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Match Infos
Distance traveled:26,61km
Map Time:00:33:25
Playdate:2017-08-08 04:50:55
Team Awards:
bb_928 8 0 0 00:33:24 5,59km
lady_lunafreya19980 8 0 0 00:33:24 7,24km
Daemon3759 2 0 0 00:32:36 5,84km
dU.Commander_ITA41978 1 0 0 00:21:46 4,32km
Oh_Fuzz944 5 0 0 00:12:57 3,62km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
bb_ 1/1 3 0 0 0 12/2 1/3 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
lady_lunafreya 2/1 2 0 2 0 4/2 14/1 0 0/2 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 29
Daemon 1 0 0 2 0 8/1 13/1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
dU.Commander_ITA 0 0 1 0 0 0 18 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
Oh_Fuzz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2017-08-08 04:21.20 Daemon: tnow im going to ask you a serious question
2017-08-08 04:21.24 bb_: okay
2017-08-08 04:21.26 bb_: who
2017-08-08 04:21.32 Daemon: how
2017-08-08 04:21.35 Daemon: does
2017-08-08 04:21.39 Daemon: the queen teleport
2017-08-08 04:22.00 Daemon: think about that
2017-08-08 04:22.10 freshstaticsnow: shes a queen
2017-08-08 04:22.12 bb_: magic
2017-08-08 04:22.13 freshstaticsnow: she can do what she wants
2017-08-08 04:22.22 Daemon: lol no silly
2017-08-08 04:22.25 Daemon: bb
2017-08-08 04:22.30 Daemon: how bout you
2017-08-08 04:22.35 bb_: magic
2017-08-08 04:22.42 Daemon: no she has quantum powers
2017-08-08 04:22.47 bb_: how
2017-08-08 04:22.48 bb_: do
2017-08-08 04:22.50 bb_: you
2017-08-08 04:22.51 bb_: know
2017-08-08 04:22.53 bb_: this
2017-08-08 04:22.53 Daemon: that allow her to defy the equation
2017-08-08 04:23.02 Daemon: like a celestial black hole
2017-08-08 04:23.07 Daemon: in astronomy
2017-08-08 04:23.10 bb_: oooooh
2017-08-08 04:23.11 Daemon: when a sun collapses
2017-08-08 04:23.16 Daemon: it implodes
2017-08-08 04:23.19 bb_: yes ahhaha
2017-08-08 04:23.23 Daemon: and defyes the equation
2017-08-08 04:23.28 Daemon: of mass/volume
2017-08-08 04:23.33 bb_: wow
2017-08-08 04:23.39 Daemon: and when that equation is undefyned
2017-08-08 04:23.49 Daemon: and the denomynator is overwritten
2017-08-08 04:23.56 freshstaticsnow: clear
2017-08-08 04:23.58 bb_: oh wow
2017-08-08 04:24.03 Daemon: there must be a gap
2017-08-08 04:24.05 bb_: we should go
2017-08-08 04:24.06 Daemon: a tear
2017-08-08 04:24.07 bb_: and
2017-08-08 04:24.08 bb_: help
2017-08-08 04:24.09 bb_: her
2017-08-08 04:24.12 bb_: no?
