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Match Infos
Distance traveled:52,13km
Map Time:00:35:29
Playdate:2018-08-20 01:05:31
Team Awards:
Gibsy37266 12 10 0 00:35:29 11,16km
Deadly_Lady`505124 0 0 0 00:35:29 9,18km
nuf380292 10 0 0 00:35:29 11,41km
First_Moo159726 1 0 0 00:35:29 3,03km
matz`129982 0 0 0 00:35:29 10,61km
Psyborg_Corp1540 0 0 0 00:34:50 6,75km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Gibsy 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 22/1 0 0 0 0 0/11 38
Deadly_Lady` 31 0 1 0 136 0 0 100 0 1 0 68 7 170 0 1 0 0 0 515
nuf 217 26 4 101 338 0 7 292 3 63 0 234 27 258 0 13 0 0 0/10 1583
First_Moo 0 3 0 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 409
matz` 49 1 0 0 0 0 0 103 0 0 0 0 4 60 0 0 0 0 0 217
Psyborg_Corp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2018-08-20 00:33.05 First_Moo: I have this thyroid thing but they dont know what is causing it so not much treatment
2018-08-20 00:33.17 Deadly_Lady`: sucks :/
2018-08-20 00:33.19 First_Moo: and makes you feel like shit when ur hormones are inbalanved
2018-08-20 00:33.23 matz`: but u take medicine for life?
2018-08-20 00:33.24 First_Moo: inbalanced
2018-08-20 00:33.25 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: I HAVE MUSCE PROBLEM :/
2018-08-20 00:33.27 First_Moo: yes
2018-08-20 00:33.33 Deadly_Lady`: maybe prive doctors?
2018-08-20 00:33.34 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: MUSCLES
2018-08-20 00:33.37 Deadly_Lady`: private*
2018-08-20 00:33.48 Deadly_Lady`: is needed pay them true, but they are better
2018-08-20 00:33.51 First_Moo: I have gone to 10 docs private already
2018-08-20 00:34.03 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: lADY NO ALWAYS :(
2018-08-20 00:34.03 First_Moo: 200 usd each one
2018-08-20 00:34.13 Deadly_Lady`: o shit :/
2018-08-20 00:34.16 First_Moo: 5000 usd hospital
2018-08-20 00:34.21 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: 3 PRIVATE DOCTORS AND NO HELP ME
2018-08-20 00:34.32 First_Moo: trust me I have put money down on this shit
2018-08-20 00:34.47 Deadly_Lady`: oh shit :(
2018-08-20 00:34.55 First_Moo: but u have what kind of muscle problem? like fibromialgia
2018-08-20 00:34.58 First_Moo: ???
2018-08-20 00:35.18 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: MUSCLE ON RIGHT LEG ADJUCTORS
2018-08-20 00:35.50 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: BIG MUCLE ON BODY AND LEG
2018-08-20 00:36.22 First_Moo: I know but whats the problem muscle lost, pain, numbness
2018-08-20 00:36.32 First_Moo: weeknesss
2018-08-20 00:36.42 First_Moo: atrophy
2018-08-20 00:36.45 First_Moo: ??
2018-08-20 00:36.50 matz`: maybe forced
2018-08-20 00:36.52 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: PAIN AND DYSBALANCE MY BODY
2018-08-20 00:37.18 First_Moo: have u had and MRI to c if its any mass pushing the muscle
2018-08-20 00:37.43 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: YES mri AND RTG I HAVE ALL TESTS
2018-08-20 00:37.53 First_Moo: all clean??
2018-08-20 00:37.57 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: YES
2018-08-20 00:38.22 Deadly_Lady`: overworked with bycycle my oppinion
2018-08-20 00:38.34 First_Moo: had they put u on medication to manage the pain???
