-24 00:39.23 Balance: just waiting for my troll bud
2016-10-24 00:39.28 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:39.31 dU.Suz:Oh?
2016-10-24 00:39.34 dU.Suz:Which one?
2016-10-24 00:40.27 XevBellringer: redeemer those flies!
2016-10-24 00:40.38 Smoke: omg
2016-10-24 00:40.39 Zoddy`:im just gonna order chinese
2016-10-24 00:40.40 Razerznuffy: I got two!
2016-10-24 00:40.43 dU.Suz:YES
2016-10-24 00:40.46 XevBellringer: well done!
2016-10-24 00:40.49 dU.Suz:Zoddy
2016-10-24 00:40.51 dU.Suz:do that
2016-10-24 00:41.00 Zoddy`::3
2016-10-24 00:41.04 Ariana:can you order me a good sharp katana from them?
2016-10-24 00:41.13 Zoddy`:yeah sure
2016-10-24 00:41.16 Ariana:thanks
2016-10-24 00:41.28 dU.Suz:what you need is a sushi knife
2016-10-24 00:41.29 Zoddy`:just dont kill me
2016-10-24 00:41.36 Ariana:xD
2016-10-24 00:41.40 dU.Suz:those cut very nicely
2016-10-24 00:41.45 dU.Suz:xD
2016-10-24 00:41.51 yuli:endless map
2016-10-24 00:41.57 Balance: yes told u
2016-10-24 00:41.59 Zoddy`:i know what ari needs a katana for
2016-10-24 00:42.04 Ariana:hm?
2016-10-24 00:42.05 XevBellringer: amp on bround floor
2016-10-24 00:42.06 Zoddy`:to cut thoe eggplants
2016-10-24 00:42.10 XevBellringer: ground
2016-10-24 00:42.18 dU.Suz:I say, it´s more to cut eggs.
2016-10-24 00:42.23 Ariana:xD
2016-10-24 00:42.45 Ariana:I just got some parmigiano to cut
2016-10-24 00:42.53 dU.Suz:Grate it.
2016-10-24 00:43.17 Ariana:shredder is an awful thing to wash so no
2016-10-24 00:43.38 XevBellringer: ive hidden the amp
2016-10-24 00:44.40 Zoddy`:i´ve been listening to the same song for the past 3 hours
2016-10-24 00:44.49 dU.Suz:me too, kinda
2016-10-24 00:45.00 Zoddy`:you still on porkshops?
2016-10-24 00:45.03 dU.Suz:LOL
2016-10-24 00:45.04 dU.Suz:no
2016-10-24 00:45.09 Zoddy`:**rOfLLLroFOOLLLOLOLOLROFLllllmaoooRoFlllroFlLlLlL**
2016-10-24 00:45.11 dU.Suz:something else
2016-10-24 00:46.08 Razerznuffy: !v
2016-10-24 00:46.36 Dredd: !v
2016-10-24 00:46.49 Balance: pussies
2016-10-24 00:46.52 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:47.25 goku`: how open ?:o
2016-10-24 00:47.33 Zoddy`:say please
2016-10-24 00:47.37 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 00:47.43 goku`: nein
2016-10-24 00:47.49 dU.Suz:Por favoooor
2016-10-24 00:47.50 goku`: Prosze
2016-10-24 00:48.22 goku`: otwiera] sie kurwa
2016-10-24 00:49.23 goku`: sweets
2016-10-24 00:49.48 Zoddy`:what a name xD
2016-10-24 00:50.32 goku`: blance is sick
2016-10-24 00:52.22 goku`: mWaHa-haha-haha!..ha!..ha-haha...ha..a.. ! ! !
2016-10-24 00:54.00 Zoddy`:
2016-10-24 00:54.14 dU.Suz:can i steal your cats?
2016-10-24 00:54.23 Zoddy`:lol
2016-10-24 00:54.26 Zoddy`:mine?
