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Chatlog |
2016-12-04 02:08.05 EEE_PC*: !quit 2016-12-04 02:08.13 =(V)=ZodiaK: >_< 2016-12-04 02:08.28 Ariana:cupcoAke 2016-12-04 02:08.33 =(V)=ZodiaK: yes? 2016-12-04 02:08.37 Ariana:nothie 2016-12-04 02:08.45 SuperUltraViola: PET ME WOMAN! 2016-12-04 02:08.48 =(V)=ZodiaK: cupcoke 2016-12-04 02:08.50 Ariana:XD 2016-12-04 02:08.50 =(V)=ZodiaK: cocaine 2016-12-04 02:08.53 Ariana:*pets suz* 2016-12-04 02:08.55 Ariana:ITS NOT 24TH 2016-12-04 02:09.00 SuperUltraViola: i know xD 2016-12-04 02:09.01 SuperUltraViola: but... 2016-12-04 02:09.03 Ariana:xD 2016-12-04 02:09.04 Cooe`: what 2016-12-04 02:09.10 =(V)=ZodiaK: what 2016-12-04 02:09.16 Cooe`: what do u know 2016-12-04 02:09.27 =(V)=ZodiaK: all 2016-12-04 02:09.34 Cooe`: lies u know nothing 2016-12-04 02:09.46 =(V)=ZodiaK: i know that too 2016-12-04 02:09.55 =(V)=ZodiaK: is that an oxi 2016-12-04 02:10.03 Cooe`: oxycontin? 2016-12-04 02:10.08 =(V)=ZodiaK: no 2016-12-04 02:10.15 Cooe`: oximore? 2016-12-04 02:10.22 Cooe`: or however is it called 2016-12-04 02:10.23 =(V)=ZodiaK: idk how to spell it 2016-12-04 02:10.28 SuperUltraViola: o.o 2016-12-04 02:10.29 =(V)=ZodiaK: but yes 2016-12-04 02:10.36 SuperUltraViola: oxymoron 2016-12-04 02:10.39 SuperUltraViola: i think 2016-12-04 02:10.40 =(V)=ZodiaK: yes 2016-12-04 02:10.42 SuperUltraViola: is how it´s written 2016-12-04 02:10.49 =(V)=ZodiaK: if i know it all, but know nothing 2016-12-04 02:10.52 SuperUltraViola: yes 2016-12-04 02:10.59 =(V)=ZodiaK: i know that i know nothing 2016-12-04 02:11.00 Cooe`: more moron, less oxy though 2016-12-04 02:11.02 =(V)=ZodiaK: cuz i knwo it all 2016-12-04 02:11.05 SuperUltraViola: xD 2016-12-04 02:11.05 =(V)=ZodiaK: but know nothing 2016-12-04 02:11.24 =(V)=ZodiaK: help i need an admin 2016-12-04 02:11.33 Ariana:so 2016-12-04 02:11.33 SuperUltraViola: what´s your problem son? 2016-12-04 02:11.35 SuperUltraViola: i mean 2016-12-04 02:11.36 SuperUltraViola: bro 2016-12-04 02:11.37 Ariana:hello? 2016-12-04 02:11.38 SuperUltraViola: xD 2016-12-04 02:11.38 Ariana:HELLO 2016-12-04 02:11.39 All_Day: duh 2016-12-04 02:11.42 =(V)=ZodiaK: ive fallen and i cant get up 2016-12-04 02:11.45 Ariana:ATTENTION PLEASE 2016-12-04 02:11.46 SuperUltraViola: i only moo for you 2016-12-04 02:11.50 Cooe`: lol and they said no more good maps playable in list 2016-12-04 02:11.51 SuperUltraViola: MOO! 2016-12-04 02:11.57 Cooe`: arden is there, a new hope is there 2016-12-04 02:12.01 Ariana:*throws a firecracker* 2016-12-04 02:12.02 SuperUltraViola: all the tges are unplayed... rofl 2016-12-04 02:12.10 =(V)=ZodiaK: !admin 2016-12-04 02:12.19 SuperUltraViola: omg she threw a firecracker 2016-12-04 02:12.19 Cooe`: yeah 2016-12-04 02:12.19 =(V)=ZodiaK: !report 2016-12-04 02:12.24 =(V)=ZodiaK: !ban 2016-12-04 02:12.25 Ariana:omg she did?? 2016-12-04 02:12.28 Cooe`: barrier