2018-08-20 00:38.53 First_Moo: with kinesiologist to help with excersises
2018-08-20 00:38.53 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: WEDNESDAY I HAVE A DOCTOR
2018-08-20 00:40.09 First_Moo: can be a bad treated injury that let you a lingering pain
2018-08-20 00:40.31 First_Moo: neeed to work with a kino probably to get that check out
2018-08-20 00:41.11 Deadly_Lady`: well main is u dont die from that
2018-08-20 00:41.38 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: REALLY MY LIFE IS SHIT
2018-08-20 00:42.24 First_Moo: trust me thing will get better
2018-08-20 00:43.06 Deadly_Lady`: is needed enjoy the life its too short
2018-08-20 00:43.34 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: NO BETTER ALL FRIENDS NO TIME FOR ME I STAND ALONE
2018-08-20 00:44.28 First_Moo: ppl live pretty bussy this days nobody has time for nobody
2018-08-20 00:44.41 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: BUT TODAY NEXT NAIL TO MY HEART MAYBE LAST
2018-08-20 00:45.04 First_Moo: I am a loner myself so I learned to focus my energy and time in personal interest so dont need ppl to cheer me up
2018-08-20 00:45.33 Deadly_Lady`: when i studied highschool i saw my bff only in summer in vacations and we are neighbours lol too busy just happens
2018-08-20 00:45.40 Deadly_Lady`: isnt like ppl dont care)
2018-08-20 00:46.05 First_Moo: u right lady it just everything its fast now
2018-08-20 00:46.13 Deadly_Lady`: yeah ofc
2018-08-20 00:46.36 Deadly_Lady`: but after study we will try find more time anyway i dw for that
2018-08-20 00:46.51 Deadly_Lady`: maybe we wil go to same uni even yay ;D
2018-08-20 00:47.02 First_Moo: maybe who knows
2018-08-20 00:47.04 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: NICE PLANE lADY YOU ARE RIGHT GIRL!
2018-08-20 00:47.18 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: NO PROBLEMS GIRL
2018-08-20 00:47.28 First_Moo: myself after work I am jsut exausted to do anything
2018-08-20 00:47.48 Deadly_Lady`: sometimes bad time appear but it passes)
2018-08-20 00:48.48 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: I DRINK ALCOHOL IN 14 YEAR AGO. dRUGS mARIHUANA AND lsd IN 16. mY FAMILY FATHER
2018-08-20 00:49.01 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: ALCOHOLIC.
2018-08-20 00:49.19 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: NO MONEY ON NEXT STUDY
2018-08-20 00:49.38 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: BECOUSE I WAS GOOD STUDENT
2018-08-20 00:50.16 Deadly_Lady`: u can still change nothing is too late
2018-08-20 00:50.25 Deadly_Lady`: u can fix all always never is too late
2018-08-20 00:51.06 First_Moo: no need to drown in that, thats fixable
2018-08-20 00:51.24 Deadly_Lady`: 2 my uncles were also alcoholics and they fixed themself
2018-08-20 00:51.40 Deadly_Lady`: saved the family, got job and all perfect
2018-08-20 00:52.58 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: GUN AND ONE BULLET FOR ME
2018-08-20 00:53.18 First_Moo: thats to extremme bro
2018-08-20 00:54.11 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: ONLY MUSIC IS SMALL PLACEBO ON MY LIFE
2018-08-20 00:54.34 First_Moo: find more things bro keep urself busy
2018-08-20 00:55.11 Deadly_Lady`: try also other games, maybe art stuff idk so many variety what to do
2018-08-20 00:58.25 First_Moo: brb
2018-08-20 01:05.54 Psyborg_Corp_R.I.P.: t i am you pupae you idiot!
2018-08-20 01:06.39 First_Moo: lady
2018-08-20 01:06.42 Deadly_Lady`: ?
2018-08-20 01:06.50 First_Moo: its going to rain again
2018-08-20 01:06.53 First_Moo: xD
2018-08-20 01:06.55 Deadly_Lady`: l++++++++++++++o+++++++++++++l
2018-08-20 01:07.07 First_Moo: I CAN HEAR THE THUNDER RHUNDER

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