2016-10-24 00:54.33 dU.Suz:yes
2016-10-24 00:54.36 dU.Suz:yours
2016-10-24 00:54.39 dU.Suz:who elses
2016-10-24 00:54.43 Zoddy`:ari´s
2016-10-24 00:54.52 dU.Suz:she only has 1
2016-10-24 00:54.59 dU.Suz:i won´t take her 1 bundle of joy
2016-10-24 00:55.00 Zoddy`:steal hers
2016-10-24 00:55.05 dU.Suz:but you have more xD
2016-10-24 00:55.13 Zoddy`:tru i have 4
2016-10-24 00:56.53 goku`: duelos kompanieros
2016-10-24 00:57.23 goku`: someone on irc?
2016-10-24 00:58.50 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 00:58.52 dU.Suz:Ha ha ha!
2016-10-24 00:58.55 dU.Suz:Huehuehue
2016-10-24 00:58.57 Ariana:LOL
2016-10-24 00:58.57 Zoddy`:lol
2016-10-24 00:59.22 dU.Suz:lets
2016-10-24 00:59.24 dU.Suz:not
2016-10-24 00:59.26 dU.Suz:spam
2016-10-24 00:59.28 dU.Suz:taunts
2016-10-24 00:59.30 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 00:59.31 dU.Suz:^^
2016-10-24 00:59.37 goku`: suz bad when want sleep
2016-10-24 00:59.48 dU.Suz:I´m ALWAYS bad
2016-10-24 00:59.50 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:00.10 Zoddy`:and i thought ari was the evil one
2016-10-24 01:00.14 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:00.26 goku`: :´O
2016-10-24 01:00.36 Ariana:who says Im not
2016-10-24 01:00.38 goku`: thanksy
2016-10-24 01:00.45 dU.Suz:you´re welcome
2016-10-24 01:00.56 dU.Suz:it´s fine if you do a little taunting
2016-10-24 01:01.05 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:01.05 dU.Suz:but DONT go full retard with that
2016-10-24 01:01.09 dU.Suz:it´s annoying
2016-10-24 01:01.11 goku`: balans:(
2016-10-24 01:01.22 Ariana:am I still on dU. MH?
2016-10-24 01:01.29 dU.Suz:Yes, darling.
2016-10-24 01:01.34 Ariana:I can hear birds and other noises
2016-10-24 01:01.37 dU.Suz:Lets make some poetry now.
2016-10-24 01:01.38 goku`: xd
2016-10-24 01:01.59 Zoddy`:roses red violets blue
2016-10-24 01:02.03 Zoddy`:imma order chinese food
2016-10-24 01:02.07 dU.Suz:haha
2016-10-24 01:02.10 Ariana:Ive had enough from the poetry typing suz xD
2016-10-24 01:02.27 dU.Suz:i want to sleep
2016-10-24 01:02.30 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:02.30 dU.Suz:in my bed
2016-10-24 01:02.32 Ariana:you cant
2016-10-24 01:02.35 dU.Suz:tonight
2016-10-24 01:02.38 dU.Suz:if i can
2016-10-24 01:02.48 dU.Suz:why can´t i
2016-10-24 01:02.56 dU.Suz:why must you prevent me from fiding solace
2016-10-24 01:03.02 dU.Suz:amongst my sheets
2016-10-24 01:03.06 Ariana:you´re not underage thats why
2016-10-24 01:03.26 dU.Suz:yes i am
2016-10-24 01:03.28 dU.Suz:i am 13
2016-10-24 01:03.32 dU.Suz:i should be in bed
2016-10-24 01:03.37 Zoddy`:lol
2016-10-24 01:03.38 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:03.53 goku`: cause go school
2016-10-24 01:03.55 Ariana:dont make me slap you suz
2016-10-24 01:04.04 dU.Suz:you can slap me while i sleep, np
2016-10-24 01:04.07 Zoddy`:catfight
2016-10-24 01:04.08 dU.Suz:i won´t feel it
2016-10-24 01:04.33 Ariana:oh you will once I go wrap my hand around a spiky rose plant
2016-10-24 01:04.40 dU.Suz:WHAT
2016-10-24 01:04.44 Razerznuffy: ywohoo
2016-10-24 01:04.47 Razerznuffy: I unlocked the redeemer
2016-10-24 01:04.49 Ariana:yes
2016-10-24 01:04.51 dU.Suz:Foul crime against Humanity.
