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Match Infos
Distance traveled:22,79km
Map Time:00:11:23
Playdate:2016-11-05 01:26:23
Team Awards:
-=]UM[=-nzT146458 0 0 0 00:11:22 1,77km
dU.Commander_ITA98585 0 0 0 00:11:22 1,61km
Iceberg_Simpson21936 1 0 0 00:11:22 2,42km
Mackan22102 4 0 0 00:11:22 3,38km
jerry9580 5 0 0 00:11:22 2,78km
Balance`142212 1 0 0 00:11:22 2,12km
**Prince_Ko**24185 1 0 0 00:11:21 1,51km
BigMomooX80244 1 0 0 00:11:15 1,83km
dU.Suz61754 0 0 0 00:11:10 1,42km
angel.nl1761 6 0 0 00:08:13 2,28km
<<B:A>>Giuseppe2680 2 0 0 00:07:59 1,40km
MOO-TANG_CLAN14021 0 0 0 00:06:36 0,27km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
-=]UM[=-nzT 1 2 2 16 1 2 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 36
dU.Commander_ITA 1 1 0 2 0 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13
Iceberg_Simpson 2 11 1 8 4 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 40
Mackan 0 1 0 5 3 1/1 4/2 2 0 2 3 0 0 44 4 0 0 0 0/1 69
jerry 0 0 1 3/2 5 0 2/1 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/2 13
Balance` 1 3 3 5 3 3 5/1 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 29
**Prince_Ko** 0 0 0/1 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
BigMomooX 4 1 4 8/1 1 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 28
dU.Suz 10 5 0 3 3 1 8 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
angel.nl 0/1 1 0/2 4/1 1 0 2 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0/2 12
<<B:A>>Giuseppe 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
MOO-TANG_CLAN 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 35
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-11-05 01:15.21 karkass: damn didn´t realize it was that late
2016-11-05 01:15.27 dU.Commander_ITA: last one !
2016-11-05 01:15.28 Iceberg_Simpson: i dont like it
2016-11-05 01:15.31 Iceberg_Simpson: its too quiet
2016-11-05 01:15.33 angel.nl: time flies
2016-11-05 01:15.35 karkass: an´t finish it
2016-11-05 01:15.39 karkass: can´t*
2016-11-05 01:15.48 dU.Commander_ITA: we are many.....
2016-11-05 01:15.50 **Prince-Ko**: ready marines
2016-11-05 01:15.52 **Prince-Ko**: ready marines
2016-11-05 01:15.59 **Prince-Ko**: go go
2016-11-05 01:16.00 nzT: this map isnt too hard
2016-11-05 01:16.03 karkass:base is hostile !
2016-11-05 01:16.06 dU.Suz:oh sure
2016-11-05 01:16.07 dU.Suz:lol
2016-11-05 01:16.11 jerry: forza peppe
2016-11-05 01:16.15 dU.Commander_ITA: hostile? here is the Hell outhere!
2016-11-05 01:16.16 **Prince-Ko**: go balance
2016-11-05 01:16.21 BigMomooX: !p
2016-11-05 01:16.29 BigMomooX: !p
2016-11-05 01:16.31 dU.Suz: nooo no no nooo
2016-11-05 01:16.37 dU.Suz: not inside the house
2016-11-05 01:16.41 BigMomooX: !p
2016-11-05 01:16.42 karkass:giu is hostile as well :P
2016-11-05 01:16.53 BigMomooX: !p
2016-11-05 01:19.26 karkass:anyway gtg, GGs, cya all and hf! :)
2016-11-05 01:19.30 nzT: cya
2016-11-05 01:19.31 dU.Suz: byebye
2016-11-05 01:19.34 BigMomooX: cya
2016-11-05 01:19.35 dU.Commander_ITA: nn Kar
2016-11-05 01:19.35 Iceberg_Simpson: bye
2016-11-05 01:19.36 karkass:On my way!
2016-11-05 01:19.45 Giuseppeyeehaw: bn
2016-11-05 01:20.35 dU.Suz: degeneramoo
2016-11-05 01:20.39 dU.Suz: haha
2016-11-05 01:20.40 dU.Suz: beefo
2016-11-05 01:20.44 Iceberg_Simpson: yess
2016-11-05 01:20.46 Iceberg_Simpson: deema
2016-11-05 01:21.53 **Prince-Ko**: balance no quiero que te maten
2016-11-05 01:23.14 **Prince-Ko**: Big aqui hay una camada de vaquitas son parientes?
2016-11-05 01:23.16 **Prince-Ko**: Big aqui hay una camada de vaquitas son parientes?
2016-11-05 01:23.32 BigMomooX: es mi primo gringo
2016-11-05 01:23.47 DIS_DAT_N_DA_UDDER: i got your gringo
2016-11-05 01:23.53 DIS_DAT_N_DA_UDDER: IN MI PANTALONES
2016-11-05 01:23.54 DIS_DAT_N_DA_UDDER: IN MI PANTALONES
2016-11-05 01:23.54 DIS_DAT_N_DA_UDDER: IN MI PANTALONES
2016-11-05 01:25.08 dU.Commander_ITA: -.-´
2016-11-05 01:26.13 Iceberg_Simpson: im the king of the hill
2016-11-05 01:26.20 dU.Suz: lol
2016-11-05 01:26.28 nzT:
2016-11-05 01:26.47 DIS_DAT_N_DA_UDDER: !exit
2016-11-05 01:27.03 nzT: !v
2016-11-05 01:27.05 **Prince-Ko**: !culo
2016-11-05 01:27.13 dU.Commander_ITA: lol
2016-11-05 01:27.13 BigMomooX: !culo
2016-11-05 01:27.19 dU.Commander_ITA: Pechito
2016-11-05 01:27.26 Iceberg_Simpson: gtg bye all
2016-11-05 01:27.27 BigMomooX: pense que saldria uno
2016-11-05 01:27.29 dU.Commander_ITA: NN Simp
2016-11-05 01:27.30 nzT: cu
2016-11-05 01:27.33 BigMomooX: bye
2016-11-05 01:27.33 **Prince-Ko**: bye bartolomeo
2016-11-05 01:27.56 dU.Commander_ITA: O Principe Matador Do Venezuelaaaa
2016-11-05 01:28.00 dU.Suz: lol

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