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Match Infos
Distance traveled:43,54km
Map Time:00:29:16
Playdate:2016-10-29 11:33:25
Team Awards:
Mousy_for_Admin!0 0 0 0 00:29:15 1,67km
ZYRKA18085 4 0 0 00:29:15 6,35km
Player1123479 3 0 0 00:29:15 6,15km
MISTER-DANGEROUS238914 1 0 0 00:29:15 7,04km
Dreamer1491 0 0 0 00:29:13 1,78km
Death_Lady0 0 0 0 00:27:29 0,98km
Melody.`0 0 0 0 00:26:54 0,18km
NIGGA_JEW2825 4 0 0 00:25:15 5,35km
Ankush42717 6 0 0 00:23:50 6,20km
LOIC16057 4 0 1 00:20:42 3,67km
free_runner37362 1 0 0 00:07:01 2,40km
Wildcat4248 1 0 0 00:06:20 1,77km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ZYRKA 2 0 1/1 4/1 0 0 2/2 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 15
Player11 0 0 0 0/1 4 8 3/1 16 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9/1 42
MISTER-DANGEROUS 16/1 10 2 22 0 2 12 44 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 123
Dreamer 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
Death_Lady 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Melody.` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NIGGA_JEW 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/1 8
Ankush 2/1 0 0 14/1 0 0 3/3 3 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 20/1 46
LOIC 0 0 0/1 1/1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/1 9
free_runner 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 28 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43
Wildcat 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 16
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-29 11:06.41 ZYRKA: Me and my big mouth ;(
2016-10-29 11:07.18 ZYRKA: It´s 2 great guy 4 real ok
2016-10-29 11:07.33 ZYRKA: 2 Geek in their soul
2016-10-29 11:08.24 ZYRKA: it´s a real honor to know them in my life seriouly because im a big big fan of UNREAL
2016-10-29 11:08.49 ZYRKA: As you
2016-10-29 11:09.00 ZYRKA: because this game is old
2016-10-29 11:09.02 MireYa`: hello
2016-10-29 11:09.04 MireYa`: sis <3
2016-10-29 11:09.07 Deadly_Lady: sup
2016-10-29 11:09.09 Crow: there we go
2016-10-29 11:09.13 Crow: deadly
2016-10-29 11:09.13 Deadly_Lady: sissy <333
2016-10-29 11:09.15 MireYa`: sup with you
2016-10-29 11:09.17 MireYa`: :P
2016-10-29 11:09.20 Deadly_Lady: hey bird :p
2016-10-29 11:09.26 Deadly_Lady: eaitng
2016-10-29 11:09.33 Crow: bon apetite
2016-10-29 11:09.37 Deadly_Lady: danke
2016-10-29 11:09.38 MireYa`: me too xD
2016-10-29 11:09.44 Deadly_Lady: nice outfit sis
2016-10-29 11:09.53 MireYa`: the usual
2016-10-29 11:09.54 Crow: there is no word for that in english afain
2016-10-29 11:09.56 Crow: afaik
2016-10-29 11:10.06 Deadly_Lady: "thanks :p
2016-10-29 11:10.09 Deadly_Lady: hvala
2016-10-29 11:10.12 Deadly_Lady: spasibo
2016-10-29 11:10.14 MireYa`: =D
2016-10-29 11:10.18 Crow: lol
2016-10-29 11:10.20 Deadly_Lady: i know many "thanks"
2016-10-29 11:10.24 Deadly_Lady: xD
2016-10-29 11:10.27 Crow: how do you tell someone to enjoy their food?
2016-10-29 11:10.36 Deadly_Lady: dober tek :D
2016-10-29 11:10.42 MireYa`: hvala!
2016-10-29 11:10.44 MireYa`: =P
2016-10-29 11:10.47 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:10.48 Crow: halva
2016-10-29 11:10.52 MireYa`: hVala
2016-10-29 11:10.56 MireYa`: = thanks
2016-10-29 11:10.57 Deadly_Lady: lmao
2016-10-29 11:10.59 Crow: halva is better
2016-10-29 11:11.37 Deadly_Lady: hvala
2016-10-29 11:11.52 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:11.57 Deadly_Lady: aua
2016-10-29 11:12.03 Deadly_Lady: thats hurts :P
2016-10-29 11:12.05 Crow: come the other way arouns nigga
2016-10-29 11:12.08 Deadly_Lady: that*
2016-10-29 11:12.54 MireYa`: Nawras :)
2016-10-29 11:13.02 Deadly_Lady: hey!