2016-10-24 01:04.52 Zoddy`:extreme catfight
2016-10-24 01:05.02 dU.Suz:I do not wish to be handled with a rose bush.
2016-10-24 01:05.09 dU.Suz:Please, spare me.
2016-10-24 01:05.12 Ariana:then start behaving
2016-10-24 01:05.20 dU.Suz:Alas, I cannot.
2016-10-24 01:05.28 Ariana:you can and you will
2016-10-24 01:05.30 dU.Suz:Tis´ not in my nature.
2016-10-24 01:05.39 dU.Suz:I am, wild. I am free.
2016-10-24 01:05.53 Ariana:I´ll tame your wildness and no you´re not free
2016-10-24 01:06.09 dU.Suz:You cannot, for if you do such a thing
2016-10-24 01:06.14 dU.Suz:You will kill my soul
2016-10-24 01:06.19 Ariana:stop it xD
2016-10-24 01:06.24 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:06.27 Zoddy`:soulfight
2016-10-24 01:06.28 dU.Suz:Do you wish to see me wither, like the sands of time?
2016-10-24 01:06.42 Ariana:no
2016-10-24 01:06.47 Ariana:I´ll water you every day
2016-10-24 01:06.53 dU.Suz:Then, let me roam free.
2016-10-24 01:06.56 Ariana:no
2016-10-24 01:07.09 Zoddy`:she´s like a bird
2016-10-24 01:07.17 Zoddy`:she´ll only fly away
2016-10-24 01:07.24 Zoddy`:once said nelly furtado
2016-10-24 01:07.26 dU.Suz:Can you hear it, the call of the wild.
2016-10-24 01:07.37 Ariana:xD
2016-10-24 01:07.41 dU.Suz:Hear me, Oh, flying brethren
2016-10-24 01:07.47 dU.Suz:I am here. Come for me.
2016-10-24 01:07.52 Ariana:I might be able to hear it since theres no taunts right now
2016-10-24 01:08.01 dU.Suz:Take me in your wings, let me fly!
2016-10-24 01:08.25 Razerznuffy: 10/10 poek
2016-10-24 01:08.27 Razerznuffy: poem
2016-10-24 01:08.29 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:08.29 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:08.36 Zoddy`:my poem was better
2016-10-24 01:08.37 goku`: co
2016-10-24 01:08.48 dU.Suz:zoddy, your poem sucked balls
2016-10-24 01:08.51 Ariana:xD
2016-10-24 01:08.52 Zoddy`:LOL
2016-10-24 01:09.10 dU.Suz:remember last night when i almost died laughing
2016-10-24 01:09.15 dU.Suz:part 2 is coming
2016-10-24 01:09.20 Zoddy`:lol
2016-10-24 01:09.28 dU.Suz:this is what happens when you don´t let the suz sleep
2016-10-24 01:09.40 Zoddy`:sleep is for the weak
2016-10-24 01:09.43 goku`: Kaguszka Kaczuszka
2016-10-24 01:09.47 Zoddy`:thats why ari sleeps a lot :o
2016-10-24 01:09.48 Ariana:at least you didnt have a dream about a squirrel trying to kill
2016-10-24 01:09.49 Zoddy`:**rOfLLLroFOOLLLOLOLOLROFLllllmaoooRoFlllroFlLlLlL**
2016-10-24 01:09.50 Ariana:you
2016-10-24 01:09.50 dU.Suz:I do poetry slam, and whipe the floor with bitches.
2016-10-24 01:09.52 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:09.52 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:09.52 goku`: x))
2016-10-24 01:10.09 goku`: -=FFfffffRRrrrrUUuuuuuu...=-
2016-10-24 01:11.17 Razerznuffy: pls not lots of titans
2016-10-24 01:11.27 Zoddy`:finally door 9
2016-10-24 01:12.05 Zoddy`:pupaes are so cute
2016-10-24 01:12.57 Navy_Seal: last time I play this map, balance
2016-10-24 01:12.58 Ariana:suz?
2016-10-24 01:13.00 dU.Suz:hue hue hue
2016-10-24 01:13.06 dU.Suz:wait, i mean, huehuehue
2016-10-24 01:13.10 dU.Suz:yes, ari?