2017-08-08 04:24.15 Daemon: lets do it
2017-08-08 04:24.18 bb_: good
2017-08-08 04:24.21 bb_: follow bb
2017-08-08 04:24.22 freshstaticsnow: help
2017-08-08 04:24.46 Daemon: yeah most people get bored of my lessons anyway
2017-08-08 04:24.49 bb_: non on
2017-08-08 04:24.52 bb_: it was good
2017-08-08 04:25.04 Daemon: lol thx
2017-08-08 04:25.10 bb_: hehe :D
2017-08-08 04:26.22 freshstaticsnow: wow bastards
2017-08-08 04:26.28 Daemon: yeah
2017-08-08 04:26.45 Daemon: im gonna sip a carbonate dyphosphate
2017-08-08 04:26.48 bb_: hahhahahahahaah
2017-08-08 04:27.36 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:27.42 Daemon: bb you lead the way
2017-08-08 04:27.45 bb_: okay
2017-08-08 04:27.47 Daemon: for me this time ok
2017-08-08 04:27.51 bb_: okay
2017-08-08 04:28.41 bb_: rip
2017-08-08 04:28.45 Daemon: nooooooooo
2017-08-08 04:28.48 bb_: ded
2017-08-08 04:28.50 Daemon: dam skaarjs
2017-08-08 04:28.55 bb_: deds
2017-08-08 04:28.55 Daemon: ill avenge you
2017-08-08 04:28.59 bb_: bby
2017-08-08 04:29.04 Daemon: fresh snow
2017-08-08 04:29.06 bb_: dont let go
2017-08-08 04:29.06 freshstaticsnow: hi
2017-08-08 04:29.09 Daemon: dont die on me either
2017-08-08 04:29.16 freshstaticsnow: i wont bby
2017-08-08 04:29.17 Daemon: i couldnt bare it
2017-08-08 04:29.27 Daemon: ok lets go
2017-08-08 04:29.30 freshstaticsnow: ok
2017-08-08 04:29.38 bb_: dont wait then D:
2017-08-08 04:29.43 Daemon: im here
2017-08-08 04:29.45 freshstaticsnow:
2017-08-08 04:29.45 Daemon: f5 me
2017-08-08 04:29.51 bb_: okok
2017-08-08 04:30.07 Daemon: take that teleport that was originally there at the acclimation of your death
2017-08-08 04:30.17 Daemon: and then the next
2017-08-08 04:30.27 bb_: hi
2017-08-08 04:30.27 Daemon: therer u go
2017-08-08 04:30.57 Daemon: good job
2017-08-08 04:31.01 bb_: O
2017-08-08 04:31.11 Daemon: they grow up so fast
2017-08-08 04:31.12 dU.Commander_ITA: HELLO
2017-08-08 04:31.14 bb_: ooh nos
2017-08-08 04:31.19 Daemon: hey bud
2017-08-08 04:31.23 Daemon: welcome back
2017-08-08 04:31.29 freshstaticsnow: r.i.p
2017-08-08 04:31.37 Daemon: medi
2017-08-08 04:31.39 Daemon: c
2017-08-08 04:31.42 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:32.06 Daemon: bb and fresh i will wait for you
2017-08-08 04:32.10 bb_: ty
2017-08-08 04:33.03 Daemon: fresh
2017-08-08 04:33.08 freshstaticsnow: yes
2017-08-08 04:33.13 Daemon: jump in arithmec
2017-08-08 04:33.18 freshstaticsnow: ok one sec
2017-08-08 04:33.20 Daemon: sequence of jumps
2017-08-08 04:33.30 Daemon: timed just right to avoid blasts
2017-08-08 04:35.01 Daemon: lets do this thing
2017-08-08 04:35.50 Daemon: i was just telling them how the queen is able to teleport
2017-08-08 04:35.55 Daemon: earlier
2017-08-08 04:37.00 Daemon: bb is not with us
2017-08-08 04:37.04 bb_: hi
2017-08-08 04:37.07 Daemon: oh ok
2017-08-08 04:37.11 Daemon: yes he is
2017-08-08 04:37.15 bb_: oh my way :D
2017-08-08 04:37.30 Daemon: dinner was gonna be tonight but
2017-08-08 04:37.40 Daemon: things happen
2017-08-08 04:37.44 bb_: oh
2017-08-08 04:37.46 Daemon: sorry honey
2017-08-08 04:37.47 bb_: :(
2017-08-08 04:38.00 bb_: i want a divorce
2017-08-08 04:38.09 Daemon: noooooo
2017-08-08 04:38.10 dU.Commander_ITA: lost team?
