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Match Infos
Distance traveled:30,36km
Map Time:00:09:14
Playdate:2011-03-27 21:35:03
Team Awards:
-=]UM[=-Tommeldois2524 3 0 0 00:09:13 2,24km
ZakaR3625392 3 0 0 00:09:13 1,91km
iDeFiX32762 1 0 0 00:09:13 1,65km
Tarantella59018 3 0 0 00:09:13 2,68km
dU.Supa_Angel5838 2 0 0 00:09:13 1,11km
dfsg.cl125682 1 0 0 00:09:13 1,38km
Pizzacutter23755 1 0 0 00:09:13 2,69km
dU.BoB42160 0 0 0 00:09:13 1,27km
kura_bezdomowa66850 3 0 0 00:09:13 1,61km
janusz15465 1 0 0 00:09:13 1,79km
tr0y32488 2 0 0 00:09:13 2,03km
Synaptiq4747 3 0 0 00:09:13 2,51km
Mackan104122 1 0 0 00:09:13 2,16km
TW_5391 4 0 0 00:09:13 2,85km
ViPeR43610 0 0 0 00:09:10 1,19km
{MHM}HellFire`10072 0 0 0 00:07:59 1,31km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
-=]UM[=-Tommeldois 0/1 0 0 3/1 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
ZakaR36 0 0 1 2 0 0 6/3 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 16
iDeFiX 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 13
Tarantella 0/1 4 2/1 5 3 2 1/1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 22
dU.Supa_Angel 0 0 0 1 0 0 3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11
dfsg.cl 4 0 1/1 5 1 1 5 0 1 0 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 34
Pizzacutter 0 1 1 3 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10
dU.BoB 1 0 0 4 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 18 0 0 0 0 38
kura_bezdomowa 2 9 0 2/1 1 0 5/1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 21
janusz 1 4 3 3 3/1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 32
tr0y 0 3 0 3 2 0 2/1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 9/1 0 0 0 0 26
Synaptiq 1 0 0 8 0 0 4/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 13
Mackan 0 2 3 8 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 2/1 8 0 0 0 0 30
TW_ 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 1/2 1 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0/1 12
ViPeR 4 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 20
{MHM}HellFire` 7 1 0 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-03-27 21:26.22 dU.Supa_Angel: topsecret
2011-03-27 21:26.24 dU.Supa_Angel: cant tell
2011-03-27 21:26.28 iDeFiX: tea vote?
2011-03-27 21:26.35 dU.Supa_Angel: no guessing
2011-03-27 21:26.37 goldf1sh: lol
2011-03-27 21:26.38 iDeFiX: lemon pls
2011-03-27 21:26.53 goldf1sh: funny^^
2011-03-27 21:26.56 dU.Supa_Angel: :))
2011-03-27 21:27.07 dU.Supa_Angel: LoL
2011-03-27 21:27.10 dU.BoB: lol sry
2011-03-27 21:27.21 ZakaR36: srry mamie
2011-03-27 21:27.23 dU.Supa_Angel: now im with toe cutter
2011-03-27 21:27.24 ZakaR36: coudnt protect you
2011-03-27 21:27.24 dU.Supa_Angel: nop:)
2011-03-27 21:27.27 dU.Supa_Angel: :(
2011-03-27 21:27.32 {MHM}Mike`: !s
2011-03-27 21:27.32 iDeFiX: poor girl
2011-03-27 21:27.34 iDeFiX: :p
2011-03-27 21:27.47 ZakaR36: to strong
2011-03-27 21:27.53 dU.Supa_Angel: :))
2011-03-27 21:28.35 Toecutter: fgkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
2011-03-27 21:28.43 Fat_Achmed: shit lag
2011-03-27 21:28.49 dU.Supa_Angel: LoL
2011-03-27 21:28.51 {MHM}Mike`: no swearing please
2011-03-27 21:28.55 dU.Supa_Angel: pfffffffff
2011-03-27 21:29.01 {MHM}Mike`: i mean
2011-03-27 21:29.04 {MHM}Mike`: cows can´t
2011-03-27 21:29.06 dU.Supa_Angel: :d
2011-03-27 21:29.11 iDeFiX: bob, dane´s sources are posted
2011-03-27 21:29.13 dU.Supa_Angel: fake innocent
2011-03-27 21:29.16 {MHM}Mike`: :O
2011-03-27 21:29.24 iDeFiX: maybe some are useful for hud etc
2011-03-27 21:29.26 Fat_Achmed: not a babycow
2011-03-27 21:29.30 {MHM}Mike`: and u are?
2011-03-27 21:29.31 dU.BoB: on unrealadmin?
2011-03-27 21:29.33 {MHM}Mike`: full grown?