aint that bad either 2016-12-04 02:12.30 Ariana:it exploded hundred years ago xD 2016-12-04 02:12.34 All_Day: sdgkosdgok 2016-12-04 02:12.34 SuperUltraViola: x´D 2016-12-04 02:12.43 Ariana:how about 2016-12-04 02:12.43 SuperUltraViola: ari... watch me strut 2016-12-04 02:12.46 SuperUltraViola: like a peacock 2016-12-04 02:12.54 Ariana:we all go to some lost island 2016-12-04 02:13.09 =(V)=ZodiaK: need to restart 2016-12-04 02:13.09 Ariana:how awesome would that be 2016-12-04 02:13.11 SuperUltraViola: haaaaalp 2016-12-04 02:13.13 All_Day: and we send pots out to look for resources 2016-12-04 02:13.20 Ariana:why pots? 2016-12-04 02:13.22 SuperUltraViola: i just moo 2016-12-04 02:13.23 All_Day: but guess what, I accompany him 2016-12-04 02:13.24 Zimbu_Bazuka: hey 2016-12-04 02:13.28 SuperUltraViola: guys do it 2016-12-04 02:13.29 Ariana:hi 2016-12-04 02:13.33 All_Day: so he can smell for stuff since he´s an animal 2016-12-04 02:13.33 SuperUltraViola: hello zimbuuuu 2016-12-04 02:13.34 Cooe`: cow doesnt like mosquitoes 2016-12-04 02:13.37 SuperUltraViola: guess who ^^ 2016-12-04 02:13.45 SuperUltraViola: LOL 2016-12-04 02:13.52 SuperUltraViola: (suz) 2016-12-04 02:13.52 Cooe`: i dont smell i trample ya 2016-12-04 02:13.53 All_Day: I´ll put mosquito spray on you 2016-12-04 02:13.58 All_Day: the stuff the keeps them away 2016-12-04 02:13.59 All_Day: xD 2016-12-04 02:14.05 Ariana:I´ll decorate the house 2016-12-04 02:14.07 SuperUltraViola: i´d wave but no hands xD 2016-12-04 02:14.11 All_Day: what house 2016-12-04 02:14.17 Ariana:the invisible one xD 2016-12-04 02:14.21 All_Day: our stick house? 2016-12-04 02:14.23 Ariana:yes 2016-12-04 02:14.42 Ariana:suz will hunt animals 2016-12-04 02:14.44 Ariana:wait no 2016-12-04 02:14.47 Ariana:what am I saying 2016-12-04 02:15.06 SuperUltraViola: you mean viola 2016-12-04 02:15.10 Ariana:suz will look for plants we can eat* 2016-12-04 02:15.14 Ariana:no meat! 2016-12-04 02:15.16 All_Day: hm 2016-12-04 02:15.20 SuperUltraViola: no meat for you x´D 2016-12-04 02:15.23 Ariana:xD 2016-12-04 02:15.31 Ariana:whats cupcake doing 2016-12-04 02:15.37 Ariana:well he can make us cupcakes I guess 2016-12-04 02:15.41 Ariana:with sand xD 2016-12-04 02:15.50 =(V)=ZodiaK: sand? 2016-12-04 02:15.54 All_Day: I want a chocolate mud cupcake then 2016-12-04 02:15.58 Ariana:we´re on a lost island 2016-12-04 02:16.15 =(V)=ZodiaK: WILSOOOOON 2016-12-04 02:16.19 Ariana:omg 2016-12-04 02:16.21 Ariana:finally someone 2016-12-04 02:16.27 Ariana:KNOWS ABOUT ROBINSON CRUSOE 2016-12-04 02:16.30 All_Day: thats so sad 2016-12-04 02:16.31 Ariana:but dont talk about him 2016-12-04 02:16.34 Ariana:I had nightmares. 2016-12-04 02:16.43 SuperUltraViola: Friday is that you? x´D 2016-12-04 02:17.06 =(V)=ZodiaK: i hate you all 2016-12-04 02:17.17 Ariana:but we´re your friends cupcape 2016-12-04 02:17.19 Ariana:cupcake* 2016-12-04 02:17.26 SuperUltraViola: cupcaaaape 2016-12-04 02:17.27 SuperUltraViola: xD 2016-12-04 02:17.30 Ariana:xD 2016-12-04 02:17.32 =(V)=ZodiaK: you cant even spell my name ari ... 