2016-10-29 11:13.14 Nawras:hey :)
2016-10-29 11:13.17 Crow: where´s my nigga
2016-10-29 11:13.20 MireYa`: lol
2016-10-29 11:13.23 MireYa`: xD
2016-10-29 11:13.24 Devil_Kitten: hi nawras <3
2016-10-29 11:13.34 Crow: yo niggs
2016-10-29 11:13.41 Deadly_Lady: niggs piggs
2016-10-29 11:13.42 Deadly_Lady: xD
2016-10-29 11:13.49 Crow: where´d he go
2016-10-29 11:13.56 Deadly_Lady: he is here
2016-10-29 11:13.58 Deadly_Lady: at start
2016-10-29 11:14.06 Crow: he blends in with the dark
2016-10-29 11:14.17 Deadly_Lady: olol
2016-10-29 11:14.48 MireYa`: drawing game? xD
2016-10-29 11:14.48 Deadly_Lady: chocolade :3
2016-10-29 11:14.52 Deadly_Lady: mmmmmmmmm
2016-10-29 11:14.54 MireYa`: butter.
2016-10-29 11:14.55 Deadly_Lady: sure
2016-10-29 11:16.00 MireYa`: longer life for you
2016-10-29 11:16.05 Deadly_Lady: huh
2016-10-29 11:16.09 Deadly_Lady: I DONT WANNA
2016-10-29 11:16.13 MireYa`: xD
2016-10-29 11:17.46 Deadly_Lady: scorpion xD
2016-10-29 11:17.58 MireYa`: music <3
2016-10-29 11:18.04 MireYa`: you won´t like it xD
2016-10-29 11:18.07 Deadly_Lady: im taurus tho :o
2016-10-29 11:18.10 Deadly_Lady: no :P
2016-10-29 11:18.27 MireYa`: not UT music, mine btw :P
2016-10-29 11:18.36 Deadly_Lady: aaa
2016-10-29 11:18.42 MireYa`: bbb
2016-10-29 11:18.46 Crow: so deadly, you mostly dont play here anymore without your "sissy"?
2016-10-29 11:18.58 MireYa`: need a punch in the face Crow?
2016-10-29 11:18.59 MireYa`: :P
2016-10-29 11:19.01 MireYa`: =DD
2016-10-29 11:19.11 Deadly_Lady: no i just needed some more bt for practice tbh
2016-10-29 11:19.19 Deadly_Lady: got tired of these maps a bit
2016-10-29 11:19.20 MireYa`: she likes playing with me more than with you
2016-10-29 11:19.20 Crow: need to add a few more smiley faces there mireya :D :)
2016-10-29 11:19.28 MireYa`: in yo face!
2016-10-29 11:19.37 Deadly_Lady: today we have party on rocket
2016-10-29 11:19.38 Crow: me too really,
2016-10-29 11:19.51 Crow: but the more of us here the more we get to vote
2016-10-29 11:20.08 Crow: becides when you two are here together you never play anyway
2016-10-29 11:20.16 MireYa`: i´m eating
2016-10-29 11:20.19 Deadly_Lady: me too
2016-10-29 11:20.22 Crow: oh right
2016-10-29 11:20.23 MireYa`: we do play sometimes
2016-10-29 11:20.24 Deadly_Lady: i was sleeping so long
2016-10-29 11:20.31 Crow: so you two always eat together
2016-10-29 11:20.36 Crow: for hours :D
2016-10-29 11:20.42 Deadly_Lady: food is life
2016-10-29 11:20.44 Deadly_Lady: mmmmmmmm
2016-10-29 11:20.45 MireYa`: it´s not like if we join we need to play
2016-10-29 11:20.50 Crow: dont overdo it :P
2016-10-29 11:20.54 Deadly_Lady: nah np
2016-10-29 11:20.56 MireYa`: just like you always play
2016-10-29 11:20.58 MireYa`: ..