2011-03-27 21:29.37 iDeFiX: yeah
2011-03-27 21:29.40 dU.BoB: okies
2011-03-27 21:29.43 dU.BoB: will take a look
2011-03-27 21:29.45 ZakaR36: pfff
2011-03-27 21:29.55 Fat_Achmed: lol
2011-03-27 21:30.13 {MHM}Mike`: :D
2011-03-27 21:30.14 dU.Supa_Angel: Hmm.. we have to activate the pomp system.
2011-03-27 21:30.16 {MHM}Mike`: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-03-27 21:30.19 goldf1sh: .-)
2011-03-27 21:30.25 Fat_Achmed: obvioys
2011-03-27 21:30.56 DOOM_Stone: hi =D
2011-03-27 21:31.00 iDeFiX: lame :(
2011-03-27 21:31.02 goldf1sh: hi^^
2011-03-27 21:31.02 {MHM}Mike`: Hi
2011-03-27 21:31.06 dU.Supa_Angel: today i payed too much ut i heard "ha ha ha" while i was showering...
2011-03-27 21:31.10 dU.Supa_Angel: hi doomstone
2011-03-27 21:31.13 Boubou_: Hi Mike.
2011-03-27 21:31.14 DOOM_Stone: xD
2011-03-27 21:31.20 Fat_Achmed: lol
2011-03-27 21:31.22 dU.Supa_Angel: ???
2011-03-27 21:31.26 {MHM}Mike`: i was already in
2011-03-27 21:31.30 dU.Supa_Angel: i was waiting for it
2011-03-27 21:31.33 dU.Supa_Angel: pfff
2011-03-27 21:31.35 ZakaR36: oh
2011-03-27 21:31.36 iDeFiX: i´m worried about you supa
2011-03-27 21:31.44 ZakaR36: i thougt you was waiting for the bus
2011-03-27 21:31.45 Fat_Achmed: sometimes i hear it too
2011-03-27 21:31.47 {MHM}Mike`: lol
2011-03-27 21:31.48 dU.Supa_Angel: dw
2011-03-27 21:31.54 goldf1sh: first signs of "a beautiful life"
2011-03-27 21:32.01 iDeFiX: ace of base? :s
2011-03-27 21:32.02 DOOM_Stone: troy.. is tha u?
2011-03-27 21:32.04 ZakaR36: kk hoere kk monsters
2011-03-27 21:32.08 ZakaR36: gelijk achter mij aan
2011-03-27 21:32.08 dU.Supa_Angel: kk zakar
2011-03-27 21:33.16 ZakaR36: hahahha
2011-03-27 21:33.20 dU.Supa_Angel: alright
2011-03-27 21:33.27 ZakaR36: here
2011-03-27 21:33.34 ZakaR36: SUPa
2011-03-27 21:33.40 dU.Supa_Angel: -.-"
2011-03-27 21:33.41 ZakaR36: :P
2011-03-27 21:33.42 dU.Supa_Angel: good boy
2011-03-27 21:33.46 dU.Supa_Angel: i forgive
2011-03-27 21:33.53 ZakaR36: you just dont have luck
2011-03-27 21:33.56 dU.Supa_Angel: :D
2011-03-27 21:33.57 ZakaR36: with deemers
2011-03-27 21:34.01 dU.Supa_Angel: because you take it away
2011-03-27 21:34.05 dU.Supa_Angel: and steal from me
2011-03-27 21:34.06 DOOM_Stone: omfg no
2011-03-27 21:34.09 iDeFiX: lol
2011-03-27 21:34.11 DOOM_Stone: u ass
2011-03-27 21:35.08 ZakaR36: Scheiße
2011-03-27 21:35.08 DOOM_Stone: lo
2011-03-27 21:35.17 iDeFiX: oh i died
2011-03-27 21:35.18 DOOM_Stone: crap
2011-03-27 21:35.21 {MHM}Mike`: last attempt
2011-03-27 21:35.33 iDeFiX: can´t remember :p
2011-03-27 21:35.57 dU.Supa_Angel: after that i need chocolate cake
2011-03-27 21:36.01 Tarantella: !v
2011-03-27 21:36.03 iDeFiX: wtf
2011-03-27 21:36.06 {MHM}Mike`: after that i´m off
2011-03-27 21:36.11 {MHM}Mike`: it won´t win but if
2011-03-27 21:36.22 dU.Supa_Angel: vote for cake
2011-03-27 21:36.25 {MHM}Mike`: i did
2011-03-27 21:36.25 DOOM_Stone: xd
2011-03-27 21:36.26 iDeFiX: lemon
2011-03-27 21:36.32 dU.Supa_Angel: lemon cake?
2011-03-27 21:36.35 iDeFiX: :)
2011-03-27 21:36.37 {MHM}Mike`: yehh
2011-03-27 21:36.39 dU.Supa_Angel: :)

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