2016-12-04 02:17.35 Ariana:XD 2016-12-04 02:17.38 Ariana:I tried ._. 2016-12-04 02:17.54 SuperUltraViola: LOL 2016-12-04 02:17.57 SuperUltraViola: dont follow the moo! 2016-12-04 02:18.01 SuperUltraViola: the moo is innocent! 2016-12-04 02:18.14 =(V)=ZodiaK: wtf 2016-12-04 02:18.39 =(V)=ZodiaK: it says theres a tiny skaarj here 2016-12-04 02:18.46 =(V)=ZodiaK: but theres nothing 2016-12-04 02:18.48 Ariana:zip it mariana 2016-12-04 02:18.52 SuperUltraViola: LOL 2016-12-04 02:18.54 Ariana:xD 2016-12-04 02:19.10 Ariana:complaining about tiny skaarjs 2016-12-04 02:19.11 =(V)=ZodiaK: jut ariana with an m 2016-12-04 02:19.21 Cooe`: marianna? 2016-12-04 02:19.28 Ariana:the name of the skin he uses xD 2016-12-04 02:19.37 SuperUltraViola: embrace the superultracoeness of my body 2016-12-04 02:19.41 Ariana:XD 2016-12-04 02:19.51 =(V)=ZodiaK: i would make babies with my ut skin 2016-12-04 02:20.05 Ariana:not on the island 2016-12-04 02:20.12 Ariana:we aint got time for pregnant ladies 2016-12-04 02:20.20 =(V)=ZodiaK: i will bang coconut 2016-12-04 02:20.33 Ariana:uhm 2016-12-04 02:20.34 SuperUltraViola: coconut will like it? 2016-12-04 02:20.37 SuperUltraViola: coconut milk 2016-12-04 02:20.38 SuperUltraViola: x´D 2016-12-04 02:20.41 Ariana:he is not making cupcake for us 2016-12-04 02:20.46 Ariana:he can smoke weed with day 2016-12-04 02:20.48 SuperUltraViola: ari ari look at meeee 2016-12-04 02:20.53 Ariana:since they both do that crap. 2016-12-04 02:20.56 All_Day: I don´t smoke 2016-12-04 02:21.07 =(V)=ZodiaK: i stopped moking 2016-12-04 02:21.11 All_Day: see? 2016-12-04 02:21.24 Ariana:bad girls gone good 2016-12-04 02:21.29 Ariana:suuz I see you girl xD 2016-12-04 02:21.33 =(V)=ZodiaK: it got too expensive 2016-12-04 02:21.40 All_Day: did it? 2016-12-04 02:21.44 =(V)=ZodiaK: even tho i make bank now 2016-12-04 02:21.48 =(V)=ZodiaK: yes here 2016-12-04 02:21.49 SuperUltraViola: look at that dashing smile 2016-12-04 02:21.51 Ariana:xD 2016-12-04 02:21.57 All_Day: its 10 dollars a g here 2016-12-04 02:22.02 SuperUltraViola: xD 2016-12-04 02:22.04 =(V)=ZodiaK: like 20 2016-12-04 02:22.08 All_Day: goddamn 2016-12-04 02:22.32 All_Day: I mean i´d have no prob paying 20 as long as it has the value 2016-12-04 02:22.52 =(V)=ZodiaK: cotton candy kush is the craziest i have had 2016-12-04 02:23.05 All_Day: xD 2016-12-04 02:23.07 Ariana:sounds disgusting 2016-12-04 02:23.10 All_Day: never tried that 2016-12-04 02:23.18 =(V)=ZodiaK: it smells so good 2016-12-04 02:23.22 Ariana:ew no 2016-12-04 02:23.25 All_Day: blue dream or jack herer is good for me 2016-12-04 02:23.40 =(V)=ZodiaK: ever tried black mountain? 