2016-10-29 11:21.10 Crow: mireya I´m not really even talking to you
2016-10-29 11:21.14 MireYa`: lmao
2016-10-29 11:21.16 MireYa`: see
2016-10-29 11:21.18 Crow: yeah
2016-10-29 11:21.19 MireYa`: all his love is gone
2016-10-29 11:21.19 Crow: I do
2016-10-29 11:21.19 MireYa`: :P
2016-10-29 11:21.26 Crow: love?
2016-10-29 11:21.33 MireYa`: go play with your kitten
2016-10-29 11:21.34 Crow: I had likeness,
2016-10-29 11:21.35 MireYa`: she likes it
2016-10-29 11:21.38 MireYa`: xD
2016-10-29 11:21.52 Crow: I dont throw around the word "love" all over the plave
2016-10-29 11:21.54 Crow: place
2016-10-29 11:22.00 MireYa`: =)
2016-10-29 11:22.04 ZYRKA: witch specialty ?
2016-10-29 11:22.08 MireYa`: go play
2016-10-29 11:22.35 Crow: lol.
2016-10-29 11:22.38 MireYa`: .
2016-10-29 11:22.39 Mister: lol
2016-10-29 11:22.46 Crow: I´m tired of those maps too, fyi
2016-10-29 11:22.56 MireYa`: vote another one then
2016-10-29 11:23.03 Crow: and kitten? why do you involve her lol
2016-10-29 11:23.34 MireYa`: because is want to
2016-10-29 11:23.41 Crow: oh voting, right
2016-10-29 11:23.42 MireYa`: =D
2016-10-29 11:23.50 Crow: suddenly 7 people would vote, right?
2016-10-29 11:23.58 Crow: because what?
2016-10-29 11:24.11 Crow: get yourself together :P
2016-10-29 11:24.28 MireYa`: maybe you should tell that to yourself
2016-10-29 11:24.38 Crow: am I not together?
2016-10-29 11:24.49 Crow: seriously though,
2016-10-29 11:24.51 Deadly_Lady: you all are puzzles xD
2016-10-29 11:24.52 MireYa`: no, you´re all broken
2016-10-29 11:24.53 MireYa`: :P
2016-10-29 11:25.01 MireYa`: lol
2016-10-29 11:25.01 Deadly_Lady: AGAIN
2016-10-29 11:25.02 Crow: idk when playfullness ends,
2016-10-29 11:25.03 MireYa`: again xD
2016-10-29 11:25.04 Deadly_Lady: NOOO
2016-10-29 11:25.04 Crow: but,
2016-10-29 11:25.09 MireYa`: 1033 hp
2016-10-29 11:25.14 Deadly_Lady: JESUS
2016-10-29 11:25.15 ZYRKA: im the puzzler of ur life :D
2016-10-29 11:25.19 Deadly_Lady: I DONT WANNA
2016-10-29 11:25.23 MireYa`: hahah
2016-10-29 11:25.23 Deadly_Lady: NO UR NOT
2016-10-29 11:25.24 Crow: but better not become too hostile :)
2016-10-29 11:25.36 MireYa`: who´s hostile? :D
2016-10-29 11:25.43 Crow: no one is yet,
2016-10-29 11:25.48 Crow: but you´re pushing it :)
2016-10-29 11:25.52 MireYa`: xD
2016-10-29 11:26.03 MireYa`: that doesn´t sound like me at all
2016-10-29 11:26.07 MireYa`: -sarcasm-
2016-10-29 11:26.18 Crow: nope, not you at all :D
2016-10-29 11:26.42 Devil_Kitten: where the heck the mantas coming from :o
2016-10-29 11:26.50 MireYa`: your butt
2016-10-29 11:26.58 Deadly_Lady: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2016-10-29 11:27.07 Crow: mireya puts them there
2016-10-29 11:27.14 MireYa`: hahah
2016-10-29 11:27.48 MireYa`: hi Wildcat :)
2016-10-29 11:27.57 Devil_Kitten: wb cat <3 wb hjerte <3
2016-10-29 11:27.58 Wildcat: Oh Hello Sweetheart
2016-10-29 11:28.03 Deadly_Lady: wait i will do a portrait
2016-10-29 11:28.04 hjerte<3Don:ty kitten <3
2016-10-29 11:28.09 Crow: please :P
2016-10-29 11:28.17 Wildcat: Devil im back Baby
2016-10-29 11:28.18 Deadly_Lady: like?