2017-08-08 04:38.18 freshstaticsnow: yeah
2017-08-08 04:38.23 bb_: lost
2017-08-08 04:38.24 bb_: ahhahaha
2017-08-08 04:38.25 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:38.31 dU.Commander_ITA: Driving you
2017-08-08 04:38.34 bb_: ty
2017-08-08 04:38.42 freshstaticsnow: lol
2017-08-08 04:39.06 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:39.11 dU.Commander_ITA: here
2017-08-08 04:39.49 Daemon: lol i see you
2017-08-08 04:39.52 bb_: halp
2017-08-08 04:40.13 dU.Commander_ITA: Deam
2017-08-08 04:40.13 dU.Commander_ITA: here
2017-08-08 04:40.36 dU.Commander_ITA: Daemon...here
2017-08-08 04:40.39 dU.Commander_ITA: lol
2017-08-08 04:40.49 Daemon: my laptop is glitching
2017-08-08 04:41.11 Daemon: had to refresh
2017-08-08 04:41.53 Daemon: bb is not with us agaani
2017-08-08 04:41.55 Daemon: again
2017-08-08 04:42.01 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:42.07 dU.Commander_ITA: Driving BB
2017-08-08 04:42.15 Daemon: he is right here
2017-08-08 04:42.18 dU.Commander_ITA: Jump Down
2017-08-08 04:42.29 dU.Commander_ITA: Wrong Side, LOL
2017-08-08 04:42.32 bb_: OH
2017-08-08 04:42.34 dU.Commander_ITA: go up again
2017-08-08 04:42.45 Daemon: over here
2017-08-08 04:42.47 dU.Commander_ITA: i wait you at top of Room
2017-08-08 04:42.50 dU.Commander_ITA: Roof
2017-08-08 04:43.29 Daemon: oh fuzzz
2017-08-08 04:43.34 Daemon: is here
2017-08-08 04:43.35 Oh_Fuzz: yo
2017-08-08 04:43.38 bb_:
2017-08-08 04:43.39 bb_: yo
2017-08-08 04:43.45 Daemon: howdy fuzz
2017-08-08 04:43.49 Daemon: how goes it?
2017-08-08 04:44.15 Daemon: lol i like to wander in this map
2017-08-08 04:44.17 bb_:
2017-08-08 04:44.26 dU.Commander_ITA: HERE
2017-08-08 04:44.33 Daemon: i know where to go
2017-08-08 04:44.37 Daemon: but im admiring
2017-08-08 04:44.40 Daemon: the work
2017-08-08 04:44.55 bb_: OH FUCK ME
2017-08-08 04:45.18 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:45.25 bb_: ognm
2017-08-08 04:45.27 bb_: nop[
2017-08-08 04:45.28 bb_: nope
2017-08-08 04:45.30 Daemon: he is lost
2017-08-08 04:45.34 dU.Commander_ITA: Come down here
2017-08-08 04:45.40 Daemon: bb come here honey
2017-08-08 04:46.00 Daemon: do oyu see him
2017-08-08 04:46.02 Daemon: commando
2017-08-08 04:46.14 Daemon: please go find my long lost bb
2017-08-08 04:46.19 Daemon: i need him
2017-08-08 04:47.25 bb_: ...
2017-08-08 04:47.29 Daemon: my back is killing me
2017-08-08 04:47.38 bb_: oh
2017-08-08 04:47.39 freshstaticsnow: all that thrusting
2017-08-08 04:47.42 dU.Commander_ITA: This queen is enraged
2017-08-08 04:47.46 Daemon: yeah
2017-08-08 04:48.11 Daemon: now when there is a slip or gap in the equation of mass over volume
2017-08-08 04:48.15 Daemon: there must be a give
2017-08-08 04:48.29 Daemon: and that is that the existance of everything is nothing
2017-08-08 04:48.37 Daemon: and nothing is the existance of everything
2017-08-08 04:48.47 Daemon: therefore a wormhole
2017-08-08 04:48.50 Daemon: or a portal
2017-08-08 04:48.58 Daemon: and that is how the queen teleports
2017-08-08 04:49.03 Daemon: now you know
2017-08-08 04:49.07 bb_: thank you
2017-08-08 04:49.11 Daemon: np
2017-08-08 04:49.40 Daemon: lol bb
2017-08-08 04:49.44 bb_: hahhaha
2017-08-08 04:49.48 Daemon: you are so silly
2017-08-08 04:49.52 bb_: oh
2017-08-08 04:49.57 Daemon: its a good thing
2017-08-08 04:50.00 bb_: hahhaha
2017-08-08 04:50.02 bb_: thank you
2017-08-08 04:50.19 bb_: oh bye
2017-08-08 04:50.25 Daemon: nah
2017-08-08 04:50.29 Daemon: im not going anywhere
2017-08-08 04:50.50 Daemon: my atoms or atomic mass will still remain
2017-08-08 04:50.54 bb_: woo
2017-08-08 04:50.59 bb_: gj
2017-08-08 04:51.01 Daemon: lol
2017-08-08 04:51.05 dU.Commander_ITA: gg all
2017-08-08 04:51.14 Daemon: i just wandered the whole time
2017-08-08 04:51.20 bb_:
2017-08-08 04:51.29 Daemon: who ever made map did good job
2017-08-08 04:51.37 Daemon: very beautiful
2017-08-08 04:51.38 bb_: hahah
2017-08-08 04:51.44 bb_: dododoododododo

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