2016-12-04 02:23.42 All_Day: no 2016-12-04 02:23.44 All_Day: xD 2016-12-04 02:23.49 =(V)=ZodiaK: bruh 2016-12-04 02:23.56 Ariana:can you not say that damned word 2016-12-04 02:23.57 Ariana:. 2016-12-04 02:24.01 All_Day: ? 2016-12-04 02:24.02 =(V)=ZodiaK: bruh? 2016-12-04 02:24.03 Ariana:suz drowning! 2016-12-04 02:24.04 All_Day: bruhh 2016-12-04 02:24.07 =(V)=ZodiaK: bruh 2016-12-04 02:24.08 Ariana:yeah bruh 2016-12-04 02:24.16 =(V)=ZodiaK: bruuuuh 2016-12-04 02:24.19 Ariana:it irritates my uterus. 2016-12-04 02:24.24 SuperUltraViola: xD 2016-12-04 02:24.24 All_Day: bruhhh how bad did it hit you? 2016-12-04 02:24.30 All_Day: this black mountain 2016-12-04 02:24.35 =(V)=ZodiaK: hit me ALL DAY BRUUH 2016-12-04 02:24.36 Ariana:you especially dont use it 2016-12-04 02:24.39 All_Day: really? 2016-12-04 02:24.50 =(V)=ZodiaK: was loud af 2016-12-04 02:24.52 All_Day: thats crazy bruh how much did you smoke. 2016-12-04 02:25.08 =(V)=ZodiaK: had to split like 6 g with a few others 2016-12-04 02:25.14 All_Day: 6? damn 2016-12-04 02:25.15 Cooe`: those 12 monsters 2016-12-04 02:25.22 Cooe`: there´s a trigger forgot which one 2016-12-04 02:25.23 SuperUltraViola: >_> 2016-12-04 02:25.27 Cooe`: in the hall with the pool 2016-12-04 02:25.27 =(V)=ZodiaK: we go hard in the paint bruh 2016-12-04 02:25.33 All_Day: truu 2016-12-04 02:25.37 Ariana:lol 2016-12-04 02:25.42 All_Day: I smoked a blunt and hit a fat dab after 2016-12-04 02:25.42 =(V)=ZodiaK: go big or go home 2016-12-04 02:25.48 All_Day: I think it was skittles in the blunt 2016-12-04 02:25.55 All_Day: but the dab fucked me up. 2016-12-04 02:25.59 =(V)=ZodiaK: shieeeit 2016-12-04 02:26.16 All_Day: yeah my friend was hopping around and shit and telling stories 2016-12-04 02:26.21 All_Day: fucking crazy shit bruh 2016-12-04 02:26.30 =(V)=ZodiaK: damn 2016-12-04 02:26.33 Ariana:jake watch your words 2016-12-04 02:26.41 All_Day: ot was hilarious tho 2016-12-04 02:26.49 All_Day: so cotton candy kush? 2016-12-04 02:26.51 Ariana:yeah okay but you dont wanna be reported 2016-12-04 02:26.53 =(V)=ZodiaK: yep 2016-12-04 02:26.57 All_Day: best stuff? 2016-12-04 02:27.04 =(V)=ZodiaK: nah was decent 2016-12-04 02:27.08 All_Day: oh okay 2016-12-04 02:27.11 All_Day: so black mountain. 2016-12-04 02:27.16 Ariana:anyone else bothered by this stupid topic? 2016-12-04 02:27.19 =(V)=ZodiaK: my co worker brings in his imports all the time 2016-12-04 02:27.21 Ariana:the way they slang eachother 2016-12-04 02:27.24 Ariana:like 2 snakes 2016-12-04 02:27.24 =(V)=ZodiaK: ari 2016-12-04 02:27.25 All_Day: foreal? from where? 2016-12-04 02:27.26 SuperUltraViola: x´D 2016-12-04 02:27.31 Ariana:so annoying 2016-12-04 02:27.35 Cooe`: trololol 2016-12-04 02:27.35 =(V)=ZodiaK: take a hit from the cyberblunt burh 2016-12-04 02:27.37 =(V)=ZodiaK: bruh 2016-12-04 02:27.59 All_Day: you took a hit? 2016-12-04 02:28.05 =(V)=ZodiaK: OP |
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