2016-10-29 11:28.19 MireYa`: amazing
2016-10-29 11:28.25 Deadly_Lady: HVALAAA
2016-10-29 11:28.26 Crow: hey, that looks like me actually a bit :D
2016-10-29 11:28.28 Devil_Kitten: haha =D
2016-10-29 11:28.31 Crow: but, I dont smile that much
2016-10-29 11:28.31 MireYa`: simple?
2016-10-29 11:28.35 Deadly_Lady: WOW i rock
2016-10-29 11:28.37 Deadly_Lady: xD
2016-10-29 11:28.48 MireYa`: deadly gets everything here xD
2016-10-29 11:28.49 Crow: I also have a beak
2016-10-29 11:28.50 MireYa`: hp, deemers
2016-10-29 11:28.59 Crow: and feathers
2016-10-29 11:29.02 Deadly_Lady: xD
2016-10-29 11:29.03 Crow: rofl
2016-10-29 11:29.07 ZYRKA: u rock when u make a double bass drum :)
2016-10-29 11:29.10 Devil_Kitten: lol birdy
2016-10-29 11:29.13 hjerte<3Don:lol
2016-10-29 11:29.25 Deadly_Lady: fuck
2016-10-29 11:29.26 hjerte<3Don:so draw that skaarj
2016-10-29 11:29.31 Crow: looked like a duck :D
2016-10-29 11:29.39 Deadly_Lady: yes :<
2016-10-29 11:29.42 ZYRKA: ty :)
2016-10-29 11:29.42 MireYa`: like a fuck?
2016-10-29 11:29.44 Deadly_Lady: loool
2016-10-29 11:29.51 Deadly_Lady: duck = fuck
2016-10-29 11:29.55 MireYa`: quack quack
2016-10-29 11:29.58 Crow: fuck fuck
2016-10-29 11:30.04 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:30.05 hjerte<3Don:duck duck
2016-10-29 11:30.06 ZYRKA: no double bass drum = u suck
2016-10-29 11:30.09 Deadly_Lady: imagine
2016-10-29 11:30.12 Deadly_Lady: a duck saiyng
2016-10-29 11:30.16 Deadly_Lady: fuck fuck
2016-10-29 11:30.21 Deadly_Lady: instead of quack
2016-10-29 11:30.23 Deadly_Lady: xD
2016-10-29 11:30.28 Crow: that duck would be popular
2016-10-29 11:30.30 MireYa`: that would be special
2016-10-29 11:30.33 ZYRKA: sorry it.s the rule
2016-10-29 11:30.39 Crow: he should be put in a park where couples go for walks
2016-10-29 11:30.41 MireYa`: psstt
2016-10-29 11:30.44 Deadly_Lady: LOL
2016-10-29 11:30.51 MireYa`: does anyone knows who ZYRKA is talking to?
2016-10-29 11:30.52 MireYa`: xDD
2016-10-29 11:30.58 hjerte<3Don:everyone xD
2016-10-29 11:31.01 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:31.01 Crow: he tells his life story
2016-10-29 11:31.03 Wildcat: himself
2016-10-29 11:31.08 Crow: been doing so for the past 1.5 hours
2016-10-29 11:31.12 MireYa`: lol
2016-10-29 11:31.12 hjerte<3Don:its good :P
2016-10-29 11:31.15 Crow: you better listen mireya
2016-10-29 11:31.23 Crow: you might learn a thing or two
2016-10-29 11:31.26 hjerte<3Don:QUACK
2016-10-29 11:31.28 MireYa`: i don´t like life stories
2016-10-29 11:31.32 Deadly_Lady: wow finally a talkactive canadian O_o
2016-10-29 11:31.34 MireYa`: most are boring
2016-10-29 11:31.41 Devil_Kitten: when did i get a deemer.... birdy, where are you!