2016-10-24 01:13.11 Ariana:hi
2016-10-24 01:13.12 goku`: mWaHa-haha-haha!..ha!..ha-haha...ha..a.. ! ! !
2016-10-24 01:13.20 Prince**Ko**: ariana grande
2016-10-24 01:13.22 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:13.35 Ariana:hi prince xD
2016-10-24 01:13.39 Prince**Ko**: hi
2016-10-24 01:13.43 goku`: Prince Boateng
2016-10-24 01:13.45 goku`:
2016-10-24 01:13.48 Prince**Ko**: lool
2016-10-24 01:14.13 Prince**Ko**: balance il commendatore il dotore infernale
2016-10-24 01:14.34 Prince**Ko**: darova yuli
2016-10-24 01:14.43 yuli: hi
2016-10-24 01:14.48 Razerznuffy: hi
2016-10-24 01:15.14 goku`: mWaHa-haha-haha!..ha!..ha-haha...ha..a.. ! ! !
2016-10-24 01:15.17 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:15.17 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:15.19 goku`: x((
2016-10-24 01:15.20 goku`: :((
2016-10-24 01:15.59 dU.Suz:this map makes me aggroooo
2016-10-24 01:16.08 dU.Suz:wooooo oooo oooo
2016-10-24 01:16.09 Ariana:suz and zoddy check the pic I sent you
2016-10-24 01:16.29 dU.Suz:can i eat it?
2016-10-24 01:16.30 dU.Suz:xD
2016-10-24 01:16.32 Ariana:no xD
2016-10-24 01:16.38 dU.Suz:no fun.
2016-10-24 01:16.40 dU.Suz:xD
2016-10-24 01:16.46 Ariana:its a fucking kid suz xD
2016-10-24 01:16.54 Prince**Ko**: goku infernale
2016-10-24 01:16.57 goku`: :))
2016-10-24 01:16.59 Prince**Ko**: piccoro
2016-10-24 01:17.06 goku`: wut:o
2016-10-24 01:17.20 Zoddy`:kakkarot
2016-10-24 01:17.26 goku`: -.-
2016-10-24 01:17.30 dU.Suz:lol
2016-10-24 01:17.32 Prince**Ko**: mr satan
2016-10-24 01:17.37 goku`: where
2016-10-24 01:17.44 dU.Suz:behind you
2016-10-24 01:17.50 goku`: staph suz
2016-10-24 01:17.55 dU.Suz:scared?
2016-10-24 01:17.55 Zoddy`:frieza is coming back goku
2016-10-24 01:17.58 Zoddy`:save us
2016-10-24 01:18.00 goku`: yes
2016-10-24 01:18.10 Razerznuffy: !v
2016-10-24 01:18.10 goku`: plz i can be goku god
2016-10-24 01:18.16 Prince**Ko**: gohan
2016-10-24 01:18.18 goku`: frieza 1 hit
2016-10-24 01:18.22 Prince**Ko**: crilin
2016-10-24 01:18.25 Zoddy`:lol
2016-10-24 01:18.32 dU.Suz:Thank you.
2016-10-24 01:18.38 Zoddy`:yamcha > goku?
2016-10-24 01:18.41 Zoddy`::o
2016-10-24 01:18.42 goku`: plz
2016-10-24 01:18.44 Balance: Lmao
2016-10-24 01:18.44 Zoddy`:**rOfLLLroFOOLLLOLOLOLROFLllllmaoooRoFlllroFlLlLlL**
2016-10-24 01:18.47 Balance: hey prince
2016-10-24 01:18.47 goku`: goku>yamha
2016-10-24 01:18.51 Prince**Ko**: Mayimbu =balance
2016-10-24 01:18.52 Ariana:should have ripped that tape off harder
2016-10-24 01:19.04 dU.Suz:I think he wants some more
2016-10-24 01:19.12 dU.Suz:I´m always happy to oblige.
2016-10-24 01:19.14 goku`: 512 seal
2016-10-24 01:19.14 Zoddy`:mamma mia
2016-10-24 01:19.16 goku`: 512mb
2016-10-24 01:19.17 goku`: :D

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