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Match Infos
Distance traveled:17,38km
Map Time:00:09:52
Playdate:2017-01-26 09:00:45
Team Awards:
Alessa2235 0 0 0 00:09:52 1,82km
tgR15056 0 0 0 00:09:52 2,00km
drDeo5016 0 0 0 00:09:52 2,13km
Skarn5469 2 0 0 00:09:52 2,33km
okorochok2028 4 0 0 00:09:52 2,16km
Iceberg_Simpson6622 0 0 0 00:09:52 2,30km
Mousy_for_Admin!6213 1 0 0 00:09:52 1,85km
Dark-Funeral0 0 0 0 00:09:17 1,30km
SuperNoob2653 0 0 0 00:05:57 1,24km
MOO-TANG_CLAN0 1 0 0 00:02:37 0,25km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Alessa 1 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
tgR 2 9 1 3 2 9 3 5 0 8 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 44
drDeo 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 20
Skarn 1 5 0 3 5 1/1 0 4 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 0 1 3 0/1 34
okorochok 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/1 2 0 0 0 0 0/4 12
Iceberg_Simpson 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 8 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 24
Mousy_for_Admin! 0 8 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0/1 24
Dark-Funeral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SuperNoob 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
MOO-TANG_CLAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2017-01-26 08:51.40 Crow: what type of muisc
2017-01-26 08:51.51 Alessa: like dubstep i guess
2017-01-26 08:51.57 Crow: not bad
2017-01-26 08:52.05 Crow: I listen to dubstep too.
2017-01-26 08:52.06 Alessa: electronic / trap / idfk
2017-01-26 08:52.13 Skarn: soviet army songs
2017-01-26 08:52.15 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:52.19 Alessa: do you have soundcloud?
2017-01-26 08:52.22 Crow: I move between that and classic rock/Metal
2017-01-26 08:52.44 Crow: nah, just one that rains
2017-01-26 08:52.47 kJ~:ye i have soundcloud i might check em out
2017-01-26 08:52.50 Alessa: damn
2017-01-26 08:52.53 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:53.14 Alessa: hey you should follow me on sc and ill follow you
2017-01-26 08:53.28 Alessa: i just have my collection of stuff i like
2017-01-26 08:53.44 Skarn: Cow down!
2017-01-26 08:53.45 Crow: I pirate the stuff I like
2017-01-26 08:53.47 kJ~:aight thats coo
2017-01-26 08:53.50 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:53.51 Crow: unless its something I really like
2017-01-26 08:53.56 Skarn: yarr harr fiddle di dee
2017-01-26 08:53.59 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:53.59 Alessa: damn crow im too lazy to even do that haha
2017-01-26 08:54.04 Crow: in which case I might pay one way or aother
2017-01-26 08:54.05 Alessa: i used to though
2017-01-26 08:54.31 Crow: there are sites that rip music from youtube videos
2017-01-26 08:54.45 Alessa: i know one
2017-01-26 08:54.53 Crow: I listen to a few radio stations, when something I like comes up I copy the name and put it in a list
2017-01-26 08:55.05 Crow: later look up the vids and rip MP3s off of them
2017-01-26 08:55.13 Skarn: best radio : K-DST (from san andreas)
2017-01-26 08:55.16 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:55.28 kJ~:here he go about san andreas lol
2017-01-26 08:55.41 Alessa: yeah i used to, now i just use soundcloud or youtube
2017-01-26 08:56.43 seth: wow
2017-01-26 08:56.53 seth: dont ride that elevator
2017-01-26 08:57.13 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:57.19 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 08:57.21 Skarn: ..
2017-01-26 08:57.28 kJ~:ttf was that
2017-01-26 08:57.35 Skarn: some fag bugging the door to kill me
2017-01-26 08:57.39 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 09:00.19 Skarn: !v
2017-01-26 09:00.24 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 09:01.02 Skarn: kj
2017-01-26 09:01.03 Skarn: go to bed
2017-01-26 09:01.03 seth: peace of cake
2017-01-26 09:01.17 kJ~:i aint even sleepy yet xD
2017-01-26 09:01.21 Skarn: lel
2017-01-26 09:01.23 Crow: seven tests is tainted by jej
2017-01-26 09:01.29 seth: op kek
2017-01-26 09:01.33 Skarn: seven testies
2017-01-26 09:01.35 kJ~:HA HA! Hell Nah!
2017-01-26 09:01.39 Crow: testes
2017-01-26 09:01.40 Alessa: lol
2017-01-26 09:01.43 seth: top kek

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