2016-10-29 11:31.56 hjerte<3Don:i havent seen skaarj so talkative
2016-10-29 11:32.01 Crow: so you just dismiss me then, huh deadly?
2016-10-29 11:32.07 ZYRKA: i cleared 2 very great song with ..... a douoble bass drum :D
2016-10-29 11:32.11 Crow: I talk so much I dont count? :P
2016-10-29 11:32.14 ZYRKA: today
2016-10-29 11:32.25 hjerte<3Don:put on youtube? xD
2016-10-29 11:32.27 Deadly_Lady: lol but you arent 100% canadian :p
2016-10-29 11:32.33 Crow: heh
2016-10-29 11:32.35 MireYa`: he´s a fake one
2016-10-29 11:32.38 hjerte<3Don:hes 100% caw
2016-10-29 11:32.42 ZYRKA: nah u dont know who i am here gosh
2016-10-29 11:32.45 Crow: many "canadians" arent %100 so
2016-10-29 11:32.45 Devil_Kitten: lol caw caw xD <3
2016-10-29 11:32.53 Deadly_Lady: aha
2016-10-29 11:32.54 Crow: :<>
2016-10-29 11:32.55 Crow: caw
2016-10-29 11:32.58 Deadly_Lady: cra
2016-10-29 11:33.00 Deadly_Lady: cra
2016-10-29 11:33.02 hjerte<3Don:oki
2016-10-29 11:33.02 Crow: karr
2016-10-29 11:33.06 Devil_Kitten: =^.^= mew!
2016-10-29 11:33.07 MireYa`: idd, more cra
2016-10-29 11:33.16 Crow: zykra, what´s your background?
2016-10-29 11:33.17 ZYRKA: bla bla bla
2016-10-29 11:33.21 MireYa`: black
2016-10-29 11:33.22 MireYa`: xD
2016-10-29 11:33.24 Crow: nationality?
2016-10-29 11:33.26 Deadly_Lady: im a ladybug
2016-10-29 11:33.28 hjerte<3Don:hes a skaarj who travelled to canada
2016-10-29 11:33.30 hjerte<3Don:right
2016-10-29 11:33.30 Mister: gg
2016-10-29 11:33.33 Crow: lol mireya.
2016-10-29 11:33.34 Deadly_Lady: what sounds do they make? xD
2016-10-29 11:33.44 Wildcat: Nationality .. Who me ?
2016-10-29 11:33.46 hjerte<3Don:skaarj have lives too
2016-10-29 11:33.49 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:33.52 Crow: no, zykra
2016-10-29 11:33.55 ZYRKA: frencj canadian and sooooo proud to be who i am
2016-10-29 11:34.04 hjerte<3Don::-)
2016-10-29 11:34.05 Crow: where in Canada?
2016-10-29 11:34.08 Deadly_Lady: oh hello french canadian
2016-10-29 11:34.15 Wildcat: Sounds Alaskan or Azerbaijaniannininin
2016-10-29 11:34.16 hjerte<3Don:quebec?
2016-10-29 11:34.17 Deadly_Lady: im italian slovenian
2016-10-29 11:34.22 Deadly_Lady: nice to meet ya xD
2016-10-29 11:34.24 ZYRKA: Uvery great composer and sometime .... gamer :)
2016-10-29 11:34.30 Deadly_Lady: aha
2016-10-29 11:34.33 MireYa`: lol
2016-10-29 11:34.39 MireYa`: that confidence
2016-10-29 11:34.43 Crow: the french canadian area is quite big
2016-10-29 11:34.45 Crow: nice.
2016-10-29 11:34.47 ZYRKA: u why im here no ?
2016-10-29 11:34.48 Deadly_Lady: lol
2016-10-29 11:34.51 Crow: Toronto area here.
2016-10-29 11:34.57 Deadly_Lady: pronto
2016-10-29 11:34.58 hjerte<3Don:aaaa

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